Star Citizen Alpha 3.24
19 сағат бұрын
Ship Showdown 2954
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2 ай бұрын
Is the Retaliator Worth Shipping?
Is the Polaris worth Shipping?
@nuclearsimian3281 7 күн бұрын
"Souped up version of the carrack." Huh? The Carrack is an explorer. The Galaxy is a variant of the Carrack, but the Carrack is still its own thing. The Polaris is a combat corvette. The only ways that the Polaris is similar to the Carrack are that it can launch a smaller ship from its bay and is multicrew. Sticking a Terrapin in it does not make it an explorer. By that standard of logic, the Javelin is an explorer because it can support explorer ships. The Polaris cannot have its role changed by the ships it deploys, it is still a combat ship first, above and beyond everything else. The Perseus will be roughly 100-120 meters at max, even if they do scale it up in size. The Polaris is 160 meters. They aren't in the same class. Perseus is still a large ship, unless one of its components becomes capital class. The guns on the Polaris turrets are presently Size 4-5. It is possible that the size fives be scaled up to a size six on some of them. 5:30 I don't understand why you're comparing it to a Hammerhead and calling the Hammerhead a dedicated weapons platform, but not extending that to the Polaris as well. The Hammerhead is an anti-air, anti-fighter screener for capital ship groups. You fly a Hammerhead next to an Idris, which supports the Hammerhead with its larger turrets. The Polaris is a completely different role, its meant to kill large ships, other corvettes, and in groups, kill frigates, and operate on its own for extended periods. The Hammerhead's role is to kill fighters. Although it is definitely possible for it to be _used_ to kill bigger ships, that isn't the intended role. The Hammerhead is best put as a PDF ship. The Polaris is a patrol ship meant to range across the entire system. I don't have any issues with your takes on the medical bays. If every large ship doesn't have a medbay of its own, it should at least be able to support carrying a medical pisces or a medical ursa. Maybe that won't be the intent of the developers, but it should be able to from my point of view at the minimum. I think you're also underestimating the size of the Polaris' hangar bay, it would be able to easily support two Terrapins if they were flown very carefully and nestled in facing each other. That's actually a terrifying idea now that I think of it. Polaris pops into orbit, drops off two Terrapins filled with marines, then moves on? Yeah, that's kind of horrifying. I have no idea where you got your impressions. You're not bad or unintelligent in any way whatsoever for having them, I just do not understand where you're coming from at all, and that's got me baffled about this.
@KatieKat420 8 күн бұрын
noice, i like the cat also
@FreebirthBoccara 14 күн бұрын
This is... a very bad video. You need to sit down and tighten your scripts up a bit more and makensur you have appropriate visuals for what your talking about. Thisncahmep off very rambley and uninformed.
@JoffreyCones Ай бұрын
I feel like I'm in a room with Bruce Lee, love that feeling :D
@benmoi3390 Ай бұрын
you could fit a 315p
@benmoi3390 Ай бұрын
if a scorpius fit... it's might squeeze a cutlass...!!! and btw if the scorpius fit the terrapin fit quite well the terrapin is 20m lenght and 7.5m height and the scorpius is 32m lenght and 13m height so you can almost fit a terrapin sideway and fit another ship like a 125a
@benmoi3390 Ай бұрын
the question is how many Fury I can fit in it... lol
@Stellar-Nucleosynthesis 2 ай бұрын
This ship single handedly made people drop their standards. Had 2 friends who said, "I'm not buying anything until they make the game better." We can all guess what happened after.
@jjeung624 2 ай бұрын
Got the ccu for both ironclads. i'm just gona sit on them til they come out. Mostly interested in the assualt, due to its ability to repair components.
@litterbox2010 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the info! Exactly what I was looking for.
@feariex 2 ай бұрын
You sound like a belter
@Jewifer333x2 2 ай бұрын
Wont lie, not a big fan of the cargo module being enclosed with the rest of the ship.
@user-cs7eg1ch6x 2 ай бұрын
I'd say comparing eclipse to a retaliator is like comparing sword to a shield. Dropship retaliator is going to use torps for defensive stance as eclipse comes in for a strike leaves and comes again for a strike. Full torp retaliator can be a heart of patrol. However BOTH are support ships and to be most effective they require wingmen flying beside them.
@Brenelael 2 ай бұрын
I would say a better comparison is a Hammer to a scalpel. The Retaliator is a Gunboat that lobs Torps at larger ships... It's a Hammer whereas the Eclipse is more for those surgical strikes with precision and Stealth... A Scalpel.
@waxusonthegrind 2 ай бұрын
then tell me dear sir, where do you buy the modules in game, because the modules are only available on the website ? so i am all ears where you find the functionality of the retalliator ? since you can buy the ship in game but it does not come with either bombs or storage, you can buy 1 of the 4 modules for about 50 to 60 dollars/euro. This ship "was" good but now it is just a scam, the only function it has in game is to supply your crew with 4 turrets with s3 guns.... but the pilot can only fly from a to b and crash, no other function in the retalliator yet if you buy it in game
@martinbrandt3907 2 ай бұрын
No thanks. Should have compared it to a Connie Andromeda. When you do, you realize there's no reason to own a Tali - and definitely not for IRL money.
@Averagecasualgamer 2 ай бұрын
The Firebird's missile count has doubled from 12 to 24 The Firebird's signature reduction has been corrected (increased from 20% to 40%) had to dig through spectrum to get these updates >:(
@Pathologic9 2 ай бұрын
So wait I bought this ship a long time ago and now I don’t have torpedoes?
@MandrewWPolo19 2 ай бұрын
I’m in the same boat as you and if it’s true and they aren’t going to change it I’m refunding the ship
@Wispeks 2 ай бұрын
the modules are actually a big inconvenience. if you take the retaliator out from your main city you better remember to pick up your modules or install what you want to use or they are left behind to the station inventory.
@GraphiteSC 2 ай бұрын
24 missiles now, not 12.
@xXE4GLEyEXx 2 ай бұрын
If it had like at least as much cargo capacity as the MAX I'd seriously think about upgrading even as a solo player. As it is a freaking tank, but the cargo amount is laughable. Maybe ingame, maybe never. For IRL pledge? Nooope.
@CaptianInternet 2 ай бұрын
The retaliator as single player, mid range ship is super interesting. But what vehicles can it load?
@WastelandersSC 2 ай бұрын
Unload all 24 missiles you mean. Definitely a great ship I own one and it is a joy to fly!
@barnigranero5882 2 ай бұрын
Worth Shipping? Why are you making a video about getting rid of the Firebird already?
@Deez276 2 ай бұрын
Reading some of these comments I see that people have this ship for the wrong reasons. It is a bomber. That means it takes one pass (maybe a second on the way out) on a big target and then GTF outta dodge to go reload. The gun turrets are meant to be defensive as you are hauling ass out of the AO. This ship is not made to loiter over a target in contested airspace. Doing so in any of the larger, gunships should be fatal. If you want to camp a target and fire heavy guns on it get a fighter screen.
@NegativeProcess 2 ай бұрын
Selling the modules separate is just sad and greedy to me and makes cig actually look bad. It should start with one of the modules like cargo and then u pay for the other. Not pay a lot for just the ship and then need to pay even more just to use it functionally. They're getting desperate with funding I feel sometimes
@TonicCantaloupe 2 ай бұрын
Completely agree!
@SCTimbal 2 ай бұрын
While it would have been nice, they were VERY upfront from the get go that the base 'tali was not coming with any modules whatsoever.
@donnys2965 2 ай бұрын
Just wait for the galaxy. I’ve already bought the med bay at $90. Hopefully as the price of the ship increases the modules will stay the same price
@SCTimbal 2 ай бұрын
@@donnys2965 my CCU chain is ready!
@NegativeProcess 2 ай бұрын
@SCTimbal I get that, but the ship shouldn't be less of a ship because I didn't spend real world money to upgrade it. It should have had a better base model imo
@crappojack 2 ай бұрын
I ccu'd my tali away coz not practical for solo use.. Dun say blades or NPC crew la..
@dg6546 2 ай бұрын
Yes it is purchasable in game, but no torpedos…
@Brenelael 2 ай бұрын
I own the full Retaliator Bomber and I have to say I was rather disappointed with the Gold Pass. There were real problems with the basic design that they just didn't address at all. The bathroom placement makes no sense. There is no way for the crew to eat as there is no food station I could find. This is supposed to be a long range ship with sleeping quarters for the crew but they don't need to eat? There are glaring issues with the basic design that just got left as is in the gold pass. Disappointing... very disappointing.
@donnys2965 2 ай бұрын
I agree completely, back in 2017 I remember thinking of this ship and a long range torpedo boat. One that could take the long way around and sneak up on operations/ships/missons. Now it seems like they want everyone buying the Polaris. I’m scared gold pass on the freelancer line up will be just as bad.
@CatalystDestiny 2 ай бұрын
The Tali sadly is in a terrible state for multiple reasons. Straight up for any job it can do, you can do BETTER with players in smaller ships for the same amount of crew, and be more flexible, do every job better and be superior in literally every metric and regard. The Tali is severely undergunned as well, it's barely getting the turrets upped to size 3 weaps, but that's not enough with their bad placement and view. The pilot should have two very large front mounted guns as well, 2 size 6 or 7 for its intended role of taking on bigger ships would help a ton, and its modules buffed a ton. The Tali is a dream ship for a lot of people for its looks and "supposed" advertised function, but the reality is, it doesn't perform its stated purposes well at all, and is just completely and vastly inferior to so many other combined options that are more capable, more fun, more durable, etc. Hopefully the Tali gets a complete top down redesign pass to make it what it's supposed to be, what it was advertised for years, but right now like many other Aegis ships, it's just completely behind the power creep and very low D/F tier level performance and not worth it.
@billkranz8035 2 ай бұрын
I plan to buy this today as a new pledge. Great ship gets better with the modules.
@Reducer 2 ай бұрын
I really really like flying it... but at the end of the day, it is absolutely not a solo ship. So now I'm in the process of chaining it up to a Redeemer instead. Since it has S3 turrets, you need five gunners for it to make full sense as a gunship. And at that stage, I feel someone is likely to have a Hammerhead to pull out that people can hop into instead. At least the Redeemer has some pilot-controlled guns, and only needs one extra person to man an S5 turret for a lot of extra impact, and it can still take 1 pilot + 4 gunners total. So yeah, it's not in my fleet any longer, and I'll just buy it with monopoly money later if I want it again.
@Poweroftwocruising 2 ай бұрын
@corey1563 2 ай бұрын
You can't even buy the modules in game so if you buy the base retaliator your screwed. no torpedos and no cargo
@Tentacl 2 ай бұрын
Nope, it's just a CCU piece. Low cargo, not enough toprs or torp size to be better than the 2 player crew it requires flying individual Eclipses.
@scharnhorst8316 2 ай бұрын
Allow me to laugh.
@vulcan4d 3 ай бұрын
Yes because a lot of work is going into this ship. Compare this for something like a Perseus which is near the same price and it looks like a joke. This ship is over developed.
@nuclearsimian3281 7 күн бұрын
This ship is meant to be flexible and adapt to the changing needs of the playerbase. If you don't fully develop it, it'll get left behind. How many ships in say, EVE Online never, ever get flown by anyone outside of a vanishingly minute minority of players who are only using them because they're stubborn? A significant amount. Star Citizen is trying to make that number be as close to zero as possible. I'd rather they overdo it, than half ass it. Never half ass two things. Whole ass one thing.
@ro0140 3 ай бұрын
I think there is not a real ship you can compare the Polaris to at this moment. - Hammerhead (115m) is an Anti-Fighter Fleet Support Ship with at max Large components like a Large Shield. - Carrack (126m) is a bespoke Long-Range Military Exploration and Scout vessel with Large components and a Large Shield. - Polaris (166m) is a First strike Fleet Escort and Patrol vessel aimed at combat with Large to Capital Ship combat and even with is small size it has Capital Components like a Capital Shield. So the Polaris with its Capital Shields is almost immune to Fighters, its turrets as said will be up gunned so it can hold its own against bigger ships. You must know that the Polaris is not a tank it is fast and nimble it needs to get into combat range of enemy capital ships unload its Torpedoes and get out of engagement envelop of the enemy ships asap. So it is has heavy fire power in front of the ship to punch true the enemy front line fighters and get to the enemy capital ships. It has very few guns in the back should the Polaris being chased by enemy fighters. Although the Polaris is still in Concept at the moment, and the tuning and changing of the components can still happen. This ship would be awesome if you have friends to play with it really like the Carrack could be a home in space.
@luistigerfox Ай бұрын
Speaking of the polaris being "fast and nimble", it's tuned REALLY fast for a ship of its size, at least for the flybys it was, with a listed SCM speed of 210, and a boost of 400. This actually puts it in line with heavy fighters in terms of straight line speed. I imagine it's still much less maneuverable than that. But compared to an idris or javelin in the future, that'll be massively fast. I think its nav top speed was also like 900. Polaris rear/side guns as quad s3 seem pretty ideal for deterring enemy fighter/bomber strikes, though its primary defense will probably be fighters of its own. I will be interested in how far the main 3 turrets will be up-gunned.
@Teddy-tx7wb 3 ай бұрын
your disclaimer about "this is not a beginner ship video" I remember in 2018 being new to SC and watching beginner ship videos and coming across a Polaris video and thinking "I must have this ship" and about dying when I saw the price tag. (I think I only had a $50 Titan then) I have my $50 discounted Polaris CCU in hand. just need to unmelt a Carrack first.
@MIM0991 3 ай бұрын
Why do you make agricultural land so big, it's not effective in processing it, from plowing to harvesting. The effectiveness of one family working on 0.5 morgan field plot. You can divide it into 3 plots each covering an area of ​​1 morgan. Do crop rotation in rotation every year on the three agricultural lands.
@MIM0991 3 ай бұрын
23:34 Actually, You can get to the bandit camp after the battle and gain profits for you so that you can prevent the baron from gaining influence. The baron's troops actually have no intention of helping you.
@MIM0991 3 ай бұрын
Nice city layout. I like the variety of shapes of houses and buildings that you make. There are many content creators out there who are stuck with the doctrine of buildings per square block and the streets are too straight. It's boring. Love it!
@MIM0991 3 ай бұрын
10:28 You can build another hitching post
@rory-red 3 ай бұрын
I used all credit not cent of cash and I have 2 I wouldn't call it a flagship as I have a Idris-M and Jav too
@nuclearsimian3281 7 күн бұрын
Its a flagship for a small org with say, 15-30 players. Hell, it'd be a decent flagship for even a 50 man org.
@chadington565 3 ай бұрын
I think his comparison between Polaris and Carrack (yes, I have one) is correct. I'm not alone with that, as I think CIG views it that way too. People will use this ship, similar to the Carrack in these ways: Hangar, Medbed, Cargo/Vehicles In the current game, even getting a Hammerhead fully manned doesnt work. Meaning, even if you have the people, the game lacks the fluidity and stable play to use the Hammerhead as intended. Anyone who disagrees clearly hasnt played the game with an Org or ran multi-crewed ship combat. The Polaris, or really any large combat ship, wont be used for Combat for quite a long time. For the next 24-36 months, the Polaris will be a glorified Carrack.
@T0ghar 3 ай бұрын
Next time, better look for components and stats and take notes BEFORE making an overview & comparison video. This video is so unfocused and all over the place, like when talking about size comparison and having no chart for that in the video at that time.
@FoxCreativeGaming 3 ай бұрын
You are mistaken when you compare the Polaris and the Carrack. A better comparison would be between Polaris and The Odyssey, but it still needs to be a better comparison since one is a combat ship, and the other two are exploration ships, not combat ships. The Odyssey is a better comparison because both ships have capital components and a hangar for a fighter. In contrast, the Carrack has large components and a hangar for a snub ship.
@Garflog643 3 ай бұрын
Polaris SCU is 432 as it was recently doubled so not far off from the Carrack's 456. And it will be even better for carring cargo than Carrack most likely due to the new cargo system coming into play soon. And untill the Carrack gets a rework it will be useless for cargo as it will be physicalized and not realistic to get out of the Carrack using tractor beams.
@Averagecasualgamer 3 ай бұрын
waiting on the detachable cargo pods ;) since we just had the first taste of the implementation of the modularity system on the retaliator
@SpaceDad42 3 ай бұрын
Apples/oranges. Really stupid to compare it to a Carrack. Stupid.
@Paisa231 3 ай бұрын
Decen overview of the Polaris, but you comparison is a bit lacking. Remember that Polaris is a Capital size ship, and the Carrack is a size Large ship. This will decide wich jump points these ship can use. Thus limiting Polaris movement options between systems. The Carrack also has a bit bigger SCU cargo capacity, and easier access. This will make the Carrack more suitable for deep space exploration. Along with superior fuel capacity in both Hydrogen and Quantum. In short they are not comparable. About a ship being suitable for Solo flying. For the moment and the future, is very hard to determine in this stage of SC development. But bigger the ship, more maintenance with repairing components and refueling/resupplying is needed. But hard to say how much of a difference. Along with the difference of a new just out of the store ship vs a old and battle scared ship. But currently, at this stage of the development almost every ship is able to be used solo. But in the future this will likely not be the case for many multi crew ships :)
@arthurvartanov2573 3 ай бұрын
You can put 6 nova inside ships hangar, i already measured, just use Argo SRV with tractor.
@SpaceDad42 3 ай бұрын
The size of the door is not the size of the hangar pad. The walls are sloped. Also, why would you even want to put a tank in a patrol ship? Also, how would you even get them in there or out? Stupid.
@arthurvartanov2573 3 ай бұрын
​@@SpaceDad42 What you talking about? what hangar door you mean? You can open roof door and put in and out wherever you want including SRV itself. You ask why i need tank in patrol ship? Just simply to take it from one place to another it can be tank or anything else dosnt matter..
@csdigitaldesign 3 ай бұрын
You cannot lift the Nova with the SRV. I've already tried. That's a no go
@arthurvartanov2573 3 ай бұрын
@@csdigitaldesign I've tryed too, not with nova but with centurion and its havyer than nova. Remember SRVs tractor not 100% functional right now it has only towing mode and you cant control tractor but still even with this mode i can easy pick up anything . SRV build to tow objects mutch havyer than nova.If you cant lift Nova you doing something wrong.
@arthurvartanov2573 3 ай бұрын
@@csdigitaldesign Ok i tryed Nova on Hurston and i guess its just bug it really can lift it. But you know what it can iift ballista and ballista havyer than nova so its a bug 100%