The Miracles You Miss Out On
4 сағат бұрын
Village Church Online - May 26, 2024
4 сағат бұрын
Village Church Online - May 19, 2024
21 сағат бұрын
Believing In What You Can’t See
21 сағат бұрын
Village Church Online - May 12, 2024
Are You Proud of Your Weakness?
14 күн бұрын
Village Church Online - May 5, 2024
The Five Chairs
21 күн бұрын
LIES!!!: Image
Ай бұрын
LIES!!!: Sex
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LIES!!!: Religion
Ай бұрын
Easter Sunday 2024
Ай бұрын
Good Friday 2024
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Life is Short; Make it Count
Build Others Up
2 ай бұрын
A War of the Mind
2 ай бұрын
@ClintonAlvaresS- 2 күн бұрын
Why would someone die for my sins that before i was born.
@KalinJonesMusic 2 күн бұрын
Great word
@NovahPSC 2 күн бұрын
I'm sure you have a gift to teach, but you don't belong behind the pulpit teaching the congregation, I believe Scripture is pretty clear on that. ...When is Village going to have a gay pastor?
@NovahPSC 3 күн бұрын
It's churches like yours rebelling against God, so unfortunate.
@maxonmendel5757 2 күн бұрын
@NovahPSC 5 күн бұрын
I do have to say, if you out right rebel against God nd house a female pastor, when the Word is so clear on females NOT being behind the pulpit, what else in Scripture are you disregarding? ...This isn't an outright attack on Village, this is a man in the Kingdom trying to hold others accountable. I pray you go back to Scriopture and follow it to the letter, The Word of God, like God Himself is steadfast, the same today as it was when it was written for first century Jews. Ladies have their part in the church, no doubt, but it's not behind the pulpit teaching the congregation.
@Shiwonkhan 8 күн бұрын
Leviticus tells us about tattooing. Our body is considered a temple of God and so we are to treat it accordingly. At the same time Jesus tells us that this body is here, it will die and when we arise it stays here gone forever. I don't think we should be telling people not to care because guess what its not your job to judge what causes hell but at the same point we are supposed to live a life style representative of Jesus/The Father and I just dont think blue hair, nose rings and piercings personify Christ.
@Shiwonkhan 8 күн бұрын
7:50 ...there is so much scientific evidence of God you literally just need to look some up. The historical and scientific fact about God outweighs any big bang, darwinist or any other origin story by leaps and bounds and most of the non biblical ideas, like the big bang, have been completely discredited. Also, are you really talking about billions of years ago when carbon dating is factually and understood to be completely inaccurate? as a christian you are sitting there talking about billions of years ago? I bet you feel the dinos died in a meteor shower also. Calm yourself down, you are a preacher you are not here to entertain you are here to teach. Before you do that go read a KJV for awhile and have some discussions with God.
@Shiwonkhan 8 күн бұрын
the point of the parable wasn't about wealth being ok...its about accountability, spiritual preparedness, rewards and consequences, diligence and responsibility. The pursuit of money, greed, is the evil that drives men to evil and unhappiness. It is ok to be blessed with money but when that money becomes the thing you think about, the thing that gives you fleeting happiness that's when it has overstepped in your life. Please don't quote the bible out of context.
@Shiwonkhan 8 күн бұрын
There is so much wrong with this sermon I don't even know where to start. 1st... 31:39 you cannot become more like Jesus because of someone else. Your wife or husband cannot make you more like Jesus because of sex. You become more like Jesus by spending time with Jesus, his Father and their Word(s). When I minister to someone I am not the one that saves them I am HIS mouthpiece. Its not me, I cannot take satisfaction that I did anything other than I simply did what the Father needed me to do for his glorification. Sex and value. Sex out of wedlock, divorce (generally but also always, happy to elaborate if needed) and sex in homosexuality are a sin. As a sin it is negative. It doesn't even mean that person is a bad person it means its a sin, a crime against God. And just like all other sins that we all suffer daily from it will be judged accordingly to the law. It doesn't matter if you are good or bad it is the same as all sins and we will be punished in accordance to the law. No exceptions if you break the law. Luckily, Jesus Christ has already taken the punishment for us for all sins and all we have to do is accept him and repent, in earnest, and we will be saved from our execution. There isn't one of us that is worthy of life with the Father we are all dead to rights guilty and bound for fire but because of the son we get to live. God made sex a thing so we could reproduce and with our spouse be joined as one in worship for God. Marriage is supposed to be a representation of Jesus's marriage to the church with him at the head. Just like the man is the head of his marriage so is Jesus the head of the church. the church cannot fornicate itself with a church for hinduism and still call itself a church of Jesus just like you cannot fornicate yourself with many people and call that a marriage of God. As someone that has done far more sinning in this area than most I can assure you there is a large difference in sex with casual anybodies and sex inside of a marriage...and not just a marriage but a marriage with Gods blessing. Meaning a marriage that both parties listen to Gods word, spend time with the Father both as individuals and as a couple and try to keep Gods word as much as they can while being in these flawed, desire and self driven flesh that is prone to sin. When you have relations in marriage through God's blessing you find a sense of peace with your spouse, belonging and a more pure love. Its a deeper connection because you are participating in something the way that God designed it to be and God's designs are always perfect, we are the ones that screw things up. Entering into marriage. For millennia marriage was mostly a union of two arranged parties or arranged marriages. It is only more recently in history that it has changed into a what does this mean for me. Most people enter into modern marriage thinking about how it will make them happy or what it will do for them. We need to take our sense of "self" out of the bigger equation and ask ourselves some deeper more meaningful questions such as "is this person a person of God, is being with this person good for my soul/relationship with God, do we share the same biblical values, will they raise my children in the Fathers will" etc etc. You wouldnt be dating someone if you didnt like them or enjoy spending time with them so ask yourself more deep, meaningful questions and God can sort out the rest. As a historical correction your depiction in the corinthians is inaccurate. It wasnt just how the society was, the promiscuity, they were actually following religion. Many of the old greek gods in their pantheon were sexually driven and no more so than Aphrodite. Aphrodite was one of the chief goddesses in Corinth and all of greek culture. In Corinth alone she had many, many, many temples which were all filled with prostitutes. It was believed to be honoring the gods, and specifically Aphrodite, to be promiscuous and sleep with many people... both behind closed doors, in the general public and especially in the temples. It wasnt just a way of life it was a religion and one could argue that the spirit of Aphrodite...or rather the Jezebel spirit is not just alive and well in the United States (and all the western world) but flourishing to levels we havent seen since Sodom. Lucky for us God promised Noah he wouldnt destroy everything in a flood again...but that wont stop everything else spoken of in Revelations though. Marriage is not "simply" the gift of time to another. Marriage is another way for us to glorify God and as one flesh grow closer to him. Your last 5 minutes...I can't even. Teach people about the bride of Christ, teach people how to have a proper to talk through difficult times, teach people the real purpose for marriage not to rely on someone else to grow closer to God but together to work through tough times and grow closer to God together. Ending a prayer while walking off the stage while still "praying". Just couldnt wait to get away I guess. Let your mind be on God, not your feet. Take some time away, put down whatever bible you are reading and pick up a KJV. I will happily send you one I have many. I am here if you need to talk but please, take some time away, take some time with God before you speak to more people. I will pray for you.
@cpaget0381 8 күн бұрын
You clearly didn’t do your research into this. the word Yoga means to yoke to Hindu dietys and we are to put no Gods before Him. 1 Corinthians 5:12 tells us to let our fellow Christians know if they are doing something unbiblical and practicing yoga is not only not biblical but blasphemous. And Satan doesn’t care about your intentions or what’s in your heart he will lie to you all day to get you doing things against Jesus. And by giving this the ok you are potentially leading new Christians or people who are close to accepting Christ astray which is another big no no. So many false prophets preaching a false message. Sad.
@jefferyvanhoose2687 8 күн бұрын
Whew ....Convicting word, Brother! Thank you
@markdeguzman6556 8 күн бұрын
Every path has good and evil. Christians, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist can enter the wrong path depends on the practitioners of yoga. If the mind is enlightened and the heart is pure any path will get you to the realms of heavenly peace and love. If you enter the path to carnal desires and raging emotions then your soul and spirit suffers. Jesus said, "I am in the Father and the Father is in me", "I and the Father are one", and "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me". Now that is yoga according to Jesus.
@Shiwonkhan 8 күн бұрын
Reading the bible shouldnt be mundane...its not only a way to worship him but also a way to spend time with God the Father. Stop being selfish and concerning yourself with how you are feeling, is this fun for you or entertaining for you and spend time with God, learn from him and his lessons and grow yourself in God's presence. Spending time with the Father can be enjoyable but it shouldnt be about you it is about Him.
@mancunianmartin558 8 күн бұрын
Good day. A respectful question. I thought that women could not be pastors. I believe the Bible is clear on this issue.
@Shiwonkhan 8 күн бұрын
You are correct. It;s not a slight against women its just the dictate we were given. However, women in leadership roles are also a sign that times are very bad. This can be seen in several places through the bible including Deborah in Judges. This happens more and more as men do not stand up to be men and lead and women (at least the ones that are good) stand up to fill the void in a position God did not intend nor want them to have to fill. We are currently living in a world where men are either broken down and told not to be men anymore and where we celebrate everything the opposite of what God wants, intended or created. Women are still not supposed to be leaders in the church and that will of God won't change as he is unwavering but this wont stop the worlds spiral downward. There are still good men you can learn from, Pastor Gary at cornerstone church in Virginia is one of them for example. Sorry for long reply, but you were correct I just wanted you to know.
@mancunianmartin558 8 күн бұрын
​@@Shiwonkhan Thank you for your reply. I sense that many churches have succumbed to progressive ideas of the world. Prayers for you and your family. God bless 🙌
@NovahPSC 5 күн бұрын
The Bible is VERY clear on that, and this is one of the reasons I stopped watching Village, the out right rebelling against God and His Scripture. So very unfortunate, seeing as I've loved watching online for several years now.
@NovahPSC 3 күн бұрын
@@Shiwonkhan Voddie Baucham and John McAurthor are two other true men of God, unwaivering with the times, zero compromise.
@Shiwonkhan 3 күн бұрын
@@NovahPSC No argument from me, better men than I am for certain.
@revelationspy1 8 күн бұрын
Yeah! Truth!🎉
@benjamindoverUSA 9 күн бұрын
I tried to donate online, but I accidentally blessed my WiFi router instead. Guess even technology needs a dose of divine intervention sometimes.
@user-yj4ld9mg2b 11 күн бұрын
I would like to publicize this last comment based on what was shared with me. You'll have a harder time finding me because of the abusers. But you have to decide whether you want to live for God and be saved or if you want to live for your flesh and be eternally damned. I'm just going to say your children deserved a lot better than to see their mother with a tramp stamp and how she's making money now. It's been too late for them for awhile because of how they weren't trained like they should. Your actions are your default training. I've heard so much of the man made philosophy over the years about YOLO etc etc...not when there's children still in the house. Your pride is going to be your downfall and those who copy it. That's your real legacy.
@willshelby6172 14 күн бұрын
This is a banger
@ninbendo360 15 күн бұрын
You just hit the nail on the head, animals are less intelligent than humans and don't give a fxxx about god. Well there are 3000+ gods for humans to believe in right? So it's irrelevant to them, because it's all made up by humans, most of them horrible people. Makes sense right?
@benjamindoverUSA 16 күн бұрын
@CuriousCattery 19 күн бұрын
Its a different form of meditation, its a meditation on the word. As an ex occultist I can assure you meditation does not bring you closer to God. Intention has nothing to do with it. Its like using a ouji board to talk to God. 😂
@CuriousCattery 19 күн бұрын
Just google Shakti Pat and you'll see the end goal of yoga, union with demons.
@theteeslanger9866 22 күн бұрын
Please tell me how I should let my child watch Netflix with all the not even hidden trans agenda nowadays. I’ll wait.
@anddan11111 23 күн бұрын
Shylo!!!!!!! Wow! Thank you so much for your ministry in music. 🎶
@benjamindoverUSA 23 күн бұрын
I met the guitar man last week. God bless village church and especially that man!
@axisofbeginning 24 күн бұрын
Today, young adults are being introduced to ideas that call good evil and evil good. Entertainers have become possessed by inflated egos, personal ability, privilege, and infallibility, which leads to a mindset that does not need God. Regrettably, their influence over others is leading them away from the truth and into darkness. “Axis of Beginning” is a play that can be read as a story and experienced as a stage performance to help support, inspire, and educate Godly truths.
@MadDogRyan 25 күн бұрын
React to the DMC lore
@VMathisEntertainment 28 күн бұрын
@favorogu8905 29 күн бұрын
Amen ❤
@DontBDeceivedUsowUreap 29 күн бұрын
If haters can make it to heaven, what's the purpose of hell?
@Kingofleos2023Powerofthepridel 29 күн бұрын
God is all knowing 🙏
@emmanueloladapo8061 Ай бұрын
@jan59404 Ай бұрын
I have done yoga for 30 years and I’m also a Christian. I just recently learned of the dangers of these practices. The word yoga means to “yoke” or “unite” to Brahman. When you do certain poses you honor and invoke different Hindu gods. I have stopped doing yoga for this reason because I only take the yoke of Jesus Christ. There are forms of stretching and strengthening that don’t involve this dark practice.
@chelseawhoelsee Ай бұрын
Can't believe these don't have more views! Village music is top of the line worship tunes! ❤️
@ms.playboyinternational393 Ай бұрын
My Lord is a divine creator, who is worth infinitely more than a fucking single pound.
@ms.playboyinternational393 Ай бұрын
My God is not cheap, nor worthless. He does not base His worth on materialistic things. And He doesn't crush people at the height of their glory nor at the depths of their despair. Of course you wouldn't know about that, would you? After all you're under the influence of Satan.
@ms.playboyinternational393 Ай бұрын
And you'd better go on your fucking knees for making all of these people here feel worthless.
@user-cd5yq2hv1u Ай бұрын
@PeachDragon_ Ай бұрын
Died a death i deserved to die? How so? I wasn't even born
@benjamindoverUSA Ай бұрын
Who is the man on the right
@BestIsntEasy1001 Ай бұрын
17:02 gods "with a little g" are fighting against humanity and all. In a DIFFERENT world, I would have someone to tell y'all to plug into. 😔 I'm leaving.
@Shiwonkhan 8 күн бұрын
Pastor Gary at cornerstone church in Virginia. He doesnt worry about giving children "too much gospel". Good man, imperfect like the rest of us but a good teacher.
@BestIsntEasy1001 Ай бұрын
12:10 NASIR called "Mother Teresa" his SISTER and also Said she was a FAITHLESS BIATCH, if memory is serving correctly
@BestIsntEasy1001 Ай бұрын
5:04 Jesus was to be FRIEND & BROTHER. He mentioned PARADISE. No marriage in HEAVEN.
@rodcortez4834 Ай бұрын
Sad but true.(Christianity and...)Preach on Bro 🙏
@IsabellaMaree-pm3dg Ай бұрын
I agree 100% because if you are already a believer anointed by the holy Spirit a demon can't just hop in you we have authority over these demons if that was the case people would be demon possessed 24/7 all day long because there are demonic spirits at our jobs everywhere all over! I only would not recommend it if you are not a believer in Jesus Christ that makes you more susceptible to be demon possessed or any other things that are not of God but if you already have the holy Spirit in you and he is your God then the most high has way more power over these other gods. Please educate yourself more about yoga there are several yoga studios that don't do meditation they don't have gongs they don't chant you literally go in there do your workout and you leave and you go home. So yes I would say be diligent in choosing what type of studio you go to, check your heart posture and keep your focus on the most high God pray armor of protection. I have been teaching yoga for 3 years and every single time that I teach I asked the holy Spirit to get me out athe way to use me as a vessel that I pray that when they see me they see you when they feel me they feel you that will be none of me and all of you I pray for every soul in there because I know that some of them do not believe in the holy Spirit I play my gospel music everyone in their know know that I am a believer they're drawn to me because I'm a believer you would be amazed how many people that we sit and have conversations about the holy Spirit and they get closer to him and they're inspired because I am a believer. People we are the salt of the world we are to add a christ-like flavor to every single environment that we enter! Don't have such little faith limiting God!
@nellokiko6755 Ай бұрын
Absolutely false. Here’s another false teacher
@maxonmendel5757 2 күн бұрын
@dbje5918 Ай бұрын
No, no, no We are all an agnostic, you can not prove god exists Tell me right now why you are not an agnostic and I'll call you a liar.
@martialbernier3282 Ай бұрын
i hate that you only reacted to this scene i hope you have watched the whole movie before voicing opions. i know this video is old but the movie isnt heiricy as some claim. its about discovering faith and forgiveness. the whole meeting god thing is left to the viewer to decide if it happened or not but the end makes it seem like it was all in his head. i was raised caathic and baptised and all that and i went to bible club every week. this movie taught me more about forgiveness and what god is to me then any time ive read through the bible. if viewed with zero pregitous is a great film that challeneges us to learn to forgive by giving an impossible situation and learning to move past it. wether or not you belive in god is up to you there is no real proof its all about faith. but this movie gives shape to aalot of things and brings into perspectivve whats truly importantt.
@benjamindoverUSA Ай бұрын
Amazing good job