@tabithadorcas7763 Күн бұрын
Amen! Wonderful way to begin a Monday morning!
@michaelmcgrath6054 2 күн бұрын
For the record the sensus fidei and the sensus fidelium can not be in opposition as they are moved by the same Holy Spirit. I dont think you understand the idea of the development of doctrine.
@michaelmcgrath6054 2 күн бұрын
Who is this guy? He has an extremely poor understanding of catholic ecclesiology and the sensus fidei. The ITC clearly sets out what it takes to be part of the sensus fidei. The people of God are the laity, the episcopate and the magistrium. Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit through listening to each other. If you think the Catholics are confused about what they believe just have a chat with a couple of protestants. Synodality is the answer.
@matthewzmarzley 3 күн бұрын
Good show guys thank you
@p38lightning90 4 күн бұрын
Filipinos are the best
@Scott_Terry 5 күн бұрын
How much is the CIA paying theologians to give flaccid takes on controversial figures? I can tell everyone Rutherford loved the king and John Knox would have us obey establishment. "Give up your rights ye Kuyperians..." :D
@Amilton5Solas 6 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, this found me in place of hurt and has brought me some peace!
@randyrondyhord1940 7 күн бұрын
Sometimes we think we know more,then bible lord know who was going believe him.before he came,thats way he hard there harts
@randyrondyhord1940 7 күн бұрын
You got to put ,righty diving word with it
@iankip9362 7 күн бұрын
LOVED THIS! Can't believe this has been on the internet for 4 years and I haven't watched it
@marilynmelzian7370 8 күн бұрын
Thank you, great discussion! I really appreciate Fr. Legge!
@davidmoser5493 11 күн бұрын
Fantastic! Can't wait to see this published.
@trystwithchrist 11 күн бұрын
William Binnie, the nineteenth century Reformed Presbyterian minister who became a Free Church of Scotland professor, has a chapter on "The Imprecations" in his volume “The Psalms : Their History, Teachings, and Use.” It is easy enough to find for free online. There are examples of some parts of imprecatory psalms taken from worship services on my channel although the context is an attempt put the whole of a modern psalter online in sung form. I remember we used to sing every psalm over the course of the year in worship although some parts of psalms were sung only at the prayer meeting rather than at the Lord’s Day services. Binnie’s comment was that the imprecations “ought never to be sung but with fear and trembling.” The closing of Psalm 137 (which has been compared to Luke 19: 44) has, in my experience, often been omitted in public worship. Binnie also reminds us that the things called for in the imprecatory psalms are part of God’s providence in history.
@randyrondyhord1940 11 күн бұрын
That dont sound right
@randyrondyhord1940 11 күн бұрын
@parksideevangelicalchurch2886 11 күн бұрын
The imprecatory psalms are great to use in the spiritual warfare of our prayers. I've found it helpful in my preaching to link them with Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
@truthseerum 11 күн бұрын
one of the generals of reformed faith fell today. please pray to lift up and restore Brother Steve Lawson. Please pray for mighty pastor John MacArthur, the foremost reformed theologian of our time, who's life in earth is coming to a close. he underwent heart surgery. the Body of Christ groans as we approach the end. Lord preserve and increase our faith as your children are impelled by your LIVING WORD, that is the HOLY NAME of Your Son Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, to fellowship and worship and commune continuously and pray without ceasing that we uphold the standard of your doctrine and preach the Good News in Obedience until the end of time. Beloved Holy Spirit flood these words with your grace and mercy and cleanse the soul of grief as we have grieved you and move us to good works according to our faith and calling. In Jesus Holy Name Amen.
@fdirep218895 10 күн бұрын
@PaDutchRunner 8 күн бұрын
Firstly, there are no “generals of the reformed faith” beyond Christ Himself. Secondly, Lawson is a “leaky dispensationalist” Baptist, just like his friend John MacArthur. He might be Calvinistic in his soteriology, but he’s definitely not reformed.
@truthseerum 6 күн бұрын
@@PaDutchRunner so you cant pray for him mr self righteous
@PaDutchRunner 6 күн бұрын
@@truthseerum did I say that?
@elainevassell7407 11 күн бұрын
Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: As it is written, JACOB HAVE I LOVED, BUT ESAU HAVE I HATED What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. Above scriptures are in the King James Bible Romans 9
@johananswedlund7149 13 күн бұрын
I have watched a bunch of these videos and once again this one disappoints. None of them address the chore issue ehich is the prophecies conserning israel. The question that must be answered is did the prophets actually see the future and declare it or were they mearly communicating vague analogies. If you believe that they are analogies then you must explain how the blessings are all spiritual and go to the church while the curses are literal and are for the Jews. This type of mental contortion is almost as bad as the other approach which is ignoring the prophets all together.
@2394Joseph 13 күн бұрын
Before daylight on the first day of the week is still Saturday, the sabath. The Jewish Sabath goes from dusk to dawn.
@EmmieAfra-y5l 14 күн бұрын
Harris Ruth Lopez Maria Clark Sarah
@DaveMalyo 15 күн бұрын
Je le veux en français
@SamCheryl-s6q 15 күн бұрын
Taylor Sandra Harris Kimberly Walker William
@SamCheryl-s6q 15 күн бұрын
Wilson Elizabeth Thompson Donna Johnson Jose
@4StonesHandcraft 16 күн бұрын
But are they doing it ALL for edification as taught in the NT, which never mentions worship in the gatherings?
@JonathanNYCity 16 күн бұрын
That "empty decadence" of European churches 100 years ago has been alive and well in the American church for at least several decades.
@Amilton5Solas 16 күн бұрын
I love how Christ is glorified! That’s before all else.
@dankemp814 17 күн бұрын
Inferred knowledge of God as cause, which is epistemologically posterior to knowledge of God's effect, is consistent with immediate, non-inferred, natural knowledge of God. There is more than one way a thing can be known, as when I know that I can immediately know that I am in North America, and I can also discover that through studying the stars.
@liveluke9.236 17 күн бұрын
You guys are causing me financial troubles with all these books that you twist my arm to buy. 🤓
@παρεπίδημος 18 күн бұрын
I share the same concerns that Vos had about the American church. As a pastor I am constantly hearing of the influence of practical empiricism (realism). It is a never ending cycle to correct and raise the people’s eyes to heaven where their hope is seated at the right hand of the Father. People expect preaching to be anything but the proclamation of the person and work of the Son these days. They are looking to preaching to be strictly biblical counseling, or a transfer of knowledge, or ideas for practical weekday application. Tell us what to do rather than tell us what Christ has done. Tell us what to do practically instead of how we are applied to the scripture in union with Christ. Vos’ concern was prophetic.
@pastorpitman 18 күн бұрын
20 minutes in, I had to pause and order the book. 😉
@devothebot3008 18 күн бұрын
“For in man, even before the Fall, the intellect could not raise itself by transcending the natural limits to supernatural knowledge, nor could the will apprehend those things, except supported and sustained by supernatural help.” -Franciscus Junius
@devothebot3008 18 күн бұрын
It’s funny how when these reformed forum guys talk about the reformed tradition and list theologians it looks like “Calvin, vos, van til.” They completely ignore the orthodox confessional period because they know that they would have issues.
@JamesBurke713 18 күн бұрын
Utter nonsense. Build whatever argument you wish to preserve Christianity as some special case for divinity, but arguing that it somehow separated itself out from its historical context is just a way of lying to yourself and beyond rational thought.
@ronronfernandez9761 18 күн бұрын
It's me.
@lagg-alot8308 19 күн бұрын
The only Thing the Bible stated was that God Make coats of skin. It did not say they were sourced from an animal (Like God needs a source material to make anything). It is not stated that any sins were paid for. Does not state that any creature died except Adam & his wife.
@INRIVivatChristusRex 21 күн бұрын
A Catholic Mass is true worship as our Lord JesusChrist instituted on Holy Thursday when He transformed the Old Covenant liturgy of the Seder Passover into the New Covenant in His Blood by commanding us to”Do this in Memory of Me.” Vivat Christus Rex! Long Live Christ the King! Viva Cristo Rey!
@msrhuby 22 күн бұрын
Shared on Facebook
@nl_2652 22 күн бұрын
Lane is missing one of the volumes of Bavinck’s dogmatics on his shelf! Call me a nerd
@joanneg7646 24 күн бұрын
Darby was an occultist. Leap castle family member..yes that leap castle where 150 bodies were found.. satanic blood sacrifices.
@marilynmelzian7370 24 күн бұрын
I will definitely read this book. I love the middle ages and think we lose a lot by not appreciating the spiritual resources from that era.
@Stupidityindex 24 күн бұрын
See videos: New research expands on J Atwill's discovery that the story of Jesus is a parody of Emperor' Titus' victories. Paul the Apostle: Liar and Conman | James Valliant, Rabbi Tovia Singer How did so many Roman artifacts make it into the Viking Early Middle Ages? Atheist History: Atheism from Greece to the Modern World.wmv
@michellecheriekjv4115 24 күн бұрын
Be careful with Tovia Singer...he rejects Jesus as God in the flesh. 📖
@Steve-lb8wq 25 күн бұрын
The guest speaker is not giving the whole truth The origins of dispationalism comes from a Jesuit in the 6th century named (Francisco rebera) please pray 🙏 and research this for yourselves The jusuits came up with this unbiblical furture anti Christ in an effort to shift emphasis of the protestant historical eschatology away from the true anti Christ worship system which is the papacy In Matthew 24 the Jesus gave us an extremely important warning and that is Let no man deceive you
@Steve-lb8wq 25 күн бұрын
Christians are completely ignorant of history and will be deceived if they do not pray 🙏 for the love of the truth and the power to receive it 2 thessalonians 2:10 in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge
@tabithadorcas7763 25 күн бұрын
Enjoyed this! Yet another book to add to my list!
@JohnQPublic11 25 күн бұрын
*What was the Dark Ages? ------- >* You guys don’t seem to know very much about history. [1] The “Dark Ages” is a very specific period of time that “DOES NOT” include the “Middle Ages” or the “Renaissance”; but rather is a term coined by academia as a period of time, beginning around the 5th century, characterized by stagnant economic, intellectual, and cultural growth; where there is very little time and effort spent in scholarly pursuits and interactions taking place between people groups; mainly because everybody was simply struggling to survive the harsh conditions of life after the collapse of the Roman Empire. [2] Communists historians and authors, from 1861 forward, exploited, politically weaponized, accused and attributed this state of affairs, marked by a lack of written scholarly output, as evidence of the world being suppressed, subjugated to and enslaved by the Church. [3] We “now know” the “Dark Ages” was a specific historical period marked by extreme cold and extremely poor food production of global proportions, “caused by” either a volcanic event, or a meteor strike, casting so much debris into the upper atmosphere that it almost caused the collapse of humanity itself. [4] The period from the 5th century to the “Middle Ages” is nothing more than just the recovery time it took Western Civilization to recover from the 5th century environmental disaster; a period of the collapse of the “Roman Empire” into stable “nation states”; and frankly it was the Church that dragged Western Civilization out of the “Dark Ages” and into the “Enlightenment”. [5] However, the reality is that after Martin Luther brought in the Reformation John Calvin’s Calvinist’s reinstituted another “New Dark Age” by murdering everybody opposed to John Calvin’s “Institutes of Religion”!!! So some might even successfully argue that “Reformed Theology” immediately dragged us back into the intellectual “Dark Ages” preached by the communists! .
@jgeph2.4 25 күн бұрын
All that just to say you are anti- Calvinist ? Sheesh 🙄
@jgeph2.4 25 күн бұрын
Martin Luther and Lutheranism disagreed with Calvin …. How did they escape the onslaught of the “Calvinists”?
@warriorjohn316 25 күн бұрын
So Western Civilization was flourishing 🤔 up until 1517 and then stifled 🤔throughout the next 400+ years, and this supposed lack of progress😵‍💫 was because of the Reformation? Is that what you’re postulating? I appreciate the groundwork laid out so clearly and definitely found it informative, but you lost me in your conclusive statement-quite a leap, and multidirectional leaps seemingly erasing most of Western Civ. 🤷‍♀️
@marilynmelzian7370 26 күн бұрын
Regarding the idea that love necessitates suffering with someone, I have four examples against that. In one case, my former church was going through great suffering because of a pastoral scandal. Our Presbytery sent a mediator. She had what I would call a non-anxious presence. She herself was not suffering and because of that was able to help us get beyond it. She did not have a personal agenda. Another example is that my father suffered greatly whenever I did. Because of that I could never share with him my suffering because it hurt him too much. It was extremely unhelpful. The third relates to the fact that I have three grandchildren. If they fall and skin their knee, it does not help them at all if I fall and skin my knee. What helps them is if I clean the wound put a Band-Aid on it and comfort them. I don’t need to suffer myself in order to do that. The fourth goes back to a time when I was experiencing anxiety attacks. There were lots of people who sympathized with me and it didn’t help at all. I finally went to a psychologist who helped me to explore the root causes while not giving sympathy or taking on my feelings. It helped enormously. it is a great comfort that God does not suffer, because that means he cannot be conquered and he cannot fall apart. It helps to think of love as willing the good of the other, not in its essence a feeling.
@marilynmelzian7370 26 күн бұрын
Great refutation of the Hellenization thesis. I find it so ironic that Evangelicals end up being so influenced by Protestant liberalism.
@figsweetnut 26 күн бұрын
i have to be honest with you, the more i look at the speech and behavior of futurists, the more concerning they are and the more i realize the great great harm they have been doing
@figsweetnut 26 күн бұрын
that was the saddest most unconvincing exoplanation of 2 peter - what is this gibberish? Futurism is crumbling before your eyes - believe God, stop this sillyness.
@figsweetnut 26 күн бұрын
Preterism is obviously true, so many people taught nonsense by Dallas Seminary and the Calvary system, its all nonsense. Futurism creates mental illness and highly ineffective self righteous people.
@Mike-qt7jp 11 күн бұрын
Here are some big problems for the preterist view. If the Millennium happened in the first century from 30AD to 70AD when did this happen? Isaiah 65:20 says, “Never again WILL THERE BE in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; the one who dies at a hundred WILL BE thought a mere child; the one who fails to reach a hundred WILL BE considered accursed." This is a prophecy of a FUTURE event, from Isaiah's writing, notice the words WILL BE. When Isaiah was written in 8 BC, the life expectancy was 20-30 years, so from the time it was written until NOW, there has NEVER been a time when this was true: "Never again WILL THERE BE in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; the one who dies at a hundred WILL BE thought a mere child; the one who fails to reach a hundred WILL BE considered accursed." These things are CLEARLY A REFERENCE to a future Millennial period. It has to be future from us for this to be true in any sense of the word. Isaiah 11:6 says, "The wolf WILL live with the lamb, the leopard WILL lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child WILL lead them." This is a reference to a FUTURE time (notice the word WILL over and over) when the carnivorous nature of animals will be no more. From the time Adam and Eve sinned until RIGHT NOW there have been carnivorous animals. We know this has to be a reference to the Millennial Reign. AND there has NEVER been a time when this happened. It absolutely has to be FUTURE from us right now. Think this through, logically, but first take off your preterist-lensed glasses.