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@FidesAla 12 күн бұрын
Great review! You should also check out the musical Frankenstein, originally from Korea. It was created at around the same time as Death Note, it just had its 10th anniversary in Korea this year. There's a DVD with Kakizawa as Victor Frankenstein, though the other DVD is also great.
@L1AML0V3SDRUMS Ай бұрын
@marsi388 2 ай бұрын
‏‪18:09‬‏ They are stepping on the snow as Yuki promised😭✨
@marsi388 2 ай бұрын
I feel like Mutsuki is a mix between Shigure, Ayame and Yuki's personality. He gives me a similar aura to them and this is definitely an interesting mix😭✨
@teppichverkaufer9047 2 ай бұрын
where is gosick?
@mariafalcon-123 2 ай бұрын
I've read furubana and it's just soo beautiful
@kasiamleczarska9078 2 ай бұрын
I found your video following the excitement that we got the first little sneak peek of the Mighty Nein animated series. I haven't finished your video yet but I can already tell it's underrated. I love the comparison to Fullmetal Alchemist. Two titles that are pretty similar in terms of themes but that had never occured to me before. I'm pretty sure Titmouse/Amazon won't lean into such heavy tone but it would be an amazing adaptation if they did.
@kasiamleczarska9078 2 ай бұрын
Okay, I finished the video. I love your predictions when it comes to seasons and character deaths. I'm soooo ready for the show! Fingers crossed for spring 2025!
@v15mm 2 ай бұрын
I really just watched all that oml
@personafanatic4597 2 ай бұрын
i liked the old iteration of fruits basket but the only real difference that i remember was Akito wasn't female in that version..also Momiji's song at the hot springs was wonderful and it made me sad that it wasn't included. as far as Akito herself...yea she's my #2 hated character in all anime even after watching the final season a few times. i understand her but feel no sympathy for her at all and i don't know if i could honestly say she deserved the redemption arc. i watched it with my fiance and he was mad that she got redeemed lol i think he was rooting for Akito to die tbh but it was a good ending for her and Shigure i guess.
@eeveefennecfox 2 ай бұрын
I never got to read the manga at all :'(
@cameronninham1063 2 ай бұрын
It's a fun little read. I mean, if you loved the original, why not read it. Personally, I thought it was a little boring, and I might have dropped it if it wasn't less than 20 chapters. Althought its always cool getting a timeskip update in a any series but I wished the og charecters all made a group appearance since this was made for the anniversary. My favorite scene was Hajime making Kyo cry happy tears. Really wish they showed Kyo and Torhus faces in that scene.
@prowlandsasuke 3 ай бұрын
Ayo tohru basically saying she'd go against her mother if mother actually did spite kyo when she was dying was peak true love. Instead getting angry at kyo for not saving her mother, her feelings for him didnt change and instead was going to challenge her mother, the person she loved the most. She was going to choose kyo over her mother and wasnt going to hate like her mother ( even though kyoko was never talking about kyo and never actually hated him).
@prowlandsasuke 3 ай бұрын
Now that im thinking about it kyo and tohru are alike in the sense they were treated as outsiders. With kyo being the cat that was tricked into not attending the feast with god and therefore the cat in the soma family is treated as a monster and tohru being tricked into being the rice ball in the game fruit basket and waiting for the rice ball to be called so she could join in but who would call rice ball in game where you call out fruit. I think thats why tohru was able to sympathize with kyo and wanted to be friends with the most because she knew what it was like to be left out and also knowing the zodiac story kind of knew what being the cat ment. She even cried when her mother told her the story when she was a child and wished that she could include the cat.
@gilby2451 4 ай бұрын
I felt the pacing was as good as it could be. When you shorten something as massive as death note into a show that isn’t 5 hours long you have to make choices on what to focus on. And you need to spend most of your time on L and Light. So unfortunately some other characters like Matsuda there isn’t time for. And why plot points are so quick. Like Lights thinking from scared kid to “I’m a god” in one song. But if you listen to the hong “hurricane” it isn’t a cheerful song. The music gives you a sad feeling. Light is saying goodbye to his own humanity. He doesn’t want too but he feels it’s necessary to create a perfect world. we dont need the inner monologue like in the anime because the song gives us all the information we need to know but also the vibe and emotions we need to feel. There is a lot in the musical that isn’t out right stated but is more in between the lines in this way. Also i loved the stand in actor for light way better than the one you showed in this video. he played light perfectly and had his look down as well. We also don’t give the actor who played L enough credit. He sings high tenor notes standing in the L posture. The worst singing posture in the universe. Also we do see lights genius in how he kills the fbi agents. which in the anime was my moment where i was mind blown by lights genius. oh yeah and convincing a literal god to kill themselves for him which in my opinion is not stated enough when describing lights genius. but this video was awesome! i love this show and i hope we get a broadway version soon.
@Cynical_Nunny 4 ай бұрын
Very fun to watch someone giddy over this series! Loved it when I was younger, and loved watching the remake! Don't think I've read "Another", but definitely going to have to change that! Great video! And great voice acting :) Keep up the great work! Also: Would have loved to hear voice clips of the voice/characters you picked for each during your voice cast!
@dwayneasher6765 4 ай бұрын
I love the video
@techyougo 4 ай бұрын
While i think Yuki and Machi make sense I wish they would've taken more time to develop the relationship. Felt like they just tried to squeeze it in at the end
@nuggetthecatplaylist 5 ай бұрын
The hug rule with family makes scenes You can only have that simple intimacy of love if platonic, familiar or romantic threw the bound On the family can hug makes that bound close in a whole nothwr way
@mahasohona966 5 ай бұрын
These dingbats are wondering why the hospital is empty when Ishidha wakes up and leaves. Don't you suckers understand art? The whole world needed to be empty for this scene. They both had to settle it by themselves at the bridge and there was not a single soul in the hospital or in the city until they settled it for good.
@solitaregames 5 ай бұрын
For me Laura Bailey is the best Tohru and will always use her in my head when reading Fruit Basket. Also, FB Another can literally done as an OVA. OVA tends to be shorter than a Series, as most just take 1 hour single episode, or two.
@mr.wildride1954 6 ай бұрын
Bit late to the party, but i think the reason Shigure was so obsessed with Akito was because of his role as the dog. He's been influenced by the dogs spirit and has mistaken it for actual love.
@Netraven001 6 ай бұрын
To me, Fruits Basket Another completed the circle that was started in the original. Fruits Basket showed how a single lost girl could be patient, caring, accepting, and compassionate enough to redeem an entire family (sans Ren, of course). And in Another, it shows how her legacy lives on in the following generation. And how that same family that was redeemed in the past, helps redeem another little girl that was lost as well. They helped her with her traumas the way Tohru helped their parents with theirs. (Paying it forward, as it were.) The entire series from the Original to Another, is about how sometimes all it takes is one person to help make the changes needed, and how other times, it can take a collective effort to help one person that really needs that same support. And on top of that, it's about family is more than just blood relations. it's about the connections you find, or sometimes find you. And the family you choose can be so much greater than who you were born to. Thank you for ALL the Fruits Basket content! I've watched it countless times, and still find myself tearing up over clips I see in AMV's or discussion videos like this one, years after the series has ended. And I cannot stop recommending it enough either! Cheers~!
@irakawayashi4947 7 ай бұрын
What about Hiro and Kisa?
@autumnkappa 7 ай бұрын
i watched the og anime in 2004 ( i was 10) and while growing up in a screwed up family, Fruits Basket was the anime that kept me sane, comforts me. i rewatched 26 episodes anually . i really mean it, anually. Up until i was 14 years old, had my own laptop and i found out about the manga with 136 chapters, it became my holy grail. I learned a lot from all char's backstories, even Tohru. Everything made sense. I guess Fruits Basket is like a therapy for us the broken ones. Fruits Basket 2019 finally gave me the satisfaction that i longed from since 10. Fruits basket change how i view people around me and the way i live my life. I have no shame of saying Honda Tohru is my role model. Fruits Basket trully inspired me. I will always go back to Fruits Basket, anytime , anywhere
@ChiaraLeoni 7 ай бұрын
I would have loved to see an hug between Tohru and Yuki without the curse as a "closure" to the time spent together, their growth and friendship and finally being honest with their feelings, this might be the only "bad" things I have to say about the finale; oh yeah I also wasn't really sure about the Shigure/Akito thing, but at some point it was clear they were going there. Lovely review of this amazing show, thanks for sharing ❤
@oindrilasasmal5019 8 ай бұрын
There was a more deep love triangle growing from the very first season and no one realized it
@ZigzMD 8 ай бұрын
Great job with the voice overs of the panels! Loved this review of this great series!
@Wolfbane971 8 ай бұрын
I think we're lookin at 5 seasons max, Molly will probably be dead as mid season finale
@Wealiko10 8 ай бұрын
2015 Urai Kenji version reigns supreme to this day, the 2015 and 2017 productions had EFFORT in them and, although I was picky about a bunch of details missing from the plot at first, the musical grew on me over time and watching it again, it feels surprisingly compact and satisfactory. Like I said, EFFORT was made by everyone in that production and it shows. Now for the English production, meh, it just doesn't come even close to comparing. The cast doesn't blend together well, it's just a bunch of singers all adamant on standing out from the crowd. Overall just a disappointment, although I acknowledge that the standard was set really high by the Japanese, if they worked together musically it'd make it a lot more bearable. Also the audience treating every sentence as a one liner got really annoying real fast, it's not meant to be a parody/comedy, but I guess them shows with a laughter track playing every 5 seconds already rotted the brains of many.
@padenbang7375 8 ай бұрын
As much as I like CR, there's going to be some big hurdles to jump, adapting C2. The reason C1 adapts so well, meaning people outside of the CR community enjoy it, is because it's a fairly simple narrative (as you mentioned) with fun, endearing character work. Keeping the overall story beats concise, allows the characters to shine even with the short amount of time we have with them. In the end, the cast is the strength of the show. Likely the biggest reason it caught on with so many "non critters" such as myself and arguably the reason for CR's overall success. C2 was Matt's chance to create a much more open ended, mature, morally ambiguous storyline. Much more focused on political intrigue, ethics and opposing cultural differences. A big issue with the narrative in C2 was how messy and convoluted it became. With the cast being able to do what they want, and Matt having less of an opportunity to steer the ship, things got a bit lost in the sauce. The nature of D&D being what it is, the players, oftentimes, spent a ton of time spinning their wheels, going on "side quests" and leaving some important storylines unfinished or Matt having to adapt in a very contrived way. Could leave the narrative feeling like a collection of adventures and not a cohesive storyline. There are so many big swings in the story that I feel might not have the impact in animated form that they did during the campaign. From the early empire stuff, to the gentleman missions, to the short-lived Iron Shepard arc, to empire/dynasty war, to the Ukatoa arc, back to the empire/dynasty stuff, to the angel of Irons, and again back to empire/dynasty stuff to travellercon, then ultimately ending with the Lucien arc. With ALLLLL the other stuff with Cad and Veth and Caleb etc etc, smooshed in between all that. The narrative is quite literally all over the place. They're going to have a big problem getting new fans invested, without changing or cutting so much that C2 fans are upset. Will new viewers be invested enough in Molly who, wasn't much of a character that dies fairly early on, to care about the Lucien payoff in the end? Is the Empire/Dynasty stuff going to make sense or ultimately be satisfying? Is the Ukatoa/Avantika arc being unfinished going to hurt Fjords character? Will Essek being a war criminal who never answers for his crimes because the cast like him, going to go over well? Is Beau being "Toxic Masculinity" in a female wrapper going to be problematic to adapt? Are Jester and all her dick jokes and silly sendings going to be funny or get old fast? What do you do with Yasha? Because there is almost nothing to the character besides being a narrative Mcguffin and love interest. I bring up all these points as a fan who wants to see a great adaptation. While I find C2 to be my least favorite of the 3 campaigns, I still really like the character work and moments that it creates. I just struggle to see how 10-12, 30min episodes are going to have the same impact as VM did. Satisfying fans who've seen the campaign won't be hard. The real barometer of success will be how many people outside of the fanbase will enjoy and become invested enough to keep watching. It'll be fascinating to see how they try and tackle such a daunting task.
@michaelbryant3640 8 ай бұрын
I've said it elsewhere but one bit of genre reference casting I'd love to see is if they got Carey Elwes as The Gentleman and Robin Wright as The Ruby of the Sea. Long shot, I know, but still! Matt absolutely needs to play both Pumat and Essek.
@finaro8 8 ай бұрын
that matt marcer impression in the beginning was so good my brain started to play the opening theme
@astrogirls3376 8 ай бұрын
Lowkey considered editing his voice over mine XD
@RuviGaPo 8 ай бұрын
One thing i noticed in lvm is that they had to streamline some arcs a bit and i am a Liiittle worried they might have to do the same w tm9 bc im so attached to them. Like lvm vax is a lot more serious and less fun and while that fits how we Remember him... when i Actually watch the stream, Vax is So Soft ♡♡. Tbf he was Softer in s1 But i do wish we got more of that in s2 to make his 180 hurt more rather than feel kinda out of the blue (for me at least) B U T i do think they have a Lot going for them bc c2 is so structured w minimal filler and THEMES FOR DAY ♡♡ I can easily immagine s1 just as you suggested and c2 is Already divided into 6 arcs and 9 chapters (♡), w the latter arcs having the most filler imo so you might even be able to cut that down into fewer seasons and Up the drama by showing more of the villainous npc shenanigans (please animated essek is all i Think about Ever) Also!! Your ideas for voices are So Good
@dakarialston582 8 ай бұрын
I agree with almost everything, especially the FMA connection thing. However, I think the finale for the first season should be the heist the pull of for the Knights of Requital. I think we need more time for people to care for Molly than just one season, and he should die at the midpoint of season 2. This gives time for scenes of Fjord, Jester, and Yasha in prison, meeting Keg, meeting and getting to know Clay, and getting those small conversations between Beau, Caleb, and Nott for some development. Introduce Clay in one of the last few episodes for a breather after Molly, and have Molly's death be a sort of... mid-season finale.
@ghurcbghurcb 8 ай бұрын
Now the most important question about the Mighty Nein series is... Will they keep Jester's sendings in? Like... On one hand, it would make no sence in the animated show. How would they visualize it? Why 25 words in particular? Copyright infringement on DnD? But on the other, how could they not?
@SputTop 8 ай бұрын
They should imo. They might decrease the use but it kinda iconic. They could visualize it with Fjord, or someone else, counting the words or something
@kasiamleczarska9078 2 ай бұрын
There's no way WOTC could file copyright infringement over a spell that lets you message someone using 25 words. And since they kept the specific requirements for Keyleth's tree travel spell for comedic effect, I'm pretty sure they'll make the Sending spells pretty similar to how they went in the stream
@troikas3353 8 ай бұрын
Oh hey another critter that found them through LoVM. Funny how engaging it is isn't it? As someone who also tends to hyper fixate I ended up going through all 3 campaigns and they are all a blast. I started with C1E1 and finishing Vox Machina felt like finishing a really good epic fantasy novel. For the M9 I think it was around when they commandeered The Mistake that I realized C2 was basically a high fantasy Farscape which I adore. For the M9 show they'll have a lot of experience under their belt with, I'd imagine, three seasons of LoVM done by then at least so that alone gives them a leg up already. I will say though in terms of pacing I think Vox Machina is actually much easier to translate, its much more cleanly dividable into different arcs just due to how the story developed. The M9's story is more free flowing I think, it still has arcs but they aren't quite as clearly defined. So it will be interesting to see how they approach it. I suspect there will be a lot of editorial cleanup done on the M9 story beyond just the work to condense things just to make it flow a little better. Given Beau is my favorite CR character I'm most excited to see how they animate her journey. Her bromance with Fjord is amazing both in comedy and in heart, her eventual found sibling energy with Caleb once they learn to unintentionally stop talking around each other, her slowburn and unexpectedly wholesome romance with Yasha. We very rarely get sapphic characters that are allowed to be as abrasive, aggressive and openly sexual without being sexualized as she is so I hope they are able to pull off her arc well.
@danyaelle1753 8 ай бұрын
And this is why i cant wait for my friends, who cant get into the 500+ hrs of a dnd campaign, to begin watching the animated series with me. Molly's death will be heartwrenching and the reactions will make it so juicy
@VisualSpecialist 8 ай бұрын
Great video!
@ShrekSohma 9 ай бұрын
I just found your channel through Fruits Basket content (I freaking love Fruits Basket) and I love your content, I have not watched Bluey yet but you and so many other 20somthings have convinced me that I (a 26 year old) should absolutely try Bluey. I deal with a lot of mental health problems and could really use a show that uplifts me instead of being a downer, I also just really enjoy your content in general. Looking forward to whatever you do next
@astrogirls3376 8 ай бұрын
Thanks so much! A video is in the works, but winter makes me a little lazier than normal. Haha
@Borderose 9 ай бұрын
It was confirmed that man in the ending was Hajime's younger brother.
@RosieSky296 9 ай бұрын
I've only read the first book of fruit's basket and other sadly I want to get the other ones I just don't know how I'm gonna do that but I would love to see it if it got animated I love that and I love your choices and voice actors as well I think they're really nice. I want to continue for the basket another so badly
@CrimsonTheFrostGodex 9 ай бұрын
Mitsuki is yuki son not haru and rin (pronounced R E N) son
@nightshadetq2453 10 ай бұрын
love this video as a massive death note fan and former devoted theatre kid!! I think this video does a great job of explaining the oddity of this adaptation- on my first listen of the concept album, it’s hard to recognize all of the holes and things that are glossed over, because like. in my head it felt like a supplement to the story rather than its own. but watching the musical all the way through makes it obvious! love death note and all of its weird adaptations, thanks for covering this
@mycobacteriem2540 10 ай бұрын
Every few months I come back to this musical and the concept album, and honestly I hope we get a new york run after hearing about the london showings. i did know about the japanese production, and i will probably piss a LOT of anime fans off by just doesn't hit. maybe it's the garbo quality of eveyrthing ive seen of it distorting sound and everything, but their voices just did not fit like the english concept album's did. I couldn't get into the music. Everything else seemed on par and nice from my previous experience with japanese stage shows, but if I couldnt get behind the vocies it just...was not fun to sit through.
@nessa9743 10 ай бұрын
@kokoro7996 10 ай бұрын
My favorite vocal performance in western animation is Jay Baruchel as Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon. He nails his nerdy voice so well!
@nessa9743 10 ай бұрын
@IshScout 10 ай бұрын
For the most part I feel the musical did the best it possible could to adapt the story faithfully without being double the length. Better than a lot of musical adaptations minus movies that have a similar length because things like Legally Blonde & BTTF are pretty damn dead on to their counterpart. I hope you'll revisit this next year because with the new concept recording coming out (oddly without 3 songs we have demos of but with 1 new one we don't) sung by a cast that actually performed the roles v just singing them in a booth. (a bit of shade? yes but truth. I still enjoy JJ & crew though) As far as why next year? Well all signs are pointing towards the big juicy apple for Ryuk to enjoy. After all you don't fly West End concert cast members to New York Comic Con just to chat about the past & a recording that doesn't even have a release date yet. A limited run on our side of the pond seems a lock it's just a matter of when it becomes official.
@IshScout 8 ай бұрын
Just to add to this Frank Wildhorn just basically confirmed NY in a new interview so I feel pretty damn smart. Too bad I'll likely not be able to afford to go see the damn thing 😒
@MP24685 11 ай бұрын
Totally not me holding it together when you referenced forgiveness 🥹 that was a brilliant review 💙
@MP24685 11 ай бұрын
Well im buying the manga now... Secret sequel! Thank you 😊