@TheDarkElder Күн бұрын
Close.. so close! Ah, hope you find or get your missing copy!
@CJ_Williams 2 күн бұрын
I love the Mistveil art but I've had some horrid lucks. Cracked about 3 cases so far, got 1 marvel and 1 rf legendary. It's been insanely brutal 😢. Beautiful art though so will load up on singles from Fluke at some point
@raptervernados9630 2 күн бұрын
I'm guessing you maybe already know this but in the collector's centre on the FaB site there is no yellow foil waxing specter in english or japanese print from any box printed in japan, so the only chance is belgium print, which i'm not sure if there are any japanese language prints of. Good luck though with someone helping you get one if there is though.
@jamesdhofman 2 күн бұрын
EAs are definitely catered to the collectors :) i definitely dont mind having them in sets on top of nf and std rf, i do think EA would be nice in CF ;)
@jamesdhofman 2 күн бұрын
i had such crazy luck with my first jpn case, i swore not to open anymore because itll more than likely leave me heart broken lol
@GoblinReserve 2 күн бұрын
Still a dream to open a full box, so probably nothing. Thanks for the video!
@ThalesFields 4 күн бұрын
I believe a better idea would be make a collection of Proxies from the first collection (WTR) to be sold at a very high prices worldwide. Just Kidding!!! LoL
@playtimetcg 4 күн бұрын
My guess is that if they named the 5th Anniversary pack as the Worlds Osaka pack then no one would have complained.
@TheDarkElder 4 күн бұрын
Somewhat off-topic but Rudy eats things other than Tacos? Shocking! Also great BoP, lovely to see one so nice and fresh. More on-topic: Guess I'd be one of thees who go about the markets and buy these promos there instead of at the event. Work doesn't quite let me travel the globe to game events. But celebrating 5 years of FaB is a good reason to check or these promo packs!
@WiLDRAGE777 4 күн бұрын
Yes. It makes almost every other chestpiece in the game irrelevant unless it does something even more egregious.
@maciejg.1662 4 күн бұрын
Love the vegan ice cream from the start <3
@Bronson-_- 5 күн бұрын
Really great chat. I agree, idk what the big deal is with people upset about 5th anniversary. If people can't attend the events just buy the cards 6 months after the event on the secondary market. I can't go myself but happy that there's a great reward for the people who make the journey over there.
@jamesdhofman 5 күн бұрын
When I first found out that the anniversary packs were exclusive to Japan, I was pretty disappointed thinking they'll be impossible to get. Luckily, thanks to the community, I managed to buy some packs and other promos at a decent price. I can't help but wonder if there's a hidden alternate version in these 5th anniversary packs that they haven't mentioned yet-maybe even a 5th ann. stamped version. After all, why package just one single card instead of distributing them like other promos? Let the speculation begin, haha!
@Cheesypoofs101 5 күн бұрын
LSS holding all the majestic until the pre-release had 0 impact on the top 8. Lucas and Hamilton were the final match. Now we have a data point. LSS should go back to the old spoiler season format. Giving people access to all the cards and letting them prep on Talishar weeks before a pre-release has little impact at the professional level.
@Matt-yp7io 5 күн бұрын
Jeez the left guy kind of comes across as a rich jerk
@michaelc6817 5 күн бұрын
Nice Birds at the end!
@le_med 5 күн бұрын
Do you guys have a store or something? No links in the description
@MichaelVLC26 5 күн бұрын
I wanted to buy the souvenir pack only a frw hours after they went on sale (I was sleeping I believe when it came out, I am in Europe) and it was gone already when I checked in the morning :( I hope they put more on sale before the event as I am going to Osaka. I am surprised they were sold out so soon. I was just lured into this game because of the Enigma JP variant…
@Husvik2 5 күн бұрын
I personally agree on Tunic needing a ban. There's no good way to do it for LSS though so we're stuck with it
@hamsandwich6685 5 күн бұрын
Your reasoning for why people are upset with the 5th year anniversary pack is wrong, at least, about why i am. To me, it is ridiculous that japan gets exclusive treatment all the time from many different games, most of which are Japanese in origin, but flesh and blood isnt even of Japanese origin and they didn't even give new Zealand, (where the game is originally from,) special alt art hero treatment. The next part is how exclusive it is to the one event. I wouldnt have a problem paying for that souvenir package if it would become more available or if i was in osaka for the event, id still not like how exclusive it all is. At no point did i expect any of it to be free. I do expect it to be affordable and available though. Im happy the LGS gets the rf adult ira promos for armories, that is very cool and makes the exclusion of 5th anniversary packs in osaka feel not as bad. It probably came down to how they rolled out all this information and that if they said it differently and had timed it all differently, (like make the lgs celebration announcement before the 5th anniversary pack in osaka only announcement), it could have had a better reaction possibly. I also understand, in hindsight, that the hype for the new adult ira wouldn't necessarily been so dramatic and impactful if they didnt roll out the teasers and announcements like they did. I have very mixed emotions about how LSS is doing things since heavy hitters.
@ElykMuablhats 4 күн бұрын
So are you equally upset about the promo types Worlds got last year but arent getting this year?
@hamsandwich6685 4 күн бұрын
@@ElykMuablhats i dont recall what those were. My local lgs swapped over fro mtg to flesh and blood in February 2023,its possible that it was just prior to me getting into the game. What did they have at that event?
@ElykMuablhats 4 күн бұрын
@@hamsandwich6685 Last worlds had a Full Art Sigil of Solace with art of Barcelona where the event was. And while I get not as hype as a Hero Card, FaB has a tendency to not do the same thing twice very often. And to explain the Japan hype this year in flesh and blood, this was the first year they introduced FaB to Japan, so its really no shocker they got a bit of special treatment, as did other new areas of the world when the game was introduced. Thankfully the more we find out about how the hero cards will be distributed at worlds, I really dont think they are going to be outrageously expensive as far as promo hero cards go, some of the older Promo Hero cards are almost impossible to find these days, these ya just have to play a side event. Lets also keep in mind every Calling and Pro Tour also has exclusive promos as well.
@ElykMuablhats 4 күн бұрын
@@hamsandwich6685 And for a bit of reference, I have been a Dori simp since the beginning, and I am NOT going to worlds lol trust me, I want that card
@hamsandwich6685 4 күн бұрын
@@ElykMuablhats i actually do remember the sigil of solace alt art, and i remember a timesnap potion alt art too. Those were less of an issue because they arent heroes, as you said, and theres one generic card in alt art is easier to say "oh well i cant have that" than to say "oh well i cant have these 4 to 5 heroes in super special treatment because i cant go to japan for one weekend and also spend an extra 700 on top." I hope you are right, but the souvenir package with the 5th anniversary pack is apparently about 600 to 700 dollars. So even if i was there, i couldn't get that pack. The reason why that bothers me, is that its cardboard.
@casediedwell5094 5 күн бұрын
I NEED that Dori. NEED. IT.
@jefferyc4101 5 күн бұрын
@michaelc6817 5 күн бұрын
Great discussion guys. One of my favorite formats for your videos!
@michaelc6817 5 күн бұрын
The most valuable cards from MTG are cards that were banned and put on the Reserve List. We can only hope a similar thing happens with banned FAB power cards where LL format equates to Type 1. Perhaps all pro level tournaments should be LL format, or at least have very large payouts for LL format play.
@17daveo 7 күн бұрын
Good discussions on tunic, if LSS bans tunic I believe it would mean that they've drawn a line in the sand, "like a black lotus" Tunic will be the strongest created armor piece from a active resource perspective. It would cement tunic as the black lotus of FaB, and no future pieces will power creep beyond Tunic. This will likely result in Tunic's value increasing over the long term.
@JCHJediGames13 7 күн бұрын
that opening scene with ur daughter eatting that cake made my stomach hurt just from looking at the sugar content haha, no surprise she thought it was delicious though
@ibonbon92 8 күн бұрын
As a player I agree with Yuanji's take
@chrisfleming5732 8 күн бұрын
Hi bro can you get me an XL flesh & blood t-shirt and ship to uk and I shall pay thanks brother
@adambrett2005 8 күн бұрын
Appreciate your work and support for the game. I am looking forward to when you both visit the UK Also, get some merch up
@Sloopdoop 8 күн бұрын
If the LL format gets popular enough, I am actually down for them banning cards like Tunic and even CnC. But it would require LL be popular enough that it wouldn't destroy players' wallets
@thomasbriggs6667 8 күн бұрын
Exactly a legacy format for FAB would be great if it meant a broader metagame for CC
@jrgqhd 8 күн бұрын
If they ban Tunic I might quit collecting
@stigmurder99 9 күн бұрын
I hope it's not too tough to design class specific equipment and be able to keep tunic around for certain cases but also have others that are good like Redback Shroud so that either is an option.
@aaronnash4682 9 күн бұрын
This aged like fine wine
@rimrick665 9 күн бұрын
Yuanji's knowledge is awesome! As someone who owns a Tunic (Cru 1st) I don't want to see the value completely disappear but as someone who only casually plays I'd be ok if it weren't part of casual play.
@jackdeth1969 9 күн бұрын
I don’t see a lot of new players or collectors going after the high end tunics
@jackdeth1969 9 күн бұрын
The fact they are so rare I don’t think it would hurt the value
@playtimetcg 9 күн бұрын
I've been saying everything that Saint is saying about AOW. I feel like it was the worst ban and it will sadly hurt this wonderful game.
@jackdeth1969 9 күн бұрын
I agree I think spring tunic should go and make it where you have to use a class chest piece not generic
@andrewostman3135 9 күн бұрын
I'll be honest, the bonds ban worked for me too not just because of bonds. But because of dishonor I think dishonor is a card that should not exist because it permanently alters the game state for one of the players. I say this having had it used against me on turn zero playing as techlovasson when I had no armor and I had items in hand so no blocks to cover it. I had to spend the rest of the game unable to use his ability. It is back breaking. It is not fun and I think it's in effect that sort of breaches one of the tenants that they put forward in in their game explanation
@hellomint4028 8 күн бұрын
I'm going to have to disagree, dishonor is not a problem because it is very predictable. Bonds reveals what you are going to be tutoring for, and if they have a surging+desc+bonds+dishonor opening hand, honestly tough luck, but seasoned players should know that's its going to be dishonor coming up
@hellomint4028 8 күн бұрын
Honestly seems like a case of ur bad luck and his high roll combined together. Variance is good in a card game.
@andrewostman3135 8 күн бұрын
@@hellomint4028 in every case I knew it was coming up. I'm not stupid. The choice between taking a lot of damage and not is very hard having it multiple times in a game and also having them have the ability to go over my block with reacts. It's not the first one I generally get Dishonored to. By the second or third time it happens it ends up potentially going through or I die. My point is not whether it's telegraphed or not. My point is the card permanently alters one of the heroes. I could care less if it's telegraphed. Can you pick another card where the game permanently changes once it's played successfully?
@andrewostman3135 9 күн бұрын
I would argue against you saying on the notion of it's generally available to everyone in the game. This is The Art of War conversation by the way. Sorry, I'm using speech to text because even though it's a generic and everybody has equal access to it, not everybody gains equal utility from it and even if they did theoretically in a closed system it would cause instability. You can still get instability in the math even if every faction could have with That's because everything is normalized around some kind of factor, some kind of economy of scale and Art of War acts as a straight ad and bias
@andrewostman3135 9 күн бұрын
Well the Art of War take aged like wine
@TavisKingsChannel 10 күн бұрын
Awesome! It was good hanging out with you again Saint. Crazy how many duplicate puzzle pieces came out of that box, especially that pack with two puzzle pieces.
@lukebobb 11 күн бұрын
This video is awesome 😂😂
@GoblinReserve 11 күн бұрын
Getting more and more interested in Living Legend. Don’t know if I could do the big city condo life, but those views are really cool!
@michaelc6817 12 күн бұрын
Awesome stuff Saint, thanks for sharing the fun here on FaBled Hunters!!
@hellocollegejason198 12 күн бұрын
Super cool to see this opened
@GoblinReserve 12 күн бұрын
Very cool. I’ve seen binder pictures of these, but never seen what it was or where it came from.
@edchan9667 12 күн бұрын
Didn't know about this, thanks for sharing!
@lnfernalangel7292 12 күн бұрын
Holy jesus that sword Handle gave me anxiety e.e
@michaelc6817 15 күн бұрын
What would I rather do than open a box of WTR Alpha on a Saturday night? How about opening two boxes of WTR Alpha on a Saturday night!!