Writing Tip: Less is More
6 ай бұрын
@MrRosebeing Күн бұрын
I had very similar experiences to you in school. For years I was ignored by my teachers and then, when I was allocated a place in a remedial class I soon attained an adult reading age. Sadly, I was also horrendously lazy and didn't really attain any good grades, except for in the classes I was interested in. I learned far more out of school than I did within its confines.
@MrRosebeing Күн бұрын
Very possibly. I find it very difficult to concentrate on a book or a long writing project for any length of time. I even have problems watching a long KZbin video. I just don't know, it doesn't matter though, I still write.
@EmmaBennetAuthor Күн бұрын
Adorable mug! Loved seeing your day.
@MrRosebeing Күн бұрын
1. Stop watching KZbin videos on how to be more productive. 2. Let me sort out number one first, then we'll talk about number twos. That came out wrong.
@MrRosebeing Күн бұрын
Most of the time I enjoy being alone, to think, to read, to write. I am not looking forward to my first Christmas alone, however. I know it will happen one day, I just want to keep the sands of time away. Sadly, the clock is ticking.
@MrRosebeing 2 күн бұрын
Good advice, but it's part of a writer's life, sadly. Even if you're rejected a thousand times, if you write you are a writer.
@MrRosebeing 2 күн бұрын
Romance is a difficult genre for me because I've never really experienced much of it in my life, so it's difficult for me to write romance authentically (and rhyme sneaks in again, almost subconsciously). I am glad you like the genre, though. Nice to know that someone has some romantic inclinations in life.
@MrRosebeing 2 күн бұрын
What is this thing you call sleep? I have a vague memory of it, but it's kind of hazy at the moment.
@MrRosebeing 2 күн бұрын
I've written a journal, on and off, for around three years. It's the longest writing project I've ever kept up. Odd that I've never written a novel. I keep losing interest in them for some reason. Short stories and poetry seem far more achievable to me, which some would regard as a pity. I just love writing for the sheer joy of it. I'm listening to Animal Farm and will follow it with 1984, both by George Orwell, narrated by the amazing Stephen Fry at the moment. I have over twenty other audiobooks to get through because I'm so horribly distracted by shiny KZbin videos.
@MrRosebeing 2 күн бұрын
If you love writing then you will write. Enjoy it and don't feel you have to write if you don't want to (unless you're under a deadline, if so, write! Write like the wind!). There's no rush. You don't have to write a first draft in twelve hours, you can take twelve years if you want.
@MrRosebeing 2 күн бұрын
You probably already know this, but writing is wonderful for catharsis. I have done things to my characters that would be nowhere near publishable, just because I needed to release some emotions (something I'm not good at). It worked for me. Perhaps if you imagine yourself as a different writer when you're writing stuff that is difficult for you, then you may be able to break past the wall. When push comes to shove write what is in you, not what you think other people want to read. I hope this is helpful. Perhaps I'm better at giving advice than taking it. Be well, and I wish you a bright and happy future.
@EmmaBennetAuthor 4 күн бұрын
Well done!
@awriterscorner1986 3 күн бұрын
Thank you 😊
@MrRosebeing 7 күн бұрын
Good advice, but I have arthritis and an essential tremor. Computer is easier for me. I used to write using pen and paper and it is wonderful, however.
@awriterscorner1986 6 күн бұрын
@@MrRosebeing That’s great that you know what works for you. Voice-to-text is also a great method, along with a voice recorder and a transcriber (if you don’t mind paying someone.)
@MrRosebeing 6 күн бұрын
@@awriterscorner1986 Thank you for the suggestions. I tried voice to text but I used to write bad erotica and it was a little embarrassing saying "he placed his strong hands against her ample breasts" (I was that bad) within earshot of someone else.
@MrRosebeing 7 күн бұрын
I used to suffer from writers' block when I used to worry about what other people thought of my writing. Now I don't and I feel far freer to write what I want when I want. I doubt I'll ever be a published author, but at least I write every day and enjoy it.
@MrRosebeing 7 күн бұрын
Good advice again. I haven't been in a relationship for over twenty years, but good to know what a healthy relationship is like, should I ever find myself in one.
@awriterscorner1986 6 күн бұрын
Therapists say if you find yourself in a healthy relationship you just got lucky 🍀😂 Many of us either find ourselves content with our partners or we’d rather be single for life.
@MrRosebeing 7 күн бұрын
Good advice. I love listening to audiobooks rather than reading physical books. They bring the book alive for me.
@MrRosebeing 7 күн бұрын
I used to write a lot of fanfiction. It's a brilliant place to start as a writer. I can understand the reasons, but it's sad that many published authors discourage it. If you enjoy writing it then write it for yourself. Write all your stories for yourself in any case.
@awriterscorner1986 6 күн бұрын
Fanfiction is a great starting ground. As a matter of fact, many best-sellers started as a fanfiction (ie. Twilight, Fifty Shades of Grey)
@MrRosebeing 6 күн бұрын
@@awriterscorner1986 I am relieved to see you didn't use the phrase "many great books" in your response. Thank you for replying. It always means a lot when someone on KZbin does.
@MrRosebeing 7 күн бұрын
I remember sleep. In the good times, before the internet...before KZbin. If only I had more sleep perhaps I could write more, as I did many years before.
@MrRosebeing 7 күн бұрын
"Or, alternatively, watch KZbin creative writing videos and make lots and lots of comments while trying to show that you can write short stories and not novellas," he said, and then clicked on the comment button. The End
@MrRosebeing 7 күн бұрын
Very nicely read. Tried to look it up on Audible, sadly it wasn't available.
@awriterscorner1986 6 күн бұрын
@@MrRosebeing Sorry I have no official audiobook version available, just the physical book and ebook. I would love to get an audiobook deal for all my books 😂
@MrRosebeing 7 күн бұрын
Not very loosely based on a true story An old, grizzled KZbin viewer opened KZbin and clicked on a Lysa Shimkus video. Not even two minutes into the video it was suggested that to write a book in four easy steps the first piece of advice is to write a novella. He had already written an unpublished one many years ago, so he agreed with her advice, but he was dismayed when Lysa said that short stories are hard to write, for he had written many of them and loved the format. Deciding to let go of his dismay at her words regarding the short story he decided to watch the rest of the video anyway and he subscribed to her channel because she seemed to give decent advice. The End Yep, short stories are exhausting. Go with a novella.
@MrRosebeing 8 күн бұрын
Just take a look at the world around you, read, watch TV, exercise, talk to people. Inspiration is everywhere. What is really required is the dedication to start, edit and finish your writing project. Just don't copy another's work, publish it, and claim it as your own. That way leads to the Dark Side. I know nothing, though, ignore my advice.
@awriterscorner1986 8 күн бұрын
You are definitely right! I’ve used these examples in other videos 😊 And I agree, the hardest part is starting and finishing a writing project.
@MrRosebeing 8 күн бұрын
@@awriterscorner1986 Glad you agree. Writing isn't difficult. I think too many writers of all ages have a fixation with novels, and they are where writing becomes difficult. Mostly, I just write bad poetry, because it pleases me. I have also written several short stories because, in comparison to novels, they are easy. Inspiration will never find you. There are no Muses, sadly. You have to put the work in.
@MrRosebeing 8 күн бұрын
We read, or read to pass on information from one generation to the next. Now it's all done on a Facebook, X or KZbin feed. It's a pity. Fiction came about because all of our lives are terrible and we want something more from it, even Mr Artsy Fartsy...I'm sorry...I meant Mr. Darcy. Non-edited for your reading pleasure.
@awriterscorner1986 8 күн бұрын
I agree with you 100% 😂 ❤️ However if I summed up this video the way you put it, it would be a short instead of long-form video 😂
@MrRosebeing 8 күн бұрын
@@awriterscorner1986 It's your video and you're entitled to make it as long as you wish. I like short fiction, videos, and anything else that's short because, well, time is growing short for me. Creators have to create, I know. Nice to have someone agree with me.
@EmmaBennetAuthor 8 күн бұрын
A month and a half is really not long!
@awriterscorner1986 8 күн бұрын
@@EmmaBennetAuthor I know! I was so disappointed when I found out about the competition so late, but it forced me to finish a 5-year writing project. Whew!
@EmmaBennetAuthor 8 күн бұрын
@@awriterscorner1986 it was obviously meant to be!
@Mariamox 19 күн бұрын
The resouces you linked look soo helpfulll. Also, i have never tried the podcast thing. It seems like a great course of creativity or relaxation 😂
@awriterscorner1986 19 күн бұрын
I’m so glad you’re finding this information helpful.… As for podcasts, they’re very inspiring. Try them out when you have time. And enjoy ❤️
@EmmaBennetAuthor 21 күн бұрын
Lovely x
HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey Lysa, hopefully you are somewhere near your mailbox waiting for ME of all people on earth to ask you for some help. On a more serious note i'm struggling with something and forums do not help and books guru's neither ............ I need someone that explain thing in a way that a new born could understand without even trying, and after watching your video i think " MAYBE " you might be able to help me Hopefully you see this, let's go: So here is where am at when it come to understanding the basics Also - I'm french so please forgive my english - If you have a course somewhere that cover just that LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE do not waste your time here lol i'll pay for those informations no problem as long as can find sleep again i'll be good loooool. ------------------- THE BASICS PLOT = The sequence of events that make up the narrative, that's easy right ? ... Everything in a story is an - Event: (Somebody try to lit a fire in the wood is an action because it's performed by an agent/person, but is also an event because well it happen, if the rain start and put out the fire, it is not an action since nodody has performed it but it is still happening therefore it is an event, finally if the cops came it's both action + event). We have different level of events minor, mid, major, those events are what is a - Story: the recounting or counting of events in their order of happening, CHRONO-logical order: breakfast THEN lunch THEN dinner, the only link between those event are JUST their CHRONO-logy. Event 1 happen before event 2 and event 3 happen after event 2: The king died, then the queen died. - Plot is those story events, selected, deleted, rearranged, extended, shortened, and tied by causality, the king died, then the queen died OF GRIEF. She died because he died and let her alone, one event is the cause OR the effect of the other. In the plot the events are not linked CHRONO-LOGICALLY (they can be) but rather CAUSALLY - Character arc, going from selfish to altruist, from liar to honest, from Walter White, a ridiculed teacher washing cars to HENSEINBERG, or not changing at all: Sherlock Holmes, Columbo etc... - Plot = EXTERNAL journey : The stuff that the character does in the physical world: actions or event (happenings/occurences due to their or others actions) - Character arc = INTERNAL journey: The reason why the character do what they do and what it does to them, how the journey change them. - Movivation > objective > goal and then you have the - Narrative which is just the whole, what you generally tell to people when talking in real life, the movie, the book, etc ------------------- MY PROBLEM is that i'm trying to make sense of characters involve in the plot of other characters, what happen to their plots ? Let me try to explain my thoughts here Joe, wants to save earth from being blown by an asteroid ! Joe's goal is then to destroy that asteroid ! goal = plot ? The plot of the story now is THE SERIES OF EVENTS that joe will be involve in, in order to fail or succeed at destroying that asteroid do i get this part right ? Now every goal are composed of SUB-goals ! Are those what we call SUB-PLOTS ? MINI PLOTS ? - Found a way to leave town and get to the professor - Finding the professor - Convincing a general to let him use military equipments Those are 3 small goals maybe even mini-stories formed by the MAIN goal, the success or the failure of the MAIN goal is conditioned by those small goals SUBPLOT ? But some of those small goals involve characters in them ? - The professor - The general What my brain doesn't get is in which plot those character are ? Theirs ? Or Joe's one ? The main plot is the one from Joe's goal it is HIS plot, but characters are not just the one we use to make streets look realistic, they also have their own plots since they have their own goals, RIGHT ?! So what happen to the plots of characters that are involve in somebody else plot ? Like let's say Joe is going to get the professor and tell him that he needs him to make trajectories calculations about how to get rid of the asteroid, so the professor is now in the plot of Joe, helping with " HIS " (joe's problem) but since the professor now has a goal which is to find the perfect trajectory to hit the asteroid therefore the professor as a plot ? The professor is part of the primary plot, as it’s part of Joe’s quest to stop the asteroid. When in joe's quest what happen the professor own quest ? Does he have one ? Now let's say the dean needs the professor to finish baking a cake for the best-school competition, forcing the professor to do that before he can finish his trajectory calculations for joe's quest/plot does that mean that the professor is now part of the dean plot ? I'm consufed it hurt me lol ------------------- Game of thrones completely brake my brain ! The character in their all look like they are all MAIN character :( :( :( I feel like i'm trying to finish a puzzle that have a missing piece in it and as long as the piece will be missing i will not be able to learn anything more, i'm now stuck and deep down i'm pretty sure that the wall that prevent me to go further is not even related to plot but maybe character role or some PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE help lol.
@itsme_mahak9210 Ай бұрын
This was GOLD. Thanks a LOT for these tips, I really needed them. I am diagnosed with PTSD and experience ADHD too so it gets difficult for me to be productive. Thanks for this 🥺🥺🥺
@awriterscorner1986 Ай бұрын
I'm so happy that this video is helping you! And I completely understand your struggles. I too have (childhood) PTSD, and I would not be surprised if ADHD if a trauma response.... Just take things one day at a time until you build a habit around a schedule that works for you. Good luck and hugs ♥
@itsme_mahak9210 Ай бұрын
I really loved these tips. Thanks a lot...☺☺☺
@awriterscorner1986 Ай бұрын
I’m so happy these tips are helping you 😊
@motibisney5220 Ай бұрын
Why is it uncomplete
@Ruth_Looney Ай бұрын
I usually find inspiration when I’m not looking for it - when I’m listening to music, a conversation, or reading another book. But sometimes it just happens!
@awriterscorner1986 Ай бұрын
That’s awesome! ❤️
@evebread 2 ай бұрын
I used to never plan out my writing, I'd just write whatever came to mind, then I always wondered why I had no motivation to continue writing my stories. Once I began actually planning out in detail what and when everything would happen, that's when I actually found myself working on it. Also having an emotional connection/attachment to the story or characters helps!!
@awriterscorner1986 2 ай бұрын
That's awesome that you were able to figure out what works best for you! I agree that planning and outlining worked best for me too. And yes, the attachment to our characters makes such a huge difference ♥
@profoundintrovert 2 ай бұрын
Spot on. This was me until I decided to make writing priority.
@awriterscorner1986 2 ай бұрын
That’s awesome! (And I admit was guilty too.)
@nicolemarcinawrites 2 ай бұрын
@profoundintrovert 2 ай бұрын
Great points.
@august8679 2 ай бұрын
1. Make a to-do list 2. Get moving 3. Listen to music or other 4. Body-Double 5. Work on multiple projects 6. Create an outline 7. Set a timer 8. Smaller writing challenge
@motibisney5220 3 ай бұрын
Hope it’s a full audio book
@awriterscorner1986 3 ай бұрын
I do not have a full audiobook yet. That will be a future endeavor, and I would love to have a British voice actor read this book.... Hope you still enjoyed this excerpt. Thank you for listening 😊
@tomaria100 3 ай бұрын
Bought my copy! Best wishes with all of your life!
@awriterscorner1986 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much ❤️
@RaymondHulha 3 ай бұрын
Any chance you can improve the audio quality ?
@awriterscorner1986 3 ай бұрын
Sorry for the quality. I’ve tried multiple microphones, on my phone (which I’m filming) and on my computer, and they produce the same quality. Maybe in the future I’ll invest in a better camera. But thanks for stopping by! Hope this video was still helpful!
@EmmaBennetAuthor 4 ай бұрын
I keep meaning to do The Artist's Way, I love the idea of it.
@awriterscorner1986 4 ай бұрын
Definitely try it if you're looking for a writing challenge. I obviously steered off course, but it was worth a try for me hahaha
@EmmaBennetAuthor 4 ай бұрын
What a cool idea for a video!
@awriterscorner1986 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! I’ve been using this channel to teach, but it’s not gaining a lot of traction. This may sadly be the last video of its kind. Writing vlogs may be my next switch, which is fine because I’ve got lots to write hahaha
@EmmaBennetAuthor 4 ай бұрын
Very happy to have discovered your channel. Good luck with Project Amie! Subbed.
@awriterscorner1986 4 ай бұрын
Aww thank you so much! I need all the encouragement I can get to keep going as a parent, writer, and all things in between, which I'm sure you completely relate with. I've also subbed in return 😊
@Rayan-zv8cn 5 ай бұрын
*Promosm* ❣️
@leonikarchotto 5 ай бұрын
Best of luck for Emily! I love your content. Very calm voice.
@awriterscorner1986 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement ☺️
@rosejudge398 5 ай бұрын
Great video!
@awriterscorner1986 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! ♥
@lucy-bs9cx 5 ай бұрын
Great video :) good advice
@awriterscorner1986 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! I'm glad this video was helpful ♥
@lavymaplemagic 5 ай бұрын
Love your videos, so inspiring and relaxing!!!
@awriterscorner1986 5 ай бұрын
Aw, thank you so much! My hope is that my videos come across as such 🥰
@angelaholmes8888 5 ай бұрын
Im planning on reading the book this year i have watched the movie adaptation so many times vivian totally deserved that oscar dhe did a good job along with hattie McDaniel
@awriterscorner1986 5 ай бұрын
Enjoy the book! And I agree, Vivien Leigh was such a phenomenal Scarlet O'Hara😁