PRIDE & JOY MUSIC is an established AOR, Hard Rock & Classic Heavy Metal label based in Ascheberg, Germany. Founded in early 2015 by Birgitt Schwanke, owner of the established PR agency GerMusica, former owner of Rock It! magazine and co-owner of the Yesterrock label. Birgitt Schwanke
The physical distribution for PRIDE & JOY MUSIC is handled by Soulfood Music Distribution. Believe Digital handles the digital sales.
Pride & Joy Music
Birgitt Schwanke
Lüdinghauser Str. 23
59387 Ascheberg - Germany
++ 49 (0) 2593 - 92 96 95
++ 49 (0) 2593 - 95 10 64
[email protected] manager:
Birgitt Schwanke
Vat. Id.: DE 222 752 567