This was one of the best videos I have watched. I mean on any subject, not just Christianity. It was so well done! One of my favorite parts was when the driver was praying. I love to hear non English-speaking Christians pray in their native tongue. The "amen" at the end sounded awesome to me! Pastor Begg has always been one of my favorites and it was really nice to see him in a different light. May God be with him in his soon-to-be retirement, and may God bless this channel.
@martymoose8304Ай бұрын
I love Alistairs' gentle approach when presenting biblical teachings to his congregation. I have rarely seen that's same kind of compassion from Christians when addressing people in a slightly more hostile environment. ie. Muslims, non-believers, the LGBTQ community. Why?
@martymoose8304Ай бұрын
At about the 43:30, Alistair talks about Romans. But only chapter 1. Romans is 1 letter. Paul wrote to the church in Rome, and it should be read in its entirety. Certainly reading chapter 1 without ready chapter 2 does not put that chapter into proper context! I reluctantly use the word trap, but Paul, in chapter 1, lays the groundwork for the profound wake-up call of chapter 2 for those who would weaponize the first chapter.
@camillegema852 ай бұрын
why did you mention critical race theory in the same breath as the rainbow flag as a teaching that is detrimental to children? you're for christian nationalist teaching for children?
@Pailncclt13 күн бұрын
@theresablanton67842 ай бұрын
The best Christians in today's world is Joni and her husband, and people like them.❤❤❤❤❤
@cerascott9182 ай бұрын
Thank you for being you. Nice to meet you.
@alexdavis65662 ай бұрын
Just came from the ark yesterday. It's extremely fascinating
@Pilot.Lindsay2 ай бұрын
Music is Too Loud. Why Even Have Music?
@olgaburgos77802 ай бұрын
Evil cannot be ignored and we have to call it what it is. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil! To call evil good IS EVIL!
@olgaburgos77802 ай бұрын
Fortunately in the USA ,a country under God , different religious denominations have their own private schools for their children to be taught, which is very good, and the parents have the responsibility to teach the biblical history and the love of God. “ Jesus loves me this I know , for the Bible tells me so…….”
@olgaburgos77802 ай бұрын
When Pastor Begg travels, who is the Pastor who preaches at your church? Is your church a. Calvinistic, or Baptist or by what Denomination are you known for?
@olgaburgos77802 ай бұрын
Your church is beautiful, built as a welcoming place, elegant, neat, friendly, I loved this interview video, and Pastor Begg is so naturally friendly, so warm and engaging ,answering every question with such a sincerity and truth , he is the kind of Pastor that we would like to have in every church, he exude the love of Jesus that is very contagious. Thank you so very much, he is a gift of God to all who listen to his sermons. May our Father in heaven keep you healthy for many more years for our joy of the gospel hearing from you.✝️🤗✝️👏🏼✝️🥰✝️👍✝️😇✝️😃✝️💖✝️🌺✝️👍👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@olgaburgos77802 ай бұрын
The church needs to be spiritually on fire and have the urgency to live and believe ,as and example , that the Lord is soon coming and we have to be ready and alert ,especially awake the youth to that reality and seriously feeling the need to take in their life the Presence of the Lord.
@butterfly4him1682 ай бұрын
Praise God and Jesus!,,,,,,l
@DavidGriffin-ww2fk3 ай бұрын
God Bless John Lennox! Long may he run.
@hikerJohn3 ай бұрын
Kids can use a phone and a "TV" but they cannot fix a car. They learn knew things faster than old people so it's to be expected they learn how to use the things they need and use every day. Phones are like video games to learn the secrets of and kids ask each other how to use them. When they get older they will have the same problems we have in not understanding how to use everything new that comes along. Old people know a lot of things they dont know and they are often surprised by that.
@SaltAndGracePoetry3 ай бұрын
Amen! I praise God for Ken Ham and his faithfulness and boldness.
@Ghennadiy3 ай бұрын
Ken Ham, мир вам. Я слушал интервью с вами на Идея хороша в том, чтобы рассказать людям о сотворении мира и о его жизни в свете законов Божиих, установленных для человека и подвластных ему обитателей Земли. И я хотел бы прокомментировать ваши утверждения, данные в этом интервью. 30:8-30:10: «Смешение языков Вавилонской башни». - Писание говорит о смешении одного языка, а не нескольких. 46:39-46:45: «Он сказал, что создал всё за шесть дней, обычных дней. Это факт». - Обращаю ваше внимание на то, что в настоящее время планета Земля вращается вокруг своей оси значительно быстрее, чем происходило это вращение после потопа. А после потопа Земля вращалась быстрее, чем по окончании творения на исходе шестого дня, примерно в восемь раз. Дни же творения хоть и соответствуют нашим пониманиям «дня» (светлое время, изменяемое в продолжительности в зависимости от поры года и широт, от рассвета до заката) и «ночи» (тёмное время, изменяемое в продолжительности в зависимости от поры года и широт, от заката до рассвета) в настоящее время, считаясь, однако, составляемыми из «вечера» и «утра», но имеют чрезвычайно медленное время - ход которого при этом считается лишь с появления светил в четвёртый день творения. В первый, второй и третий дни творения времени ещё нет. Продолжительность «дня» в конце четвёртого, а также в пятый, шестой и седьмой дни условно принимается за одну тысячу современных лет: 1 000 + 1 000 + 1 000 + 1 000 = 4 000. Годы жизни людей до потопа отсчитываются с первого дня после недели творения и в продолжительности соответствуют нынешним годам. Отсчёт каждого года производится с месяца авив, начало же месяца авив устанавливается исходя из начала земледельческого сезона в местности между северозападноаравийской горой Синай и Иерусалимом. Между эрами в расчёт принимается нулевой год. Смещения летоисчисления в 11, 12 и 13 веках берутся в расчёт при исчислениях в те времена. Для настоящего времени принимаем, что в «2024» году, начинающемся с января (месяца солнечного года), с лунного месяца авив начинается 2025 год нашей эры и 7525 год при исчислении лет от года сотворения первопрахового человека за вычетом продолжительности седьмого дня. То есть тысяча лет седьмого дня как бы ушла из истории, но события после неё уже сделаны ещё до повиновения первопраховых змею. 47:52-47:55: «Письменный вариант слова Божиего был завершён около двух тысяч лет назад». Вероятно, под этим вариантом вы имеете в виду масоретский текст, завершённый в 9-м веке нашей эры. 21-й век минус 9-й век равно 12, или 1 200 лет; а вы говорите «2 000 лет». При сравнениях числительных в греческих и еврейских рукописях применительно к генеалогии до Авраама можно увидеть разницу более чем в полторы тысячи лет. Повреждённость числительных в еврейском масоретском варианте книги Ездры (что видно по несоответствию количества предметов и количества людей суммам, приведённым в этой же книге, Езд. 1:11 (сравнить с 2 Езд. 2:14) и Езд. 2:64 (так же Неем. 7:66, 2 Езд. 5:41)), в сравнении с греческим текстом, указывает на необходимость недоверять масоретскому варианту в этих случаях. 55:58-56:0: «Мы все должны понимать, что у нас греховная природа». - Зачем так говорящий навязывает мне его греховную природу? Мне не нужна такая его природа. 56:10- 56:15: «В первом стихе третьей главы диавол в образе змея подошёл к Еве и спросил' „Подлинно ли...”». - Ложь. Даже Павел для сомневающихся объясняет: «Но боюсь, чтобы, как змей хитростью своею прельстил Еву, так и ваши умы не повредились, уклонившись от простоты во Христе» (2 кор. 11:3). 57:6-57:11: «„Грех влечёт тебя к себе”. То есть твоя греховная природа желает господствовать над тобою». - Не «греховная природа», а дух отца (Иоан. 8:38, 41, 44). 1:6:20-1:6:23: «диавол искусил его, сказав, что (первый) адам может сам быть богом». - Первопраховому не говорил змей, первопраховому сказала жена. Когда змей говорил жене адама, диавола ещё не было. Им и стал после нарушения заповеди адам. 1:21:0-1:21:5: «Бог <...> заплатил за нашу несправедливость». - Бог заплатил? Кому и что? Он является конечным и начальным, и у Него нет необходимости кому-либо что-либо платить. 1:22:3-1:22:7: «... Разные народы образовались во время строительства Вавилонской башни». - Неверно появление асимметричных (по типу: 2+1) языковых ветвей приравнивать к появлению народов. «И сказал Господь: вот, один народ, и один у всех язык» (Быт. 11:6а). Во время или сразу после смешения общего языка, присущего разным племенам (Быт. 10:18), образования народов не произошло. Господь обещал, что произойдут народы от Сары, Аврама, Измаила, Исава, Исаака. Упоминание образовать народ видим в обещании Божием в дни Иакова: «И сказал ему Бог: имя твоё Иаков; отныне ты не будешь называться Иаковом, но будет имя тебе: Израиль. И нарёк ему имя: Израиль. <...> народ и множество народов будет от тебя» (Быт 35:10-11). Иври, пришедшие в Египет, - ещё не народ. Но вот приходит время, и фараон говорит Иосифу: «Ты будешь над домом моим, и твоего слова держаться будет весь народ мой; только престолом я буду больше тебя» (Быт. 41:40). И параллельно этому еврейские семейства начинают увеличиваться в роды́, а роды́ переходят в племена. А «народ», который угнали цари заречных городов и который возвратил Аврам, или «народ» Авимелеха, или «народ» Содома - это просто население. А вот «народ Хамоса» (Числ. 21:29) - идеологический.
@bredaogrady-k9y3 ай бұрын
Joni is one tough but courageous in many ways she's makers not feel so alone in pains and sufferings it helps me realize l can resonate to Joni so much many sufferings in my life losses young losses many afflictions God above all on almost 58 yrs old but truly has strenghyened my trust and faith in God through my own to many to mention know we're not alone as thgood Lord said he would never abandon nor forsake us Divine Mercy thank you jesus tank you ken and Joni lovely couple must watch ur ministry Joni such a beautiful lady special servant of God bless her Lord Ken abundantly beautiful definition of marriage God did annoying you both God bless it ministry for many yrs much love from that small but feisty little lreland Eire my beloved lreland u have done great work Joni truly a woman of God our beautiful faith RC praise the Lord all glory to him first foremost ur work is awesome may u continue Joni all all who work in ur ministry be abundantly blessed much love from lreland Breda Ireland truly ❤💜🌹🌹🌹🙏✨🇨🇮
@bredaogrady-k9y3 ай бұрын truly wisdom of words could listen to her forever much love to u Joni and ur ministry St Padreo poo St Marie forget st Faustina St pope Joni Paul 2nd rip perpetual light shine upon them may they be all in there eternal home now with our loving FATHER JESUS Christ blessed mother Mary all of the other saint's much love to everyone in there crosses footprints in the sand we were never promised it would be easy so wise Joni never deny God ever we are truly united to his holy crossing Calvary but our greatest on Easter Sunday our beautiful God have mercy on us poor sinners thank you Joni. God bless u ministry and ur husband❤💜🌹🌹🌹🇨🇮
@DmitriyMollla3 ай бұрын
Great interview and footage of the ark encounter! The music should have been edited better. I think less music is always better.
@J.C.S.774 ай бұрын
Great interview, thank you, although the music sometimes is annoying
@WiseMusicOnline4 ай бұрын
The music in the background is extremely distracting, specially when a person is speaking with an accent. Very very hard to understand. Editors, please listen to a final edit before posting.
@Rossi04894 ай бұрын
Thank you for this amazing interview .Much love from Bulgaria
@rsmithp514 ай бұрын
Fantastic interview. Thank you Ken Ham for remaining true to God’s Word the Bible
@drake04214 ай бұрын
Amazing testimony of God's promises.
@sylviajones94454 ай бұрын
A man of whom the world is not grateful nearly enough. Thank you.
@WordofGraceBibleChurch4 ай бұрын
- перевод на русский - Интервью с Кеном Хэмом: О ковчеге, сотворении и молодой земле (With Russian Voiceover Translation)
@palaguena44524 ай бұрын
Read your autobiography while in school in the 70s and still you continue to share your love for christ. God continue to bless and be with you ❤
@erlingdikana22675 ай бұрын
I watch this interview for many times. Both Joni and Ken are really inspiring ❤❤❤
@inChristusvrijgekocht5 ай бұрын
She is a hero in Christ! What a beautifull woman of God. And so strong and brave. She shines. She chooses to lay down her life...that Christ will be glorified through her. She could have easily give up, but she didnt! See helps so many people who were near of giving up. Maybe wanting to end there lives. But God uses the weak to show His glory. To show the brokenhearted, the deeply wounded and hurting people with chronic pain. They are precious. He has not giving up on them! She gives hope where there seems no hope anymore with her story.
@maureenmuggleton51456 ай бұрын
God Bless you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@diannajones19936 ай бұрын
Amen🥰Continued prayers for Joni and Ken and all the people you work with and you serve. Thank you for following Jesus and doing things HIS way. Rita is a great interviewer🥰Have a Romans 15:13 day❣️
@richielewisrealestate6 ай бұрын
Absolutely love that final message.
@oleks_s6 ай бұрын
Very powerful interview!! Listening to Dr. John Lennox is a pleasure! The message at the end that he left to the world is a must have to hear for everyone🙏🏼
@joyceadair30037 ай бұрын
Listening to you today with terrible pain to hear you say MS. That’s exactly what I deal with daily. I used to be a teacher and now my daily routine is about all I can do at home. But I’m very thankful that the Lord is with me to get me through daily. Thank you so much for sharing.😊
@heikevetten88977 ай бұрын
@shaunT208 ай бұрын
God gave us this man I truly believe God is working thru him being a scientist to reach others
@jeaniekim99518 ай бұрын
Excellent interview! I really enjoyed the questions that were asked. Thank you so much for sharing this! ❤😊
@oleksandrkostikin8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this wonderful interview with this remarkable man of God!
@dominiquewilliams67909 ай бұрын
@theforeigner69889 ай бұрын
What a genius he is by the grace of God. Он говорит по русски🇷🇺, er spricht fließend deutsch🇩🇪 unglaublich 👍🏿
@hopeforthefuture86809 ай бұрын
So thankful for your channel and my heart gets properly broken many times which is by the faithful Father when having His Word properly served. May God continue to bless you.
@idneilkell9 ай бұрын
I belonged to a church where the pastor blabbed people’s personal stuff as illustrations all the time.
@ichernichenko9 ай бұрын
Please to time stamps, it's a long conversation and a lot of info.
@SergeLetunovskiy9 ай бұрын
Nice, no translation to get in the way! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😊😊
@paultsvor9 ай бұрын
Wow 👏👏
@throckmortensnivel28509 ай бұрын
Yes, faith is irrefutable. That's because it is faith. Faith is a belief without evidence. There's no argument against faith. All you can do is be careful about how much authority you give those who have it. It can sometimes go wrong.
@nikokapanen829 ай бұрын
Faith can be called a belief without scientific evidence but faith is never without evidence. Some of us experience a life-changing encounter with Christ and that can be of greater value when it comes to evidence than the scientific evidence would be because when God reveals Himself to you, He also leave His Spirit in you that begin to guide you into a new life. A day after God revealed to me in 2011, I went to the balcony to light up a cigarette as usual, being all in awe and wonder, grasping the reality of God and the spiritual world. There, while smoking, my hand shakes as if someone would touch it, I look around, nobody's there, so I continue to smoke and my hand shakes even more strongly, so I stand up and ask "What is this, what is going on", at this moment my eyes are being literally directed towards the cigarette and I sense a clear voice in me telling me "stop it, stop smoking, now you know the truth, now you know your goal is to embrace life and smoking is not that, it kills life" That was the moment when I realized that there was something in me, the Spirit of righteousness, guiding me towards the new life. Just like Jesus promised to send Him. So, the journey began, This Spirit in me, which I now know is the Holy Spirit, gave me the freedom to stop smoking, drinking, and having other addictions like watching porn, I got clean from bad habits like cursing, exaggerating, being a hypocrite, entertaining myself with stuff like worldly movies, music, violent content like fights, telling stupid jokes, etc. I have the strength to keep myself clean and clear, my home clean and in order, my money in the right control, etc. My relatives could not understand what was happening to me, my dad said he could not recognize me, when I say this is God, who is changing me like this, they go silent. Later the Holy Spirit showed me certain things about my future, I am moving to another country, I am getting married, I have certain missions and goals to get into, also many obstacles but nothing overwhelming because He is with me, so no fears, no real worries, not even death itself.
@throckmortensnivel28509 ай бұрын
@@nikokapanen82 I think "evidence"can bre taken to mean something verifiable by a third party. Your own personal feelings aren't "evidence" in the traditional sense. You may feel perfectly justified in your belief, but those feelings are not transferable to someone else.. The only person who can experience your feelings is yourself. Lots of people have faith. The airline traveller has faith that the flight will end with a safe landing, the commuter has faith they will arrive at work without accident. Einstein, when he made the startling discovery that time was flexible, had faith that he would be proved correct. So there's nothing wrong with faith. However, it can, and has, resulted in bad things, such as when the person has faith they can fly, and jump off a tall building., to find out their faith was unfounded. It always wise to temper faith with a bit of caution.
@WasLostButNowAmFound9 ай бұрын
Kristyn Getty's (nee Lennox) Uncle.
@Rossi04899 ай бұрын
Thank you for this interview with Dr. Lenox it was a blessing to me. Thank you for your hard work.Greetings from Bulgaria