Kingdoms of Arda - Q&A Part 2
2 жыл бұрын
Kingdoms of Arda - Q&A Part 1
2 жыл бұрын
@GiovanniFusco-f4h Күн бұрын
Is the mod dead? There hasnt been any news for over a year? :( This is the most anticipated Bannerlord mod, please let us know!
@MrBjornibjorn Күн бұрын
You and modders who works on this are the last bastion who holds up the torch for Lotr content nowadays. Movies are trying to ruin this franchise. I'm holding on for you guys. Might name you Estel soon. Please don't abandon this mod.
@coma1919 15 күн бұрын
Can we get an update on this mod? I just wanna know if it’s dead. Don’t care if it’s still being worked on. I just haven’t heard anything about it for almost a year.
@ionutstrat6856 10 күн бұрын
This mod is definitely death. The good news is that is another LOTR mod being developed. Even if the team started to work on it a mont or two ago, they maked huge progress
@coma1919 8 күн бұрын
what’s the mod gonna be called? Also thanks for the heads up :)
@De_Damond 28 күн бұрын
I cannot wait for this mod 😮
@razorbxg2213 28 күн бұрын
Another year of waiting has passed, we really hope that a new video will be released soon. What faction will the next video be about?
@brianbarness-smith4628 Ай бұрын
if this mob get to the xbox i would love if it was free or not i still pay for it i am a big fan of the lord of the rings movie
@kralpetarkrescimeriv.terpi6043 Ай бұрын
When??? I am waiting for two mods.. This and Crusades 🥹
@ElliottPiano Ай бұрын
Still waiting
@HermesTrimegistos Ай бұрын
So Were-worms are literally the nameless things