What's it like to work at Sentis?
What is Positive Safety?
8 ай бұрын
Reward & Recognition in Safety
@ReneeRigden 2 күн бұрын
@gargidas2134 7 күн бұрын
Gyaner ses nai ,brain use koro ,heart use koro na , Ranna jene ki hobe coding jano coding .... Use and throw hobe Tikbe na Bla bla bla...... Only question Bathroom e snan korar somoye songe ke chilo brain na heart????? Jole ke bhije gelo brain na heart?????? Ranna na coding ????? Ke daklo bathroome????? Use and throw didi / bon ?????? Kar tiklona didi / bon ???? Abar ek prosno ????? Headeeee je matha nai, boja hoye geche , Noile ek sarer guto dujone mile khaye?????😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 R heart ??????? Ota thukle keu nijer aponjoner jinish churi kore na 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@SheittaHerr 20 күн бұрын
@meherbaba-godinhumanform7926 25 күн бұрын
@PoonamSuwasia Ай бұрын
My emotions were all over the place, but iblive AI helped me channel them into a visual masterpiece that feels so personal.
@killmeister2271 Ай бұрын
in the first one, i saw the balls bounce 30 times, one of them give a X_X face, one of them turned into an octagon, and the background color changed into green and blue. upon re-examination, i see the balls bounced 30 times, the left one gave a :) face, all of them turned into octagons, and the background color changed to blue then green. in the second one, i saw the balls bounce 10 times in the shaded area, the shaded area shape became an octagon then a circle, a ghost appeared, and the background color changed. upon re-examination, this is indeed what happened, but i didn't see the ball with a face.
@CactusRae Ай бұрын
@XavierEstallo-q8r Ай бұрын
This was a cool challenge, but I can relate to missing things. I started using Astirna New Tab to help keep my tasks organized and make sure I don’t overlook anything important.
@dodo-j5s Ай бұрын
Wow, I definitely missed a lot during that challenge. Speaking of managing focus, I’ve been using Astirna New Tab for my productivity, and it really helps streamline everything.
@lamb12777 Ай бұрын
@Crux161 Ай бұрын
And this is why trump rallies are bad
@joselyndoan1401 Ай бұрын
You forgot to add sadness
@ItalicAlec 2 ай бұрын
Ketamine infusion therapy helped me to reduce this sense of dread I felt by way of neuroplasticity. I noticed that going inward seemed to be the best way to let the process "do its thing".
@temitopeoni1086 2 ай бұрын
Please can someone kindly recommend more videos like these?
@MACHOO179 2 ай бұрын
Lost interest before the balls even started. 😂
@benmartinez8443 2 ай бұрын
I did perfectly all while being stoned.
@ambrosia9 2 ай бұрын
U.S intelligence has been provided covert tools necessary to observe and understanding human behavior and form patterns from secretly monitoring behavior. How do we as a society know when those with access and clearance to research human behavior secretly is actually influencing and and coordinating scenarios properly? The presence of the CIA has abused this clearance since 1980. A filipino navy recruiter had a child with a black woman and the agency guided the filipino navy recruiter in very influential situations to homicide the child on Clark Airforce Base Philippines in 1980. Today, after the agency planned the marital affair for the navy recruiter and influenced the couples divorce CIA continued to evaluate the mother and the effeminate child, now a black crossdresser. Here is how understanding human behavior can be abused by U.S intelligence. Here is what they have actually done. This is the history of abusive intelligence techniques who hack and give the impression that the behavior and covert activity they actually coordinate is basically assumptions or creative ideas formulated by their victims. It's a form of charades, where the agency performs the activity in front of the victim and we as a society , individual try to determines the action or activity. NO PHYSICAL CONFRONTATION BUT IF THE VICTIM TAKES NOTICE OF THE COORDINATED ACTIVITY. IT CAN EITHER INFLICT PARANOIA OR PROVOKE THOUGHT. IF YOU THE VICTIM IS BOTHERED BY THE ACTIVITY THEN OBJECTIVE IS EFFECTIVE. The CIA FBI or Law Enforcement who presents the activity or actions does not directly deny or confirm the behavior they present. They only perform it and anticipates our answer or assumption. Here is actual technique previously coordinated by U.S intelligence and colluded agencies taken from events between my mother and father when I was 9 years old. *** HIDDEN SURVEILLANCE DECEIVES FATHER BY ARRANGING WAYS TO SUPPORT A COCAINE HABIT. THE CIA FBI WILL OBSERVE MAN SNORTING COCAINE. THE AGENCY WILL COMMUNICATE TO WIFE TO ACT NAIVE AND SOMEWHAT QUESTIONING THE SITUATION TO AGITATE HER HUSBAND. THE CIA IS ABLE TO USE COVERT COMMUNICATION TO GET INSIGHT THAT THE MAN PURCHASED COCAINE. THE AGENCY COORDINATED THE TRANSACTION WILL THEN OBSERVE AND INSTRUCT THE MAN * WIFE IN A FORM GUINEA PIG RESEARCH BETWEEN THE COUPLE. COORDINATED BY WOMEN: (before the internet) The CIA fully aware that the man snorted cocaine will also remotely instruct the wife to instigate a certain response from the man who snorted cocaine. Addicts cope with things differently. Its the agency who intrudes on that coping process. The man who is experiencing a HIGH from the cocaine now will be disrupted by the CIA FBI who is having the wife walk into the living room or kitchen and ask random questions to provoke her husband. This is strategically done by a woman. The agency U.S intelligence has provided this woman their support in executing certain racist and deceptive practices due to internal bias and bigotry. The strategic behavior of bigoted women who have issues with the infidelity of certain marriages use this type of surveillance to influence the divorce in this relationship. The CIA FBI have other techniques as well. The agency has broaden their tactics since helping the man have a marital affair with a younger woman. Now with the internet, the agency can do more non-confrontational approaches. Bexar County hosts "THE BLACK CROSSDRESSER Program " what do we know about crossdressers? They try to be women and born male. Then what do we know about sexuality? Its mental and gender is physical. The CIA has been present in the life of a black crossdresser and the agency as a whole takes instructions from the tenured analyst or TEAM involved in years of intelligence misconduct has been involved in the life of the black crossdresser. The events that took place between the ex-husband snorting cocaine and the wife who was provided specific instructions to agitate her husband now applies same approaches onto the effeminate child, now black crossdresser. The agency who previously assisted the marital affair of the filipino navy recruiter. Involved the filipino man's family to make adult material accessible. The agency considered the black crossdresser a child molester at the age of 11-15 years old. This was after the agency guided the filipino navy recruiter in assisting a homicide malpractice of the child he had with a black woman. Now with psychological influences and public form a charades guided coordinated by homicidal team who has been influential in the divorce of a filipino navy recruiter and black woman now hosts " BLACK CROSSDRESSER PROGRAM. The individual and hackers collude with other agencies to strategically traumatize the black crossdresser by taken the early template/ deceptive techniques used on *** Michael Quijano for deception **** the agency made the the filipino navy recruiter believe they were advocate by coordinating the transaction for cocaine. **** The filipino navy recruiters wife**** the agency will instruct the wife to act very specific or repeat carefully worded narratives to mentally provoke/ agitate her husband. THE AGENCY, U.S INTELLIGENCE CAN EFFECTIVELY INFLICT PARANOIA BY TAKEN THAT PAST EVENT AND THE APPROACHES THEY APPLIED IN THAT RELATIONSHIP WITH TODAYS INTELLIGENCE RESOURCES AND COVERT EQUIPMENT. THIS IS WHAT THEY DO NOW....... MEDIA CONTACTS WILL FORM PRODUCTS AND OTHER MATERIAL TO PATRONIZE THE VICTIM A FORM OF CELEBRITY MIND-SET THEN IN PUBLIC , IN THE COMMUNITY THE AGENCY LAW ENFORCEMENT WILL COORDINATE AN EXTREME FORM OF CHARADES, PUBLIC ACTING, GUESSING GAMES VERY SIMILAR TO SOMEONE HOLDING UP THEIR INDEX FINGER AND WE ARE TO QUESTION IF THE PERSON IS COMMUNICATING TO US TO LOOK UP OR IS IT THE SYMBOL FOR THE #1?????? This is a type of deception intended to confuse and manipulate This is the behavior of U.S intelligence FBI deceit and paranoia. Hackers monitor the online activity and then coordinate a public form of charades with the help of app developers, hackers and psyche-professionals. By given others very specific instructions the agency can disrupt inflict paranoia and cause mental instability by carefully influencing , baiting , and manipulating similarly to how they intruded on a relationship in 1988-89. The agency will use familiar details in a form of field operation to cause paranoia and question the victims logic and intellect based on challenging and criminalizing the victim for understanding the abuse of power and homicidal intent by an agency who attempted to homicide a child at the age of 6 years old. The FBI CIA hackers app developers use a platform and refer to the victim as " SCHIZOPHRENIC N*GGR" The hackers or team who has been containing the abuse and misconduct since influencing a couple's divorce now strategically challenges the child who they want dead in a " Guess Ni** Guess Operation which mentally attacks the vicim and makes the victims mind a search browser or search engine. The agency who monitors the online activity then and evaluates or does criminal analysis of your online activity now retaliates for their own misconduct and attacks the victim in a form a public charades to avoid criminal implication by federal Agency. 2024 BEXAR COUNTY IF YOU DRINK TOO MUCH AND THE AGENCY HAS A CONCERN FOR YOUR DRINKING SHOULD THEY USE A SPY INFORMANT TO DISCUSS AGENCY CONCERN OR SHOULD THEY DEPLOY MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF TRUCK DRIVERS AND HAVE YOUR NEIGHBOR HAVE MULTIPLE DRINKS WITH YOU? criminal intent by CIA agency . If an agency is capable to communicate to various individuals to mimic you or anyone else in how you masturbate then why is the agency UNABLE to directly communicate through a spy, informant or undercover their concern?????? BECAUSE THE INTENT IS CRIMINAL
@vault4039 2 ай бұрын
Not a burger though…
@FarabiKhan-ys3xt 2 ай бұрын
I came here from courseras Growth MIndset course.
@NavinC.S. 2 ай бұрын
This is insanee
@lordharrish5833 3 ай бұрын
Anyone watching from dtp1A
@akmalfit73 3 ай бұрын
this is so helpful thanks
@Samuel_E23 3 ай бұрын
I failed number 2 because i wanted to count the total number of bounces with the ten. I lost track and guessed 8, with a feeling it was 10
@Gadsten345 3 ай бұрын
Fuck this school shit 😒
@Sarajeanmari 3 ай бұрын
@aikosh_kairbekovna01 3 ай бұрын
Эмоция сөзін естігенде көпшілігіміз махаббат, жек көрушілік, бақыт немесе қорқыныш туралы ойлаймыз. Бұл күшті сезімдерді біз өмір бойы бастан кешіреміз. Біздің эмоцияларымыз көптеген әрекеттеріміздің қозғаушы күші болып табылады: пайдалы және пайдасыз. Біздің эмоцияларымыз қайдан пайда болады? Біздің миымыз қауіп-қатер немесе сыйақы іздеуге арналған. Егер бірдеңе анықталса, мидың сенсорлық аймағы химиялық хабарламалар шығару арқылы бізді ескертеді. Эмоциялар миымыздан бүкіл денемізге таралатын осы химиялық хабарламалардың нәтижесі болып табылады. Біздің миымыз пайдалы нәрсені ашқанда немесе бастан кешіргенде, мысалы, біреу сізге жақсылық жасағанда, миымыз бізді жақсы сезінетін химиялық заттар болып табылатын дофамин, окситоцин немесе серотонин шығарады. Олар сондай-ақ бізді тапсырманы немесе мінез-құлықты орындауды жалғастыруға ынталандырады. Мұндай жағдайларда мидың сезім аймағы ойлаудан бұрын қосылады. Кейде сезім миының реакциялары соншалықты күшті, олар біздің мінез-құлқымызға үстемдік етеді. Қазіргі уақытта біз ұтымды ойлай алмаймыз: эмоцияларымыз миымызды басып алады. Көптеген эмоционалды реакциялар санадан тыс орын алса да, біздің ойлау эмоцияларымызға әсер етуі мүмкін. Кейде бұл пайдалы болмауы мүмкін. Тек қауіп төндіретін нәрсе туралы ой эмоционалды реакцияны тудыруы мүмкін. Бұл жерде біз саналы ойлау арқылы эмоцияларымызды басқара аламыз. Біздің эмоцияларымыз әлемді қабылдауда маңызды рөл атқарады. Ойларымыз бен мінез-құлқымыз арқылы эмоцияларымызды түсіну және реттеу миымызды жақсырақ басқаруға және мақсаттарымызға жетуге көмектеседі.
@yuumiplayer420 3 ай бұрын
got all the bounces correct because that was the objective, literally didn't notice anything else except maybe a sense of the background color change
@Hi88antoanlaodong 3 ай бұрын
@jjjj0081 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. I used this vidio for my 6th grade science test S,A
@dadalamignonne1800 3 ай бұрын
I'm here because of school!
@SefGains 3 ай бұрын
@luniconeo 3 ай бұрын
Hello, can i use your video for my instagram page ?
@margaretfahey8090 3 ай бұрын
MICROWAVE RADIATION WARFARE. In 2007, the Register reported that the pentagon was developing a parallel to planet earth with billions of individual nodes to reflect every man, woman and child on earth. This is called the sentient world simulation and it is is a neural network with massive computing power. It went live in 2007. Every node on the sentient world simulation is given an identifier which is called an Avator. Elon Musk has stated that we are all collectively programming artificial intelligence. Google and all the humans that connect to it are one giant cybernetic collective, where we are plugged in as nodes on a network. It is a human machine interface which dials into all the other machines, computers and humans and also hooked into global positioning satellites and this is known as the internet of things. They are embodying all data and all knowledge into a working model. The cabal wish to be able to predict and control future events with this system. Those who work for what is known as "The Blue Brain Project" are building a model for the brain where they are bringing all the information that they have ever accumulated on the brain and upload it into this environment and organise it. Then they will develop algorithms that connect all of this data. They will be able to understand how the brain builds a version of the world and then projects this version of the world outwards. They may be trying to recreate a collective consciousness. They can now plug us into the internet against our wills because they have injected most of us with nano technology which has formed networks inside our own brains which can be connected to the internet. I am a targeted individual which means I have been implanted with both pre-programmed and programmable, injectable, self-assembling technology. Unknown remotely located criminals both collect and transmit data to that self-assembling technology which is inside both my body and brain. This results in me being forced to hear voice messages and to see artificially generated imagery and to feel sensations inside my body and on the surface of my skin in the form of pain, pulsing energy, other sensations which feels like human touch, attempts at remote sexual stimulation even though I am an old lady and non-sexual, external takeover of a selection of my muscles, brain to brain interface where some of the capabilities of my brain become suppressed and unknown remotely located criminal neuro operatives then take over those brain capabilities and act through me by speaking their words out of my mouth or laughing through my mouth or grimacing while using my facial muscles. These as yet unknown criminal neuro operatives force me to experience all of the above experiences and much more, too numerous to mention. I write a short paragraph about these unwanted experiences almost every day and I have been doing so for a many years and I then post this information online under my own name and address and eircode. In today's post I wish to inform my readers that one of the abilities of those unknown criminals who remotely manipulate my body and brain is to strongly stimulate the nano technology in a part of my body so that I then by that means become hyper aware of that body part such as my right breast or similar. I don't like this being done to me at all. I am a fairly old lady who is non-sexual and this is quite annoying. I am only writing about it because the entire subject matter of being injected with self-assembling technology and then having that technology remotely stimulated by unknown remotely located criminals is a new topic for many people throughout the entire world. It is not being dealt with by the main stream media because they themselves have injectable technology inside their own brains and their brains are under external remote control. I don't know what they believe at this stage but I do know that they are no longer able to think independently and logically and they haven't done so for the past several decades. Another aspect of being remotely stimulated and manipulated which seriously angers me is the constant remotely generated forced imagry that is being continually transmitted into my brain. Some of it is sexually degrading material and it does not come from my thought processes. I am very upset by it. This morning those unknown criminals who transmit messages into my brain were talking among themselves while I was being forced to hear their conversation inside my head. One of the ask the other if I had ever stolen money or anything. The other one responded that I had never stolen anything ever. Almost immediately a video of a bundle of money was transmitted inside my head and in that video my hand was pulling a note from the middle of that bundle of money. I don't know who created that video and transmitted it to me and I don't know if whoever created it was trying to imply to others that the video in question was taken from my memory banks but I can assure the reader that it did not come from my memory banks and instead it was falsefied imagery. This is simply one example of falsefied imagery which is constantly being transmitted to me in order to upset me and to misrepresent me to others who may be remote neural monitoring my thought processes from other locations. As being a victim of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation is a relatively new topic it is sometimes difficult to write about with total clarity. I speak and write the absolute truth at all times. Those who imply that I and others are mentally disordered rather than being remote neural manipulated are holding back the whole process of solving this widespread and ever growing crime of non-consensual remote neural manipulation. Those who continue to imply that we are simply mentally disordered are doing the whole world an extreme disfavour and they are dragging us all down into enslavement. Do not allow them to get away with their lies. This is not a medical matter. It is a matter for the department of defence. The Department of Defence in each country must defend everyone against being remotely tortured by criminals who use digital signals to remotely torture us. My name is Gretta Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home telephone number is 094 9360901. Today's date is 11th October, 2024.
@baronaarondewit1168 3 ай бұрын
I'm too bad in counting for this 😅
@IseeyouIdk 4 ай бұрын
@Killua.2.0 4 ай бұрын
@acatonceattackedmeandscrat6302 4 ай бұрын
I don’t really feel emotion so of course I’m incredibly interested in how it works
@us3rG 4 ай бұрын
Love is NOT an emotion
@ManvinderSinghWalia 4 ай бұрын
I got everything. Am I normal?
@freebird_astro 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for the helpful video. ❤
@JohnScoles 4 ай бұрын
How do I get contact with this lady
@alexandrosmartinez508 4 ай бұрын
Watch this video to see if logic and emotion are two different brains. I believe that if we didn't have any emotions, logic is our only decision-making tool.
@JamesNeill 4 ай бұрын
Excellent, simple, clear, short overview of emotion - I show this in an introductory lecture about emotion
@TFKI 5 ай бұрын
yap yap, simplify it
@Ariccio123 3 ай бұрын
Bro this is like 3rd grade level
@derekarredondo5563 5 ай бұрын
@allusionss 5 ай бұрын
My formula for situations like these is like this: First, train your peripheral vision. A good way to do this is by playing Tetris a lot and watching the "NEXT" queue in 1v1s since it forces both your brain to watch your queue and stack well enough according to your strategy and doing it all in a quick enough motion to not get 50 garbage lines sent to you. Next, stare down the area that has a condition to add the counter by 1 each time the condition has been met. For the shaded area for example, stare down the shaded area and count how many balls fall in the area. After that, use your peripheral vision to take note of surrounding environmental objects and occurrences while updating the counter every now and then. Do it all in one swoop. It's like a fighter jet aircraft's radar but it updates a million-ish times per second.
@janettesainz7356 5 ай бұрын
Beautiful story about autism ❤
@Rashidov_asilbek 5 ай бұрын
100 percentage true
@OdysseyHome-Gaming 5 ай бұрын
I was distracted by the top button being unbuttoned.