SHOWREEL 2022 | Aidan Gula
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@Jackson-ub1uv 19 сағат бұрын
I really dislike how bland and sanitised the aesthetics have become; from the empty, cavernous, and boring TARDIS interior, to the UNIT HQ, to even the cinematography itself, nothing feels real or lived-in like Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi's TARDISes or UNIT's base in the Tower of London did.
@PowerSpirit50 7 күн бұрын
Am I weird for not really caring about the War Doctor? Maybe the fact that I don't know who John Hurt is affects it. Also I don't think I have a favourite, when I picture the Doctor in my head it's just a mishmash of all of them. Although, for some reason the 3rd Doctor sometimes emerges into the fore, so maybe him?
@TheValeyard92 9 күн бұрын
Out of the gate: wrong. I mean, easy choice, right? One appearance, mostly hidden, actor's dead so nobody going to get notionally offended, but the scare factor alone should bump him up the list, and that's before we even get to the fact that acting through a mask is hard and he dies it well.
@AidanGulaMedia 9 күн бұрын
@@TheValeyard92 Out of the gate: watch the full video. I put the other "crispy" Master super high on this list. Pratt doesn't do anything for me, but Beevers does.
@Kakoroneml 18 күн бұрын
I wonder if the Devil is Rubys dad. The episode once hinted is called The Devils chord. Calling it now. Ruby's name could be a play on Rose.
@Bapuji42 Ай бұрын
Thinking that every doctor can be defined by a single word is to miss the very contradictions that make the character interesting in any incarnation. " many miserable Doctors..." Matt Smith seemed miserable to you? Tennant had plenty of joy and excitement. He's conflicted. That's interesting. Now you find 15's lack of darkness refreshing... but also complain about the lack of depth. My dude....
@AidanGulaMedia Ай бұрын
@@Bapuji42 A character can have depth without needing to cry all the time. Depth ≠ sadness.
@Bapuji42 Ай бұрын
@AidanGulaMedia I don't really remember 9, 10, 11 or 12 crying all that much. They had a darker side, because they had a conscience. You yourself said that 15 cries all the time. You also said that it was refreshing that he isn't "miserable". And seemingly complained about a lack of depth. I'm suggesting that what you interpreted as "miserable" was real depth due to internal conflict. And that, feeling refreshed by the lack of that inner conflict, while being dissatisfied by insufficient depth, shows a lack of insight.
@AidanGulaMedia Ай бұрын
@Bapuji42 But that's what I'm saying. I am refreshed that 15 is free of trauma and sadness, so it's boring when he cries all the time because this seems to be the only way they can think to show depth. I would rather see development through him building happy connections and relationships and seeing how the Doctor grows into a more jovial existence as opposed to the Time War aftermath we've become so accustomed to. If the 15th Doctor is supposed to be the healed Doctor, I want to see that. That's where the depth can be found rather than having to fall back on sadness and misery. Big emotional moments don't land when the Doctor cries every episode, it cheapens those moments.
@Bapuji42 Ай бұрын
@@AidanGulaMedia Put another way, character depth doesn't just come from combining traits, it comes from the inner contradictions that make us all human (or Time Lord). For the Doctor, part of that is that he's done horrible things in order to serve what he thought was a larger good. His conscience bothers him and he sometimes doubts whether what he did was right. And that's what ultimately makes him a good man. You seem to have responded with pleasure to that aspect having been brushed away with 15. I submit that his resulting lack of depth is the necessary consequence of that. You're right, crying a lot isn't deep. Capriciously being mean in between being joyous isn't really deep either. Personally, 15's bippity boppety enthusiasm came across as shallow from the beginning, with no sense of the weight of the Doctor's existence behind it. A life lived for fun, excitement... that's not really the Doctor's essence at all. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he's hiding from his conscience and it'll all come tumbling down on him in some dramatically satisfying way. We'll see.
@Bapuji42 Ай бұрын
@AidanGulaMedia Agree about the crying. It's cheap. Getting more and more happy all the time isn't depth. It's neither comedy nor tragedy. It's fanfiction. That's my point. The Time war is something in his past. To have him forget about that and just move on would be obscene. Once you gloss over the very real darkness in his past, you're forced to have him cry all the time to have any shadows at all. Which is cheap.
@kenzogarcia148 Ай бұрын
Permission to refilm this cool film. Thankyou.
@Sigridolofsdotter 2 ай бұрын
On the topic of 15 cryin a lot. In my own experience once you’ve lived with trauma for longer periods of time it becomes too heavy to acknowledge all the time or be aware of and it becomes a necessity to focus on fabricated joy and small projects to hide it away, much like 13. If 14 is the version that gets to heal it makes total sense that 15 is closer to their emotions and cries more. Healing doesn’t mean forgetting or letting go of trauma. Healing means accepting and understanding. To experience genocide and soooo much death and tragedy is not something anyone would be able to ever completely get over, not even the Doctor. In my experience there is an influx of raw emotional expression when you’ve started to truly dig out the rot that trauma causes. After years of finding it difficult or not even being able to cry at all you’re suddenly crying over everything. Not necessarily because of sadness alone, but just to relieve pressure. Top tier video btw
@DrWHO-jv5qi 2 ай бұрын
This is coming in late, but I totally agreed with your take on the doctor's relationships bit. I don't think kissing anyone should be something the doctor does. For all previous doctors, there has been a sense of being otherworldly and refusing to be tied down to romantic notions of humanity - but Ncuti's doctor is sexual and openly into relationships - a big BIG jump from the previous doctors. I am not in favour of this choice, not because being gay or romantic is a bad thing - but because the doctor is and has always been ASEXUAL. To change that all of a sudden is to change the doctor's identity in every way for the rest of us - who know that although there have been regenerations, there are some basic ideas common to all doctors. And I hate to see that go away. My whole face was cringing when there was flirting going on with Rogue. The same has been true when I saw Matt Smith's doctor flirting with River Song - please just...keep the doctor's sexual and romantic notions out of the show. If he/she/they keeps liking people and companions, there will be weird ass story lines coming in
@Vink3rn 3 ай бұрын
no, it needs better writing
@Yokai63-zr6ur 3 ай бұрын
"such vastly different shows". Exactly why this colourized/cut down version was a bad idea. Nice review.
@cyberemperor1435 3 ай бұрын
@weathermansam2 3 ай бұрын
This is great! Also it’s crazy how you’re still replying to comments four years later lol. I love these movies
@johnrawten197 3 ай бұрын
You had me until "modern audiences"
@AidanGulaMedia 3 ай бұрын
@@johnrawten197 I mean the title of the video is literally "why classic horror movies are still popular". The entire point is how are they seen by modern audiences...
@motionpictureplus 3 ай бұрын
The misunderstood monster concept is really only valid in Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein. The rest of these films are not really about that
@AidanGulaMedia 3 ай бұрын
@@motionpictureplus Creature and Phantom are also 100% misunderstood but the others certainly more vague. It's all about interpretation.
@garrold7123 3 ай бұрын
I agree with doctor no. 12, 10, 4, 9, 11. This entire essay is very accurate to my ranking. Jodie is a brilliant actress, but piss chibnall ruined the writing
@Markcrazeer 4 ай бұрын
from what i understand the time vortex now contains sutek. somif i were chronos i would not be HAPPY ABOUT THAT!
@princebloodgrave8097 4 ай бұрын
You could also say 1923's Hunchback of Notre Dame was the first, or one of the first Universal Monsters. :)
@Arnsteel634 4 ай бұрын
I’ll care once the writing gets good again
@Parzi_Val_ 4 ай бұрын
The thing is... Yes Sutekh is not supposed to be a god. But CLEARLY RTD is going with the version of "yes he is a God" and that's quite literally the problem of the episode for me. Sutekh has an harbinger that works exactly like the one we have seen in The Devil's Chord. Also, one time Sutekh explains that he became powerful thanks to the time vortex but another time you are supposed to think that it's because of the salt thing at the edge of the universe that allowed gods to return. Also Maestro quite literally tells to the audience that they are afraid of "the one who waits" even The Toymaker is afraid of "The One Who Waits". So why literal gods would be afraid of a simple alien that is powerful ? And why is the toymaker aware of Sutekh (just like Maestro) if he isn't the big boss of the Pantheon of Discord ? Clearly the point was to make myth become real so Sutekh became a true god, but it was barely explored in the episode. I liked your point of view but for me that's why it doesn't really hold up
@AidanGulaMedia 4 ай бұрын
@@Parzi_Val_ Yeah I agree. The idea of him having delusions of grandeur is definitely built up in Pyramids of Mars and explored deeply in extended universe so that's very much my interpretation and understanding of the character. If Empire of Death had made that clear, I think it would have recontextualised a lot. But instead RTD treated him like he IS a God when that isn't the case. It was totally unexplained and misinterpreted.
@Parzi_Val_ 4 ай бұрын
@@AidanGulaMedia The thing is, like you can see in this interview, for RTD he really became a god. He is not an alien pretending to be a god anymore. But even with that change the story can remain interesting and the whole thing with Sutekh not being able to understand who Ruby's mother is was clearly an idea to expand on the delusions of grandeur of Sutekh. Even when he became a god he was beaten because he couldn't bear to not know a thing. But once again I think the episode would benefit of just really telling these things and not let RTD explains it in a making-of... And it would have been so interesting to have Sutekh confronting the Doctor like "Thanks to you Doctor, I have become what I always dreamt of being : a true god". But no RTD doesn't want to mention that the salt at the edge of the universe did that and that the Doctor is responsible of all these fantasy things coming to our universe... Sorry if my English isn't so good btw, I am French 😅
@AidanGulaMedia 4 ай бұрын
@@Parzi_Val_ RTD seems to think explaining everything in behind the scenes is an acceptable thing to do. This stuff needs to be in the actual episode! It shouldn't be up for interpretation. Not everything can be explained away as "the salt"
@archiephillips800 4 ай бұрын
Missy was too kind for an incarnation of The Master, her only good bit was when she betrayed John Simm’s Master
@raymond8920 4 ай бұрын
If you don't think Jacobi is the best Master, you've never listened to the War Master. Simple facts
@robtymec2045 4 ай бұрын
you lost me at: "I'm not the TImeless Child fan in the slightest"
@beesree39 4 ай бұрын
i just don't want to rewatch the recent season. except maybe Boom and Dot and Bubble
@Jakeyisdead 4 ай бұрын
Well i think we might be getting what we actually wanted. A continuation with Bullseye, Frank Castle, Karen Page, Foggy, Muse and Fisk im so excited for Born Again especially after the leaked trailer
@Izelikestea 5 ай бұрын
i agree the disconnect between who sutekh says he is, and who he actually is, does make the episode way more interesting. the only problem is the episode itself does nothing to expain this. as someone who has never seen classic who, to me he was just another overpowered god, with little character if his own. if his nature, as an alien with delusions of grandeur was intended to be important, then making people do homework to understand that is not a good move. and I can see how it would leave many underwhelmed and confused.
@AidanGulaMedia 5 ай бұрын
@@Izelikestea I totally agree. I got all the delusions of grandeur stuff through analysis and interpretation and people have agreed that that seemed to be what RTD was going for. But like much of this new era, it wasn't explained. Pausing the episode halfway and literally telling the viewer to go and watch Pyramids of Mars isn't enough. If the "alien who just thinks he's a God" was more explicit in the episode, I think people would feel a lot more comfortable with Sutekh.
@Koviklay 5 ай бұрын
They're just great films, stylishly made with deftly told stories, iconic makeup and fine acting.
@Kiryienka97 5 ай бұрын
I can sort of understand why you made the distinction between episodes like Boom and episodes like Wild Blue Yonder, but it so happens that those are my two favourite episodes from this era for very similar reasons to each other. They both seem like very targeted analyses and deconstructions of characters and the way stories are told in Doctor Who, and while the visual elements of Wild Blue Yonder are certainly more visible on the face of it, I don't think they necessarily are the *focus* of the narrative. I always felt the primary focus was the intellectual challenge posed by the not-things, not the physical things that the not-things happened to be able to do.
@peterskrobola8753 5 ай бұрын
Another really good budget episode is the first of New Who. Boom Town
@swiftbird4846 5 ай бұрын
Fascinating discussion. I agree in many ways. For me, the ideal situation would be keeping this budget but creating more episodes out of it.
@scarlettsmoak8977 5 ай бұрын
I always liked the visual quality of 11 & 12. I actually don’t need all my tv shows to have a movie budget quality. I think we should let tv shows look, and have the overall format, of television and not just miniature films.
@tardisnet9487 5 ай бұрын
I would argue the fact that it is still relatively low budget by Disney standards means the series whilst having more to work with still has its limitations and has to use creativity to work around them. Whilst some of the visuals are a bit showy at times it hasn’t lost its concept and character centric focus with Boom and 73 Yards and isn’t afraid to tell more confined stories which is a strength
@adamberthiaume309 5 ай бұрын
Down to 12 episodes and now just 8. They could definitely stretch their budget further.
@Logan_Irrelevant 6 ай бұрын
It’s not a budget issue it’s a matter of how to spend it. You can have the best camera data wise but if you don’t get a lense with an interesting texture, it fails. That’s a big reason why the new season looks cheap. No matter what big budget effects they have now, the texture of the episode is very important. The 2005-10 era was very clearly digital and had to make that work. The 2010-2022 era was very clear and clean and worked that into filmic cinematography. The most recent era has the high quality footage but doesn’t do anything with it. THAT is the problem. Or at least one of the main ones, plot is what really matters.
@cynthiafrank5638 6 ай бұрын
This was an excellent film essay. I first saw Dracula when I was 10 in 1964. It was the tail end of the first shock theater period. The following year, as you mentioned, saw The Munsters and Addams Family on TV, which I believe was the peak. Puberty followed for that generation and most went on to other things. But I've never stopped enjoying these films. It's exciting to see younger persons keeping this legacy alive. You are certainly right about the outsider appeal that these films hold. In the late 1950's no one thought there could be any great interest in these films, a reason why Universal gave them to local affiliates for late night viewing. Also why comic horror hosts were used to tell jokes during commercial breaks. It was simply believed that the films could not hold up on their own. Decades later I saw film guides give Bride a 5 star rating. The stature of these films increased greatly. I'm subscribing. Thank you, again!
@TheTrollerGamer 6 ай бұрын
I don't think 15 is healed from his wounds. He clearly shows that he is insecure about his past, like in Church on Ruby Road he calls himself '''Bad luck''. In Rogue he tries to avoid a deep conversation with Ruby after losing Rogue and then in the finale he calls himself ''disaster''. So I believe he is more open about his feelings, he is not afraid to cry and shout. But he also feels aware of the losses he endured. I think he tries to see the good in the bad. When he talks about Gallifrey, he mentions he is glad to be alive and diverts the conversation to ''This thing flies''. When he mentions Susan, his reaction is to laugh at the end of Ruby conforting him and hugging him. After losing Rogue, he gets up and talks about going onwards. While I think 13 avoided those conversations entirely and acted quirky and silly to hide her trauma, 15 seems to talk about it and then act like no big deal.
@IwanAWESOMEstuff 5 ай бұрын
I think what's interesting about that is Ruby does the same thing; she opens up about her feelings, someone will try to comfort her and she acts like things are all fine. It's a nice reflection of character, even if they don't really do anything with it. Here's hoping it's expanded upon in season 2/series 15
@Bapuji42 Ай бұрын
yep, after a lot of self-care and rehab, he's managed to buffer his conscience out entirely and just have fuuuuuuun, honey
@funkydanieluk 7 ай бұрын
He cries a lot. Poor guy seems like an emotional wreck.
@ralphisback 7 ай бұрын
i definitely find this take intriguing, but especially for seeing previous doctors be able to act similarly in similar circumstances, i’m interested in how you feel about 11 and 12’s relationships with river song, 11’s escapades, 10’s and 9’s relationship with rose, and 8’s romantic side overall. in all honesty, the romantic side of the doctor doesn’t feel out of place as it’s been established time and time again with various incarnations
@AidanGulaMedia 7 ай бұрын
@@ralphisback Yeah and I acknowledge that and say I don't like it. I've always preferred the Doctor to be asexual.
@Bapuji42 Ай бұрын
​@@AidanGulaMediaso it's exciting that he's queer, but he should also be asexual, and it's great that he's joyous and not "miserable" (i.e. has a conscience), but he should also have a mean side....
@MrGreaves 7 ай бұрын
Irrelevant to the rest of the video, which is great by the way, but your thumbnails are absolutely awesome! Love your unique style of content - it’s very rare to see - and it’s a shame your channel isn’t bigger. But hey ho, I’ll keep supporting you as long as you’re making stuff.
@AidanGulaMedia 7 ай бұрын
@@MrGreaves Thank you! I know my thumbnails aren't very clickbaity but I'm glad someone appreciates the aesthetic! I try to keep a house style. I try my best to do a video a month (regardless of traction)!
@MrGreaves 7 ай бұрын
@@AidanGulaMedia Ah man, screw clickbaity thumbnails. You’re true to yourself and your style, and I love that so much. Even with the editing. I’d love to have a defined style like yours. And that kinda attitude and aesthetic is what will attract people. Lots of love for your stuff, can’t wait to see more once a month!
@deadman746 7 ай бұрын
Great criticism. I've seen a lot, and this is tops in perspicacity. A few things now. Gatwa's Doctor isn't joyous; he's gay. I intend the pun. The traditional meaning of _gay_ involved a certain amount of disregard. Joy is when you have a great time with friends. Gay is when you're at a fancy party where you don't care the servants aren't so happy. People get this wrong all the time. Some translations of _The Gay Science_ say _The Joyous Wisdom._ This is wrong. Nietzsche knew full well he was laughing whilst driving a stiletto into German philosophy. Thus, "Rogue," where a dead companion doesn't get much in the way of a good snog. His Doctor isn't emotional but rather emotionalistic. It's not that he cries too often, though this is how a viewer might rationalize it. It's that he mostly cries without meaning. It's a bit like AI art. The appearance is good enough, but it is vacuous. Once a roommate of mine decided to go as a Jackson Pollack to a party, splattering paint on a white coat. His girlfriend broke up with him between the front and the back. I swear you could see the difference in emotion in the splatters. I don't see emotion in Gatwa's crying most of the time; I see mere performance. I don't fault Gatwa for this but rather what he was given to play. Actors get the publicity, and so are who are praised or blamed, but they are hired to speak words and do things other people wrote. Sure, RTD1 worked because Eccleston pushed back against RTD, but that is rare, and for a time he was blacklisted for doing so. For me, Eccleston's characterization reminded me of _The Face of Evil,_ which buffered it a bit.
@Domgo-d1w 7 ай бұрын
Sorry, he's just a rotten choice.
@andrewlawless9796 7 ай бұрын
i thinks saying certain gatwa moments don't land because you cant imagine past dr's behaving the same is an unfair criticism.
@AidanGulaMedia 7 ай бұрын
@@andrewlawless9796 I don't know. The beauty of watching the Doctor as a character is understanding the journey he's been on for thousands of years and how all those adventures and experiences brought him to this very moment. So if he behaves in a way that doesn't seem consistent with that, it's quite jarring and snaps me out of the moment. If I see Gatwa (or any other Doctor) do something that doesn't feel consistent with something say Tom Baker would have done, then I don't find it as believable that it is the same character just in a different body. RTD has always had the interpretation that "some other man" takes over, but I have the very firm belief that it's the exact same man with the same memories and inclinations just with a different face.
@AidanGulaMedia 7 ай бұрын
As promised, here's my review of the 15th Doctor so far...
@BradLad56 7 ай бұрын
9:27 Well they shouldn't. A film's quality should be judged on the acting, writing, directing, cinematography etc, not how many people from x group are in it. That doesn't indicate the quality of anything, let alone a film.
@richardstange5939 6 ай бұрын
Acting? Writing? Cinematography? 😂 You sound like a film school textbook. There is only ONE true criteria in which a film should be judged by: How much did you enjoy the film? All 30 Universal Classic Monster films are awesome.
@BradLad56 6 ай бұрын
@@richardstange5939 So what if I do? Just because you may like dogshit 'entertainment' doesn't mean the rest of us have to.
@richardstange5939 4 ай бұрын
@@BradLad56none of the 30 classic Universal Monster films are “dogshit.” All 30 of them are awesome.
@BradLad56 3 ай бұрын
​@@richardstange5939 oh I wasn't calling then dogshit, I own 8 of them on 4k.
@lorrainebowe9585 7 ай бұрын
Well you got your wish The one who waits was Sutekh this must have been made before the latest series big reveal of who the main villain was going to be
@AidanGulaMedia 7 ай бұрын
@qvcybe 7 ай бұрын
i didn't mind how sutekh and a good chunk of the two part ep but i felt alot of things felt cheep ( also they never explained how the sutekh works when it was split in the toy maker ep ) also there was point i like but there are points i don't like at all
@Paraves426 7 ай бұрын
You helped me realise I actually didn’t have a problem with how Sutekh was defeated, it was just how quickly it happened that made it seem anticlimactic. As many have said, another episode of exploring the desolate, dead universe might have made it more impactful. I like the idea of such a powerful being that has basically won but scuppers his plans because of his egotistical desire to know everything and his assumption that the answer must be something as important as him. There’s shades here of Sauron being defeated because of his inability to comprehend ordinary people trying to destroy the Ring. Like the mum reveal I think it could have been done better, but I like the idea
@AidanGulaMedia 7 ай бұрын
@@Paraves426 I only thought of this after I'd already uploaded this video, but I really think the UNIT getting dusted and the universe being destroyed scene should have been the cliffhanger for Legend and maybe even kill Ruby too. Then when the universe is at his command and he has nothing left to conquer, a bored Sutekh could then resurrect Ruby to answer the mystery of who her Mum is. I think narratively that would have tied everything together better rather than it feeling jumbled
@Paraves426 7 ай бұрын
@@AidanGulaMedia definitely agree about the cliffhanger, I like the latter idea too, would you have the Doctor be killed and resurrected too?
@AidanGulaMedia 7 ай бұрын
@@Paraves426 Possibly. Though you'd need a second narrative while Sutekh sits on high on his throne. Maybe he just managed to escape in the memory TARDIS before Ruby was killed. Seeing his guilt at letting the entire universe and his companion be killed would have given Ncuti something actually meaty to work with too.
@OneyrosMoe 7 ай бұрын
I emotionally checked out of Doctor Who after "The Angels Take Manhattan" and I found it difficult to connect with Capaldi or Whitaker. However, with the return of RTD and Gatwa, I'm absolutely loving the show again. While the finale left some unanswered questions, it also left room for them to be resolved in the future. The emotional tension in "The Legend of Ruby Sunday" raised the stakes, making it hard to pay off.
@juliandarch9278 7 ай бұрын
The TARDIS was duplicated in "Giggle" the original is with the 14th doctor so why was Sutekh on this one? Or are there two Sutekhs?
@AidanGulaMedia 7 ай бұрын
@@juliandarch9278 RTD said a while back that 15's is the original and 14 has the copy
@juliandarch9278 7 ай бұрын
That makes even less sense, how is 14 a copy of 15? That's what you get if you go full RTD, never go full RTD 😂
@AidanGulaMedia 7 ай бұрын
@@juliandarch9278 The Doctors aren't copies, the TARDISes are. 15 went off in the universe in the original, while 14 was given the copy
@juliandarch9278 7 ай бұрын
Now separated, both Doctors challenged the Toymaker to their final game, which they won, with the Fourteenth Doctor banishing the Toymaker from existence as his reward. With a prize mallet in hand, the Fifteenth Doctor bi-generated their TARDIS as well so that he could continue adventuring while the Fourteenth Doctor could retire to heal from lifetimes of loss and battle until the time he was ready to undergo a full regeneration.
@juliandarch9278 7 ай бұрын
I suppose as the 15th doctor did it you could imply his was the original but it's just another plot hole that didn't need to happen.
@doubleluckydub.7782 7 ай бұрын
i loved the finale, it brings me back a feeling that i haven't feel in a long time, it changes everything, i just wish that the series respect the audio dramas and comics
@trekman10 7 ай бұрын
For me, the reveal of Ruby's mother is a problem only because it doesn't explain the snow and the hidden song.
@AidanGulaMedia 7 ай бұрын
I agree. I'm totally fine with her Mum being a nobody (which a lot of people aren't) but the unanswered questions of the snow and the song are the ones bothering me
@justanormalhumanbeing1903 7 ай бұрын
I personally think it was either Mrs flood causing the snow or an echo of the time window
@VerityShush 7 ай бұрын
I believe the implication was that Sutekh's manifestation damaged time around the day of her birth