@Kinos141 Сағат бұрын
I have a list of gripes with this game: -Vehicle enter/exit animations are slow: gets me killed in a fire fight. -Enemies can spot you as an enemy driving at 100 mph -no player controlled drones over the campaign: you'd think on an island with roboticists who are held captive, they would gift you some drones over time. -weapon fire and hit sounds sound pathetic, it's like shooting a bb gun into a water balloon. -Map is boring: it has no life or color to it, compared to Bolivia. It's just a dead island.
@ayourmum8521 16 сағат бұрын
How you not mention breakpoint? Lol.
@Frizrow 16 сағат бұрын
@@ayourmum8521 I uploaded another video on breakpoint recently
@Xjag 19 сағат бұрын
Ghost recon wildlands is technically offline so it will always be playable, games like breakpoint and any other online only games no chances of saving
@Triyanto-kz8ep 2 күн бұрын
Real watch dog 2 I have 500 hours on ps4 just messing around when legion release they remove every impotant exclusive from series 2 ,😂i sad lol ac black flag have 200 hours ,ac origin 300 hour 200 h motorfeast That was fun ubisoft
@seismixx 2 күн бұрын
mannn the dialogue scenes in this game reaaally sucks. there's no life in it. even robots can talk better these days.
@KillMonger592 2 күн бұрын
Their gonna innovate the shit out of the next one makin it fps 👌
@lookitsaburnoutfan 3 күн бұрын
Wildlands is the only ubi game I 100%%%, Completed over 17 ubi games thru all the years but this is the only one
@____________________67 3 күн бұрын
"they're not bad games". Shows skull and bones footage 😂
@etLOVEall 3 күн бұрын
Hate the term… but gamer fatigue is real
@lolejunior3168 4 күн бұрын
You're false, gamers today ask for to much, back in the day during for exemple 2010, this game would have been something very good
@lolejunior3168 4 күн бұрын
And the game isn’t dead there're many people still playing it
@lolejunior3168 4 күн бұрын
And we're Still interested to see the new ghost recon that will be out
@Frizrow 3 күн бұрын
What exactly is too much that gamers are asking for?
@r.daneel.90 4 күн бұрын
2:40 allow me to differ here. I think the game/map design in Breakpoint is very poor, a step backwards from Wildlands. And that makes it much more boring, especially to travel (I had to use fast travel a lot more in BP than Wld). In fact that's why the map is full of icons, much more so than Widlands. In an article an Ubi developer talked about that, that test players complained that the map was empty, but that was not true because designers included elements to explore and loot all over the place... In the end they just decided to "solve" that problem, by adding icons to everything so at least players could no longer complain that the map is "empty". Breakpoint is a poorly designed game, fixing it would mean reworking the whole map, topology, structures. And that just wasn't possible. And this is only the playable aspect, if we talk about atmosphere. It's catastrophic. Auroa is a generic made-up island, and it shows, a lot.
@Frizrow 3 күн бұрын
Yes now that you mention it, I often had to use fast travel a lot here unlike in wildlands, It is too big to travel through even with vehicles. Another thing was the roads being empty, almost no other cars other than patrols.
@redhood7778 4 күн бұрын
To me, Breakpoint is one of my favorite. Don't get me wrong, it's not a good Ghost Recon game, but I'll take anything that is close to a Splinter Cell game.
@r.daneel.90 4 күн бұрын
Wildlands was made with love and passion, you can feel it. And something you didn't mention but which I think is very important. Widlands can be played in a crazy casual way, but its also possible to play it in a slow and tactical way. It's the only game that brought those two elements together, and don't underestimate the niche of tactical shooter fans. For me they were the foundation of Wildlands, over casual gamers came in and out of, but that core of players kept the game alive for some years. And that's why I think Breakpoint flop hard, not due to microtransactions or performance, that was bs made up by the media and creators who didn't play a GR game more than 10 hrs. It was a failure because they made it a Looter shooter first and foremost, kicking away the tactical shooter fans. And they knew it, that's why they tried to fix it adding more tactical elements. But it was too late.
@neon_darkness 4 күн бұрын
Nice vids you got here. I'll type some stuff here to help you push it a bit :P BP is a deeply flawed game. Yet i have skipped Wildlands mainly because i didin't play much stuff when it released. And i also like green map more then yellow one yk... Had some fun getting stuff in this game. Also, thank god they added all these gameplay settings. I think i'll actually start a new playthrough with immersive mode turned on. As much as i like Division's looting... BP just feels off in this aspect. One day i'll make a video about Div 2, BP and how they're different to and compliment each other. Ain't coming any time soon tho lol
@Ocoro_ 4 күн бұрын
Personally I like Breakpoint, it has its flaws much like Wildlands do but both are amazing games once you figure out how to make it work, the Motherland scenario was comparable to Wildlands in terms of quality without having the gameplay issues Wildlands has Although I will always prefer Wildlands over Breakpoint because of how immersive Wildlands is, Breakpoint isn’t slop either
@Camps2630 4 күн бұрын
MP was cool. Reminded me of Socom
@ivesricardo6381 4 күн бұрын
@ 3:40, just one little detail, before the drone in watchdogs 2, ghost recon had drones in Future Soldier, and even on the old Advanced Warfighter ones.
@yxon1ph 4 күн бұрын
finished this one and bp honestly had fun with both in co op
@maddymcmadingson6296 5 күн бұрын
AC Odyssey is one of Ubisoft's best games hands down.
@zupremo9141 6 күн бұрын
MGSV is a lot better than Wildlands. The AI is a lot better and they can even counter your load out if you use the same one a few times.
@Thomas-Skaa 7 күн бұрын
The game feels like just cause. When I played wildlands it didn’t feel good. You kill a person and they disappear in 5 seconds. No hiding bodies etc… you can just take a chopper and destroy a camp in 2 min. It’s not really good imo.
@antcmo_2 7 күн бұрын
"killed by black ops 6" is such a low blow it made me flinch
@dohnjoe9211 7 күн бұрын
There are a few modern Ubisoft games worth playing. I think Wildlands and Watch Dogs 2 rise above being total slop. I enjoyed Origins, Odyssey, and Mirage for their settings as well, even if they were a bit lacking in the gameplay department.
@spitzkopfLary 8 күн бұрын
I liked that wildlands had some balls And then they went for Island™ occupied by Evil Corporation© The Perks Breakpoint had (survival aspect, weapons, bla bla) are just no match to a Story that has balls and is somewhat believable The US losing a Task Force so elite the public doesnt even know about and not doing anything recover them? (Ik there was a ingame explanation but i remember it made as much sense as the bible)
@paybacksuper3670 9 күн бұрын
imagine splinter cell gameplay+metal gear story+wildlands open world.
@x6King6x 9 күн бұрын
Ubisoft needs to look at games like gta and red dead for an immersive open world game that can live without you.
@Thurnmourer 9 күн бұрын
What makes it different? It tried to bait a purchase from me based on GRAW 2 nostalgia.
@Khelekheru 10 күн бұрын
Making the ending of Breakpoint paid DLC was complete horseshit.
@ohitzlighting6681 10 күн бұрын
The dvisom imo is the only other good game rn thats gettng content
@JaCKal_0000 11 күн бұрын
this game is on the same era that they TRIED, same release years of AC:Origins
@zinthescarred8726 11 күн бұрын
Dont forget to mention Breakpoint aswell!
@insert_name_here3736 11 күн бұрын
Great video bro! Genuinely was surprised at how little subs you had once I checked after watching the video, this is well good! Hope you make it far, dropped a sub 🙏
@JohnnyEstacado 11 күн бұрын
Wildlands was absolute peak ubisoft. Only downhill from there.
@viniciusa.7947 11 күн бұрын
The gta ost at the ending was nice
@SolFireYT 12 күн бұрын
As an avid Tom Clancy reader since I was child (don’t read them as a kid lmao) Wildlands is my favorite Ubisoft game because above all else it *feels* like a ghost recon plot AND its a good solid game that *feels* like a ghost recon game while still being different. Not just different it’s better. I love most of the TC:GR games but wildlands is peak. I’d like to note I love helldivers and it is shockingly similar to wildlands. Making “random” events seem scripted is peak gaming
@MohammedSoran33 12 күн бұрын
i wanted to buy this game buti knew its locked on 30fbs on consoles
@SpoolyWoo 12 күн бұрын
Such a cool game! Probably my favourite gameplay loop of the series. Shame the story is unfinished. Great video!
@Frizrow 12 күн бұрын
Hey Guys, Thank you for all your support! Its been an amazing first year for this channel! Ill play the other MGS games after I finish MGS: Delta and aim to platinum them too These are the Platinums I have so far: The Last Of Us 2 Spiderman 2 God Of War Ragnarök Elden Ring Cyberpunk 2077 Minecraft Red Dead Redemption 2 (On steam) Helldivers 2 The Last Of Us 1 Remake The next game on the list is Hogwarts Legacy; let me know what other games you want me to platinum!
@TrashyTVV 12 күн бұрын
This game is amazing
@spoismael 13 күн бұрын
Maybe your life is a complete sloppy show.
@spoismael 13 күн бұрын
I don't accept your comments on watch dogs 2
@praetorian9823 13 күн бұрын
Almost every single Ubisoft game is the epitome of a game with a 10/10 idea, that always has a 5/10 execution at best. Wildlands does not avoid failing to live up to it's potential, but it's one of the very few ones that comes closer to what it could be than 90% of their other games.
@bf2dabom 13 күн бұрын
It's actually just Ubisoft slop
@TheForbidden_1ne 13 күн бұрын
It’s still slop but it’s entertaining, immersive slop.
@Stefantius 14 күн бұрын
the asmr mic is fucking awful ngl
@bobboro5310 14 күн бұрын
To be honest i was pretty disappointed with Wildlands i didn’t like the movements it was clunky buggy graphic was downgraded i have waited so long for this game and almost spend $100 that was the moment i lost faith in Ubisoft
@Thezapman1 14 күн бұрын
Interesting video, the thing is Ubisoft just doesn't care anymore, most of the original developers are gone, wildlands while I agree was a game I was quite fond of, has its own slew of issues that even by today still haven't been resolved, breakpoint came in and while it fixed some of the issues, created new ones that drove me away from wanting to invest my time into it, and I ended up 100%ing wildlands for fun, if the game had a smidge more options for immersion, quality of life changes, a new coat of paint, and bug fixes done en masse, than maybe even by today's ubisoft slop standards it can be re-released or remastered in such a way to be fun again and modernized. That being said, it wouldn't hurt to add variety, more content, and focus on adding unique A-Life like experiences to add immersion and break away from unnecessary repetition, the game suffered greatly when you end up doing the exact same thing and lose incentive to wanna complete it all, after having been exposed to the same mechanics, or ai, or "moments", especially preceded by a glitch or two.
@u235-guzzler 14 күн бұрын
What's The Crew?
@steverambo4692 14 күн бұрын
Nostalgia Ubisoft slop has been the same for the past decade what you like or dislike depends entirely on which games you played first
@skootmeister3994 14 күн бұрын
I've had my fun playing this game before, hell I even just played it yesterday. But I wouldn't say the game is perfect. Yeah, the gameplay is fine and there's plenty to it, but the issues besides the DLCs being mid-to trash and the monetization nonsense are more specific. Ghost Recon has always had an element of tactics and planning to it. Despite that, previous entries can seem more forgiving than other games like Tarkov and Squad without abandoning the fragility of your characters. But until Wildlands, it always had a niche bit to it: the "Soldier of Tomorrow" if you will. Something that made Ghost Recon stand out was implementing and using tech and toys that at the time of each respective game's release real things that were in development or experimental like the XM8 and XM29. (Some things of course, weren't real like the MRC or CROSS-COM.) Heck, it's the Ghost MO as a unit, they're cream of the crop of US spec ops, and so they get to play with the newest toys first. Field test them even. Advanced Warfighter really took that to the next level with the CROSS-COM (giving you your HUD) and other weapons like the Rx4, MRC, M.U.L.E. drone, etc etc. When Wildlands came out, they went to a more traditional aesthetic. Sure, there's some new stuff to play with in the game and some element of gadgets, but there's no really NEW stuff. Even the CROSS-COM is just relegated to being a cosmetic. And sure, it may make sense to not take the latest stuff for a job like what Kingslayer was, but that kinda falls apart when Silent Spade and Fallen Ghosts are brought up. This would carry into Breakpoint, and given that takes place one year after Future Soldier...? Essentially: As fun as it is, Wildlands' biggest sin is turning the Ghosts into another generic spec-ops group.