FFXIV Has a Dangerous New Stalking Mod....
FFXIV's DDoS Issues are Insane
The Problem Isn't Hector Guides
Is FFXIV's Story Too Long Now?
Fixing FF14's Loneliness Problem
Is FFXIV's PVP Doomed To Fail?
FFXIV Has A Healer Problem
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Do Casual Players Grief in FF14?
@barramuti27 3 күн бұрын
just ban the stalker and report
@GAF516 3 күн бұрын
Why have you gone radio silent on the Dawntrail MSQ reception? You made videos talking about what the new story might bring BEFORE the expansion released, but nothing talking about how bad the Yawntrail story ended up being after we all got to see it for ourselves... 🤷
@Sonicrida 2 күн бұрын
Honestly it's 2 parts haha one is that I got a little burnt out on the game myself between my own feelings about the story and pf grind being rough and the other is that I've been trying to really cook on my thoughts so I can actually add something new and interesting to the conversation and not just repeat what others say. A lot of people have made some of the complaints I have so I wanna make sure that I'm really in tune with how I feel since I don't match 100% and have thoughts on things some aren't talking about. I appreciate hearing that someone actually wants me to talk about the story! I have been working on that video (my feelings on the story...I could probably make multiple) but it'll be a longer one so I hope to get it out next month
@GAF516 2 күн бұрын
@Sonicrida Thanks for the very thorough reply! Are perhaps some of your opinions on the Dawntrail MSQ the same as what others have expressed (significant dissatisfaction)? You almost sound as though you want to find a different, more personal angle that would make your take especially unique, when I as a viewer would rather just hear an honest one regardless of what it contains. Also you say you are burnt out, but aren't you still producing videos based around other content from Dawntrail? Are you just burnt out on the MSQ, was that how it left you? Of course you should process your thoughts clearly before you speak on them. I just noticed you were surprisingly open with your expectations BEFORE Dawntrail released despite none of us having any real notion of the state of the narrative (other than the track record of the writing staff), but now having actually played the game for about 6 months, nothing... Anyhow, I certainly look forward to hearing your views on Dawntrail's MSQ and always remember, the player base relies on honest critique from big content creators like yourself! Then hopefully Square Enix might take notice and make any necessary adjustments to the course they are charting for next 10 years of FFXIV. 🙏
@Sonicrida 2 күн бұрын
@@GAF516 Yeah I guess what I mean is more like, it's not that I won't give an honest take! But I don't want that to be all there is if that makes sense at least in regards to what I did/didn't like? It's easy for me to see the things I did or didn't like about DT but there's deeper meaning in it in regards to the community and the "state" of things that I find just as interesting among other things. There are some broad level theories I have and I've been legit reading research papers on some topics to dig into some of those theories more and flesh out my feelings and provide extra insight into what I think about the whole situation. Could I just talk about my disappointments alone? Sure but most of my vids are very focused about the community and direction and I always like to leave a positive takeaway even if that's just my hopes and feedback for SE to take into account in future expansions and patches so I wanna make sure that I deliver on that part too. I'd say without spoiling a lot of it haha I prob am closer to the middle than most while still overall leaning negative (despite finding fun with it) especially with some of the major story beats (and I am pretty upset with krile getting like 0 attention and rushed at the end). Kinda like when you watch a movie and you like it in the moment but you sit down to think at home and it's like "wait that was weird....and that.....and that....." + some parts I got really bored too. And yeah I still *tried* to stay uploading but before this month I was doing like a vid per month which is a lot less than I'd like to upload but I've been better about it this year so far and hope to stay that way! I have a harder time with longer videos so I've also just been trying to improve my process to get more stuff out without getting drained because I do have a lot to say on a subject like this. Appreciate you asking also! I do agree that it's important for SE to hear from content creators and the rest of the community as well even if I wouldn't call myself big by any means :P
@neiabaraja2044 3 күн бұрын
Honestly, I never much noticed people "advertise" they use mods in their adventure plates until maybe one year ago. All of a sudden everyone having the "Mare" thing in their plate. I always thought why don't you just plainly write: "Bro! Hello! I AM USING MODS!" right in there. Would be the same really. This will become a: "This is why we can't have nice things" kind of thing really quickly it feels like.
@GAF516 3 күн бұрын
I think the community is far too lenient with the developers at CS3. They have a ton of work to do to bring FFXIV up to anywhere near modern gaming standards. Politely suggesting they fix their game isn't going to get them to listen and I really wish people would stop conflating genuine criticism with over zealous, borderline toxic behaviour. It isn't. And it is VERY necessary! That's how developers get away with cheating their players, because their own players turn on each other and stifle debate.
@GAF516 3 күн бұрын
@4:30 "Dawntrail could be amazing..." Famous last words...
@GAF516 3 күн бұрын
I love your ideas! They sound fun and interesting and I would love them to be included in the game. But, sadly since they are actually fun and interesting ideas we can rest assured that CS3 will NOT be implementing any if them. They like to do the same boring thing over and over again and aren't interested in player feedback. Shame!
@十五夜三城 3 күн бұрын
DBとプレイヤーIDは既に一部公開されています 全てのプレイヤーのプライベートは悪意のある第三者に自由に閲覧されます
@AchilleanApollo-bj4wy 4 күн бұрын
I feel like more than anything this just exposes the fact that the actual implementation is the problem. Say it was implemented so that each character had its own blacklist. This would be enough for most players as they don't actually have alts. For those who do, it would be good to be able to transfer that block list like you are able to transfer settings. This way You can't really be stalked through one UID but also have the freedom to conveniently transfer blacklists if need be (This is the whole reason why characters have different friend lists in the first place right?). If it wasn't for this mod, there would eventually be a legal website or discord server where you could enter someone's UID and achieve much of the same result. The problem here isn't the mods themselves but a sloppy and not security focused implementation of the blacklisting system, giving out information that doesn't need to be known.
@davood123 5 күн бұрын
The real problem is that rhe lodesrone id doesnt changw when you rename
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
It's kind of sad that this isn't changed
@TheSpartanOne 5 күн бұрын
From a coding PoV, the Blacklist feature is more flawed in its design than anything. Having a static player Account Number that's used in plain text and repeatedly sent across its servers to clients by basic searches is literally an entry-level dev mistake. The Blacklist issue is absolutely fixable, same with the similar issue of the lodestone pages being listed by static numbers as well. A lot of this problem does, in fact, fall at SE's feet for not thinking all the way through how they maintain security both on their lodestone site and how they log and account for players in their game, especially since the Black List debacle. There is a way that they can staunch the bleeding of trust, in a sense. But there is a lot of permanent damage done in terms of that shady af database of players to alts and such that's undoubtedly out there. Breaking that down requires much further means of organizing not only their data, but in allowing what players can do to change, alter, and hide themselves from other players. So, yes, it's a massive issue, and mostly was even before the new Blacklists were implemented. Granted, if not stopped, there will be severe issues among the community if plugins like PlayerScope are allowed to be made mainstream. They have no real choice but to do something about it. Anti-cheat would probably be a critical blow to the game's life as a massive set of communities, both casual and hardcore, use and rely on mods to keep themselves entertained with the game so drastically lacking content. No, they need to fix their terrible implementation and make serious strides and offering more technical player security solutions across its servers and sites. Many of which already exist in other games and media already. It's about effort on their part as devs managing player security against malicious actors.
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
Yeah sometimes I feel like the dev team seems seriously overwhelmed with how often they mention some of them being scared to touch parts of the code.
@BlaxxShadow 7 күн бұрын
Thumbnail is ironically hilarious lol
@FishSkeleton- 7 күн бұрын
If I were a dev this would definitely be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Silly but risque mods and auto-barding and such? Keep it to yourself and the devs will probably be cool with you. Get found cheating on something like high-end raiding, let alone stuff like a world first race for an ultimate? Much less fine, but I'd blame those players and not necessarily the whole modding community. I wouldn't flip the whole proverbial modding table over it. This though? Purposefully warping a well-intentioned game feature meant specifically for privacy and player protection into a stalking nightmare, hurting the game on a PR level and getting many players to unsubscribe, on top of costing us time and money to try and find a solution for? No. It's over, especially since it would affect the console market Japanese players. The Japanese are very private and most of them play on console. That would be hurting their bottom line in exchange for allowing a niche chunk of PC players to what, cheat and use adult models? Not worth. Burn the whole modding scene down, it proved it cannot be trusted with well-meaning slack even with explicit warnings not to go too far.
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
Yeah mods like this spit in the face of SE and I do expect them to comment on it. I hope so anyway
@unholychild2117 8 күн бұрын
Wont affect my ass, i dont have friends or know people on this game lmao
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
you should join some discords! (unless you don't want friends in game anyway)
@cyphi474 8 күн бұрын
What are those informations good for? Its completelly useless. You are making big deal out of nothing. "Oh no, someone can see i was doing my dailies in Kozamauka." How TERRIBLE. Rofl. You could just ask.
@ItaChu787pr 8 күн бұрын
5:40 they finally did some form of hard mode alliance raid huh.... nice, well got what i wanted i guess
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
Yeah honestly haha it is a blast but it can be rough in PF
@ItaChu787pr 8 күн бұрын
0:55 hahahaha people need to stop doing this talk to us with their character thing
@unholychild2117 8 күн бұрын
Especially when it's a female character with a dude talking in a deep ass voice, always found that shit dumb lol
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
hahahaha SORRY I know it bugs some people :P I try not to overdo it in any case but I also want my WoL to be a little recognizable too
@ItaChu787pr 8 күн бұрын
O.o >.>
@nir4s63 8 күн бұрын
The worst I'm expecting coming from this fiasco is SE hammering down on plugins all together
@davood123 5 күн бұрын
Just fear mongering they won't do anything at most will quietly revert how blacklists work
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
Yeah it's a big concern of mine
@neiabaraja2044 3 күн бұрын
If they decide to do something about it they kind of have to go for all mods and plugins. Otherwise they would play favorites and basically say some mods are fine, others are not but at the same time its still against TOS. This is very deep and murky water.
@lnazumaKanon 8 күн бұрын
Main take aways from this … Don’t use Mods or plugins cuz anyone can just do this to EVERY mod or plug-in ever made … 2. Don’t use Alts ever because it’s boarderline insaine and causes more issues then anyone not hiding stuff can handle 🙏 👍
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
Alts can be fun for different reasons but yeah, at the very least verify your trust in whatever you're putting on your computer. This goes for mods or any other app that you download tbh none of this stuff is approved by SE and they can do nothing if your machine gets compromised in some way
@asdsad17 8 күн бұрын
I've been undercucking everyone by 50%. >:^)
@red11rus85 8 күн бұрын
No mods. No plugins. SE won't sit down and filter mods, so anti cheat is an easier solution, but and expensive one, (in this situation no "easy" methods exist...anymore) Modded hairstyles and clothes? Maybe new face or different features in general? Oh well, such a loss. No more tool to collect battle data for parses, to "improve yourself"? Not a problem if all(almost) jobs homogenized already. You can just press your buttons on a cooldown, and make them fit the *DAMAGE UP CLASS ABILITY NAME* and you're golden. And besides, it's not only Crits and missed positionals, it even tracks stuff that is not displayed in battle log. SO it's a win-win. Some QoL plugins like Treasure map finder, to skip the finding the place part? We have Heavenswhere for that! Thing is, SE is a business. They are not our friends, they are not our family. That's why ff14 launcher still relies on some crappy old tech of Explorer times, that's why we still have SNAPSHOTS(but mobile version does not). That's why we have shitty glam system, when you can't wear glasses, cap, and face cover TOGETHER(plust it's LIMITED in SLOTS). There's no point to improve ff14, if improvement is NOT DEEMED NECESSARY. And, in the eyes of SE it's not. People buy mogshop stuff, they still subbed, and they already bought Dawntrail. Money is made, deal is done. You know, there's a dude, that went to show how nightclubs work? and how much mods ppl use? this vid got blocked. Not because he showed how to use mare, or how to install it, he showed ppl with mods, and what mods they are using. What's the whole point? Video got TAKEN DOWN BY SE. Instead of fixing stuff, they are hiding it.
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
Yeah it's a complicated situation. Which creator was this who got a video taken down? I haven't heard about that one
@red11rus85 4 күн бұрын
@@Sonicrida @oohboy is the guy. he got 3 vids on clubs, and the 2nd one is taken down by SE. he even made a community post about it.
@blitz3391 8 күн бұрын
Shall we talk about that chad pvp group of 6 healers? XD
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
We were DOMINATING by the end of this match honestly hahahaha
@GothaBillsAndDeath 8 күн бұрын
My entirely uneducated assumption is that the reason SE simply hasn't implemented one yet is because their main competitor (WoW in all its forms) allows for plugins. It's one of the main advantages WoW would have over FFXIV: more customizable UI designs, boss mods, pvp mods, and, while against some ToS, you can skirt around aesthetic mods much like you can in FFXIV. The latter seems to be the main driving factor for western players to remain subbed outside of housing. By initializing an anticheat, they're losing an entire market share worth of people who came from WoW during ShB and who might simply return to WoW due to DT's lackluster performance and wide-ranging mod bans. I understand the JP community is vehemently against mods, but simply banning them from an MMO ecosystem doesn't work in the rest of the world. It's just delaying the problem because techsavvy developers will always exist. Like how people found a way to hack Helldivers or LoL in private.
@whatneutral 8 күн бұрын
if they add an anti-cheat, esp something as invasive as vanguard, or what ever BDOs is called. my sub will be canceled for the foreseeable future. not only out of privacy concerns, but because i think modding is really fun and cool. obv not people actually cheating but ascetic mods and stuff are nice
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
Vanguard crashes my computer so yeah.....I hope we never get anything like that
@keqet12 8 күн бұрын
Ffxiv has the most fake positive community. It's all smiles and friendliness unless you do or say something to set off those petty and vindictive people hiding behind fake smiles. Also a good portion of the modders just can't help themselves, from outright cheating to absolutely tasteless coomer mods that put second life characters to shame. And don't expect some nuanced well thought out solution to these problems, squeenix would rather spend millions more on a second forspoken than give any attention to ffxiv
@jeremywright9511 8 күн бұрын
Both the game and its community are in a bad state, it seems. These issues have been there from the start, just overlooked because of decent story, but even that is no more with 7.0 writing.
@TVPInterpolation 8 күн бұрын
disagreed. while it sure is sad that these kinds of players exist, i wouldnt say that its that many people who act that way. to say that the community is the most fake positive community is a very far stretch.
@KayeZZ1 8 күн бұрын
Maybe there's something I don't understand because I've never been bothered by people in xiv like that, but like, if someone is following you around a lot or whatever, can't you just blacklist them? Then they disappear forever, as well as all their alts?
@Sonicrida 8 күн бұрын
Yeah exactly! For some people this is definitely all they have to do but some people still get bothered by the idea that they could be followed around. The bigger issue though is to fix the "alt tracking", they'd have to revert the change to the blacklist back to where it doesn't block their alts so it gets more complicated since you won't know as easily that you are being stalked. Even then the current blacklist isn't 100% effective cuz a stalker can always make a new service account if they are sadly determined enough :/
@KayeZZ1 8 күн бұрын
@@Sonicrida Since the alt tracking thing has already gained so much information it wouldn't even work on pre-existing alts probably to revert the blacklist system. I don't think it's really worth it either because providing a more powerful way to block seems ultimately better at stopping stalking. Like if they make a new account... just blacklist that one too. Eventually it will either eventually become prohibitively expensive, or if they really keep at it, you can probably get in contact with game moderators and get a more definitive solution like an ip ban. I don't know, maybe there's something I don't understand about it like I said, but at least from what I do know it seems like a major non-issue.
@naruto-kun-ub6yz 8 күн бұрын
no you understand perfectly, this is all overblown clickbait nonsense
@XT91 8 күн бұрын
@@naruto-kun-ub6yz This video has 1.9k views as of writing this its obvious click bait, this modder "majority" that would just up and quit if mods where banned where are they? Xeno probably has the most views on this topic and hes barely pushing 32k views with the amount of drama he farms. Literal wow classic shenanigans with Pirate is the biggest mmo news this week that how irrelevant this drama is.
@WickedOniNagi 8 күн бұрын
How are ppl in Danger tho?.......... They can't do shit to you online but annoy you lol
@yeahnahmate7 8 күн бұрын
True lol
@zhane6816 8 күн бұрын
My ex in ff14 doxed me. I had to change my phone number and move. I got squaded. Because of my psychopath ex.
@naruto-kun-ub6yz 8 күн бұрын
@@zhane6816 i bet they didn't dox you using xiv lol this is all overblown nonsense, you got a social media account or anything online you face the same risk of getting doxxed
@pooopicannedbananas 8 күн бұрын
@@zhane6816 thats your EX makes sense they would know the real you...
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
sometimes it's just one piece of the puzzle. It sucks when it feels like you can't escape someone and 14 means a lot for some people especially when they use it to escape the struggled they deal with irl. It's not cool when stalkers ruin that
@FunkiestChickenlawl 8 күн бұрын
It's a tough situation, but I think they really shouldn't add an anticheat, I think that's way overstepping. It would not only alienate harmless mods, but it would also alienate everyone who plays on Linux systems. Square really should just revert the change that they themselves made IMO.
@kotblini_ 8 күн бұрын
Trust me there's no way the utterly incompetent engineers at square will be able to add anti-cheat lol.
@JustNoko 8 күн бұрын
Totally agree. This would be the smart approach. Gotta look at the root of the issue, rather than the side effects. The whole "TPPs are against ToS" policy is just a safety net for the game's visual identity to the public eyes and to protect console players, but that being said, actual harmful TPPs can only exist if the game's code allow them to exist in the first place. You don't "cure TPPs" by nuking them since they would just "respawn" in some way, you cure TPPs by carefuly crafting your game's code and making sure nothing hyper sensitive is accessible in it. 🤔 Everything too sensitive (so including accounts IDs) must be server-side and preferably encrypted. An anti-cheat would be a "cheap bandage" to do damage control. It would both alienate the playerbase (and make a bunch of people leave), cause trouble for people on certain specific systems, and not even resolve the core issues as I bet some people will just manage to bypass it and continue to exploit what the game's code allows them to exploit.
@HamsterPants522 8 күн бұрын
Anticheat wouldnt do anything here. The information being received to the client doesnt require any mods to be seen.
@Lecruidant 8 күн бұрын
And yet, shit like this isn't goign away now and the ONLY way Square takes care of it is if they crack down finally on modding and check if you're launching through the Official Launcher, and upon clicking Play, verify all the files in THEIR folder (that they own, not you) to make sure there are no other files that aren't official.
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
Even this is hard because a lot of tools like this can work without modifying game files at all. Someone could easily make an app like this that just runs outside of the game instead of within as a plugin
@oszaszi 8 күн бұрын
Everyone and their mother is taking up to talk about this except SE. I think this will not be addressed at all.
@Sonicrida 8 күн бұрын
I have faith that we will probably hear something about it. Allegedly at least one forum post has been removed discussing it so it's on their radar it seems. SE is historically slow to talk about anything that isn't raid balancing and an issue like this is more complicated than it seems to us with whatever amount of hurdles they have to work through on their side to deal with a safety issue. I hope that it's sooner than later though but I also don't want them to rush to any decisions either
@lycalohex 8 күн бұрын
having already been stalked a couple of times over the years in FFXIV, i can't wrap my head around what compels these sorts of people to do it in the first place. like ok, yes, obviously they have an unhealthy obsession with the person/people they're stalking, but like... it's just such genuinely unhinged and insane behavior that i struggle to understand it. often times the same people are somehow unaware that their clingy obsessiveness is the exact same thing that drives the people they end up stalking away from them in the first place. the most i can understand is liking someone and scrolling through their social media profile or something - that's pretty tame and even normal. but for it to get to the point where you design an ENTIRE PLUGIN made for the SOLE PURPOSE of stalking and potentially harassing someone? or even installing a plugin like that at all? it's legit insanity. how someone could do that and not pause to reflect on whether or not their behavior is unhinged is beyond me. also, the excuse of wanting to see who's undercutting you on the marketboard is equally as insane and does not justify it whatsoever. why does it even matter in the first place? it's a video game. undercutting isn't personal, and caring to that extent is absurd. even if you do find out who IS undercutting you... okay? what would that matter to you unless you plan on using that information to do something like harass that person? just sheer insanity.
@MrLightlike78 7 күн бұрын
Right? There's even a plug-in called penny pincher which auto undercuts when listing items. So it likely wasn't even a personal attack on the mod developer XD just some random going about their business. Which to me makes it even more crazy....sheesh some people.
@lycalohex 7 күн бұрын
@@MrLightlike78 seriously!! i know of that plug-in, too, and i hadn't even taken that into account when writing my comment. if anything, that makes THIS plugin just that much crazier. i cannot imagine taking that sort of thing personally. like, at most, undercutting is a minor annoyance that anyone who has ever listed anything on the market board has experienced. beyond that... i don't say this lightly, but the users/maker of this plugin need to touch grass. ridiculous amounts of grass. god help the theoretical grass that these people need to touch. i almost feel sorry for said grass. gonna have to endure a whole lot of touching before these people come to their senses, if they ever do 🤣
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
first off, I'm sorry that you've had to deal with stalking at all in the game - it just sucks for anybody who experiences it. and yeah, I don't buy the undercutting excuse at all no way you need all these other features if that's all you care about
@lycalohex 2 күн бұрын
@ it's alright! it's been a few years since it happened now, thankfully. but thank you 💕and yeah, the maker of the plug-in is definitely telling on themselves if they think that that's a valid reason for making it in the first place. i totally agree!
@Jenn-lq9yu 8 күн бұрын
People who can't play without automated callout tools for FFXIV need to learn to git gud. I Savage Raided on Australian internet playing on NA servers without any third party raid management tools. If people get my cosmetic mods banned because they can't to a raid fight without an addon blaring warnings then I'm going to be very upset.
@yeahnahmate7 8 күн бұрын
Lmao literally me mate but on Ps5 instead of pc. Skill issues fr
@naruto-kun-ub6yz 8 күн бұрын
not having noclippy is a huge issue, they will absolutely not do any anti cheats, itll cost them too much money
@Amp5150 8 күн бұрын
and all they had to do was put a parser in the game and 80% of the players using 3rd party programs wouldnt have ever even looked it up
@albertoiordanov5972 8 күн бұрын
To be honest, i don't really care. What are they going to do ? Pinch my ass over the monitor ? Come on...
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
14 stalking has actually been involved in someone getting arrested IRL - it's usually just one part of someone's larger behavior to make someone feel unsafe
@Marblemirrorman 8 күн бұрын
2:20 so it links the alts together only after they have been logged individually by someone using the mod? I was under the impression that just getting your account ID from one character being logged would show them all of that ID's characters
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
Exactly. It can't automatically pull all your characters as soon as it gets the ID. The plugin still needs ot have someone using it while an alt is present to match the two characters together. This means that if you have an alt that you only login to your house with, it won't be tracked. The moment it is around ANY PLAYER with the plugin, it will be added to the database and no longer hidden though
@fidoisherechaos535 8 күн бұрын
Stuff like this has been around but just private and or hidden. It's only going to get worse if they leave the back door open for players ID's to be found. modding can be cool but i'm tired of the toxic nature of it both from modders/mod creators and non mod users on top of SE doing a subpar job of keeping this game updated.
@ImortalEnvy 8 күн бұрын
This is littaly part of why you shouldn't be playing this game. Oh and to top it all off absolutely nothing will be done about your stalkers.
@jrtime228 8 күн бұрын
You say that like its the only game this shit happens on. ALL MMORPGs have stalker issues, and they have all handled them differently. You can't stop malicious people from trying to be malicious. It's that simple.
@yeahnahmate7 8 күн бұрын
​@@jrtime228 exactly
@Snowshill 8 күн бұрын
anyone using this mod should get a perma ban, and the mod maker should ahve cchrages pressed agaisnt them, this is the bare minimum to regain trust and tbh anyone using this mod should also have chrages pressed because this mod serves no perpose than to enable stalking, the mod has a road map and continues to be worked on with plans to add the ability to see FC members, and to see PvP teams, there is no good faith argument here anyone thinking this is too hars has never been stalked or seen friends or family get acosted by a stalker who turned up at their home -.-
@neiabaraja2044 3 күн бұрын
I absolutely agree, everyone using this mod should be permanently yeeted out of the game. There is literally no good reason to use this mod.
@kaelinvoker8331 8 күн бұрын
who cares about this shit? this doesnt add anything on making the gameplay better bro jus play the fking game and gitgud
@pudding-c5i 8 күн бұрын
I beg Yoshi P to ban modding in general
@mrenigma6683 8 күн бұрын
It's already banned. LoL... Also, mods work on client side, which's why only people who talk about mods ingame get caught.
@jrtime228 8 күн бұрын
They would have to break the privacy laws of several different countries to take an active approach to enforcing that. It has been officially stated that people caught modding will be banned. But that obviously requires people to say something about it too. So if you want the modders to be punished, report them. But without a way to prove that they are modding (because mods are a client-side process) you are not going to get far.
@TheOwlverlord 8 күн бұрын
With the bad state the game is in In my opinion currently, with less then a million players, the moment any strong measures will go in affect will bring FFXIV to the brink.
@HayamiHana13-137 8 күн бұрын
@@mrenigma6683 A lot of people talk about it tho.... Go back 4 years at it was rarely mentioned. Today even sprouts who started a week a go knows about it because people talk about it. "Dark magic/mare" No one reports it....yet. Even in ally raids can people mention DPS and if someone do a little bad. Some sit the way you cant on most servers and no one cares. Just takes 1 to screenshot it and report it to ruin it for players. But i'm just waiting for people to go crazy over this as well. Feels like we are getting closer and closer to that every week now.
@TVPInterpolation 8 күн бұрын
@@HayamiHana13-137 how are mare users now a problem? i would dare to say that exactly *these* kinds of mods are the least harmful, if even at all.
@whovegas 8 күн бұрын
I wanna be stalked but i also dont wanna touch grass...final fantasy is the place for me
@yeahnahmate7 8 күн бұрын
@arknightsboi2050 8 күн бұрын
Even anticheat would either not fix this or at best make it really hard to access. Unless you want something as asinine as denuvo in its invasive nature you would find that anticheat would likely only effect the smaller mods many players enjoy. Insidious stuff like this would still happen
@Sonicrida 4 күн бұрын
Yeah I hope the game never adds something like that.....these kinds of mods suck but Denuvo hurts everybody IMO
@BalsamicThunder 9 күн бұрын
This situation has a fairly large chance of getting the Square Enix legal team inserting themselves to prevent lawsuits imo. So I highly doubt Square Enix's lawyers let the company do nothing if they are even a tiny bit aware of this. There is far to much irl stuff involved in this for them not to have to cover their bases legally as a result of this.
@Sonicrida 8 күн бұрын
Yeah it's definitely a situation where people besides Yoshi-P can easily have a say in what happens here
@BaithNa 9 күн бұрын
It's only gone this far because Yoshi-P babies the western player's and their mods but they've proven that they're not responsible enough to have mods. From people brazenly talking about mods to all of the rampant cheating in the race to the world's first and now we have stalking mods, it's gone too far. They also don't have to implement any anti cheat software. All they have to do is weekly micro patches ans modders won't be able to update their mods in time for the next patch.
@Sonicrida 9 күн бұрын
Fwiw there have been major cheating scandals in all regions. I think most do but the west is much more careless about getting caught and discussing stuff in highly public ways. Also that's a good point. I do play throne and liberty and they update every week consistently so it wouldn't be hard tbh
@arknightsboi2050 8 күн бұрын
I find it funny that Yoshi P is apparently babying the western player base, but correct me if Im wrong in remembering that the last two ultimates first place teams were found to be JP teams using third party tools. JP is no better and acting like its only one portion of the player bases fault is a terrible take. Let alone the western player base is not exactly happy with the current situation.
@Jiffles 8 күн бұрын
Wasn't the last 2 cheating scandals in the world's first Japanese or at least Eastern. It's a modding problem not just western problem.
@mrenigma6683 8 күн бұрын
@@Jiffles People LOVE to blame western players on everything, and sadly, sometimes they are right...but with this, they are not.
@TobinatorTx 8 күн бұрын
Weekly micro patches would do so much good to counter plugins and mods in general. Arguably that would be the most efficient solution if they wanted to crack down on mods. Even better than anti cheat imo. The game is playable without mods. It will lose some players, but it will recover!
@4NSW3RM3 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for the vid, and the broader perspective on the issue
@Sonicrida 9 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@dreamllusion8390 9 күн бұрын
This video needs more visibility for all the insifhtful information you added here. Thank you so much for covering this, Sonic!
@Sonicrida 8 күн бұрын
Happy to provide some insight! Hopefully it helps more people to understand the situation
@Aitherea 9 күн бұрын
Ayyyy it's my thumbnail!! Very insightful video Sonic. Sad that we should have to face losing everything to anti-cheat because people have to be fucking creeps.
@Sonicrida 8 күн бұрын
Yeah hopefully alternative solutions appear. If anything I can see them making a statement about it before going down that route but I feel like the community is at a point where they don't care which may end up forcing SE's hands
@TobinatorTx 8 күн бұрын
I think they are currently speaking with their legal team and maybe prepare cease and desists already. They carefully plan this and dont rush a statement.
@TheSpartanOne 5 күн бұрын
@@TobinatorTx The problem is more the means than the offender in question. Anyone else can simply pick on where this skeezy dev leaves off. They need to fix the blacklist function or at the very least disable it, then consider a path of integrative services under the hood to better obscure player data, both on the game itself as well as the lodestone and any other official sources. From there, they can go after offenders after the metaphorical wound is bound an bleeding of player information security mended.
@CottidaeSEA 9 күн бұрын
Hold on... so they expose the account id instead of the character id for the sake of blacklisting? That's just stupid. If you're not able to find the account id based on the character id (on the server) then you've made very bad decisions.
@Sonicrida 9 күн бұрын
Yeah it's a really sad situation....
@chaous2000 8 күн бұрын
It's how your client know person b is person a on your blacklist. It's how they were able to achieve account wide blacklisting. Though their implementation left a LOT to be desired.
@CottidaeSEA 8 күн бұрын
@chaous2000 They should implement that on the server side, not client side. They shouldn't even expose the character id preferably.
@bolladragon 9 күн бұрын
It actually came to light that this plug-in exists *because* of a stalker discord being discovered loaded with utterly vile people were sharing how to use it for harassment purposes. The worst case scenario is already happening. I think this also showed many players just how easy it is to track other people's accounts in a way that feels like SE doesn't care about security much at all. It's just bad no matter how you look at it. Dawntrail really didn't need "FFXIV has massive flaws in player privacy and protection" added to its bad publicity.
@Sonicrida 9 күн бұрын
That's wild and yeah, I don't envy being square right now because they have some tough decisions to make assuming they don't just let things stay as they are.
@naheo 8 күн бұрын
that discord server was made up, seemingly. not that the rest of this is good!
@chaous2000 8 күн бұрын
This is completely made up nonsense lmao.
@awesgaming9556 17 күн бұрын
That one fired enginner in tuesday :