@ravender730 16 сағат бұрын
Nah, you don't use the focus gauge too much, trust me on this, you pretty much have to use it all the time, especially on hard. You also save more ammo doing so coz your aim gets better too.
@ravender730 Күн бұрын
Hopefully, you're reading this. Would you be interested in the PC version of Enter The Matrix? It would be a great opportunity to restart the game on normal difficulty. I'm telling you. Some sections are so hard that you might need to use the invincibility cheat to beat them. It's better not to play a game you’ve never played before on hard mode. Plus, you might prefer the controls on PC since you can strafe and easily dodge bullets with A and D. You can also strife here by holding R. I can send you a pre-installed version via Google Drive. If you have Discord, I can send you the download link there coz youtube doesn't let me.
@ravender730 Күн бұрын
You can actually strafe and shoot. Dont forget to combine it with focus. And you can change your controls entirely in Dolphin settings.
@ravender730 Күн бұрын
Bro... You absolutely have to use focus as much as possible. You won't survive without I't especially on hard. Even I can't beat it on hard. I would also recommend using Z to immediately disarm them. Use FOCUS.
@ravender730 4 күн бұрын
Oh boy. This is gonna be a wild ride. 😂Although i also have the purple bar which wasn't intended. I never had flickering issues. My version also has subtitles. Maybe you forgot to turn them on? Could you enable subtitles and make the gameplay louder? Its super quiet. Edit: Just finished watching lol. It was a top seller so i thought why not give it a shot lol. Hard mode is truly going to be hard. Enemies have a ton of health and you always run out of ammo. Thats why i advised normal difficulty. And using focus is crucial. Use it as much as you can. It increases your accuracy and you move much faster. I would recommend restarting it on normal. Its gonna take you less than 10 minutes to get there if you speedrun it. And the levels are only gonna get better, trust me lol.
@thebunnytavern 3 күн бұрын
the flickering issue was me changing the graphics settings. also i'm gonna stick to hard mode for the rest of this playthrough and just slough through it. I can easily adapt, but what is getting me the most is the controls for the game itself
@ravender730 5 күн бұрын
Turok: Evolution remaster would go HARD AF! Along with a Steam Workshop with mods and online Multiplayer, oh boy. The weapons were kinda ass in this game ngl. T1,2,3 had WAY better weapons. Enemy variety was also ass, you mostly fight the same 2-3 slegs. As for enter the matrix, i would recommend playing it on normal, you can choose between 2 characters who have different routes and boss fights, go with the dude. The levels kinda work like in Evolution, each chapter has multiple levels.
@thebunnytavern 5 күн бұрын
kinda late with the difficulty advice lol. expect some videos soon
@jacktastick 6 күн бұрын
I spent hours on this game and could never beat it
@thebunnytavern 5 күн бұрын
I just have the patience to brute force things when push comes to shove
@ravender730 6 күн бұрын
Yeah @18:32 that was so cheap by Acclaim lmao. I remember watching my dad back in the early 2000's struggle in this area as well. There is no indication of them still being operational. Edit: Who told you this is a stealth level? If anything its going all out. You're always the center of attention. This level is far from stealth.
@thebunnytavern 5 күн бұрын
the way the game made it sounded made it sound like a stealth level. they said do everything without being spotted or alerting the guards. so i blame the game for it lol
@ravender730 5 күн бұрын
@@thebunnytavern Yeah, the description was hella misleading. There's nothing stealthy about this level, considering each room had 10 enemies, and they kept spawning right around the corner. At least they are very generous with health and minigun ammo. The last boss fight was kinda lame, they didn't even bother giving you a health bar, and you only had to rely on the shotgun. By the way, now that you've finished it, it's possible to kill Bruckner with a falling tree, which is how they do it in speedruns. What do you think about reacting to a speedrun of this game? I would love to see your genuine first reaction! It's only 57 minutes, and the number of skips and tricks this game has is crazy.
@thebunnytavern 3 күн бұрын
I'll take a look at it, and i wouldn't be surprised by what is found for speedrunning. I have seen other speedruns of other games, so there won't be much reaction
@ravender730 7 күн бұрын
All those years. How come you never came across turok evolution? Have you never heard of it before? Imagine someone playing GTA:SA at the time. Who isnt aware of GTA5. So i was wondering what took you so long. Im genuinely curious. Sorry if i sound sarcastic lol. I would also recommend making the last video 1 hour long to finish the game. If you want one more video.
@thebunnytavern 5 күн бұрын
I haven't come across this game cause i never saw any news of it, nor was i looking for any news of the game. I was only in my teens at the time so i never did pay any attention to game releases
@ravender730 5 күн бұрын
@@thebunnytavern Have you played GTA:SA and Luigi's Mansion? Would love to watch you upload gameplays of them if you haven't played them before.
@thebunnytavern 3 күн бұрын
I have Played and beaten GTA:SA when it came out, for Luigi's mansion, i haven't played it yet
@ravender730 8 күн бұрын
@38:40... Well, the cutscene did show you where to go lol. Get on the top.
@ravender730 8 күн бұрын
Damn, you're so lucky it stopped shooting for like a minute @12:20 Little tip. The minigun is the most effective against the airships.
@ravender730 8 күн бұрын
LOL 1:58 i guess better than fleyetch 😂 Btw, good thing i didn't give you the PC version, i was playing it 2 days ago and the game crashed on chapter 13-14, causing all the saveslots to be deleted. That's why the PC version is not the greatest version.
@ravender730 11 күн бұрын
The PC version lets you keep the flechette on this particular level, you still lose your weapons, but not as much as on the NON-PC version. Btw, its pronounced fle-che-tee 😂 Nobody knows why you lose weapons. Maybe for level balancing? But then again, its so odd that they put ammo for the exact weapon that you lose, who knows...
@thebunnytavern 11 күн бұрын
i also get said weapon back at the next segment
@ravender730 12 күн бұрын
no edits better actually
@ravender730 13 күн бұрын
Bruh, you gotta talk to the guys 😂
@ravender730 13 күн бұрын
Damn bro, why dont you turn auto-aim off? It's basically like having aimbot, you don't even have to try, takes the fun and challenge away from the game... Kinda lame if u ask me
@thebunnytavern 12 күн бұрын
i get that, but sometimes it's needed when aiming is this slow and you can't make precise shots. still need to see if the controller itself is making my vertical camera movement slow or if it's the game itself
@ravender730 15 күн бұрын
11:15 if you hadn't backed off, the explosion would have insta-killed you, lol. Also, you missed a little secret at 3:34... The manhole can be destroyed, and it says 'Texas' where Acclaim Studios was based.
@ravender730 19 күн бұрын
Turok 1 and 2 use sector-based collisions, which means that every single square inch in the game had to be manually sectored, making it impossible to go out of bounds or fall off the map. You can only walk where it's sectored, even if there is visible space. Turok 3 and 4, however, use environment collisions, which means you can get out of bounds and still interact with the environment in areas that were never intended to be playable. Also, in T1, 2, and 3, you could jump mid-air, making the game more forgiving. In Turok: Evolution, you cannot, you can slide off an angled wall forever.
@ravender730 21 күн бұрын
Yeah, same thoughts here, this game LACKS enemy variety, they keep re-using the same enemies, the weapons are kinda dull AF too. Turok 3 in my opinion had the best gunplay. As for arsenal, T1 & 2 are hard to beat. I love the Plasma Weapon from T1. So satisfying to use and even look at.
@ravender730 21 күн бұрын
yes there is, but its quite broken. still playable
@ravender730 22 күн бұрын
Interestingly, you don't lose the pistol in Chapter 4 in the PC version. Additionally, it features more enemies and occasionally "parked" airships. I assume they downgraded some elements specifically for the GameCube to avoid overloading it and impacting performance. I still recommend the gamecube version, it has much better lighting, and the mouse movement really sucks on PC.
@thebunnytavern 21 күн бұрын
there's a PC version i could be playing?
@nimonabeturbulon9390 26 күн бұрын
I miss these shooters, good video!
@nimonabeturbulon9390 26 күн бұрын
Hey Jay - hoping you're doing good!
@ravender730 26 күн бұрын
Nah. @8:00 it was better before... ur too quiet now
@ravender730 27 күн бұрын
Just finished watching, and damn, the ending had me rolling on the floor! 😂 If you fall from too high, one of 3 things can happen: A. You instantly take damage as you normally would. B. You don't take any damage at all. (about a 30% chance) C. The game takes a few seconds to register the damage, which is what happened in your case. I'm actually surprised you struggled that much, the rope was literally the only thing separating you from the entrance.
@ravender730 27 күн бұрын
Yes, the game takes certain weapons away from you depending on the chapter. You will get them back later. As you can see, you no longer have the rocket launcher, wooden bow, or flamethrower. Even with cheats, the game only allows you to carry a limited number of weapons, depending on the chapter you're in. The most frustrating part is that you can still find ammo for these weapons, even though you don't have them anymore. It's unclear whether this is a bug or intentional.
@ravender730 27 күн бұрын
When i thought i knew this game inside/out. You accidentally broke the Tekbow's crosshair at 7:54-8:30 lmao. Even the sniping view was broken lol.
@ravender730 28 күн бұрын
Damn, why do you think the flechette sucks? The pistol does 30 damage, the flechette does 40 and shoots much faster than the pistol. Arrows do 50 damage, and the shotgun does between 90-95, assuming every pellet hits. The flechette is also semi-automatic. The only downside is the slow-moving arrows, which can make it difficult to hit moving targets. Other than that, it's very powerful. Also, it doesn't matter how loud your weapon is, it doesn't trigger the alarm 😂
@thebunnytavern 28 күн бұрын
I say it sucks cause i can't aim down sights with it and i am using it in the wrong area where i am triggering the alarm compared to the bow's ADS
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
oh damn, you never watched matrix before? its one of those movies that no matter how many years pass by, it will always be ahead of its time, people are studying the movie till this day, the amount of deep-state stuff and "predictions" it has that they actually knew beforehand are crazy, its more of a documentary, fantastic movie. And yes. a 9mm Pistol turning into a sniper rifle is kinda BS AF lmao. And yes, the loading times are normal, GC has similar loading times. Still, this is the best version coz it plays at 60 fps
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
alright good to know it's not the emulator then. and I have never been much of a movie person myself, more into games
@TheSaltyFlamingo Ай бұрын
Ohhhh SHIT! Evolution!!!! Love this one
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
DAMN. I didn't expect this one to drop so early! I'm not complaining though lol.
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
well i thought that there wasn't much left to rage wars since it's just gonna be more of the same with different weapons, so i just decided to play this one since i never had the chance to
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
@@thebunnytavern but are you not going to finish RW tho?
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
I will finish it, just needed a bit of a break from it. might play it along side evolution
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
So, after sonic and megaman, (that i personally wouldn't watch) will you be doing Enter The Matrix? You said you like old games! Not only is it a classic now, that game was a big thing in 2003! I googled its sales and i was surprised at the fact that it sold more than the entire turok series, god damn!
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
Damn. MAYBE Matrix? You can do it after sonic. Its truly a great game. Would love to see you play it. I don't get it. On one end you ask if they wanna see you play X game. On the other end you say it's my way or the highway. "Its my channel" Common bro...
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
So it is on my list of games to play, but i just wanted a little break from the turok games after evolution and sonic to me if a game i can always go to for some mindless enjoyment. I might play it side by side, like 3 days of matrix and 2 days of sonic since sonic i can just breeze through. It also depends on how work goes since most times i am just tired
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
That was EVIL as FYCK! yo @42:27 😂 This is where the AR shines, at close quarters it kills so fast. You said you hate the boomerang? Damn, I consider it in the top 5 best weapons imo. You can track enemies through walls, throw the boomerang at them before they come around the corner, and quickly switch to another weapon to finish them off. If you know how to use it, it becomes such a broken weapon. I recommend watching 'Turok: Rage Wars Mantid Drone TAS' to see the strategies he's using with the boomerang. It's crazy.
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
@6:03 Well, it's not really 2 shots when it takes 50 ammo to kill a single enemy, is it? lol. And yes, it's actually 6 shots, it does 17 damage per bullet. I thought it was 20. Keep in mind, when they spawn, they are invincible for 3 seconds. Maybe that's why he didn't die @2:26. In auto mode, it kills with 20-22 bullets. It's still a lot more ammo-efficient than the MAG. It even kills faster than the MAG60 in auto-mode. It's pretty much superior when we lay down the numbers. But i understand if you choose the MAG-60 for precision purposes.
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
it's not just precision, but the fact that it's mostly controller. if i had mouse look, forget about it, that AR and plasma will be the weapon of choice fort me
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
Why you never used the AR? It does more damage than the MAG60 and saves more ammo doing so. The MAG 60's secondary function is a gimmick. It wastes a whopping 25 ammo and still needs 2 shots to kill. If you miss once, you're screwed. The AR takes 5 shots to kill and 20 when in auto mode. It overpowers the MAG60 in every single way. Thats why you have to unlock it.
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
but the mag 60 is fun. plus using the controller to aim makes it not that worth while. i might still need to mess with the controls a bit, but that is why a PC remaster would be great. it would make so many weapons that much better, especially precision weapons
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
can your next upload be 1 hour? maybe once or twice?
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
i'll see what i can do. i usually do 30 mins uploads since i need time to get ready for work, but when i have time i will do some longer videos
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
Once again, sorry for not replying directly. Turok: Evolution is available for every system. Just search for "Turok: Evolution Gamecube ISO." As for Enter The Matrix, you will need to download both Disc 1 and Disc 2. Once you finish Disc 1, you launch Disc 2 to continue. The websites I would recommend are "Free ROMs," "Emuparadise," "ROMsGames," or any other site that works for you. If you encounter any issues, I can upload the files to my Google Drive. Let me know either way.
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
It doesn't let me reply to your comment directly so i'm gonna reply here: Are you familiar with Dolphin Emulator? It's the best, most popular and reliable Emulator for GC. Since you have a Hori controller. I would recommend playing both Evolution and Enter the matrix on Dolphin. Do you know where to download GC ISO's from or you want me to upload them on my google drive for you to download? Hopefully youtube is going to let me post links here.
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
so i have the dolphin emulator already and i do know how to get the roms. just don't know what system evolution is for cause i haven't had time to look it up
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
As for what games to play. I would love to watch you play Turok: Evolution and Enter The Matrix. I don't really care about the rest. After those maybe you can also try Super Mario Sunshine if you haven't already. Very underrated game as well.
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
what system is turok evolution for? I'll see about enter the matrix as these are both games i have not played before, but only heard about. I also have to see if i have sunshine on the gamecube. i remember vividly playing that game and trying to 100% it when i was younger
@lukeolague9810 Ай бұрын
Oh man, the memories. I 110% wish nightdive would remaster this game!
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
i would love a remaster of this game. I think it needs one considering that a lot of weapons are precision based
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
Speaking of Matrix at 16:33, would you be interested in playing Enter the Matrix after you're finished with the Turok series? Spoiler alert: it's an awesome game that sold in huge numbers, has tons of guns, and amazing boss fights. If you haven't played it before, I would really love to see you give it a try. It also features two playable characters with two different routes. I would recommend playing it on the Dolphin Emulator using your Hori controller, as the game is designed to be played with a controller. Let me know, that game wont disappoint! Coincidentally, the company that made that game, bought Night Dive Studios last year. AMAZING!
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
i'll give the game a try after prefect dark and maybe tomb raider if i get my hands on the remaster version on steam. I might even play the silent hills games and resident evil games too, maybe even shadow hearts
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
LMAO 10:00 it happend twice, not sure about the validity of this statement. But someone said the bots are scripted to kill each other or even self-terminate when you're about to kill them. I find it extremely coincidental how the campaigner instantly died as soon as he entered the lava. That's because the game didn't want you to get the kill. Sometimes they straight up ignore you in your face and kill each other this way you don't get kills, this game is ruthless lmao. At 10:15 Campaigner realized he's about to die, and started moving towards the lava again lmao.
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
@15:01 this intersection is the best spot for the little turret, btw, why dont you do 2 trials each video?
@TheSaltyFlamingo Ай бұрын
Yay! Ragewars!
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
now just need mouse support lol
@TheSaltyFlamingo Ай бұрын
@@thebunnytavern eh...play it on a controller the way god intended lmao
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
oh i am lol, just want a nice remastered version of the game
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
which emulator did you end up using and what controller are you using? I use a GC controller lol. I also advocate for a remaster, it would go hard playing TDM against other ppl, or Co-op in campaign. And my RW cartridge is gray for some reason...
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
I ended up using project 64 for the emulator and i have a hori switch controller that i am using. and this game really does thrive on the multiplayer aspect so much that i don't think it will sell well in this day and age, but would love it if someone did remaster it
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
If you're struggling with setting up the emulator and doing rage wars im willing to help you out, in case nothing helps, i can go ahead and give you turok evolution for pc
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
As for N64 emulators i would recommend Project64 and Mupen64. One supports controller, and doesn't cover the entire screen and only has one save-state, the other has overall better configuration and easier save-states but doesn't seem to support a controller on my end. Playing only using keyboard aint that bad either tbh
@thebunnytavern Ай бұрын
i'll look into both of them
@ravender730 Ай бұрын
Yes, in the February update, they nerfed the Sniper Rifle. It now consumes (5) ammo per shot instead of (1). Although it’s still more ammo-efficient than the Assault Rifle, missing a few shots will quickly leave you out of ammo. I can’t deny that having 150 sniper shots was overpowered AF, you could literally breeze through the level using only sniper. A more balanced consumption would have been (3) ammo per shot. Interestingly, the Sniper Rifle and Crossbow deal the same damage, but the Crossbow has double the rate of fire and only consumes one arrow, which can be replenished. Additionally, some enemies, like the one at @29:30, have increased health. These enemies have no armor. I think the Sniper Rifle is still great, it’s just the Crossbow that's broken as hell. Perhaps they accidentally added another digit, making it deal so much damage.
@ravender730 2 ай бұрын
Yes, despite the Silenced Pistol doing exactly 2x damage over the regular pistol which is already broken, the Storm Bow remains undefeated, you dont even have to aim for the head, it kills 99% of enemies in one shot, worst case scenario 2. What if i told you it does 3x more damage than the regular bow, and literally 9 times more damage than the regular pistol? AND you can pick up used arrows. It doesn't get more broken than that lmao. Truly a beast! Testing weapons on bosses is a way to tell exactly how much damage each weapon does.