@YouTubeVideoSEOexpert1 23 күн бұрын
1. Video title is the most important to get views organically. Your video title is not searchable or SEO friendly. 2. Your video SEO score is very low due to not completing your video SEO and optimization. 3. Title, tag, description of your video needs to be researched and input properly. I found some more problems with your channel as I browsed your channel. We can talk about it if you want! Do you know about SEO and optimization?
@Georgiaandfriends906 Ай бұрын
Chihuahuas are quite good anxiety alert dogs
@kakuliakter-rj4kc Ай бұрын
Hello dear, Already I am visiting your channel. Your channel idea is very nice. I like it very much. The problem I got after recharging your channel is that everything is fine but SEO is not good. Your channel and videos are not optimized properly. To rank a channel organically SEO is required. If you want to quickly take your channel to a position online. Then you can contact me directly.
@AniTraining Ай бұрын
Ok thank you
@randalsaul6612 Ай бұрын
no way the quality of sleep is better sleeping with my dogs. They take up most of the bed, one gets up and paws me to lift the blanket the other licks me head to lift the covers, one snores louder than Fred flintstone but I would not have it any other way
@lobinhosamigos Ай бұрын
@lazarus30001 Ай бұрын
Nice AI, tool bag
@carlttoon Ай бұрын
This is a bogus argument. Dogs can become territorial about the bed, and if you have a partner over, the bed can feel the need to attack and defend the bed. The worse thing people can do is sleep with dogs. Dogs are animals. They are not kids, nor people. Respect who they are.
@blockingtrash3578 Ай бұрын
This is a lie. i train puppies for a living. As puppies grow up they are trying to find out where they rank on the hierarchy ladder inside your home. One very clear indicator for the dog is where they sleep at night in your home, specifically at what level they sleep at. If you let them sleep with you in your bed, they will believe that they are your equal, or one that needs to be challenged specific to who is the dominate presence in the home. This can and will lead to a power struggle inside you home with your dog, especially if your dog has behaviour issues or if your dog won't listen to your direction. DON"T DO THIS.
@cg5471 Ай бұрын
With certain breeds yes. Most dogs, no. Establishing who's the leader is the only rule. If you get in your bed & the dog listens to where direct him & you remove him otherwise your fine.
@august8877 4 ай бұрын
🙏 'Promosm'
@arifhaiman5 5 ай бұрын
Hi, I have analyzed your channel. Your video is not SEO done, so the channel has very few viewers and subscribers. I think I can increase your video views and subscribers and your sales increase more. Here is some work about video SEO. docs.google.com/document/d/1xvdUZWEAConE6qkc9ksarCJyTYOw5GtYZqcSS6I4Bxo/edit?usp=sharing
@anhphan4720 5 ай бұрын
Great ❤
@Biphanbarbie 5 ай бұрын
So lovely