@julianho6791 9 минут бұрын
Interestedly the history of independence of India are very related to Malaysia. The Congress party in India are actually the same party in Malaysia MIC. Malaysia Indian Congress. So HahaXD
@minma02262 16 минут бұрын
They will just drag this issue and wait for people to forget about this issue. The victim wont get justice. The law dont apply to VIPs.
@sickedhero 25 минут бұрын
Chief..untuk perkatan menganjing dalam English apa agak2? making fun of me? trolling? sebab chief sebut saya terfikir dalam English xda perkataan yg dapat bagi maksud yg sama
@roscoepang6219 25 минут бұрын
KJ & SH ~ Very Agreeable To Both Of Your Intelligent Takes On All Issues! Very Spot-On’s Words That You Guys Used Too! If Both Of You ‘Habis Keluar’ ~ It Will Be 🇲🇾’s Gain! My 🫡
@noraishkin3576 32 минут бұрын
@julianho6791 32 минут бұрын
Sometimes I don’t know how KJ have the patience to keep on explaining the COVID vaccines again and again. As someone who helped out in the vaccines campaign, I could say I do not have that much patience to keep on repeating the same matter. Esp to those who are ignorance… 🙄
@cabinet1791 34 минут бұрын
DAP direct award party maaa..... sohai....
@anwaryeopkamaruddin 39 минут бұрын
Buat dulu minta maaf kemudian...
@hilmiko1 39 минут бұрын
Dlu ramai freedom fighters V ckp, siapa yg xde keperluan xyah p amek V tu, if terpaksa keje jek amek, sbap max 2 tahun jek xleh msuk mall² pejabat awam, msuk 2022 dh 100% bebas dh.. benda tu logik jek, sbap manusia xleh hidup gitu, dia jd memberontak nk bebas dr Facemask dan jaga jarak bodoh yg 100% x efektif langsung. Paling efektif basuh tangan bersih² yg aku tau ramai spisis ckup benci bsuh tgn sblum makan. Org² tua lg lah, sembang kari suruh kita dlu kecik² basuh tgn kaki, aleh² depa pn x buat sbnrnye benda tu hahaha.
@azim_farhan 55 минут бұрын
Perakitan air jernih?
@davidyong4343 Сағат бұрын
TMJ with his powers can easily get the truth by questioning his outriders
@davidyong4343 Сағат бұрын
High pressure is not an excuse for unnecessary physical abuse
@NigelMaximus8652 Сағат бұрын
Ada cakap macam takde cakap, wasted my time listening to this episode
@omarmatnoor Сағат бұрын
INI KAH KEJAYAAN YANG DI BANGGAKAN OLEH KJ SEBAGAI MENTERI KESIHATAN SEMASA KERAJAAN PNKHIANAT DI PERINGKAT ASEAN MALAYSIA PALING GAGAL MEMBENDUNG COVID 19 APABILA BERADA DI KEDUDUKAN PERTAMA PALING RAMAI MENINGGAL DUNIA BAGI SETIAP SEJUTA PENDUDUK. Dari maklumat Kematian Covid 19 bagi setiap sejuta penduduk setakat 13 Julai, 2022. 1. Malaysia 1,106 2. Indonesia 573 3. Filipina 553 4. Thailand 443 5. Vietnam 442 6. Singapore 253 7. Cambodia 183 8. Laos 104 9. Timor Leste 101 10. Papua 74 11. China 10 Jelas jumlah kematian Covid 19 di Malaysia telah mencatat jumlah yang paling banyak bagi setiap sejuta penduduk. Ini membuktikan bahawa Kerajaan sebelum ini telah GAGAL dalam usaha mengawal Covid 19. www.statista.com/statistics/1104709/coronavirus-deaths-worldwide-per-million-inhabitants/?
@iamwill3349 Сағат бұрын
Nice. I think Malaysia secondary school should make it compulsory for student to watch KS, instead reading Utusan with lesser solid content.
@gan247 Сағат бұрын
KJ mentioned the security bodyguards are working under “high pressure”. I couldn’t help but wonder, are there actually high security threats to the royalty and senior ministers? What security threat did the bodyguard think the Grab driver pose to the royal entourage that physical action was needed to be used? If the Grab driver was behaving annoyingly, there are other ways to handle the situation. Regardless of how uncooperative the Grab driver was, launching physical attack is not the way and is definitely wrong. It seems like the security bodyguards in the country have been trained to handle only severe threats that physical attack was the first way they know to engage. They were probably not trained to de-escalate a less severe situation, which I think is more suited to the generally low risk threat level in Malaysia.
@nevejones Сағат бұрын
this 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼
@CheMatTokJanggut Сағат бұрын
Regarding the vaccine, you will be held accountable for your decisions, if not here then in the hereafter...
@roslirosli8250 Сағат бұрын
KS: saja nak buat sibuk. Dah tak ada perkara lain yg nk di personal kan ke?. U look at the mirror u are not the best b4.
@fazwinconstruction4608 Сағат бұрын
masa tun M serah pada anaknya hingga jadi koyor9y9 ribuan jutaan. bila pok Llah kpd budak tingkat4 hingga penuh duit dlm biliknyo. Bila Najib dgn kak Ros dan anak tiri sakau beribu juta. bila masa Muyiddin siap nantu dan anaknya kayaraya bolih hidup luarnegara dgn senang lenamg. inilah cara hidup budaya umno.
@abuariq8362 Сағат бұрын
Kita di zaman semua ahli politik dari kedua pihak dah buat benda yang sama. Jadi apa yang dituduh, sebenarnya pernah dilakukan penuduh dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Sepatutnya rakyat dah lebih bijak menilai. Pembangkang juga patutnya lebih bijak dan pandang jauh kedepan.
@hryhry4922 2 сағат бұрын
saya bersyukur dilahirkan sebagai Muslim. saya taklah baik mana. tapi kalau ada kezaliman berlaku pada diri saya, biasanya saya diamkan saja. sekadar berdoa supaya saya mendapat keadilan di alam akhirat. saya tahu Allah Maha Adil.
@ideanlifestyle 2 сағат бұрын
MENTERI KERAJAAN memang tak ada fungsi dah sekarang.. semua nak senyap... tak macam dulu..
@titikkhawaabdulrahman5673 2 сағат бұрын
Boleh KS comment on jemputan dari Umno kepada ahli2 yang dipecat atau digantung untuk kembali kepada umno?
@bbcumoshafifkylaqil6673 2 сағат бұрын
Alamak nape slide LGBT kat kem yg KJ SHARIL main tu🤭🤭🤭adoyaiiiiii 😅🙏
@zaimeemohdnor 2 сағат бұрын
Surprise...being a bod of Johor secara Probono
@IlyaniMunir92 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you KS yang membawa autisme dalam Watch of the Week.
@TohKokYeang 2 сағат бұрын
harap2 dapat jumpa kj dan sharil kat campsite satu hari nanti
@palarasanrajendran6273 2 сағат бұрын
If mufti menk does a live in Malaysia , I’m definitely going… ❤❤
@rozalisaid9083 2 сағат бұрын
KJ ...Oooo KJ... Jgn ketawa kuat sangat... #Adakah Nabi Yusof a.s. yg dituduh & telah dijatuhkan/menjalani hukuman penjara pun Tak Layak jd Pembesar negeri lantikan Sultan ketika itu...??? Jgn ingat U saja yg TERPALING. .. Malah iblis paling TERPALING tp Riak & Sombong...!!!
@muhdnadli863 2 сағат бұрын
Projek vaksin komisen berapa dapat?
@hakimasrar5899 2 сағат бұрын
oku tu mossad
@fxrz4879 2 сағат бұрын
That grab driver probably very stubborn 😂😂
@steventham2435 2 сағат бұрын
KJ memang benar dan setuju dengan pandangan kamu perlu mengambil tindakan kepada pengiring keselamatan motosikal berpakain hitam ini supaya jangan berlagak seperti " Road Bully" .Saya juga pernah ada pengalaman sebegitu dan terkujut apabila "side mirror " saya dipukul oleh mereka. Terima Kasih KJ membawa perkara ini supaya Image Malaysia dapat dihormati oleh orang awam.
@FaizahTehAbdullah 2 сағат бұрын
Kj said he had a talk in private with pemangku sultan to convey his views. Don, t he think maybe the govt n ministers too had a private talks with pemangku sultan. So why comment sarcastically the govt is bisu. Why so sanctimonious in your opinion
@drnabilmohammadazmi665 2 сағат бұрын
This podcast is getting better and better
@reen-bb5js 2 сағат бұрын
Such a disappointing episode especially KJs comments on the OKU matter, just proves the comments on X, it would have been better if he just did not comment. Also since you guys think there’s nothing wrong with Hannah’s husband getting the contract and Shahril saying family members also have to make a living then Tun Mahathir also did absolutely nothing wrong, why accuse the man of cronyism and nepotism?…
@akmalzahari706 3 сағат бұрын
Utk makluman, sy telah mengambil 4 dos vaksin COVID-19 (keempat2 pfizer). Alhamdulillah, setakat ini kesihatan masih ok. Betul, sy juga selalu dgr org menyalahkan vaksin atas masalah2 kesihatan yg mereka alami (selalu demam, letih2 dll). Sy tidaklah terus mengiyakan sbb seperti yg sy nyatakan, alhamdulillah, kesihatan sy setakat ini masih baik. Tp dlm masa yg sama, sy tidaklah menidakkan terus dakwaan mereka kerana kita dapati fakta masih belum cukup/jelas berkenaan kesan vaksin COVID-19 utk jangka masa sederhana (1-5 tahun) dan jangka masa panjang (>5 tahun). Apatah lg vaksin COVID-19 dibangun dan dipasarkan dgn pelepasan khas/ekspres. Jd utk mendapat kesimpulan yg tepat, adakah pihak pengeluar vaksin (atau mungkin KKM) secara terus masih mengumpul dan mengkaji data keadaan semasa penerima2 vaksin (rekod kesihatan sebelum vaksinasi vs rekod kesihatan selepas vaksinasi, dan hubungkait dgn jenis vaksin yg diterima)? Mungkin ada kajian data selepas 1-3 tahun, memandangkan usia vaksin masih belum mencecah 5 tahun? Jika sudah ada, boleh dikongsikan. Moga ada pencerahan yg berterusan dgn fakta yg terkini. Sy yakin masih ramai yg terus meletakkan kepercayaan mereka kpd yg pakar/ahlinya, dan bertawakal kpd Allah. Sekian.
@azizahabdullah1143 3 сағат бұрын
Hmm... Saya can't be bothered to vote kali ini. Dulu saya pro-conservative tapi sejak bojo the clown jadi PM dah tawar hati saya (disillusioned). The main opposition (Labour) is no better, doesn't inspire confidence. The other alternative is the Lib Dems but they are not as strong as before.
@user-tm7mr9je9v 3 сағат бұрын
KJ F*** Y** @ WHEN AZ WAS AN OPTIONAL? At injection centers, I and many more were forced to take AZ because no other vaccines were available, AND if we didn't take take that AZ, we were not allowed to go out of boundaries. KJ.... SHAHRIL YOU ARE F***KER TOO TO SUPPORT KJ WITHOUT KNOWING THE REAL SITUATIONS AT THE CENTERS AROUND MSIA AT THAT TIME.....
@azizahabdullah1143 3 сағат бұрын
Mediocre: Lembab/tak bersemangat/tak berinspirasi?
@lulu-bp7iv 3 сағат бұрын
"cleaner than clean.."
@user-pw7yk1ym9d 3 сағат бұрын
Whoever they are protecting, do not abuse or use force on the Rakyat.
@verabellynur679 3 сағат бұрын
Paling adil ialah kalaulah ada Robot yang menentukan sesuatu keadilan, kan lebih adil kerna Robot tak pilih kasih ia cuma yes or no simple. Robot tak takut kena ugut selepas beri keputusan.
@suechua2971 3 сағат бұрын
I cant agree wt En Shahril's comments on YB Hannah Yeoh's decision to let the relevant authorities investigate the case. En. Shahrir argument is that in other such cases involving the opposition , she had given comments and opinion. Well , in other cases , she is not a related party while in this case she is. So i think it is not appropriate for her to comment on this case. Let the authority investigate. Does En. Shahril think she should say something to defend herself or to say that she is unfairly incriminated or that she is a political attempt to discredit her.
@hiburanmania 3 сағат бұрын
Pendapat saya..betoi kita kena faham tugas ascort nie..tapi kita kena faham jugak yg jadi nie..jadi pada pemandu grab..by logic grab datang pickup/drop off n go..kalau ascort tu tunggu sekejap jer pon rase xde masalah kot...
@rizahmad3528 3 сағат бұрын
Yg paling tak boleh diterima, fungsi vaksi memasukkan virus yg dilemahkan untuk badan menghasilkan antibodi , tapi Kenapa org yg dah dijangkiti dan sembuh daripada covid maksudnya sudah sda antibodi pun dipaksa untuk mengambil vaksin?
@John-kz1zk 3 сағат бұрын
'..ataupun mereka baru sahaja bersunat lazer...' hahahaha seriously win
@syuhaimiadnan5751 3 сағат бұрын
Pemandu GRAB yang kena pukul tu berbangsa Cina. So, mana suara-suara pemimpin DAP yang selama ini mendakwa champion dan pembela bangsa Cina?
@FlyingDee-ch6wc 3 сағат бұрын
2017 saya disahkan mengidap kencing manis melitus type 2. Hari² pagi petang telan metformin. Selepas 3 kali cucuk vaksin sinovac pada thn 2022 doktor sahkan saya tidak lagi mengidap kencing manis. Tu jer nak cakap
@jibrail85 4 сағат бұрын
Xsilap, yg saya tengok hujah pasal vaksin ni kononnya dipaksa ambil sebab kalau tak ambil nanti tak boleh itu tak boleh ini. Tau ada risiko tapi paksa juga ambil dengan menakut2kan sebegitu.
@jibrail85 4 сағат бұрын
Tapi bab ni pon rasanya ada penjelasan apa tujuan yg kita nak capai melalui vaksinasi, risiko bagai... Entahla, ada ke yg kene buang keje la apala sbb tak ambil vaksin?