@R-Rpt 16 күн бұрын
I love this map, you play on battlenet still ?
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 14 күн бұрын
Sure, I still play on Bnet. It’s just that this map requires veterans with experience and enthusiasm to have the opportunity to play together to complete it.
@R-Rpt 13 күн бұрын
@@DSRF-ZeroCorps i know this map, we played on weplaes, but can't play now. I want new server for wc3
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 13 күн бұрын
Regarding other servers, I can't do anything.🤔
@R-Rpt 13 күн бұрын
@@DSRF-ZeroCorps I'll buy wc3 reforged
@gaycrapp 17 күн бұрын
its funny how hell is sometimes super smooth with some regulars and a chaotic mess with others 😂
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 14 күн бұрын
Personal experience and team adaptability may determine whether the current team can play smoothly in high difficulties.
@gaycrapp 24 күн бұрын
@LongNguyen-jz9cf Ай бұрын
Arthas Purguitas Locas - solo with "Firebat(Marine)🔥🌡️🔫
@LongNguyen-jz9cf Ай бұрын
[Arthas Purguitas Locas] - Night of the dead III(Reforged 2020) "3 months ago" NIGHT OF THE DEAD(game 2024)🌉💀🧟‍♀️🧟
@TheonlyoneBlueberry Ай бұрын
what pc you have to handle so huge map and so many units?
@DSRF-ZeroCorps Ай бұрын
I will briefly list my computer processor and graphics card. These two should affect how big maps and troops you can handle. Processor:AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor Graphics Card:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 However, it should not be used in the Reforge mode, because the burden on the computer is a bit heavy. (This is how I feel)
@user-ik6ci4qt4e 2 ай бұрын
Ohh, almost killed queen cocon
@gaycrapp 2 ай бұрын
the game always had a 50 50 chance of crashing at 7th escort way before reforged came into the picture. always remember to save after rdr 😁
@hannawilliams4947 2 ай бұрын
Where u guys playin at? Bnet?
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 2 ай бұрын
Basically we play Reforged on Bnet. You can find Discord communities for these custom maps to join and play together at certain times. By the way, there will be a Discord community link mentioning the map at the beginning of the video.
@lapislazuli6136 3 ай бұрын
Silent just some things that would make you a better player that I wanted to mention if not already said: 1. Turn on health showing when object or unit is damaged, so you don't have to hold down alt so often. 2. Get used to hotkeys like pressing B for build and B again for blocker, you can become much better at escaping with this Great vid thx for upload<3
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 3 ай бұрын
I probably know why I always press Alt when playing WC3. It may be that the health bars of some custom maps are really annoying to me, so I used this habit to play in the past WC3 recordings. So I will definitely change this, and it will be the same as when I played SC2 before. Thanks again for the reminder. I haven’t played elves in a long time, so I will try my best to try these techniques again. I also thank you for a great game.
@xueleong6373 3 ай бұрын
想请问你,这游戏从那里下载的? 想玩
@lapislazuli6136 3 ай бұрын
It's called Orcs and Elves 1.8.0A and can be downloaded on wc3maps and the like. We have a group playing this game everyday at around 20:00 European time with full group
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 3 ай бұрын
我不確定你說的是不是魔獸爭霸3本體還是此自訂地圖,所以先跟你說一下遊戲本體的安裝,然後是本影片的地圖。 遊戲本體的話,請到魔獸爭霸3:淬鍊重生的官方網站Battle.net,購買並下載。 連結在這:warcraft3.blizzard.com/ 本地圖的話,你可以在wc3maps這裡用關鍵字尋找"Orcs and Elves IE",請找作者為Infernium的最新版本進行下載,或者嘗試在他們活躍的時間加入房間(大概在歐洲時間20:00)。 備註:目前該網站上面看到的是1.7.5a,最新版本的1.8.0a你可以透過影片開頭描述中Discord連結進行加入並取得。 然後,這地圖的遊戲玩家絕大多數都是來自歐洲玩家,所以他們每天都會有一群人都在UTC+8 00:00後遊玩,但偶而會在UTC+8 20:00後遊玩,所以若你的時間許可的話就可以嘗試來跟他們一起遊玩。 ========== 稍微說明一下本圖的內容,這是一個以團隊合作為核心的戰略生存遊戲,雙方都有著他們自己的玩法: 精靈方一開始要邊躲開獸人的追擊,邊採集黃金,之後根據打法把黃金用來強化幽光工人(Worker)或者是用在軍隊(Army)、建築(Tower),然後和隊友協調好職責,1人負責基地建造(Base Builder),其他人看是負責多方面支援(Support)、陷阱敵人(Trapper),以及漫遊生存(Roamer),然後得注意的是工人被殺會使你的其他部隊和建築將會立即被消滅,最終目標就是反擊獸人並打敗他們。 獸人方一開始要搜索精靈並攻擊他們,從他們的部隊、建築劫掠黃金,之後根據打法和隊伍需求將把黃金強化蠻兵(Grunt)並進化成特定職業(Shaman、Hunter、Tauren、Witch Doctor、Inventor、Berserker)來對抗精靈,最終目標就是在精靈成形並反擊獸人之前打敗他們。 雙方隊伍都有復活能力(右上面板的紅色字的L),但有復活限制,一旦可復活的次數耗盡時再被擊殺,將會使玩家完全地被淘汰掉(K.O)。
@gaycrapp 3 ай бұрын
pew pew pew
@lapislazuli6136 3 ай бұрын
Should have healthbars showing when anything takes dmg
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 3 ай бұрын
Indeed, I should turn it on, but I forget it. The recorded videos from next month will indeed appear. Thanks for the reply.
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 3 ай бұрын
Many people have watched this video, but I want to make one thing clear: If the version of Plague 1: The East you are playing is the so-called 2.20 or 2.35 or higher than this 2.01, they are all unofficial modified maps. Currently, there is only this official map. You can find the map download link on Hive, please pay more attention to it. link here below www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/plague-1-the-east-v2-01-prot.164237/
@delanov19 3 ай бұрын
<3 Dawn of the Dead :D
@Salaci 3 ай бұрын
is this game still active in ASIA?
@gaycrapp 3 ай бұрын
@@Salaci i would say its active in all the 3 main regions, the official dotd6 discord also helps with the longevity :D
@delanov19 3 ай бұрын
@@Salaci majority of active players are from asia, this game is worldwide playable and we play daily :D
@Salaci 3 ай бұрын
@@delanov19 How??
@gaycrapp 3 ай бұрын
@@Salacido elaborate what you mean by "how"
@gaycrapp 3 ай бұрын
thanks for playing dotd6! :D
@user-lp4jl1gu5s 6 ай бұрын
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 6 ай бұрын
此話怎說?如果說是我這場瓦斯多到爆的話,有兩個影響因素: 1.人類隊伍中有玩家中途離開遊戲,為了彌補雙方差距,會讓其餘人類玩家獲得一個定期瓦斯收入。但前提是要有精煉廠還是在人類控制下,若3間精煉廠和燃料分配中心全都被感染,收入將會被癱瘓並無法獲得。(影片中開頭過沒多久就有1位玩家中離了) 2.本地底地圖的左下礦脈是高產量瓦斯區,如果將礦螺送來這區域開採並送至高產量精煉廠就會獲得比一般精煉廠還要多的瓦斯,但注意的是高產量瓦斯只能送到高產量精煉廠去處理,其他3間都無法處理。此外,隔壁間的遏止設施如果被感染,這個礦區基本上等同於廢掉了,因為會有地下怪物在下水道中徘徊並獵殺在下水道活動中的人類。
@user-lp4jl1gu5s 6 ай бұрын
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 6 ай бұрын
08:09 這裡,我買了 裝備-量子背包(Quantum Backpack) 當你購買這裝備後,你可以隨時隨地根據需求不用靠近武器櫃的情況下切換已經解鎖的手榴彈(Grenades)、採礦藍圖(Mining Blueprints)、保全模組(Security Modules),並提高這些裝備的33%攜帶量上限,而不是我可以在沒有武器櫃的情況下隨便解鎖東西。 這裝備已經存在很久了,並不是近期更新才出現的。
@user-lp4jl1gu5s 6 ай бұрын
@user-lp4jl1gu5s 6 ай бұрын
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 6 ай бұрын
之前都是在美服(玩人類和殭屍雙方),現在也會在歐服(但歐服因為伺服器延遲只適合玩人類)。 但由於目前美服Discord群的低活躍,所以能在美服打的場次比較少,不過還是會繼續在美服遊玩。
@user-lp4jl1gu5s 6 ай бұрын
@@DSRF-ZeroCorps 我是在台服打就是有繁中的
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 6 ай бұрын
@user-lp4jl1gu5s 6 ай бұрын
@@DSRF-ZeroCorps 喔喔我是知道想問一下你有DC嗎?
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 6 ай бұрын
我是有DC,但目前不方便給ID,不過你可以來ONIZ官方Discord群找到我(Zero Frost) (載入地圖時按右邊的複製Discord連結來加入)
@xueleong6373 10 ай бұрын
@DSRF-ZeroCorps 10 ай бұрын
如果是說一般殭屍的話,今年應該沒有改動過。 然後我這場我似乎是沒有升級過 速度蟲苔(菌毯) ,所以推進速度並沒有那麼快。 (未升級的一般殭屍:1.25、速度殭屍:1.88、易爆殭屍:1.1,若有升級速度蟲苔的話一階*1.25、二階*1.5)
@juancar3551 11 ай бұрын
@oscarpalencia7720 11 ай бұрын
Nice hunt of the Uderseer!
@wtao015 Жыл бұрын
被演算法推薦 這甚麼地圖阿?
@DSRF-ZeroCorps Жыл бұрын
這地圖是Direct Strike 在自訂地圖中能找到,US、EU、KR三個伺服器都能找到這個地圖,US應該是最容易找得到野房進行對戰,不過進去之前要先確認模式,有使用多人對戰部隊的Standard和使用合作指揮官部隊的Commander,兩大類別的模式,以及一些基於上述的特殊模式。 雖然用中文去玩應該是沒問題,但有些文字可能會是英文,可能需要瞭解一下。