This Channel is the one stop solution for all competitive exam Aspirant .Many Students who are very poor and from backward Village and they has no option to come to Mukherjinagar, Delhi for Full Dedicated Preperation, We will Help Them through videos.We will Provide every information from Mukherjee nagar.
We will Provide 30% of KZbin Income to Our Viewer Student Directly(After Confirmation from Parents)🙆🙆
Topic Covered-
1.UPSC Aspirant Interview
2.UPSC Strategy and Booklist
3.UPSC aspirant Life in Mukherjinagar
4.SSC students Interview and Strategy and Struggle
5.How to Crack any Competitive Exam.
6.Sccesful Person Interview
7.Faliure Interview
8.Ground Level Reporting
9.GK Test on Road
10.Providing PG for Student
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