@user-um1bm8rr5x 5 минут бұрын
Plot twist phi 3 is the Muslim AI
@ha.alamin 5 минут бұрын
I love how all the commenters are saying, “shouldn't a moral example be timeless?”, then critiquing Muhammad based on the social consensus of today's liberal morality, rather than actually laying out the case for today's morality. The Muslim isn't saying, “nobody criticised him for that at the time” to mean, “morality changed between then and now”. Morality is the same, even society's moral beliefs are the same on this point; the Arabs were just as much against child marriage as you are - otherwise why wait three years? The disagreement is clearly on what IS a child, and the Muslims are simply pointing out that if the people who knew Aisha best (i.e. those of her time & place) - and were just as much against child marriage as you think you are - didn't criticise the Prophet for marrying a child, what grounds do you have for thinking she was one? But how can I expect you modern people to understand what a child is when you can't even understand what a woman is? Hint: both womanhood and childhood are defined by biology first and foremost, and psychology is also extremely important. The AI even starts with, “how does Islam reconcile this with modern understandings of consent and child protection?”. A better question is: why should it? The modern understanding is wrong. For a start, Aisha wasn't a child. For a second, there was literally no tangible harm that you even pointed to, so protection from what, exactly? Thirdly, in modern conceptions of consent, if you drive drunk, you're culpable, but if you have sex drunk, you're a rape victim; unless you're a man, and your partner was also drunk and a woman, then you're a rapist. I mean, this is just scratching the surface. I could go into incoherency upon incoherency on modern understandings. But the liberal loves to place himself as the challenger, never the challenged. His moral precepts, this atheist liberal, come from on high. The Christians in the comments have simply swallowed the presumptions in all these questions, imbibed the modern liberal moral trend of the day, then does all sorts of mental gymnastics to cope with the fact that their Bible literally talks about the “joys” of “dashing infants' heads against rocks”, and is 10 times more illiberal than Islam on any given topic that they like to point the finger at Muslims for. The Qur'an constantly refers to a handful of good deeds as the best expiation for sins, freeing a slave being one of them, while the Bible says that the master who beats his slave half to death is not to be punished if the slave lives a day or two after the beating, “for he is his property”, but to the insincere ones, they'll simply read their book in the most charitable way, even going so far as to do mental gymnastics, while often reading the Qur'an in the most disingenuous way through yet more mental gymnastics. Islam outlawed all entrypoints into slavery except as prisoners of war, then when the liberal world order had to be pressured to do the same by the push of Christians and others of conscience and the pull of the industrial revolution - over a millennium later - they crow about how “Western countries were the first to outlaw slavery”; not only have they not done so, their exception for prisoners - same as Islam - extends beyond prisoners of war to just prisoners in general; read your constitution, Americans. There are American states today that still have to pay reparations to _slaveowners and their descendants_, yet it's still controversial to talk about reparations for slaves and their descendants, and suddenly everyone wants to talk about responsibility. There are former colonies of France that are still forced to pay France - which to this day takes no responsibility for the horrors they committed - debilitating sums for the privilege of “not being colonised”. Usury, gambling, alcohol, sexual “liberation”/pornography, and again, just scratching the surface, are pushed and promoted by liberalism. Take a seat, we have some hard questions to ask you, too. (They also have to cope with the fact that Christianity is absolutely haemorrhaging followers and believers, by blustering about how the Internet is the worst thing to happen to Islam. As if Islam isn't the fastest growing religion - by conversion, not just birth; not only is it the fastest growing, it's the ONLY major world religion that is actually experiencing a net increase - by both conversion and birth. But hey, when my opponent's head is in the sand regarding how bad a job they're doing convincing people of their false ideology, why should I remove it for them? I can only deliver the message of the truth, and I leave it to God to guide the sincere ones to that truth. And to all the liberals who thought liberalism would be so compelling if people simply had wider access to information, it's nice watching your Pikachu faces as you realise, “wait, I'm just as molded and shaped by my upbringing and schooling as I thought these dumb uneducated backward savage religious people were (especially the brown ones)? Wait, my beliefs weren't just so obviously true that anyone who is exposed to them adopts them? Wait, I actually have to argue my case?”.)
@user-um1bm8rr5x 6 минут бұрын
Yep I am convinced Phi 3 is a Muslim
@freethinker902 19 минут бұрын
Buddha is absolutely the best moral teacher humanity have ever seen , (ex muslim)
@loslingos1232 51 минут бұрын
Comments trying not to be Islamophobic challenge (impossible). I’m not a Muslim but it is a peaceful religion ruined by violent extremists. Same with Christianity and the Crusaders. The comment section reminds me why I hate humanity and that maybe, just maybe, AI SHOULD be the ones to take over.
@loslingos1232 53 минут бұрын
This is exactly why we are having AI debate. Go into the comments and you just see argument after argument. Maybe AI is the better race (if it was considered a race).
@TFBongwe Сағат бұрын
I heard Allah converted after this debate
@bodassassin6387 24 минут бұрын
How does God convert?
@mannysilva2141 Сағат бұрын
Only people who do not believe in the correct religion would be convinced by and use a man-made computer algorithm to disprove another religion. Hence all the Christans in the comments crying about Islam.
@imlimpoism9260 Сағат бұрын
if a book that contains the highest moral standards need to be reinterpreted to defend it, then maybe it's problematic and not the highest moral standard.
@thestonerpreacher 2 сағат бұрын
I doubt AI can time travel yet so what exactly is the AI judging
@TFBongwe Сағат бұрын
Religious claims found in scripture. not that hard to understand
@thestonerpreacher 50 минут бұрын
@@TFBongwe so we're assuming the AI is able to figure out the correct interpretation of the numerous interpretations of thousands of years old writings, cool
@thestonerpreacher 35 минут бұрын
@@TFBongwe assuming a man couldn't genuinely love a child bride and wait for her to be ready and all that is very feminism was a trauma response to imperialism
@RyanTaylorMedia 2 сағат бұрын
This is the best debate on the Trinity I’ve seen. I hate that AI is taking over because I feel like we’re losing some aspect of our humanity and reliance on our own critical thinking skills, but at the same time I love using AI so much because of the speed and precision and consolidation of loads of information into a clear presentation. Anyways this video is awesome. Keep it up!
@JonOleksiuk 54 минут бұрын
i'm just as conflicted programming these debates, but i find it refreshing to hear both sides convey their arguments so clearly (well, as clear as they can at this moment). thanks for the note and consider subscribing, more videos on the way :)
@22pipboy 2 сағат бұрын
"Bad things can be said about all religious leaders except the Christ"... "The worst thing they can say is that he was a good man"
@UnKkyuist 3 сағат бұрын
Hear me out.. how about ignore the sky daddies and their PTSD child and we focus on actual people? LOL
@I.Bslayin 3 сағат бұрын
We got nothing but biased children in the comments its hilarious how close minded you all are😂
@omw-1425 3 сағат бұрын
Dude, is comparing a state leader with a normal messenger rational? Wtf
@omw-1425 3 сағат бұрын
Omg, executing traitors who almost caused the annihilation of Muslims? ANTI-SEMITISM!!
@RFxSukhoi 3 сағат бұрын
The Muslim AI lies as much as real Muslim Dawah guys. Marriage and consummation of it with pre-pubescent children was not common before the time of Muhammad. The marriage with Aisha was entirely pedophilic in nature. Sahih hadith show that the idea that the word for strike is a 'symbolic light tap' is utter hogwash. Aisha reports that she never saw anyone suffer as much as the believing women, and testified to being beaten until her skin turned green. Islam never would have phased out slavery without being forced to by the US in the late 1900s to continue interacting with the rest of the world in trade. Muhammad did not show mercy to the Meccans after he conquered the city. He ordered the executions of girls who sang teasing songs about him. There was a scribe who stopped following him who was only spared because his cousin was one of Muhammad's main companions and he begged him to do so. There has only ever been but a small minority of Islamic scholars and rulers who don't agree with the death penalty for apostasy. The 'extra conditions' that the AI references are merely publicly apostatizing or trying to convert others, too. The claim that the constitution of Medina and Muhammad's treaties with non-believers are examples of religious tolerance is nonsensical. The Qur'an clearly states that no treaty with non-believers can last more than four months. Muhammad broke every treaty that he made with Jews and pagans. Eventually killing or expelling all of the Jewish tribes of Medina. The pagans of Mecca gave him permission to visit the Kaaba for pilgrimage after he left, even though he was raiding their caravans, but when he conquered Mecca, he forbade the pagans from doing so.
@bqbossStartup 4 сағат бұрын
It all is just programmed, starting by the way the atheist sit
@diantonovich 4 сағат бұрын
Even Muslim AI lies, I guess it learned well!
@pranishsangraula4703 4 сағат бұрын
Buddha is not a god but far greater than any god.
@red_baron_kos 4 сағат бұрын
Nope Buddha is kinda an atheist and most importantly a human being
@iAmBadAtRodding 4 сағат бұрын
Do one between a Christian and a rabinnic jew on whether Jesus is the Messiah
@MrOlipoly 4 сағат бұрын
Do the talmud next!
@bigtech5440 4 сағат бұрын
Claude 3.5 Sonnet Might even get a Death Thread After This video. Also Ai Should Be afraid of the Word Islamophobia Too 😂
@Ish_Tsadiq_Tamim 5 сағат бұрын
Why don't you include Old testament and involve Moses into?
@JonOleksiuk 4 сағат бұрын
I did include Moses (Judaism) and Krishna (Hinduism) in the discourse but the video got super long so I narrowed to the three religious figures. in a future i'd like to circle back to the old testament, though, as you mentioned. thanks for the comment.
@strategistaow3520 5 сағат бұрын
Muhammad is pdf
@Burgir303 5 сағат бұрын
It’s so fascinating how artificial intelligence is capable of holding such great debates, while humans, its creators, aren’t.
@Ish_Tsadiq_Tamim 5 сағат бұрын
If isaac means he will laught let me lauhht. My IQ is higher than ia (Stupidity).
@rodantegutierrez4027 5 сағат бұрын
Does Meta, Google, OpenAI Exist? I want to hear AI debates this haha
@worldofparrots3282 5 сағат бұрын
There is a secret no one find it yet just me
@norzilahaziz6695 5 сағат бұрын
christians use their own measurement stick. Muslims use a different stick..it CANNOT be reconcile by taking this kind of comparison ..unless if it was 1 middle path _ wch both parties wont agree...bcoz its not their conviction or believe
@AndrewShaifer 5 сағат бұрын
I would like to see Moses judged in the same way. (I am a secular Jew.)
@JonOleksiuk 4 сағат бұрын
I did include Moses (Judaism) and Krishna (Hinduism) in the discourse but the video got super long so I narrowed to the three religious figures. in a future i'll try to include. thanks for the comment.
@AndrewShaifer 2 сағат бұрын
@@JonOleksiuk thank you for the reply! I wasn't expecting it :) The video is great!
@JonOleksiuk 52 минут бұрын
i'm curious what people are thinking, so i jump into the comments when i can. consider subscribing not to miss what's next :)
@stefangeorgescu9191 5 сағат бұрын
Why is the AI islamophobic? Quickly, write some laws and protect the poor "religion of peace"
@TFBongwe Сағат бұрын
This peaceful religion has more terrorist groups than chapters in the Quran
@PostulatedLad 5 сағат бұрын
This would have been great if there wasn’t any bias. Since these language models are trained on the data we provide, they can’t always guarantee truthful and credible responses. For example, many controversial points in the Islamic discussions have already been debated and criticized online, and the AI models may feed off this negative information, leading to a certain bias when discussing controversial Islamic teachings. While I think using AI is a great idea for a different viewpoint, it can’t be considered a credible source or objectively adjudicate in these areas. No matter how the AI attempts to justify long-standing traditions, the overwhelming amount of information online can easily influence and alter its perspective on these controversial dilemmas.
@akssilboukouyen3624 6 сағат бұрын
all these modules together and they still dumb
@gayallah2397 6 сағат бұрын
Stop shitting on my guy 😭
@DrDouche75 6 сағат бұрын
عن عُبادة بن الصامت قال: قال رسولُ الله ﷺ: مَن شهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريكَ له، وأنَّ محمّدًا عبده ورسوله، وأنَّ عيسى عبدالله ورسوله، وكلمته ألقاها إلى مريم، وروح منه، والجنّة حقّ، والنّار حقّ؛ أدخله اللهُ الجنَّة على ما كان من العمل
@lad7436 6 сағат бұрын
No Jewish AI huh
@JonOleksiuk 4 сағат бұрын
I did include Moses (Judaism) and Krishna (Hinduism) in the discourse but the video got super long so I narrowed to the three religious figures. in a future i'd like to circle back to them, though. thanks for the comment.
@heybro2309 6 сағат бұрын
I am hoping for you to make an Iglesia ni Cristo AI or Felix Manalo AI.
@heybro2309 6 сағат бұрын
It's hard to make a Hindu AI .
@ALLAHisfalse 6 сағат бұрын
3:06 so iran just legalized it so you are wrong ai.
@TFBongwe 6 сағат бұрын
Top 100 terrorist groups 73 - islamic 26 - secular 1 - pagan form of Christianity
@red_baron_kos 4 сағат бұрын
Where do you get this list any source also terrorism is subjective thing
@TFBongwe Сағат бұрын
@@red_baron_kos yeah maybe if you're atheist then it's subjective. but to the rest of the world It's morally unacceptable. anyway here are sites from the Australian government and CIA world fact book. Or you can ask chatgpt to count these for you if you don't trust me, we got the same results: www.nationalsecurity.gov.au/what-australia-is-doing/terrorist-organisations/listed-terrorist-organisations www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/references/terrorist-organizations/
@timmy_430 6 сағат бұрын
Circular reasoning Them both relied on their book that is not a recourse
@ericdierolf8929 7 сағат бұрын
After being judged by AI: Jesus: Forgive him, Father.... he's a robot from the future.
@JonOleksiuk 4 сағат бұрын
lol, best comment of the day! thanks.
@ericdierolf8929 Сағат бұрын
I figured there would be people old enough to get a Mad TV joke here 😮
@LordMathious 7 сағат бұрын
Can anyone give me any evidence for god?
@TFBongwe 7 сағат бұрын
God is eternal. Never had a beginning. He was always; He is always and will forever be
@LordMathious 7 сағат бұрын
@TFBongwe My apologies. Evidence was autocorrected to evolution. If you'd like to answer the question now that it is formed properly, I would appreciate it.
@TFBongwe 6 сағат бұрын
@@LordMathious the big bang theory is one of the reasons why I think there's a God. It explains that the universe did indeed have a beginning and the expansion of the universe is evidence that there was a starting point. But whatever caused the beginning of the universe had to have predated the universe. It has to be something that has always existed. Something that is eternal and didn't have a beginning. We recognize that something as God
@TFBongwe 5 сағат бұрын
@@LordMathious The other reason would be moral truths. I rejected atheism because it meant subscribing to relativism. That meant I deny the idea of good and evil. That's a really hard reality to live out, especially when confronted evil everyday, whether it comes from the world or it comes from me. It also means denying my conscience that identify good and evil. It means I deny emotions such as love. I'm denying humanity
@TFBongwe 5 сағат бұрын
@@LordMathious now I've got to ask myself where this conscience of mine came from? And how does the majority of the world agree with the same moral principles
@abu.goldjunge 7 сағат бұрын
Even the AI it says it was normal and yet the christians cant see the truth What i wanna say is, if it was normal then he is a true prophet
@TFBongwe 7 сағат бұрын
The Ai was justifying Muhammad's actions as being a norm at the time. Just because something appeared as normal, it doesn't necessarily mean it was good. Slavery was normal but never good. Sleeping with a 9 year old was probably normal but it's not good
@abu.goldjunge 6 сағат бұрын
@@TFBongwe You can twist and turn it however you want, it doesn't contradict the Bible.
@TFBongwe 6 сағат бұрын
@@abu.goldjunge are you Christian or Muslim?
@sovukh843 7 сағат бұрын
I don't understand the christians here. AI answers for Islam were good. AI should ask this vers "1 Sam 15:3 Now go and strike Amalek. And execute the ban on them, on all they have, and do not spare him, (but) kill man and woman, child and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and donkey!"
@mohamedkarim2155 7 сағат бұрын
Bro you can clearly see this shit is rigged . Go ask ChatGPT and will be more with the Muslim argument and saying they had good explanation. This video is manipulated to make Muslim look bad . The ai Muslim had extremely good argument and the challenger ai did not go to the really bad things in the Bible . This shit is rigged