How Sly 4 Missed The Mark
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Reviewing The Early 3D Sonic Games
Ranking the Best Games of 2023
Pokémon X and Y Retrospective
How Ocarina of Time Built 3D Zelda
A Look Back At 2022
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An Early 3D Pokémon Retrospective
Why I Can't Play Elden Ring
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The Duality of Dream Drop Distance
My 2021 Game of the Year
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Metroid Dread is Peak Metroid
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A 2D Metroid Retrospective
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Sonic Heroes is a Lovable Mess
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Sonic Colors Ultimate is Pathetic
Learning to Love Final Fantasy XIV
Skyward Sword HD is Fantastic
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@VerkatosEnsei 17 сағат бұрын
0:14 - Did Lord Crump always have an item when you fight him? I never noticed that before
@perfect_rain9611 19 сағат бұрын
It was my first KH, I played it on an emulator via my tablet as a kid. The experience was amazing and it's one of those things that makes me sad since I'll never go through it again.
@ZachaRicO 19 сағат бұрын
I'm curious to know if you checked out The Final Horizon. I'm guessing no, given how you ended this video, but that update, along with the other two to a certain extent, actually addressed a lot of the problems you bring up here: you can adjust the controls for Cyberspace now, TFH is 100% 3D with little in the way of automation, and the revamped final boss fits far better than the Ikaruga thingy in the base game. It didn't quite stick the landing, but most people consider it all to be a major improvement.
@Excalibur0126 Күн бұрын
Ayo, just had to say the video thumbnails lining up for this and the Shadow the Hedgehog video is pretty cool. Props for that.
@zephaniahnoahmusic Күн бұрын
Wally is a hero. God bless him.
@Alalaka Күн бұрын
i'm sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone have a link for the thumbnail image or was this made only for the video and never posted anywhere else?
@NiyiDaNinja Күн бұрын
23:40 You need the Tea in Celadon and the Silph Scope there as well, you could go south right after getting the Tea but it’d be dumb not to beat Erika then travel east to Lavender town to unlock Sabrina’s gym, beat her, then go south. The illusion of gen 1’s non linearity is funny. Only Scarlet and Violet are non linear
@LayneCobain88 Күн бұрын
Super late to the party here but I just finished super Mario sunshine for the first time. I’ve been playing all mario games in order because I wasn’t interested in Mario as a kid. I played 80% of the game blind expecting corona mountain to open up when I got enough sprites. “It will be like 64 right?” I was irate to find out I needed such specific sprites to finish the game. I actually don’t have a problem with the platforming sections, it’s the fact that they are mandatory is what is ridiculous.
@danbrittain9530 Күн бұрын
Probably a bit late to tell you this, but you can hit projectiles with your attack. 🙂
@wewyllenium Күн бұрын
Cosmic biometrics. It existed in super Metroid.
@wewyllenium Күн бұрын
The X don't want meyroids.
@aceAcon Күн бұрын
This game aged terribly
@FireRising86 Күн бұрын
TTYD is back, baby
@realgeeker1 Күн бұрын
Oh brother this guy STINKS
@zanekorvek8643 Күн бұрын
Sly 4 is just as good as Sly 2 both my favorite
@peateargryfin844 Күн бұрын
Sly 4 is such a weird game to me. At every single turn, the game feels like it has the biggest hate boner for Sly 3 and wants to do everything it can to erase that game from existence. You say Sanzaru were a team of well meaning, but poorly executed fans, but I think that couldn't be farther from the truth. Sanzaru were a studio that had a golden goose fall into their lap and decided to milk it for all it was worth, the fans be damned. I'm glad Sanzaru are a shell of their former selves. They deserve it.
@G4m3r4Lif3 Күн бұрын
This is The Generationg Where Pokemon Begin To Feel Like Digimon 😂 i lost interest to gen6 and i was stuck in gen5
@jonjones4473 Күн бұрын
One of my favorite Zelda games
@GEDAMONT559 Күн бұрын
Now, I have a question about Sonic 06, for those who think Sonic 06 destroyed the franchise. If it truly destroyed the franchise, then why are there still plenty of Sonic games being made nearly 20 years after the release of Sonic 06? It did damage to Sonic's reputation, no doubt about that, but saying that it destroyed the franchise, to me, is overexaggerating. To me, for a game to destroy a franchise, it has to do horribly both critically AND commercially. So, I looked up on the sales numbers for the Sonic franchise, and for Sonic 06, it sold 1.6 million copies during its lifetime. While lower than normal for Sonic standards, it is still good sales numbers compared to many other games. An example for a game to destroy a franchise would be Bubsy 3D. It only sold 190,000 copies during its lifetime. And after that, we would not see another Bubsy game for 20 years. So, saying that Sonic 06 destroyed the Sonic franchise, to me, is overreacting. But it did do big damage to Sonic's reputation, no doubt about that, but it did not destroy the franchise. If it destroyed the franchise, then we would not be seeing anymore Sonic games after Sonic 06. No Sonic Generations, No Sonic Colors, No Sonic Mania, and No Sonic Frontiers. But after all this time, Sonic is still here. Edit: Ok, I actually looked up on the sales of Sonic 06 again, and it is not really clear of how many copies that Sonic 06 sold. Some sources say it was 870,000 copies, other say it was 2.69 million copies, another saying 1.6 million copies, but those are not franchise killing numbers. Especially not compared to something like Bubsy 3D.
@destinylamb9386 2 күн бұрын
One of the biggest problems with Sonic is that Sega was bought out by a Japanese gambling company trying to bolster their (bad) reputation. Sonic games didn’t matter to them, just the wholesome imagery of Sonic. So the games took a nosedive after the Adventure games as well as Heroes. There’s been decent games but not the best. The company didn’t care so not a lot of effort was put into the games to make them good or even all that fun. This time around really did feel like they were trying. While I did enjoy the game and in my opinion it was the best Sonic game since Adventure and Heroes, while they got a lot right (the soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks in gaming history imo), they got a lot wrong too. I still do have faith that a better game will come, it will be very rocky however.
@mattkramer8426 2 күн бұрын
That OG FF7 footage looks awesome. Way sharper than anything I’ve played on PS ports? Is it PC?
@mildlydispleased3221 2 күн бұрын
The missed potential of the greatest game ever made?
@zayedkhan573 2 күн бұрын
Are there any emulators for this hd version? Android or ios
@CarbonRollerCaco 2 күн бұрын
I actually concur with Rob's comment. It does seem implausible that everyone would buy Sly's act of amnesia, and the legacy is worth exploring, and it'd show just how much such a legacy can haunt someone no matter how much they want nothing to do with it. So Thieves in Time was NOT the wrong idea, but was simply the wrong _form_ of the right idea. However, I do agree that too many so-called "game geeks" are drunk on wanting their favorite franchises to be sequelized for eternity assuming the devs will always find some new way to innovate or just do official fan-ficcy what-ifs as if those can be just popped out in a few months at worst, as if they equate the characters solely with what they do in gameplay and not with _why_ they do those things. Those people are not real fans of those franchises. It's OK for things to end. I also agree that one's childhood didn't go anywhere just because of bad followups to it. But that childhood can still set up legitimate continuation, and it's lamentable that bad continuation exists in place of that. That's how I feel with Sonic since Adventure 2 became a thing; while not everything from it and afterward was a wrong idea, much was poorly executed, both in gameplay and story. So I feel for Sly despite not having played it. I hope this isn't the fate of franchises with such restrictive vital traits; them becoming something they were never meant to be just to get more out of the branding.
@singsongdan249 2 күн бұрын
omg im desperate to replay this now!!
@singsongdan249 2 күн бұрын
ok ive got to the end now and maybe not
@DodgeThatAttack 2 күн бұрын
forget sonic colours, this has become sonic bloom
@radioactiveplaythroughs7068 2 күн бұрын
I really question what version of FF7 you played. Barrett’s arc in 7 was always about coming to terms with Shinra and tempering his rage, he regrets and comes to grow from his more radical past. Shinra and the Turks are blatantly humanised in the original as well, you go chat with them on their work vacation and help rescue Elena. There is no retribution for them dropping a plate (an act they show 0 regret and instead actually joke about in the original), Rude’s crush is played for comedy, and for a “primary” antagonistic force you interact with them barely at all in the latter third of the game. Hojo is the exception to this, he’s the one who you get to take your rage out for Shinra on and kill near the end, he was the scapegoat for Shinras actions in the original 7, and rebirth doing the same is quite literally nothing new. Id add that Shinra of the past is obviously the overarching villain of 7, but they are very quickly replaced as the primary active villain with Sephiroths introduction. There’s hardly any room left for capitalist social commentary once the meteors falling. I understand it’s hugely gratifying to go back to an older game and be impressed by its more radical messaging, and 7 was still ahead of its time, but I think in the process you either forgot or chose to ignore a lot of its nuances that temper it’s political subjects. You frame the reactor bombing as this groundbreaking radical moment in the game, as if Barret and Tifa don’t later express regret for that action, and you portray Cloud’s indifference to it all as similarly “radical” as if he isn’t acting this way in a time where he’s denying his true feelings and acting more like the Shinra created Sephirothesque image of masculinity. Do you think Cloud from the end of 7 would’ve also bombed a reactor? Even if he would do you think he would be indifferent about it? Make no mistake FF7 is still ground breaking with its commentary and subject matter, but I think you’ve clung onto certain moments that made a strong impression and not the games overall take on those topics. As a side note, FF7 Remake choosing to humanise Midgar and Shinra on the ground level is actually more radical to me. Barrett’s unflinching resolve and radicalism means so much more when you see the lives indirectly taken by his actions. His hostility to Shinra in spite of the very real humans who comprise it (see the Shinra tower elevator scene) is so much more raw and profound than just handwaving away the vc inner workings and collective responsibility of all Shinra employees. I was confused by your comment about Remake ‘criticising an argument the original didn’t make’ regarding these Shinra employees, it feels weirdly defensive when these are plot additions made by people who not only worked on but also love the original. I was also confused by your points around Reeve here, he faces far more lasting consequence in the limited post-betrayal time in Rebirth alone than in all of FF7, even just a sincere apology in the woods is far more logically cohesive and humanising for not only Reeve but also the rest of the cast than anything else done with him originally after the fact. Rebirth also expands this by adding wide range of opinions on how to save the planet, see for instance the philosophers of Cosmo Canyon rejecting Avalanche’s operations in favour of diplomatic or spiritual approaches, or the internal disputes within Avalanche and their “rogue elements”. It makes the world feel politically diverse in way similar to real world socialist movements, Barret is not only challenged by Shinra and his past, but by the very movements he’s fighting alongside. Also I think it’s quite funny you mention Rebirths sidegames feeling like a distraction in the face of Shinra sucking the planet dry and dooming it forever. That’s literally what we’re doing right now by even playing this game or watching this video or me writing this comment. We’re all perpetually distracted while the world is quite literally ending around us, it does diminish the looming threat (which I question ever being a tangible thing in 7 originally compared to the meteor appearing) but that too is far more grounded and interesting to tackle with. I wonder how many acres of the Amazon Rainforest were cut down in the time it took you to finish The Weapons Refrain, or the time it took me to play Rebirth. It’s not unrealistic for the party or the players to get sucked into these distractions, and Id argue they help fill out the world in a way that makes all of the games themes and consequences more meaningful, even if they have no direct bearing on the sidequest or minigame. Did I particularly care for the Costa Del Sol sidequest where you go do mini games for those girls with Aerith? No not really, but making those girls who were formerly entirely just Hojo’s posse into more real lived people is a meaningful addition. Each small otherwise unthought of aspect of the world are shown to have people who care about it, like the ecological development of the chocobo and other species, a windmill for a small town, their lost card deck, a missing girl, or the strength to protect your village. Chadley’s existence is about this too, all your data collection is to create an eternal memory of the beauty and diversity found in the world, there’s a real tangible love for life that was always stated but never shown or embraced by the original. Rebirth gives the world a voice far more clearly than 7 ever dared to beyond the literal cry of the planet, and ultimately that’s what stuck with me and made the social commentary from 7 carry more weight. I’m not sure if that constitutes your vision of the “radical” legacy of the FF series, but it is to me.
@KingKlonoa Күн бұрын
I obviously don't agree, but I appreciate the thought and respect you've put into this. Thank you!
@radioactiveplaythroughs7068 Күн бұрын
@@KingKlonoa Reading back my comment I was really presumptive with a lot of what I said which I apologise for. I appreciate having to consider why I love the game, it gives me a deeper enjoyment of it which I wouldn’t have had if it weren’t for your video. So thank you too
@mangleman25 2 күн бұрын
19:58 Thankfully you can actually glitch to get Darkrai and Shaymin in og Diamond and Pearl ala the Mew glitch in Pokemon Yellow thanks to these games being broken in some ways.
@jackcottle8144 2 күн бұрын
I still enjoy the game
@MariMari-mz8mp 2 күн бұрын
Give us xc3 retrospective!!! Not that sonic shit
@OnaRocketship 2 күн бұрын
Never had the chance or the pull to play corruption but I can definitely see a drift from ambience to halo.
@timgrossman8346 2 күн бұрын
Calling this a remake is kind of silly especially when you admit it’s basically 1:1 to the original. More of a remaster and a good one at that.
@chriskarr9463 3 күн бұрын
I am playing elden ring again for the new dlc and I completely agree with this…. I may yet keep going and try to beat all the new bosses, but I basically cannot do that right now. An hour in and I threw my controller, which is where I realized that this game series isn’t for me anymore. I am approaching 30 years of age and I don’t have the patience I used to for games. I want something reliably relaxing and this game is not that at all. I love it, but I also hate it through and through. I am not hating on it, just realizing that overcoming difficulty does not equal happiness, a sense of a accomplishment does. Overcoming difficulty for me just equals a sigh of relief, and stressing myself out is not worth it for that brief feeling of victory
@Nackols 3 күн бұрын
still the best game of all time
@WokeandProud 3 күн бұрын
That's the reason I value blind playthroughs over guided ones you'll only ever get to experience them once.
@zCopyCatz 3 күн бұрын
With the new DLC out, the FOMO of Elden Ring hits me again, but with the same reason as 2 years ago, I just don't have the time and energy. Teenage me would eat this game up for breakfast, if i were to pick this game up, not only would it take me...maybe about 3 or more months of beating this game, and i'm talking about fully exploring the game on the 1st run as much as possible, it would also have to be the only home entertainment i have to do, meaning no Netflix, no other video games, just Elden Ring, it's just not worth. Maybe in terms on money to playtime its a no brainer, $100 base and and DLC for over 100+ hours of playtime, but mentally, its just not worth it.
@rightwing707 3 күн бұрын
What made me fall in love with 3D was the sudden random resurrection of TWEWY and it's great cast of characters. The only way it could have been better is if they included Sho Minamimoto, but we got that in Neo where he was a playable character.
@bobincognito 3 күн бұрын
Not passionate enough the game is still ass
@joelsytairo6338 3 күн бұрын
I wonder if they’d ever do an hd2d remake of super or fusion. I personally would honestly prefer that over redoing them as 3d because I think a lot of the beauty of those art styles would be lost but maybe that’s just me
@ivoc.tacchiato 3 күн бұрын
If it's not fun it's just a chore and not a game.
@SNESpool 3 күн бұрын
I haven't played frontiers yet, but I swear that NO other 3D Sonic game has come close to perfecting Sonic's physics, momentum, acceleration, jump, homing attack angle/speed, and spindash the way Adventure did. Sonic just feels GOOD to control. He's still plenty fast, but doesn't have the godawful stiffness that the boost games introduced (for some reason).
@mermic6524 3 күн бұрын
Kaden says hi
@mermic6524 3 күн бұрын
Where PC
@tropmop7813 3 күн бұрын
This is a good liberal
@TallTapper 3 күн бұрын
i like cars they're cute
@mrsir9158 4 күн бұрын
i wondered why i just stopped playing elden ring, i loved every minute of it then i was just hit was life changing stress, it never occurred to me that the stress is why i stopped playing the game, i makes so much sense, every other time i've had problems finishing a game it's been because of the stress i've had to deal with, i really am thankful for this video.
@istoryaph4085 4 күн бұрын
This is the best game of all time! Storyline is superb! All the games nowadays don't even have the quarter of how great this game was. Hoping there would be a remake or sequel of this. I love Chrono trigger and Chrono Cross!
@SomeGuy-fi9rz 4 күн бұрын
I used to complain about some pokemon pre-gen 4 not bring able to utilize STAB, but it's actually a balancing thing. Gengar is a really powerful special attacker, but in gens 1-3 ghost is a physical type. This nerfs him so he's forced to use powerful special attacking moves from other types, if he was able to utilize STAB to its fullest extent he'd be completely busted, especially in gen 1. That's also part of what made Psychic types so powerful, their main attacking stat was the same as their type, so they have massive special attack WITH STAB. Alakazam especially with its speed in gen 1 would crit so often, but you could overcome that with paralysis, speed reducing moves, and abusing its lower physical stat. The post-split gens have to work extra hard to rebalance those older pokemon because a lot of what limited them before is completely gone, especially since gen 4 added new evolutions to a bunch of them and just about every gen from 6 onward gives them some kind of buff or change I've been playing Gens 2 and 3 a lot so idk if I actually prefer the old balancing or not, my brain has just been thinking in those terms for a while now
@ChrisThePlayer777 4 күн бұрын
Sonic Advance games were an amazing complement to the Adventure games on gamecube.i really loved advance 3 and how dark and apocalyptic that game felt and seeing how characters reacted to teaming up with characters they like and dislike
@ChrisThePlayer777 4 күн бұрын
I would love for Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog to be remastered for PS5