O-PR-D-1 34pts Yato Filter
2 сағат бұрын
T-S4-5 33pts To Crush a Swarm
4 сағат бұрын
R-PR-C-2 6stars Slowing Mines
7 сағат бұрын
O-PR-C-2 226pts Trip, Stumble and Fall
T-S4-4 41pts Protect Popukar
12 сағат бұрын
R-PR-B-2 10stars A Duet of Casters
14 сағат бұрын
T-4-6 44pts Bug Catcher Cardigan
19 сағат бұрын
R-PR-C-1 5stars Full Coverage
21 сағат бұрын
O-PR-C-1 16pts Just enough damage
R-PR-B-1 6stars Storm's Cover
O-PR-B-1 26pts Barrel RNG
Күн бұрын
T-4-4 13pts The Ultimate Labyrinth
R-PR-A-2 9stars Smiles and shade
O-PR-A-2 444pts Explosive Assault
T-S4-3 35pts Hyperlantha
21 күн бұрын
R-PR-A-1 6stars Hold Still!
21 күн бұрын
O-PR-A-1 116pts Ufficial Healing
T-S4-2 24pts Temporary Subsitiute
R-CA-5 9stars Last Clip
28 күн бұрын
O-CA-5 422pts Stunning Price
T-S4-1 32pts Symbiosis
Ай бұрын
R-CA-4 6stars Ammo Master
O-CA-4 223pts Immediate Ambush
T-4-3 33pts Stay on Target
R-CA-3 4stars Air Wall
Ай бұрын
O-CA-3 31pts Lancet's Command
@AKOpTeamA2 12 сағат бұрын
This map is really rough to do in few operators, it's hard to get the coverage. Sure, Dorothy is alright here as well, but i was looking for other solutions for this particular one. Every attack needs to be planned to check whether you can follow it up with an ability due to bad RNG, or whether it's truly a luck check. This clear has some RNG to it for sure, but i know it isn't that extreme, i almost won many times in practice only to make a technical mistake rather than failing an RNG check.
@AKOpTeamA2 Күн бұрын
The T series needed to use a 3 star here, so this is a large improvement due to the inclusion of one-stars, as it also reduces 2 stars used to just 3 operators (from 4), that's 4 1-stars, for a 3- and 2-star operator.
@andrewdemilton Күн бұрын
Question , can Meteorite (my wife) solo stages? I was just wondering about that in a while now , understanding that she needs a good positioning for just her slow attack speed and that she is good at lowering defences...
@AKOpTeamA2 Күн бұрын
Meteorite is someone who has been somewhat regularly tried out to clear stages but hasn't been able to achieve a record so far. The problem is that the base body - that is Artilleryman - isn't particularly great at soloing stages. The issue is that their attack speed is very low and their aoe is targeted. This usually results in needing to kill enemies in a single shot in order to not let enemies through. To be exact, though they generally have 2 chances to fire, if you need to 2 hit an enemy and another enemy comes in the meantime, you don't aim at the new one, and that enemy needs to be killed in one hit. It's true that sometimes True AOE is needed, but the biggest problem is that whenever such situations come up, Pinecone is going to steal the stage with more powerful, reliable attacks and a quicker ability, she has lower stars, so she would always take priority. She's not better at everything, but she's better at the statistics that usually matter. Metoerite does have a powerful ability though (even if the defence lowering is not good for soloing enemies), if she wasn't forced to use it on basic enemies, she would have better chances to solo stages.
@AKOpTeamA2 2 күн бұрын
Alternative name... "Stand Waaaay back", haha. whilst watching this stage to launch today, i noticed i could improve this stage by removing Yato - yep, managed to do it, this made the opening extremely rough as deploying the operators in a different order = except Rangers and Durin possibly - would cause you to lose, but it was just barely possible
@AKOpTeamA2 3 күн бұрын
To Andrew, who suggested Passenger, I would prefer to show a Passenger video compared to Dorothy - not that i have anything against her, I enjoy using her - but she is very good in solo situations, so it's easy to rack up a lot of clears with her, that being said, for each 6+ star clear I could have used Dorothy for, there is one I couldn't, she has flaws. You might think it's the mines that net her the high win count, but it's moreso her attack type - rapid attack speed with poor armor piercing, she can take out a fair majority of the stage's enemies herself, including air. Whatever is left get destroyed by the mines, it's a good solo synergistic idea. In truth though, half the arknights roster can't be used to solo this stage, because beyond a certain DP threshold, the operators just don't get to the field in time before the first enemy gets through.
@andrewdemilton 3 күн бұрын
She is really easy to use with her trip mines , I even resulted to beat some hard stages with her!
@AKOpTeamA2 2 күн бұрын
​@@andrewdemilton I used Dorothy in some of the recent trials of the navigator stages, thought it might count as deploying operators for an optional goal, like it does in IS4 (but it didn't). She was still very strong, however, Goldenglow usually did better though and was helpful in all 4 stages, i do plan on maxing her myself soon.
@andrewdemilton 4 күн бұрын
Passenger solo's?
@AKOpTeamA2 4 күн бұрын
This is O series, so it's irrelevent, but i want to go check that anyway, i think i got something slightly different Edit: that's right, i checked Passenger. Passenger cannot field before the first enemy gets through.
@andrewdemilton 3 күн бұрын
@@AKOpTeamA2 I was only suggesting if it's possible to do so , and that you already said the answer I understood... Yeah , the DP that he needs cannot be hurried..
@AKOpTeamA2 3 күн бұрын
@@andrewdemilton If you open with something like, "in the R series, Passenger solos?", I wouldn't have to counterargue, i dont mind talking loosely on strategy for a video i'm planning to release the next day. As is, seems like it's questioning the O series video for which this comment section is about.
@AKOpTeamA2 4 күн бұрын
When the Enemy squad contains wraiths, I have no choice but to bring enough damage to beat them, even if those damage dealers are in 3 stars, if you think about it, Kroos and Melantha are some of the highest damage dealers I can bring to attack wraiths with, and yet it's close, even needing a Therm Ex explosion to clear them out. But what really takes the highlight here is the numerous 1 star switches in the top right to stop Crownslayer from progressing - at least it's more stoppable than wraiths.
@AKOpTeamA2 5 күн бұрын
Originally I had a clear where Cardigan would take the first wave of spiders or so, undeploy and redeploy as popukar lost to spiders and Greatswordsman, but it turns out its better to just live with spot in range of a healer. Sometimes the cooler ideas are weaker than the normal ones, it's like that sometimes.
@AKOpTeamA2 6 күн бұрын
Burst, Reach and Piercing, I could only withhold on the 3 great casters of Arknights so long, and it shouldn't surprise me that reach would be the first to appear. Goldenglow was absolutely incredible during the recent Trials of the navigator, being a major aid on all 4 stages from basic through to spectacular. Perfectly designed to attack threats before they become a problem. Her regular attacks are also pretty good, but just like the other great casters, it's the thing that generally holds her back from being used in every stage. Go figure, when a caster ain't casting, they aren't incredible, but its good enough when you're cycling with someone who can.
@JamesP7 7 күн бұрын
Your description doesn’t have the normal explanation of the O series. Did you forget? (I understand how it works now, but other people may need it if they find this video first.)
@AKOpTeamA2 7 күн бұрын
Yeah, sometimes i add it on later. i'll do that now, do expect that to happen occassionally.
@AKOpTeamA2 7 күн бұрын
I'll go back to notifying subscribers after this video I think, it was a good test. This level was pretty tough, it's annoying to redo as it's fairly mistake prone, as you can't deploy castle late for example. There isn't much RNG other than the cats at some point need to throw explosive barrels at the end. Unfortunately, you can't use Therm-Ex there as you need some followup damage.
@AKOpTeamA2 8 күн бұрын
Cardigan might be my best tool for dealing with exploding bugs, considering i don't have any FD operators other than Yato ... kind of... available to me.
@Di-ys2uh 8 күн бұрын
Great 44 pts clear! Divide and conquer
@AKOpTeamA2 9 күн бұрын
I tested several things on this stage - most single operator builds are too slow, and Beanstalk cannot beat the 2 soldiers that try to sneak down the right side, but all the other marksmen work. Kroos also falls a tad short, so we can narrow down the options quickly. Capers the one you might run into by accident, whilst placing the other marksmen - leaving the left lane with a direct unguarded path from entrance to exit - is far less intuitive.
@AKOpTeamA2 10 күн бұрын
I appologise for not releasing O-PR-B-2 and R-PR-B-2 just yet. I went and reviewed the footage to find it had sound recording issues, which is a shame because R-PR-B-2 is really cool clear in particular (well, at least i think so), perhaps i'll turn back on notify subscribers at that time?, seems like it hasn't changed much positively, but i need to test these things. Anyway, back to the stage. 12F is the highest DPS operator i can bring from 2 stars, and otherwise i'm squeezing every damage pt i can get out of the one-stars to hopefully kill wraiths in time. If i don't bomb the last pair, they always get through as the rest of the operators are too distracted to deal with them (they arent considered closest to the exit high up). Otherwise i need to bring the rest of the operators to deal with all the other times wraiths come out. So this became somewhat straightforward - other than the tricks established in T series, that being, enemies from the left never use the left lane, so blocking higher saves the left.
@AKOpTeamA2 11 күн бұрын
Well, this one is pure brute strength, this is closer to a 3 star core than a 2 star core, but as time passes, i guess we'll see more of this. Melantha is the only operator in 2/3 stars that can deal with Butchers at a reasonable speed - with the next best option being casters, but it's not really fast enough -. So she's getting used in most cases where I see one of them. Popukar is practically 3 star's top DPS, and we have 2 lanes here, and we need some kind of healer, these 3 are somewhat forced here due to the DPS requirement. And thankfully, that's all we need.
@AKOpTeamA2 12 күн бұрын
Imagine if Passenger costs 34DP
@JamesP7 13 күн бұрын
My anxiety went through the roof when those enemies were touching the blue box. 😨
@AKOpTeamA2 12 күн бұрын
meanwhile i was in resignation, if the barrel does anything except explode, it's over
@AKOpTeamA2 13 күн бұрын
I've been looking for a button for a long time, to turn off notify subscribers, as due to how the content of my video plays out, I just fonud it today, it does not surprise me that many of them are inactive. I'll be seeing what that's like for approximately 1-2 weeks - After today, because I wanted to at least be able to notify those who do view my video as soon as it's released to know. Regarding the video, Do you need good RNG to pass this level?, not really, the clutch barrel here is followed by 5 other barrels, each of which could have exploded, I could have rescued them with Therm-Ex and get the barrel explosion later, but I reacted too slow. The odds of passing this is actually quite high when played right. And if I had complete control over the Barrel RNG, I dont think i would need therm-ex at all (at that point, yes, you'd need very good RNG).
@JamesP7 15 күн бұрын
Shouldn’t this be 240 points? 2 3-stars = 200 4 2-stars = 40 Edit: Nvm, this is T version, not O. Ignore me.
@AKOpTeamA2 15 күн бұрын
Just replying to confirm your edit is correct for future viewers who read half of it
@NikkiTheViolist 17 күн бұрын
so basically, using every 1-star at the same time is better than using a single 2-star, and using every 1 and 2-stars together is better than using a 3-star, and so on. And even if you already have 2 3-stars, it's still better to add every 1- and 2-stars possible before adding a third 3-star.
@AKOpTeamA2 17 күн бұрын
@xtranathor8143 18 күн бұрын
Impressive! What's even cooler is actually seeing how big the AoE splash is for Catapult during her skill. It doesn't show visually with the skill animation, but it's crazy seeing how many drones are hit with each shot during the skill!
@yivrne 19 күн бұрын
@AKOpTeamA2 21 күн бұрын
As a reminder, I'm going to take a week break, then going back to seasonal episodes - daily episodes until i get low on buffer. Still, this level was on my dread list - levels that I feared from the start of this challenge due to high complexity/options. Overall, it wasn't as bad as i thought, there wasnt as many maze options as imagined, but what I cooked up was pretty cool, I hope you all enjoy it.
@rw6611 21 күн бұрын
More like Hyperansel, keeping whole team alive under such pressure.
@yakuya3 22 күн бұрын
Always funny when Gummy stun-locks enemies
@AKOpTeamA2 22 күн бұрын
This stage is also "probably" possible with Ansel/Dorothy, though it's not an easy clear, i look for new operators when i can, and find others who will match the stars when certain operators get used too much.
@AKOpTeamA2 22 күн бұрын
As a reminder, moving back to seasonal episodes, after tommorow's video, i'll be taking a 1 week break to prepare, then daily videos until i get low on buffer.
@how2makeayoutube692 22 күн бұрын
Your videos are very interesting to watch aswell as the fact that it occasionally helps me see what I could've done better. I recently started an phase where I try my best to not use 6-5 stars. Though I gotta get past mandragora when I get the motivation. You deserve, at least, 50k subs.
@AKOpTeamA2 22 күн бұрын
Mandragora gave me some difficulty too, I used Amiya S3 to beat phase 2 originally, after some very considered placement... then heard from a friend much later that a pillar falling on her in second stage essentially disables her for the most part, and the description doesnt say that at all (though i admit, it's hard to do that in the stage she first appears in.) I guess it's now a bit more obvious as of IS-3, as that had a lot of low alt hovering, but it was a lot of pain at the time.
@Di-ys2uh 23 күн бұрын
3-stars and lower on chip stages: "We guide others to a treasure we cannot possess"
@AKOpTeamA2 23 күн бұрын
@Pixaurora 18 күн бұрын
that's so real
@AKOpTeamA2 24 күн бұрын
I spent way too long trying to perfect this level, this might not be optimal, but it's close. the one stars were able to remove the requirement of one 3 star (Kroos), which i'm always happy to find. It is hard to go too hard with one-stars on these missions, as the more one stars you bring, the more you need to heal support, and Lancet can't even heal fast enough to support itself.
@yumm_6 24 күн бұрын
"Mom can we have stun generator at home?" "No, we have stun generator at home!" Stun generator at home:
@AKOpTeamA2 25 күн бұрын
This match had 2 ways it could go, and i wanted to redo this for the audio issue, but no 2 games go the same way, it's always a toss up which side needs reinforcing, so I decided to show both (despite the aformentioned audio issue). I don't think there's ever been a time where I needed to reinforce both sides/victory was impossible, but I sure made some incorrect guesses on which side breaks (before I acknowledged it was a bit of a 50/50). Appologies for any selection stalling that was needed to evaluate which side was going to break.
@Di-ys2uh 24 күн бұрын
Nice 50/50! I love your concept and execution, and this video shows there is always more to it. Like, your strategies can work both for manual clear and for auto, but sometimes auto will probably need another strategy. By the way, isn't it 35 pts (3 3* and 5 2*)?
@AKOpTeamA2 24 күн бұрын
​@@Di-ys2uh Man i'm making a lot of mistakes on this lately. Originally i thought i didn't use rangers for this one, and forgot about beagle, then checked the video, saw i did, thought i went back and changed it, I guess those changes didn't go through. You are correct as always.
@AKOpTeamA2 26 күн бұрын
Interestingly, Rosmontis can't win this one, it's mostly a skillset issue, she dones't have a fast firing option like Greyy does, let alone the fact it's grey's specialty skill.
@AKOpTeamA2 26 күн бұрын
When attack speed is accounted for, Lancet heals 110/2.85 = 38hp per second. U Official as a bard heals 122/10 = 12.2 hp per second per target. This means if we heal at least 4 targets (of which U official is one of), then U Official will outheal Lancet, and that's necessary towards winning this stage.
@AKOpTeamA2 27 күн бұрын
Hmm, i uploaded it, checked it, and only found it switched to raw after it was published, dunno how that happened. Anyway, im moving back to seasonal videos after this week, which means i'll need a week off to prepare. This schedule doesn't seem to have performed as well, and changing this doesn't take much effort on my end. So 7 videos this week, then a week off, then continous videos until another break is needed. You can make an argument that the content could be better, but as a full time job worker, im limited in what I can do in regards to time spent.
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
I figured since this is Adnachiei's first appearance, i'll put him in the thumbnail.... I suppose I should explain that. Adnachiei has terrible DPS, at least, compared to his counterpart in Kroos. That passive does so much for her. In fact, the gap is so large, that when Adnachiei's using his ability, Kroos still has comparable DPS to him (679 vs 709), add in that Kroos has much better defence penetration and will usually deal more DPS anyway, and it seems like he should never be used. And conventionally that's correct, but here's a case where he does better. He has SLIGHTLY more defence here, which sometimes keeps him alive a bit longer, but more importantly, his consistancy and lineup are better. Kroos will usually waste most of her DPS consistantly on overkill, the lineup just isn't good, so by flipping the script and not using her, i can make less waste.
@Di-ys2uh Ай бұрын
I love your minmax strategies! Isn't it 9 stars though (6+3)?
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
​@@Di-ys2uh i appologise, i swear i wrote 9 stars. Ah i remember why, i first uploaded this when i did R-CA-4, and realised it was the wrong one, and then unlisted, and uploaded correctly. Anyway, fixing
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
Finally, the last air stage i need to clear with one-stars, they were very hard to use in these stages, even here, i had to sacrifice one of them just to get the effect of the other.
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
I wish I could use the active originium more often, but it takes pretty much the entire healer to support, and that's rarely worth the tradeoff.
@Di-ys2uh Ай бұрын
Sorry, but isn't it 32pts? (3 3stars 2 2stars
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
thank you, i think i missed Ansel when counting, thinking i brought rangers momentarily, it has been adjusted. I'm glad that people actually care about that and notice the mistakes, shows that its understood by many.
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
This mission was an absolute blast to play, i had trouble though that was because i initially refused to max out S2 and place the dog up the top left (didn't realise my range went that high). From experimenting, there's a chance that exusiai can win this with S2, and if i had to, i may have maxed her out to do this, but this was way cooler and seemed to work, so I went with this.
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
Bleh, this video was accidently uploaded as a raw, so perhaps some of you saw some of my failures and near misses while playing this stage, but I did have the correct one ready to go. Maybe you saw how even JK was needed here?, or using the cats to try and help the situation? regardless, the clear was within there, and here's it edited properly. It happens because I have to go back and forth between picking files for editing and picking files to upload. Sorry for wasting 6 minutes or so if so. Still, It's a struggle to get any value from one-stars here. I can't use therm-ex, friston and castle, and I've got very limited "good" tiles to place operators on, making it hard to use wide builds. So I'm glad i was able to find something here, even if it wasn't much.
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
Another stage that I believe can only be won with pinecone at 4 stars. It does help when enemies have similar durabilities can can be cleaned up in a single charge of Pinecone's ability.
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
Lancet feels like she's got a commanding presence here, she does put in good work - She saves me placing Kroos, that's a pretty big save.
@idkman.18 Ай бұрын
Can you try the farthest any IS runs only using 3 stars under, maybe 1 stars or even 2 stars only if you want
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
@@idkman.18 I've done some IS in the past on this channel, but as I work full time, I found I could not deliver passable enough quality videos for the time spent, as such, those videos have been unlisted since. I might grab a proper video link for you later for a very related run, but I cannot do so just yet. I need a few days
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
This makes a lot of firsts... First time one stars didn't make it into an O video, first time R series used T series as a base... honestly, first time T scored multirecord as well. but yeah... no one stars really help O-CA-2, as you don't have many options due to no ground tiles (which means no therm ex). Meanwhile, Kroos can't solo this (checked for several others too), so yeah, we're stuck at 4 stars.
@yumm_6 Ай бұрын
i knew using a weak source of arts damage combined with high res enemies would result in my anxiety levels spiking beyond the distance that my father is from me
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
It's always awkward that Spot has the highest attack value out of the 3 star defenders, yet has the ability to stop attacking (to heal). Often i need my defender to hit as hard as possible, regardless of the ability behind it.
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
it is CA-1, i hope you're not expecting anything too fancy... perhaps I should have used a less interesting name - though it is quite accurate - Justice Knight gives her life to save rangers, as both of these operators are not durable enough to survive the onlaught of ... umm ... basic attack planes Edit: Banner changed to OR and added to respective series - idk why i thought i'd have an R series clear for this stage when this is 3 stars already
@einsUNDcolt Ай бұрын
Using 12F and Durin can really make you hate coin flips
@AKOpTeamA2 Ай бұрын
it can, it's nothing compared to the cats though, in general they're rather consistant. If i depend on them too much... well... i start to treat it as "too lucky", and i have a category for that. Here i guess it's just a bit more center stage than usual (with Duran and all). 12F i had to divert some damage towards Noir Corne (at the price of Yato) as it's a lot for him to take