Daily Bread Bible in a Year 12-23-2024
Are you truly saved?
14 күн бұрын
Mary on Netflix w/ Joel Osteen
"Doubting Thomas"
Ай бұрын
Are you truly saved?
2 ай бұрын
Are you truly saved?
2 ай бұрын
2 ай бұрын
Be Not of This World - Set Apart
Miracle From God
3 ай бұрын
@pretzelbobrocks2865 10 күн бұрын
It also represents the fall of the Heliocentric model. Obviously God is calling what we call saturn a star. Are you going to correct God? And say to him. Its not a star but a planet.
@pretzelbobrocks2865 10 күн бұрын
And this is why woman are not to teach to men. They just cant do it. The words dont come and neither does the understanding.
@EndTimesStudies Ай бұрын
The first attempt at this video crashed almost 8 minutes in but I did pray here :) kzbin.info/www/bejne/eWO3oHZofbapnKcsi=k40angGf_no1XCrn
@JosephReynolds-v3g Ай бұрын
Do you want to do some real in depth in time studies read the book of Jasher the book of jubilees the book of first Enoch if you really want to go in depth look up the book of The prophet Elijah if you got an opinion that these books weren't meant to read cuz they're not in the Bible then you have no clue
@EndTimesStudies Ай бұрын
oh no my brotha of anotha motha I KNOW they are important! I have the books of Enoch downloaded on my computer already :) I will for sure check out the others! Thank you for sharing that with me!
@EndTimesStudies 2 ай бұрын
Lost n Found presents "Draw me Close" cover/practice
@f-wingkingunclejohn6199 2 ай бұрын
The like button isn't responding. No fear sistah and trust only God. Prayers for you from England.♥️🙏
@EndTimesStudies 2 ай бұрын
@EndTimesStudies 2 ай бұрын
That is awesome!! 1 view aND YOU ARE WAYYY OVER THERE!! Thank you brother :) :) Blessings!
@kavikv.d.hexenholtz3474 3 ай бұрын
PART 1 - Every year about this time, Fundamentalist Christians slowly pull the nails out of the coffins of wishful thinking and assumption, and the putrid smell of conjecture and bad history is once more allowed to dull our intellectual senses while the enlightenment of modern research is avoided like a cognitive dissonant plague. That sounds a bit harsh, but unfortunately, it’s very true. Halloween is no more the “Devil’s holiday” than is the Fourth of July. This is the typical rhetoric of some Christian denominations that want to ascribe the term “demonic” or ‘Satanic” to anything they do not believe in, or that is not in 100% agreement with their preconceived notions and beliefs. Many people tend to associate modern Halloween with three things: The old Gaelic celebration of Samhain [that's _SAH-wen,_ BTW] (asserting that most of Halloween’s customs originate with ancient Samhain celebrations); Satanism (asserting that Halloween’s origins are Satanic, as evidenced by the many Satanists who use this day to promote their beliefs); and All Saints Day (asserting that the early church established the holiday to “Christianize” Samhain). Let’s delve into the world of historical fact… It seems no matter where you look, from various educational websites to entries in dictionaries and encyclopedias, and even in (some) scholarly articles, Halloween is always connected to the ancient Gaelic celebration of Samhain. And, of course, that comes with the full gambit of all the myths, legends and lore that have surrounded the holiday for well over 1.000 years. I’m sure you’ve heard some of these before….. “Halloween is the worship of the devil! Halloween comes from heathen roots! Trick or Treat comes from an ancient pagan custom: Satanic worshiping Druids would go from house to house seeking a virgin to sacrifice! If you complied, they left a jack-o-lantern outside your door with a candle inside … made from human fat! If you did not comply, a terrible ‘trick’ would be played on you! The Catholic Church perpetuated the pagan legends with its Feast of All Saints. If you let your kids celebrate Halloween, you expose them to the possibility of demonic possession!”, etc., etc., etc. ad nauseum. But don’t these facts about Halloween’s origins prove that it is an abomination? The question that arises is, is this connection between Halloween and Samhain legitimate, and are all these “facts” about it actually true? For a serious researcher, perhaps the most difficult aspect of researching these various origins, traditions, and assumed ‘truths’ about Halloween, is sifting through all the data and separating what is historical _fact_ from the myth, legend, and, frankly, religious paranoia of what is historical _fiction._ It’s not an easy task. Indeed, what makes this even more difficult, is that so many of these ‘’facts”, suppositions, and assumptions are so ill-researched and have been repeated for so long, that they have essentially become accepted as truth. As I previously noted, one can find these asserted ‘facts’ in everything ranging from various educational websites to entries in dictionaries and encyclopedias, and even in (some) scholarly articles. What we find after close examination and scrutiny, however, is that the accepted origin of most Halloween traditions/beliefs comes from the latter (historical fiction), rather than the former (historical fact). Completely contrary to what many would have one believe, Halloween is _not_ a holiday that has close ties to the ancient past, nor does it have some ‘pagan’ antecedent, nor is it a continuation of several ancient pre-Christian customs. To say Halloween’s connections to ancient Samhain, or anything “ancient” for that matter, are, at best, extremely tenuous, would be grossly overstating the facts. Virtually all of the customs associated with the modern secular celebration of Halloween developed only in the past 500 years and have no connections to ancient pagan religious practices. In short, Halloween just does not have the “pagan precedent” so many people seem to desperately want it to. Even the concept of ‘Trick or Treat’ is a relatively new phenomenon, originating from right here in the USA from about the 1920’s or so, and represents a mix of cultures, capitalism, and accommodation. To be completely fair, a few customs associated with Halloween do have a very old past; most notably, the carving of root vegetables and bobbing for apples. Without going into all the lengthy details, the carving of root vegetables (pumpkins in America) dates to around the 1700’s - it’s just not historically attested any earlier than that. Bobbing for apples is a fall activity not specifically connected to Halloween, and comes from a British woman’s courting custom historically attested to about the 1300’s. Neither custom is associated with, nor can they be historically attested back to, Samhain, or anything ‘pagan’ or ‘demonic’ for that matter. Further, there is zero evidence the Celts ever donned costumes of animal pelts to ward off evil spirits. Costuming for trick-or-treat comes from about 1930's America. The concept of trick-or-treat dates to about then as well. It has no ties to mumming, guising or souling. Historical similarity does not equate to historical sameness. Simply put, there is no continued ancient tradition. But misconceptions abound regarding the nature and origin of Samhain, to the point where virtually everything that people today believe about it is a complete fabrication. What is definitively known about Samhain would fit on about a page and a half of paper. What gets passed around the Internet as “history” and “fact” is mostly speculation and utter nonsense. The primary source of what is known comes from the books of the Ulster Cycle. By most historical accounts, Samhain proper was preceded by three days, and followed by three days. In some accounts it’s only a three-day celebration (not a seven day). Samhain seems to have been a time to prepare for winter, to welcome in the dark half of the year, cull the herds and celebrate the final harvest of the year. One particular activity that these old Gaelic texts seem to suggest was very popular at Samhain was…. horse racing. That sounds a lot like many European holidays today from October-January. The texts also speak of it as a time to pay tithings, gather taxes, and the holding of a judicial assembly (much like the Manx ‘Tynwald Day’). There is zero evidence that it was a religious observance, that it entailed any ritual, that it was a celebration of the dead, or that it opened the Celtic year. Anything else asserted to be associated with Samhain is either pure wishful thinking or absolute nonsense. Masks, costumes, trick or treating, Halloween games etc. all either have known traditional Christian origins or simply cannot be linked to anything definitely pre-Christian. Let’s take a closer look at the assertion that Christian All Saints Day/All Souls Day replaced Gaelic Samhain. To state it briefly, the date of 1. November for All Saint's Day was practiced in continental Europe _long_ before the date was formerly fixed by the Church to November 1st, and _long_ before said change got to what is now the UK & Ireland; which was _centuries_ after the time of Druids and Samhain proper. In addition, most people are not aware that Samhain itself is a _movable_ feast day; the exact date varies from year to year depending on when the autumnal equinox and winter solstice fall. In 2020, Samhain proper fell on 6/7 Nov. Samhain sems to have been associated with the ‘Seven Sisters’, the Pleiades - it is said to have occurred at the culmination of the Pleiades (when they reach the highest point in the sky). In modern times that equates to about 21.November, but in more ancient times, due to changes in the calendar, to 1.November (currently 6/7 November). To assert that the establishment of All Saint’s Day (and All Souls Day on 2.NOV) was the early church’s attempt to “Christianize Samhain” just does not stand to reason. Think about this logically for a moment, why would the church change a major feast day affecting _all_ of Western Christendom just to accommodate a small group of Christians who lived on, what would be considered at that time, some remote group of islands in the middle of nowhere, centuries after Druids and the observance of Samhain? One scholar has even suggested that November 1st may have been chosen simply so that the many pilgrims who traveled to Rome to commemorate the saints “could be fed more easily after the harvest than in the spring (when it was originally celebrated).” That certainly does not seem out of the realm of possibility. Though this may not have been the predominant reason, I’d be willing to bet it was taken into consideration and was a contributing factor in the change. All three holidays, Halloween, All Saint’s Day, and Samhain share a common date and perhaps a “feeling”, but that’s really about it. Indeed, so much of Halloween “feels” Pagan that attempts to connect those things to ancient Samhain simply “feels right”.
@kavikv.d.hexenholtz3474 3 ай бұрын
PART 2 Ah, but what about all those Satanists out there?? After all, as some people will be quick to remind, the author of the Satanic Bible himself even said "I am glad that Christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the year.” Hard to argue about that! Halloween's association with Satanic worship and practices though real, is a very *modern* phenomena (1960's to present), and, of course, has zero connection to the pre-Christian Celtic holiday Samhain. Most people do not realize that the connection here is no more than 50-60 years old. For those who observe Samhain, Satanists are regarded with just as much disgust and disdain, indeed, if not more so, than Christians regard them - Satanists are responsible for appropriating this day to not only promulgate their beliefs, but to completely twist the day into something it simply never was. *Not* to defend them in _any way,_ but, again, to be completely fair, it should be noted that most supposed practices of these groups are, again, based upon complete misinformation and supposition: not actual fact. Many of their assumed and supposed practices stem from the so-called “Satanic Panic”, a conspiracy theory that swept across America in the 1980’s and early 90’s. It seems however, that some Christian denominations are doing their darndest to bring it back. Interviews and ‘testimonies’ from ‘Satanic Panic’ holdovers, as well as newcomers such as John Ramirez, and so-called, self-styled, ‘ex-witches/ex-Satanists” are just one of many examples. Others, such as the late Anton LeVey, completely capitalized to the extreme on people’s fear and assumptions about Satanism. LeVey’s brand of Satanism actually had nothing to do with Satan at all. LeVey was an atheist; his brand of Satanism is an atheistic philosophy and is not at all theological. There is little to no evidence that he ever gave the (in)famous quote attributed to him. It appears to be nothing more than an urban legend that originated with certain Christian groups. It’s *only* among some of these certain groups that the quote can be found. If indeed he actually said it, he was probably being sarcastic. He took full advantage of an opportunity to capitalize on some people’s fear and assumptions about Halloween and, more to the point, Satanism. *Not* to defend him in any way, but it should further be noted, that LaVey _explicitly_ condemned, amongst other things, the harming of children and animal sacrifice. Again, that’s just documented fact. With respect to the concept of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) I refer the reader to: www.equip.org/PDF/DO040.pdf For Wiccans, Halloween/Samhain does mark the end of a ‘liturgical’ year consisting of 8 holidays. It is a time to reflect on the past (liturgical) year, institute intentions/resolutions for the coming year, and acknowledge the dark half of the year and its symbolism (recognizing that one cannot know the beauty of life without the wisdom of death, the endless circle of death and rebirth, etc.). In addition, it’s a time to remember and honor ancestors and a time for feasting after the final harvest of the year. Sorry to disappoint, but Samhain for Wiccans is just not any more “nefarious”, “evil” or “demonic” than that. And, of course, there are also without fail, those Christian denominations that seem fixated on associating the holiday with the Devil/Satan. As with the association of Halloween with Samhain, for these individuals, it somehow just “feels right”. As in the secular world, the majority of their conclusions come from material which has clearly not been researched (at times, rather painfully so) and largely based upon misguided fear and assumptions. These assumptions are repeated over and over again, year after year, until they are taken by the faithful and accepted as ‘gospel truth’. This rhetoric is often accompanied by various Bible passages (Ephesians, Deuteronomy and Corinthians seem to be favorites) which have been taken completely out of historical and cultural context, to evidence and confirm their misinformed suppositions. To take a few of these quickly, Ephesians 5:11 is construed as prohibiting celebrating Halloween due to its perceived pagan origins and association with darkness, this interpretation is does not take into account the context of the verse, which is primarily focused on actively participating in evil deeds, not simply engaging in activities with a preconceived historical connection to paganism (which is not at all correct) that are now widely considered harmless fun by many Christians. Deuteronomy is a prohibition about cultural and religious assimilation as the Hebrew people enter Canaan. One of the things that one inevitably sees are videos that ask, “Can a Christian celebrate Halloween?” and open that with “What does the Bible say?” Let’s be honest here, the Bible says absolutely zero about Halloween - accept that. Don’t cherry pick verses taken completely out of cultural and historical context and try to make them fit. Further, as mentioned, the verses used typically refer not to the historical facts concerning the origins of the holiday, but rather the legend, lore, assumptions and myths that surround it. The bigger question here may be more along the lines of, why do some Christian denominations seem to have a genuine fear of Halloween. A few noted historians have explored this question…. To paraphrase from an article written in 2018 by B. A. Barr on the Patheos website on why Evangelical Christians seem to fear Halloween, she notes that in the aftermath of the Reformation, some fervent protestant groups (like the Puritans) regarded holy days with strong Catholic roots (such as All Saints Day and All Souls Day) with a great deal of suspicion and condemned them as “Popish inventions “. A holy day like Halloween (All Hallow’s Eve), which had no direct association with the life of Jesus, didn’t have a chance with radical reformers. It was just too Catholic. This is precisely what historian Ronald Hutton argues when he wrote: “To describe [Halloween] as fundamentally un-Christian is therefore either ill-informed or disingenuous. Such an attitude could be most sympathetically portrayed as a logical development of radical Protestant hostility to the holy days of All Saints and All Souls.” Ironically, Hutton continues, “it is because of the agenda of evangelical Protestants to “eradicate” papal traditions that holidays like Halloween now appear divorced from Christianity.” Hutton goes on to say that by eliminating the doctrine of Purgatory and the cult of the saints,” the Protestants “left nothing but a vague sense of Halloween as a time with creepy associations.” In other words, it was Protestant fear of Catholicism that made Halloween appear less Christian and, in their eyes, more evil. Moving on, many will be quick to argue that Halloween is a day which “glorifies evil” or does “not glorify God”. When one participates in Halloween, one is not participating in ‘evil’ or ‘death’ per se; rather one of the points of the modern holiday is to mock these things. I think that’s a major point many people seem to completely miss or not quite understand. On another philosophical/psychological level, it allows people to explore their “darker side/psyche”, if you will. A time to explore a side of themselves they would not normally expose or perhaps even consider. It’s a part of being human. I somehow don’t think God would object to humans being human. It is a time to play on a few of the basic/core fears of man - fear of what lurks in the dark, and fear of death - the aspects of these fears that people just don’t like to think about, are now exposed for all to ‘see’ and ‘experience’. A sort of annual self-check to make sure that part of our humanity is still there, so to speak. In the end, most people realize it for what it is. As one commenter puts it from an Orthodox Christian view - “This smear campaign against Halloween, in which it has been scapegoated among Christians as the ultimate manifestation of secularism and satanism in contemporary culture, only goes back to fairly recent modern times when certain Christian groups resorted to any fanciful tale to counter the emerging counterculture of the 60's and 70's that they perceived as corrupting youth. Christian leaders since then have clutched us in a guilt trip ever since about a holiday which, prior to this extreme reaction, was indeed harmless for the most part like any other holiday and had no connection with satanic rituals. It was a cultural festival which, though mischievous at times, really posed no threat to society until we were forced to believe that it did.” Samhain/Halloween is to some people a very spiritual and magickal time of the year; for some it’s a time of fun and candy, perhaps a way to celebrate Fall in general. Still for others, perhaps a time to contemplate their own mortality, since the modern holiday mocks death. With the beginning of the dark half of the year, it is also a time to play on a few of the basic/core fears of humankind - fear of what lurks in the dark, and fear of death. Some perhaps are not quite sure what to make of it and prefer to steer clear of it; in the end however, we are forced to conclude that, like it or not, Halloween is only ‘evil’ for those who choose to make it so. When we celebrate Halloween, we are definitely participating in a tradition with deep historical roots. But those roots are firmly situated in the medieval Christian past, not an ancient pagan one.
@EndTimesStudies Ай бұрын
I am always open minded to hear other views :)
@EndTimesStudies 4 ай бұрын
PLEASE DON'T FOPRGET TO "LIKE" MY VIDEOS SO IT MAY START GETTING TO MORE FOLKS. I do this to be about the Father's business, not to try to get famous(like I would lol)
@EndTimesStudies 4 ай бұрын
The Hebrew letter tzadde (צ) has multiple meanings: Tzadik: A righteous person by Jewish religious standards, or a spiritual leader of a modern Hasidic community Tzayid: Hunting The letter's dual meaning is said to teach that people can choose to go to either extreme. In Psalm 119:137-144, the letter tzadde is used to represent walking in righteous ways. The origin of tzadde is unclear, but it may have come from a Proto-Sinaitic script based on a pictogram of a plant or fish hook. The Hebrew letter qōp (ק) can have multiple meanings: Eye of a needle The Hebrew word quf and the Aramaic word qopɑʔ both refer to the eye of a needle. The glyph shape of qōp may have originally depicted the eye of a needle. Back of the head and neck The Arabic word qāf means "nape". The glyph shape of qōp may have originally depicted the back of the head and neck. Monkey and its tail The Hebrew word quf also means "monkey". The glyph shape of qōp may have originally depicted a monkey and its tail. Uvular stop consonant sound Qōp represents the uvular stop consonant sound in the Hebrew alphabet The Hebrew letter resh (ר) has multiple meanings: Head The letter alludes to the word rosh, which means "head" and is considered the most important part of the body. The letter symbolizes a bowed head, which may represent a poor man in a state of servitude. Wickedness The letter can also symbolize wickedness, as it alludes to the word rashah, which means "a wicked person". Poverty The letter can also represent poverty, as it alludes to the word rash, which means "poor". For example, in Samuel I, 18:23, David uses the word rash to express his poverty and simple state when he says, "And David said: 'Seemeth it to you a light thing to be the king's son-in-law, seeing that I am a poor man, and lightly esteemed?'". Higher consciousness The letter can also symbolize higher consciousness. In Hebrew numerology, resh has a value of 200. The Hebrew word ayin (עין) has multiple meanings, including "eye" and "spring". It is also the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and is pronounced "AYE-yin". As a word, ayin can symbolize the world of sight, and can also refer to perception and insight. For example, the word for "tree" (etz עץ) begins with ayin, which may signify the Tree of Life. Ayin can also allude to the eye of God, as mentioned in the Torah. In Rabinal tradition, the letter's pictogram is two eyes watching, and is said to represent the optic nerves of the eyes leading back to a foundation for life. As a spring, ayin may make sense because ancient people believed natural springs were where the earth cried and produced "tears". The Hebrew letter peh (פ)(Pe) has multiple meanings, including "mouth", "speech", "holiness", and "openness": Mouth Peh represents the mouth, which is the body part connected to speech. As a symbol of the mouth, peh represents the ability to speak and express oneself, which differentiates humans from animals. Speech Peh can also represent the flexibility of speech, which can be soft and pleasant, or harsh, damaging, and dangerous. Holiness Peh symbolizes holiness because it represents prayer, which comes from the mouth. Openness The shape of the letter peh also represents openness. The elongated form of peh is only used as the final letter of a word. For example, the Hebrew word Panim, which means "face" or "countenance", begins with the letter peh. The Hebrew letter shin (ש) has multiple meanings: Divine power: The initial letter of two names of God, Shaddai and El Shaddai, which are usually translated as "Almighty" in English. Shin also alludes to Shabbat, the seventh day of Creation. Peace: The first letter of the word shalom, which means "peace". Falsehood: Represents the word sheker, which means "lie" or "falsehood". Number 300: Equivalent to the number 300 in the Hebrew alphabet. Prefix: In late-Biblical and Modern Hebrew, shin is used as a prefix with similar meanings to English relative pronouns, such as "that", "which", and "who". When used this way, it is pronounced as "sheh-". Teeth: In Psalm 119:161-176, shin may be interpreted as tenaciously holding onto what is positive. In colloquial Hebrew, kaph and shin together are a contraction of ka'asher, which means "as" or "when". Shin also appears on tefillin, where the embossed four splays on the left side represent revealed divine wisdom. The Hebrew letter tav (ת) has multiple meanings: Mark The word tav can mean "mark". In Ezekiel 9:4, an angel is said to "set a mark [tav]" on the foreheads of saved men. Cross Tav can also represent a cross. In ancient Greek, tav was transcribed as a "T". Early Christians used this shape as a crucifix to honor the death of Christ. The Tau cross represented how Christ became the world's Savior by reversing the disobedience of Adam. Services of the soul Tav can also allude to three essential services of the soul: teshuvah (repentance), tefillah (prayer), and torah. All three of these words begin with tav. Truth Tav can also represent truth. Redemption Tav begins the word tikkun, which means redemption. This refers to the idea of teshuvah, which is returning to the Source for forgiveness. Tav is also the final letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In Old Hebrew script, it was written as a cross until at least the beginning of the NT period. There is also an alternative form of tav called tāʼ marbūṭa (ـَة, ة), which is use
@EndTimesStudies 5 ай бұрын
name it and claim it? no not what she was saying- :)
@EndTimesStudies 5 ай бұрын
Friendship Chapel real believers in Christ!!!! LOve them there!!My original church family
@EndTimesStudies 5 ай бұрын
Before you start dogging my singing I want you yo put n oise cancelling headphones on and sing to your music but you cannot hear your self and see how you do :) lol
@EndTimesStudies 6 ай бұрын
@EndTimesStudies 6 ай бұрын
351 prophecies in the OT and Jesus fulfilled everyone of them!!
@EndTimesStudies 6 ай бұрын
Isaiah 52:13-15 and 53 The suffering servant
@EndTimesStudies 6 ай бұрын
no set age for age of accountability another misconception taught in many churches!
@EndTimesStudies 6 ай бұрын
this TB medicine is going to do a lot of the same crap to me AGAIN - 6 months I have to take it!
@EndTimesStudies 6 ай бұрын
hear how my words are slurring?
@EndTimesStudies 6 ай бұрын
how funny you can see my youtube channel on the reflection on my glasses :)
@sntmdsa3628 7 ай бұрын
The hexagonal “MAGEN DAVID” can found on the actual planet Saturn. The 8 pointed star of Remphan cannot be found on the planet Saturn. The star of Remphan represents Saturn.
@EndTimesStudies 7 ай бұрын
Well I guess I will just use this again this year, :) even though Sha 3:08 vuot started on the evening of the 11th of June
@tcro58 7 ай бұрын
Praying for all the best of future health for you sister!❤
@EndTimesStudies 7 ай бұрын
❤ late start sorry. Hope you all listen and like it.
@EndTimesStudies 9 ай бұрын
lol nI will react and comment on my own darn it!
@EndTimesStudies 9 ай бұрын
@EndTimesStudies 10 ай бұрын
@EndTimesStudies 10 ай бұрын
@EndTimesStudies 10 ай бұрын
I was unable to download to share 2-28 and 2-29 from my Facebook page as Facebook has decided to not give me the download option on some of my videos???? as you may have seen the struggle I had on here just doing 2-24 to get it on here. I decided it is easier to give you my Facebook links if you want to watch them there :) so here is for 2-28-2024 facebook.com/1470183637/videos/366986492896623/ and here is for 2-29-2024 and facebook.com/1470183637/videos/753167196785972/
@EndTimesStudies 10 ай бұрын
Looks like I WAS THAT PERSON :)
@EndTimesStudies 10 ай бұрын
- As Jesus was departing, the man He helped begged Him to go with Him. o But Jesus doesn’t permit it. o Jesus tells the man to go into the city, to his home, and to his friends and tell them about the mercy of the Lord. o So that’s exactly what he did! - APPLICATION: o The man probably thought following Jesus was the best route he could possibly take. o But Jesus redirects Him for a greater purpose. o You may attempt to set your life on a God honoring trajectory with full confidence your direction is the best way for you and to accomplish the work of God. o God may change your plans to accomplish more through you than you ever thought possible. - One final thought on this passage… - I wonder if the gospel writer intended to draw our minds back to Jesus’ words in Mark 3:27? o Mar 3:27 But no one can enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house. o Jesus is the only one powerful enough to bind the strong man (Satan) and free those enslaved to sin. o In the same way, no one was able to bind this strong man except Christ. o He then freed the man from Satan’s bondage. o I’m not sure if the author intended that connection, but it is an interesting parallel.
@EndTimesStudies 10 ай бұрын
this is ridiculous!!
@EndTimesStudies 10 ай бұрын
ugh!!! It keeps crashing on me@!!!
@EndTimesStudies 11 ай бұрын
I use my zoom app to record this and it speeds me up and it makes me sound like I'm just so hateful it's a trip
@EndTimesStudies 11 ай бұрын
Video cut off before I could finish the last few verses and study material so here is the last bit: Mat 19:17b - … If you would enter life, keep the commandments.” Mat 19:18 - He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, Mat 19:19 - Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Mat 19:20 - The young man said to him, “All these I have kept. What do I still lack?” Mat 19:21 - Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” Mat 19:22 - When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. - Jesus tells the young man he must keep the commandments of God to have eternal life. - The man asks, “which ones?” - Jesus provides him with a list of commands to which he responds positively to their compliance. - Jesus tells him there is one more thing he must do in order to have eternal life. He must sell all of his possessions, give them to the poor, and follow Christ. - Sadly, the young man was not willing to do this and he went away sorrowfully. - We learn in verse 22 the man was very rich. - Why does Jesus require this of the rich young man? o It isn’t a blanket rule that all Christians have to sell all their stuff and give it to the poor. o So why does Jesus ask him to do it? o Because Jesus knew to what his heart belonged and Jesus wanted that heart in His possession.  Yes, this man kept the commandments…  Yes, he had given himself to God in many ways…  But Jesus, with pinpoint accuracy, just as He said in Matt 6:21, identified the location of his heart.  As we’ve mentioned in other texts, Jesus wasn’t only concerned with external compliance, He wanted the heart of His listeners.  The man’s treasure was laid up on earth (Matt 6:19-21)  Christ told him if he would have treasure in heaven he must purge his life of the object of his greatest affection (riches) and make God his hearts desire.  For this man, this may have been the equivalent of plucking out the eye that causes you to stumble or cutting off the hand that leads you into sin. o APPLICATION:  It is likely every one around this man thought he was a godly man.  He may have also believed he was a godly man (he seemed honest).  But even though he and others thought he was on the right track, he still came to Jesus and asked what else he needed to do.  When he did, Christ revealed an area of improvement he had never recognized before.  We need to ask God the same question. • We may appear to others to be on the right track. • We may believe we are on the right track. • But we need to go to God and ask Him to reveal to us what we aren’t seeing. • I suspect we all have blind spots. • Things that because of our upbringing or because of the way we’ve been taught to study the Bible or because of the examples in our lives, we miss. • We need to go to God in full submission and ask for them to be revealed. • And, unlike this man, have a heart willing to be shaped in any direction to be what God desires. o APPLICATION:  This is another picture of the point Christ is trying to drive home, external actions are not enough, your heart must belong to God.  But in this case, rather than the hypocritical Pharisees/scribes illustrating the point, we see a man who came to Jesus in apparent honesty.  He had the externals right but God wouldn’t be satisfied till he had the entire man. o APPLICATION:  Conviction isn’t obedience!  I think there are many people who attend worship or study their Bible and they walk away convicted.  But often that conviction wears off after a while without us making the actually changes in our lives.  Its easy to feel “spiritual” when we’ve been convicted but we are not practicing godliness unless there is transformation following the conviction. Mat 19:23 - And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. Mat 19:24 - Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” - This statement is very important to spend some time thinking about. - Jesus doesn’t try to sugar coat the fact that riches and the pursuit of riches have a powerful lure that lead many people away from the Kingdom of Heaven. - Billions of people throughout time have devoted themselves to accumulating stuff. o Physical possessions promise satisfaction and joy but the promise is always empty. o Yet, how many people have failed to learn the lesson the rich of previous generations tried to teach us, that chasing money will not make you happy. o Not only will it not make you happy, it has no ability to save your soul. o Mat 16:26 - For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? - Jesus says it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter God’s Kingdom. Mat 19:25 - When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” - This is the second time in the chapter the disciples have been shocked at Jesus’ teaching. - They were shocked at Christ’s strict teaching on marriage and now they are shocked at the difficulty of entering the Kingdom of Heaven. - Jesus ensures them, while it may seem impossible to them, God can turn a man’s affections Mat 19:26 - But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” - In order to escape the empty promises of the world, a man must be presented with something greater on which to fix his eyes and heart. - God is the only one capable of presenting greater promises. - Only He can work in our hearts to free us from a suicidal obsession with wealth. Mat 19:27 - Then Peter said in reply, “See, we have left everything and followed you. What then will we have?” Mat 19:28 - Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you, in the new world, when the Son of Man will sit on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Mat 19:29 - And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. - Peter asks Jesus, “Since we’ve left everything to follow you, what reward are we going to receive?” - Rather than rebuking Peter for patting himself on the back and asking for a reward, Jesus confirms that, in eternity (new world), people like Peter and the rest of the Apostles will be rewarded for their devotion. - The Apostles didn’t always get everything right (especially Peter lol) but they had given their hearts over to God (at least the majority of them) and Jesus commends them here. - Everyone who sacrifices worldly affections to follow Christ will receive a “hundredfold” reward. o An exponentially greater reward than the price paid. o 2Cor 4:17 - For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. - Jesus seems to promise the Apostles themselves a specific reward of honor. o They would sit on 12 thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. o How would they judge the 12 tribes?  It may be that their lives would be held up as examples of how the Jews should have responded to Jesus.  Those Jews who rejected Jesus will have no excuse on the Judgement Day. o The wording of this text doesn’t lead me to believe this is just the general promise of blessing given to all Christians but rather it is specific to the 12. o This may be because of their role in laying the foundation of the Church. o The text does not provide us with many specific details beyond these about the nature of their reward. Mat 19:30 - But many who are first will be last, and the last first. - On earth, it is the rich who are “first.” o They are highly respected by the world. o They have privileges not given to others. - On earth, those whose lives are not devoted to material gain are often considered “last” or of low social status. - In heaven, this standard will be reversed. o Those who devoted their lives to material riches and men’s praise will be separated from the glory of God. o Those who sacrificed for the Kingdom of Heaven and abandoned material pursuits for spiritual pursuits will be honored with the glory of Christ and highly exalted! lavistachurchofchrist.org/LVanswers/2016/06-07.html LAVISTACHURCHOFCHRIST.ORG Why is the last phrase in Matthew 19:9 missing in some translations?
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
darn it I must hire offended an ear tickler - well poo!
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
That link is the movie Jeremiah I was telling you about :)
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
Even though most of these are not seen here I will continue to do them! Perseverance!
@voicumeanstruth8341 Жыл бұрын
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
ugh the buzzing!! ok not using that stupid microphone anymore!!!
@LearndingLife Жыл бұрын
Something I pray we don't abuse while we have it.
@juanperry2059 Жыл бұрын
Exo 23:7 Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
Update!!!! IT took 7 years but I did get back to the position I wanted at DELL but I did get right back to Dell in other positions until last year and was finally back in Pro Support. Then satan....again, but I KNOW God has this. Then I was so low, but since then I have grown in leaps and bounds on my own just me and God :) I am my own spiritual leader :)
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
I have trimmed the first 8 minutes off so it may take awhile to catch up lol this is really weird.....
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
This was from 2018 I started doing these back in 2015 :)
@LearndingLife Жыл бұрын
Good on you for pushing through to keep posting Sister!! The times are terrible and wonderful to behold.
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
Yes they are!
@EndTimesStudies Жыл бұрын
I honestly do not know why it makes me talk SO FAST!