@johnsullivanmusic2719 Күн бұрын
most important thing for AGI is to not have under 75. So ogres almost always wanna put 5 points into agi at char creation being under 75 is like a 20-30 AC Penalty and slight movment penalty. After that point agi is wholly useless except for buffing yourself as a buffer for any agi debuffs so u dont fall below 75.
@brandonmassey1590 3 күн бұрын
Imo krono is the biggest issue on tlps, this will and can't be fixed due to the revenue it brings to the server though.
@Thebuffshaman 3 күн бұрын
Looks at the chain pulling I do as bard working in mezing AND buffing and thinking to myself "yeah, I likes pulling as a bard."
@Thebuffshaman 3 күн бұрын
Unfortunately what this video fails to calculate is if you're calculating the agility in a vacuum like this it looks worse than it ends up being. Agility dents to get you over certain break-points with higher end encounters for both avoidance and mitigation. Testing vs the needlite is a bad test because a lot of what's going into the equations for the one being hit are not being accounted for here and a ton of extra not being hit is happening due to level differences. Playing tanks in raiding situations you notice when you gain 5 points of agility even though the piece you equipped has 1 less hard AC on it because you gained it back and a little more through agi. It also bears out in parses and though you might not think small % boosts mean much Everquest is a game of inches. Gain an inch a little better, gain an inch a little better, gain an inch a little better, eventually you gain that inch that suddenly changes the whole calculation. A few inches after that and it changes again. Your goal isn't to hit 255 in a stat, it's to gain just that one more inch, it's small but not useless. In terms of useless stats Charisma comes to mind. They figured out at some point that it was bugged since the beginning so it wasn't actually doing anything for chanters and bards until stat cap increases and then very little. Level gains however were doing things that were supposed to happen with said increases that were similar to what charisma claimed it was doing. It went pretty much unnoticed until Daybreak took it over.
@procyonia3654 4 күн бұрын
I mean your most skilled player should probably be pulling, but i wil disagree on tank pulling after say mid level expansions When tank survivability vastly outweighs any other archetypes and pull sizes are filling extended target it does make sense for a tank to pull. But by then itndoesnt make sense to sit in one spot, your entire group should be onnthe move all the time and your tank should be filling the extended target
@procyonia3654 5 күн бұрын
The difference between a Washed gamer dad and a S tier player playing a paladin is crazy. Especially once you get to the mid game expansions after GOD.
@basedbear1605 5 күн бұрын
Dude, wtf do you expect? You now have 4-12 weeks to complete an expansion that gave you 6mo. to a year before. Literally the only good point you made was the thing about casters and resists on raids. Having certain mobs completely resistant is just retarded, always has been. That's not a TLP issue though, it's an EQ issue... it's always been there and always will be. I play on live, and I farm NToV with my 105 necro for my alts.... at 105, he STILL can't even dispell a little fairy dragon puss because it's completely immune to magic. That's NUTS. Meanwhile, my pet chews thru him in 2 hits. So dumb, but it won't ever change... except maybe in EQ3!
@pkbeast7963 7 күн бұрын
bro your content is AMAZING. straight love for jooooo! The game is so goddamn easy.. its so fucking sad. OOG cleric healing as IM A FUCKING CLERIC IN GROUP CAN I HEAL ?? LETME PLAY MY CLASS. shits wild fam.
@stevenadams9887 10 күн бұрын
I mean, I'm 5min into the video and the stats are effectively doubling everything?
@DraconiusDragora 10 күн бұрын
If my memory serves, the higher level you go, the more Dexterity and Agility you also require for them to really take effect. So a level 1 may get way more from 10 Agility, than someone who is level 50. While other stats is the opposite where their effects are stronger based on higher levels. But since the Stat Cap is 255 (Till lvl 61-75 which will add a total of 75 more to the stat cap for a total of 330), and you need about 6 times that, for Agility and Dexterity to be of decent to great use. Yeah they fall off quickly. However this is only if my memory is correct, I might just be mixing another game up with Everquest, and misremembering things.
@KILRtv 11 күн бұрын
I'll be impressed if you can show us how to kill Trakanon in 1 minute. 🙂
@fatfatviking 11 күн бұрын
Oh my Gawd, you ith thooooow thmart, lil Yeant! Bleth you, Childe!! I bet when you join a group people mysteriously have to go do other shit pretty quickly. You sound insufferable... I do, however, think you got the title of this video correct, 'Why YOU Suck at EverQuest'. Do me a favor, go look up the Dunning/Kruger Effect.
@Jmcwrestling1 12 күн бұрын
The game is so easy that having your monitor on is like 65% of the skill necessary
@Daygard1 14 күн бұрын
Exp in EQ is so bad , grinding is a complete waste of everyones time. Find a few quests and repeat them. Mush faster and a lot less BS.
@Daygard1 14 күн бұрын
Truly one of the worst games ever made. soooooooo boring and near impossible to level just grinding mobs. Stats, gear, do make a small difference. still its just small zones with some quests that are way to hard to do without reading some info on another site. 1 to 10 id give this game a solid 3!
@nethervvoid 16 күн бұрын
IDK I played at launch and quit before Kunark. Came back in 2004 when GoD was the exp. Led a raid guild for a year. I don't know if we can really ever get that experience back again. Like you said min-maxing is a thing with gamers now. Things will just never be what they were. That's why I just box on my original 1999 server currently and post youtube vids of the journey. At a certain point I accepted my nostalgia and see it now as a great time in my life that I'm ok not reliving. There is so much cool stuff happening right now for me. Yeah 1999 was awesome. But it's over and that's ok. Maybe we can find something really cool in the future, but we can never have 1999 again. Time only moves forward, and that is a fortunate thing. As far as EQ, point number 4 you have would change the experience of the game for those exps. Then it's not EQ anymore. It's EQ 1.5 or something. Better they simply release EQ3, which I've heard they're working on.
@nethervvoid 16 күн бұрын
<--- Pally. Agree. Mostly with snap aggro offtanking.
@SexyDragoness 16 күн бұрын
My mother at 55 was an elite raiding guild leader and a druid back in the day. If she were still around I'd love to hear her thoughts on being lower tiers in Tier and Class lol. Good times. Don't know if either of us would know what to make of modern EQ. Its just not the same game. As a primarily Monk, Mage and Necro player I'm glad at least one of them feels necessary.
@jdestef 16 күн бұрын
Lv22 attacking a 50 is already going to be missing most of the time. You need to do even con or blue con.
@douglasc886 16 күн бұрын
you should tell me 24 years ago, lol
@isowindors 21 күн бұрын
Game = chill down time while hanging with chat buds. Life = working hard for slight improvements. Game is for escapism, not continuation of stress.
@SwishEQ 22 күн бұрын
1. You play on the Daybreak TLPs and kronoquest 🤦‍♂
@SexyDragoness 24 күн бұрын
While these are definitely good tips I think what made EQ so fun was the relatively chill nature of grouping. Taking stuff as it came, joking and talking always made the journey so much more fun. I was personally never a meta player, even when I raided. With the exception of a few things the game never really required meta level play. I dunno I always enjoyed the journey more than the destination so rushing was never a concern for me. Sometimes you always had that one guy who cried that we're not as fast as we should be but usually they'd get kicked because its annoying. I come back occasionally to throw on my nostalgia goggles but once I get to a certain point I lose interest because I don't know it anymore, its new levels, zones and mechanics. All my old friends are gone and when I try to make new ones everybody is in such a rush to do everything. I don't suck at the game, the game has just changed from what I loved.
@foxplayz3117 24 күн бұрын
Casters should always do the most damage (While they have mana) their damage is a limited resource and melee dps is unlimiated free resource. Its simple math
@BigSeanH 24 күн бұрын
Monk takes very little skill... 90% is just turning on auto attack... What the fuck is this list? Enchanter benefits most from player skill.
@fehudruid Ай бұрын
Thanks for this. I have solo quadded my way up to 60 without grouping once so I need this info for future groups.
@tren380 Ай бұрын
Your level sample is far too small. This video has so much wrong with it.
@dtt719 Ай бұрын
Interesting to see what it’s like on TLPs. Some surprising differences compared to p99 and quarm
@TheJofurr Ай бұрын
Yeah, that's how we played OGEQ raiding through PoP. Even for DPS it was STA, HP and maybe resists > everything else. EQ was more about player skill and cooperation than gear. Pay-to-winners could never.
@packatk7431 Ай бұрын
Not sure if it's been said or if you've done it but it sure would be nice to see a classic era parse on the affects of charisma to the length of charm. I swear it feels like the higher my charisma is the longer the charm lasts, and I've been told that's how charisma is suppose to work. Charm length also, at times, feels random and charisma not a dependable stat to increase to make my charm more effective. Great video breaking now melee stats.
@iwinnimi Ай бұрын
If I can enter combat and leave combat with more hp and mana than what I started with. I'm just fine
@iwinnimi Ай бұрын
I always pull with the enchanter way easier than a monk
@Noia_20 Ай бұрын
This guy has only ever boxed in EQ with mercs.
@fatfatviking 11 күн бұрын
That's what I thought 😂
@basedbear1605 5 күн бұрын
What a dumb comment. In the 3 groups he shows, there is only 1 with a merc.
@joshrobinson506 Ай бұрын
Nobody wants the God Teir or even A team cleric. Cleric was my favorite class and I actually liked to solo or duo with it. Mostly because in groups and especially raids your job is to cast CH. Sit cast CH, sit some more. If you actually did more you weren't playing right, even if you sped up kills or saved groups from insane pulls you were playing your class wrong. Just sit and cast CH. You want a goldfish to play the cleric.
@TOHL1995 Ай бұрын
At lower levels, it matters. The small buffs are the difference between being annhilated by same level mobs and winning somewhat comfortably. Best MMO still.
@MrSpazz502 Ай бұрын
Having played Monk, Rogue, Magician, Bard, and Warrior as mains through out different iterations of the game, live, TLPs, P99, etc. Rogue on P99 had the ability to be up in the second tier for sure. Corpse dragging still a thing, Sneak Pulling (p99 solo pull trick), no automation on DPS and still very high DPS before the caster reworks happened later on live. Really depends on where you're playing the game and the era.
@jeffevans4711 Ай бұрын
Talking about pulled and no mention on Rangers?do you even play ?
@jeffevans4711 Ай бұрын
Pullers *
@HallsteinI Ай бұрын
Why did I watch the whole thing? I've never even played EQ...
@mogwaiman6048 Ай бұрын
Yeah power progression from stats was minimal in EQ. You're trash and your friends are trash, so get to grouping. Unless you're a good solo class of course.
@YawnGod Ай бұрын
Cool video, but I can imagine during the age of slower internet and graphics cards that going from 1 proc per minute to 1 proc every 30 seconds would make a player feel they are playing 100% more than they otherwise would be. I mean, EQ can't just be a MUD with graphics, now can it?
@bdetert82 Ай бұрын
Armor, HP, Mana, Strength. Those are pretty much the only stats you care about.
@kibblewibble1 Ай бұрын
As a monk back in the day, 95% of my time was spent pulling. All i wanted to do was punch stuff. You know how stressful it was the 1st time I went to unrest and was told to just start pulling? Not fun.
@kibblewibble1 Ай бұрын
I still remember what an ssoy is
@paulmitchell4876 Ай бұрын
there are too many things to consider. you will have to have many different mobs beat on you. their different accuracy rates often make some stats less meaningful. I'm not saying that you are going down the wrong road about stats as they have changed the game so much since the early EQ days. However, since there are so many variables, any testing needs to be able to cover all the considerations in order to make an accurate assessment. Also, any parse on a PC character will be completely off. There are tons of nerfs on PC vs PC damage. Any parse with PC vs PC is going to be wrong when it comes to NPCs.
@paulmitchell4876 Ай бұрын
Your best bet to get a solid set of data is to actually KILL tons of mobs in kunark. Luclin mobs have significantly buffed up combat stats compared to kunark mobs and luclin is when the stats game started to not matter. If I were looking to test what you are, I would settle for no less than 10 hours of solid killing with a wide variety of mobs. Being a data engineer, I would also clean the parse to include the same percentage of caster type mobs and melee type mobs in each comparison, or separate those into their own groups entirely. This way you get to see the effects on mobs with hardier combat attributes vs less. This can help expose the underlying mechanics to see where the impact of stats actually might come into play.
@paulmitchell4876 Ай бұрын
Another thing to consider is there are "shelves" inherent in the damage and avoidance formulas where the involved stats have low impact up until that shelf, once your stats push you past the plateau/shelf , that's when the benefit is apparent. Armor AC and avoidance AC both have these. Once you get your base value to a certain level, the benefit is extreme in comparison. The plateau is different for each mob depending on their inherent combat attribute assignments. Its possible that all luclin mobs' threshold for accuracy is higher than 255 agi (since they have tweaked the damage tables a few times at least since classic era) So you may in fact be correct. But to know for sure, you would have to have more scenarios covered by your data to say one way or the other.
@baronofgreymatter14 2 ай бұрын
I love how you put rogues at perma lost. Low expectations are easy to exceed and a good rogue is top 3 if not top DPS for a long time. They just get better and better. You know rogues have disciplines as well right? Also Druid debuffs on raid bosses are essential. Lowering resists AC and atk is huge. Caster healer off tank healer. As a druid I was in constant motion on raids. Later they become big dmg critting for 6 million dmg pet tick of their dots. So Sloth? Not so sure. Jack of all trade types fill alot of holes
@dalamar1035 2 ай бұрын
If I recall it also increased your AC stat which then lowered the dmg you taken. And on raids when high level mobs hit you 4 times a attack round every little miss and or less dmg per hit matters. For Dex and crits think its a correlation if recall between attack rating and dex as a modifier. Depending on what weapon and class you are affects your Attack rating differently. Being a Enchanter class we used to buff alot for these stats seeing huge differences. Dex helps alot for Rangers and ranged used weapons to hit the ATtack and AC ratings is what game calculates most of the dmg off of. Reason at higher level gear stats did not matter as much as raw ATtack and AC bonus more over gear with saving throw stats met more and your over all level mitigates incoming dmg.In my final years of gaming original EQ up till 13th expansion I was playing one of top level rogues on server and my stats and gear made me far better then a Warrior as a group tank my dps out put held agro and my hp ac mitigation stat and gear stats kept me up with a good cleric and support class for slow which I ended up farming a wilsapper for slow proc to just fill in when no slow.
@Drew_2308 2 ай бұрын
except if you're not getting hit then AC isn't doing shit for you and the hps from stamina can be helping you absorb more ae's and if you're a monk every bit of hps you get add to the heal you get from mend
@jaimeb9360 2 ай бұрын
Just another opinion of a sweaty min-maxer. Play the game to have fun!
@adamb306 2 ай бұрын
Sooooo....about shield AC to stam conversion.....
@IamGamer41 2 ай бұрын
this isnt p99 so fuck off
@jlsteelcrafts8378 2 ай бұрын
Research ZAM... zones gear material ect...Hot zones and daily Teek quests... world exploration.