HSF 2024 Session VI: Securing the Arctic
Helsinki Security Forum 2024
@Divaristi Жыл бұрын
Lisätkää äänenvoluumia livelähetyksiinne! Kiitän!
@gedankenexplosion5690 2 жыл бұрын
If you take a look at the current opposition parties in Türkiye, one can only hope that Erdo wins in 2023, they are a full of corrupt fools, Erdo and his team maybe also corrupt, but at least they have some degree of competence! Turkiye needs a new, a brand new political party, with people who are respected and have the competence to lead a Nation in difficult times, who work for the people and not for themselfs or for their party! But Türkiye is not alone with this dilemma, all the major countries have it. Just look at the US, there you can choose between a senile corrupt Biden and a narcissistic fool named Trump!
@jormasoukka833 2 жыл бұрын
Neljä kanaa ja yksi miesoletettu?
@huriytaolmustur1714 2 жыл бұрын
Nothing is possible under Erdo. Until he and his party are gone, sadly nothing is possible.
@juergenbachmann7516 2 жыл бұрын
I find it interesting to see that Magdalena Andersson talks about Human Rights and delivers to Erdogan hands members of the PPK Kurds living in Sweden, and in return Sweden signed the agreement to get into NATO. Erdogan mastered in his deal to get now the PKK Kurds members and he will not veto against Sweden to beome a member in NATO. This is very interesting to see how Human Rights is played out here.
@skyman3344 2 жыл бұрын
Kun aloitetaan kansalaisten kurjistaminen keksityllä ilmastokriisillä, terveyskriisillä ym, pitää näköjään kehittää ensin se miten köyhtyvät ja kurjistuvat kansalaiset pidetään kurissa, ilmastoturvallisuus taitaa olla tarpeen ainoastaan päättäjien suojelussa. Mitä me kansalaiset voimme tehdä, meidän pitää vastustaa tuollaisia valehtelijoita he tekevät meistä köyhiä ja orjia,maksamme aina vaan enemmän kaikesta mitä nuo hullut keksivät.
@WhyFeartheTruthNow 2 жыл бұрын
The Slovenian whistleblower videos have been deleted by You Tube. The nurse details how the powerful and the politicians get a saline shot, while the public gets the really dangerous real thing.
@hubertdelanoy901 2 жыл бұрын
Huge backsliding of democracy happened also in France, so you can add it to your list!
@sadddee 3 жыл бұрын
What the hell gives Europe the right to be in Syria, Africa in general, or any other places outside Europe?
@jarmotoivola1028 3 жыл бұрын
Kiitos että seminaari on myös myöhemmin nähtävissä
@nxgrs74 3 жыл бұрын
1) By reflecting away 30% of ISR the albedo, which would not exist w/o the atmosphere, makes the earth cooler than it would be without the atmosphere like that reflective panel set on the dash. Remove the atmosphere/GHGs and the earth becomes much like the moon, a barren rock with a 0.1 albedo, 20% more kJ/h, hot^3 on the lit side, cold^3 on the dark. Nikolov, Kramm (U of AK) and UCLA Diviner mission all tacitly agree. 2) the GHG up/down welling, “trapping”/”back” radiating/delaying/intercepting, 100 % efficient, perpetual warming loop requires "extra" energy which according to RGHE theory comes from 3) the terrestrial surface radiating "extra" energy as an ideal black body which 4) cannot happen because of the non-radiative heat transfer processes of the contiguous atmospheric molecules. 1+2+3+4 = 0 Greenhouse Effect + 0 Greenhouse gas warming + 0 man caused climate change. Version 1.0 031221 FIIA
@nicola1676 3 жыл бұрын
Tikhanovskaya is deceiving you. She does not represent Belarus. Tikhanovskaya is supported by a small number of people who want the destruction of Belarus. Residents of Europe, watch Belarusian television. Everything is not what you think. We want peace. Stop supporting destructive forces.
@КастусьКаліноўскі-э1я 3 жыл бұрын
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya is our President and Leader. We need help from Finland and EU to get rid of junta that currently holding power in Belarus: 1. End impunity for those who kill and torture, who falsified elections. They should face consequences of their actions but in Belarus justice is dead 2. Stop giving any money to junta. Impose sanctions against regime, its wallets, its aggressive propaganda 3. Support democratic society and free media of Belarus
@zacharypietro3916 3 жыл бұрын
Risk management is a daily life of and for successful people. The difference between the rich and the poor is what the rich does with the opportunity that comes while the poor is afraid to venture into because of loosing out.cryptocurrency is an opportunity that has made it possible for everyone to increase his or her financial status. The good thing is the government has no control over it. All that is required is get to register with blockchain or luno and get an expert to guide you on winning strategies.
@oldbagira2192 3 жыл бұрын
Do you want Russia to freeze the development of hypersonic systems, curtail the Paseidon program and the Skif ballistic bottom-based missiles?
@robertcallaghan4029 4 жыл бұрын
*Nothing To See Here = Runaway Hothouse Mass Extinction* There are 23 billion chickens on earth, if one sneezes we all get the flu ;) Humans and livestock are 96% of all mammals by weight and caused 80% of species extinction -- Livestock use up to 80% of antibiotics and cause 25% of all infectious disease The world failed all 20 biodiversity targets set 10 years ago There have been 25 climate COPs and 15 biodiversity COPs - all miserable failures People don't live long enough to notice mass extinction 500 years ago there were so many cod fish John Cabot thought they would capsize his ship 400 years ago there were more Caribbean sea turtles by weight than buffalo on the plains 300 years ago Passenger pigeon migrations would block out the noon day sun 97% of great fresh water species gone since 1970 ( Guardian 2019 ) 96% of mammals are livestock and human by weight ( Ecowatch 2018 ) 96% of tigers gone in 100 years ( IFL Science 2019 ) 90% of elephants gone in 100 years ( Hurriet 2019 ) 90% of lions gone in 100 years ( African Impact 2019 ) 90% of Leatherback sea turtles gone since 1980 ( Earth Watch undated ) 90% of Monarch Butterflies gone in 20 years ( Inhabitat 2014 ) 80% of Antarctic Krill gone in 30 years ( Research Gate 2005 ) 77% of Eastern lowland gorillas gone since 1996 ( Treehugger 2020 ) 68% of world’s wildlife has been wiped out since 1970 ( Mongabay 2020 ) 50% of Marine vertebrates gone since 1970 ( WWF 2015 ) 50% of Great Barrier Reef gone since 1985 ( Live Science 2012 ) 40% of Giraffes gone since 1990 ( NRDC 2019 ) 40% of insect species are threatened with extinction in 30 years ( PNAS 2019 ) 4% of mammals are wild ( Vegan News 2020 ) Green house gases up 45% in 30 years - Earth Hotter Faster In 10 years the US cut emissions more switching from coal to gas than Europe investing in renewable energy 66% of humanity will live in water stressed areas by 2025 50% of thermal and hydro electric capacity will be threatened by water stress 20% of global energy is electricty 4% of global energy is renewable electricity To get 30% of energy from algae ponds requires land the size of Argentina 4% of mammals are wild by weight and bio energy land use threatens them The outlook for grassland carbon capture is grim due to deep soil carbon loss The implications of deep soil carbon loss on abrupt permafrost heating are dismal 80% of global energy is fossil fuels and has been for over 25 years Solar & wind are 2% of global energy North Euro offshore wind turbines work 30% of the time North Euro onshore wind turbines work 22% of the time North Euro solar panels work 11% of the time The F-35 fighter jet works 11% of the time Europe burns 80% of the world’s wood pellets for renewable electricity It takes tree plantations 30 years to recoup 10% of their carbon offset We cut 15 billion trees, plant 5 billion, lose 10 billion per year Wildfires are more intense, frequent and bigger with drought & high temps Trees are growing faster and dying younger 40% of insect species could go extinct by 2050 Europe burns 80% of its recycled plastic & paper for recycled electricity Europe burns 50% of its palm oil shipments in cars & trucks Europe's carbon fund is rife with corruption Out of earth's 1.2 billion vehicles 6 million are electric Ten years fighting air pollution in China raised global north temperatures 0.1 °C Earth is Hotter Faster From 1971-2018 global net heating averaged 0.47 watts/m² From 2010-2018 global net heating averaged to 0.87 watts/m² = 46% higher Oceans took 89% of that heat and air took 1% This is rapid heat acceleration 350 ppm CO2 will not get Earth’s heat imbalance under control -- 300 ppm needed to cool earth *Sources:* We cut 15 billion trees per year, plant 5 billion, lose 10 billion / yr -- Tree Nation 2020 Trees are growing faster and dying younger -- Sci Am 2020 2020 : Fossil fuels remained 80% of global energy for over 25 years - CCN 2019 2020 : 2% of global energy is solar and wind ( after 20 yrs trying ) - IEA 2020 2020 : 4% of energy is renewable - WSJ BP 2019 : Greenhouse gases are up 45% in 30 years - NOAA 2020 2020 : Energy related emissions up 30% in 30 years - IEA 2020 2025 : 66% of people will live in water stressed areas - Nat Geo 2020 Water Stress Threatens Near 50% of World’s Thermal Power Plant Capacity - WRI 2017 Water Stress Threatens 30% of planned hydro projects - WWF 2019 2030 : Emissions must fall 50% in 10 yrs to stay under 1.5 C - Sci Am 2019 2030 : Emissions must fall 50% in 10 yrs to stay under 1.5 C - Insurance Journal 2019 2030 : We’ll make 120% more fossil fuel than needed to stay under 1.5 C - UN 2019 2040 : 15% of global energy will be renewable - IEA 2019 2040 : 15% of global energy will be renewable - WSJ BP 2019 2050 : Energy demand to increase 50% - EIA 2019 2050 : 30% of electricity will be renewable - EIA 2019 2050 : 30% of global energy will be electricity - IEA 2019 2018 : 18% of global energy is electricity 2040 : 24% of global energy is electricity US Energy Vulnerabilities To Climate Extremes - Energy gov 2013 -- Decreasing water availability in some regions and seasons -- Increasing intensity/frequency of storms, flooding, and sea level riseWater Energy and Land Insecurity: Global -- Science Daily 2020 -- heightened global risk to water/energy/resources for supply/demands *Weather* = flash floods + flash fires + flash mobs + flash infections *Climate* = 30 years of weather Support James Hansen's monthly private dividends zzz
@MasteringGeopolitics 4 жыл бұрын
Great debate! Congrats. However, it have have a representative from China to enrich still more the discussions with the Chinese perspective.