Missing the point (Greg Bahnsen)
Where does morality come from?
9 жыл бұрын
Greg Bahnsen debunks scientism
9 жыл бұрын
Can reality exist without God?
9 жыл бұрын
Oneness vs Trinity (2 of 3)
9 жыл бұрын
Oneness vs Trinity (3 of 3)
9 жыл бұрын
Oneness vs Trinity (1 of 3)
9 жыл бұрын
Polemics: Lecture 06 - Dr. James White
Polemics: Lecture 03 - Dr. James White
Polemics: Lecture 11 - Dr. James White
Polemics: Lecture 07 - Dr. James White
Polemics: Lecture 01 - Dr. James White
@davondh7 8 күн бұрын
6 minutes into this, he didn't say anything worth hearing, just a bunch of his opinions. I would be nice to get on with it without a bunch of injectors
@shamounian 12 күн бұрын
What year was this talk presented?
@ryanswint6026 12 күн бұрын
For this Rabbi to say that the way of atonement in Islam is the same as Christianity is to tell me that he is either lying or he is totally ignorant of Islam. Among absurd statements that he made, that was one of the worst. His references in the New Testament and his twisting of what Paul teaches are a sign to me that this man is not serious. He did completely misinterpret what Paul says, and no that is not a matter of opinion or interpretation. Anybody who thinks he knows what he's talking about, at least be intellectually honest enough to actually read the books in the New Testament he is referencing. He is stern and tries to come off as righteously indignant, but fails completely when he tries to deal with the New Testament.
@GotIt-j1l 12 күн бұрын
Rav destroyed Christianity!
@johnhenryruminski8662 13 күн бұрын
@johnny_favorite 14 күн бұрын
Arrogance at it's finest.
@ATOK_ 16 күн бұрын
Pagels is great
@aleksandarilijev3937 26 күн бұрын
Brown distroyed his opponent.
@frank9733 Ай бұрын
Brown lost 😂😅😂
@davidbradberry7637 Ай бұрын
Why did Jesus say before going to the garden of Gethsemane "Do you have some swords?"
@criminaltotheworld3154 Ай бұрын
I’m not sure I think it was similar to when Abraham brought Isaac up to sacrifice him, he brought some wood,(cross), and knife,(sword) to give up his only son to God. Similar how God gave His only begotten son… Genesis 22:6.
@MarlboroughBlenheim1 Ай бұрын
Robertson is by admission obsessed with the idea of Jesus, and doesn’t seek to listen to any challenge because he needs to believe in Jesus for his own sense of meaning and comfort. Delusional and arrogant. Also failed to address many things Matt said and was evasive.
@Shishme Ай бұрын
Great job rabbi schochet!! See also rabbi tovia singer on these topics..
@MarlboroughBlenheim1 Ай бұрын
Robertson let himself down here by betraying his insecurity and lack of intellectual confidence. When he made poor points that Dillahunty took, Robertson would then evade and move the subject on, before launching unnecessary ad hominem attacks to try to constantly undermine Dillahunty as a person; without addressing the substance of his argument. Examples include Dillahunty’s nationality, the name of the TV show, calling his views teenage etc. It’s almost as if Robertson is on the back foot and chippy.
@dutchchatham1 Ай бұрын
Sincere question: What attracted you to presuppositionalism as an approach to discourse?
@LuciferAlmighty Ай бұрын
Bahnsen not once supports his claims.
@adriansoto239 Ай бұрын
Atheism has been a mental disorder for a long time it seems.
@gideonopyotuadebo2304 Ай бұрын
ANTILAW CHRISTIANITY IS A SYNVRETISM WITH ANTILAW IDOLATRY Deuteronomy 12:29-32 ASV When Jehovah thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest in to dispossess them, and thou dispossessest them, and dwellest in their land; [30] take heed to thyself that thou be not ensnared to follow them, after that they are destroyed from before thee; and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How do these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. [31] Thou shalt not do so unto Jehovah thy God: for every abomination to Jehovah, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters do they burn in the fire to their gods. [32] What thing soever I command you, that shall ye observe to do: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.
@carinabakewell2311 Ай бұрын
Well considering Darwin was a Freemason..in our day what he did in the 19th century makes sense...make everybody lose faith in God Almighty.
@loganjbrock Ай бұрын
1.25 speed is perfect
@dzdsigurd Ай бұрын
the atonement connection says it all. it's the sin and the redemption of the world -that's the greatest evidence that Yahshua is the Messiah!
@dzdsigurd Ай бұрын
in most debates like this the rabbis are always angry. 😢
@brodykin3505 Ай бұрын
Here we are 10 years later: MAPS being added to the ever growing alphabet soup and people are fornicating in the streets.
@user-lo6ps2cs6x 2 ай бұрын
Rabbi Schochet butchered Dr. Brown (Schochet in Hebrew means butcher)
@Folkstone1957 2 ай бұрын
Starting off with a personal attack is a childish tactic.
@CoachDChapman 2 ай бұрын
I love Greg's presuppositionalism and how it makes it easier for everyone to comprehend - However -the problem for the Calvinist here is that while Greg says he condemns what happened to the Jews it's morally outrageous and atrocious and He has an objective standard to base this on (God's nature, word, transcendent morality that Romans 1 says we are ALL aware of - this eternal, universal standard that all of us are constantly appealing to in our thinking) - the Calvinist also believes God predestined every attrocious thing that they themselves claim God is the standard by which they can condemn it too... (He wanted Hitler to do these things and Hitler had no other choice - he was merely doing God's bidding) so isn't the Calvinist condemning God?. So while the naturalist has an issue accounting for (more like suppressing the truth of it) moral absolutes/objectively (that they also appeal to when they are the objective of "Immoral" actions - the Calvinist believes objectively that God decreed every single thing that they also say He is against.
@emmawolfgramm1704 2 ай бұрын
When you don't keep God's ten commandments, your preaching is in vain. This guy Walter Martin misinterpreted so many scriptures like other theologians.
@emmawolfgramm1704 2 ай бұрын
Thank God that 'Walter Martin's noise has finally gone away. RIP I hope that he will make it to God's Kingdom since he was just too busy attacking all religion.
@MrYishaiShields 2 ай бұрын
Dr. Brown's very first rebuttal at 40:10 is wrong. Those daughters argued for a share of land, not tribal affiliation. For example my father is not Jewish, My mother is a bas kohen. If she was from the tribe of Levi, I am not a Levi, instead I am a yisroel (a general catch-all)
@judy9139 2 ай бұрын
If you think the rabbi won this debate your are not being honest with yourself. Insulting your opponent and being petulant doesn’t make you a debate winner. His arguments had zero basis in scripture or history.
@onewithsource9742 2 ай бұрын
When Jesus said if you fast and pray and give to charity you will suffer, this was a follow on from what was said just before this, and explains about the results of stoning someone with rocks - that if they did that then their darkness would corrupt their prayers, fasts and donations. It makes perfect sense and isn't just one saying on its own.
@josegaleano6932 2 ай бұрын
Avalos beat the crap out of Craig the mafioso.lucrative lier
@mikky4712 2 ай бұрын
This guy, James White is so arrogant. He thinks that he is Mr. l know it all.
@Wib0 2 ай бұрын
Dumb discussion. I threw away 1 hour and 45 minutes here. No talk about how (and why!) Jesus is the Son of God. All this talk about the political-earthly branches of faith. So stupid. These kind of talks need to be at least 8 hours. Or a full weekend or something. But these 'discussions' are postmodern, simpel look-at-me-now talks. It's all meh.
@montytawhai6306 2 ай бұрын
People's lives have changed by the Holy Spirit. Healing the sick, casting put demons, and raising the dead. Believers have done these things.
@montytawhai6306 2 ай бұрын
Jesus burial, God raised from dead, tomb empty, people saw Him alive, God exists, God raised Jesus from the dead.
@montytawhai6306 2 ай бұрын
Precursor was Lazarus' death Jesus spoke..he came.
@user-bb3ej3iv9y 2 ай бұрын
Bahnsen used a Black and White fallacy; Christian God or Atheism. Even if I accept that Atheism is fallacious, Christianity is not the only alternative, there are the thousands of other existing and historical religions and an Infinite number of possible religions.
@HegemonicMarxism 3 ай бұрын
Theism is just primitive superstition and baseless faith in supernatural forces.
@jessebryant9233 3 ай бұрын
I often challenge atheists to make a positive, scientific, evidence based case FOR their own naturalistic faith position. They can't do it. When it comes to what they believe-they cannot meet their own standard. Who knew? [face-palm]
@ajhieb 2 ай бұрын
_"I often challenge atheists to make a positive, scientific, evidence based case FOR their own naturalistic faith position."_ ...because you're not interested in an honest conversation where you first inquire as to your interlocutors position and how they arrived at it. You're more interested in plowing forward with your presup script wherein you try to force your interlocutor to defend a position they don't necessarily hold to in a manner that isn't necessarily consistent with their worldview. _"They can't do it. "_ Not at all surprising they can't meet your arbitrary challenge. _"When it comes to what they believe-they cannot meet their own standard."_ That's not their standard, it's one you invented, in order to win arguments on the internet. But likewise when I actually _ask_ Christians what their position is, and how they arrived at it, and to offer a rational defense of it, they never can seem to meet their own, self professed standards. I'd ask you, but we both know good and well that you'll never ever submit your worldview to an internal critique because you know it won't hold up under the slightest bit of scrutiny. And any feigned willingness you might put forth is just a subterfuge so you can try and run your script again and just interrogate the other party without ever defending your own worldview.
@jessebryant9233 2 ай бұрын
@@ajhieb I'm not interested? How do you know that? Why do you think I stated that I lead in with... a question? Yeah, you have no evidence whatsoever to support anything you just said. Give me a break. If you can't handle the non-arbitrary challenge that's been presented, just say so. Don't lie and claim it is arbitrary. Since when it is "arbitrary" to make the case for the position that anyone holds about anything at all? And why are you claiming that invented the standard that virtually ALL atheists arbitrarily assume-that being "evidence"? Dude, what is wrong with you? Are you really this desperate to escape the challenge? Are you admitting that you don't have good reasons, nor do you have any empirical scientific evidence to support whatever your position is? Hey, how about this: What exactly is your position and why do you hold it? How does your worldview answer the most fundamental question of existence we humans tend to ask, such as: origins, meaning, morality, and ultimate destiny? As for the false claim you make to end your diatribe, well, I'd be more than happy to oblige... after you. (Since I challenged you first.) What do you say? Are you up to the challenge-even the challenge of defending any of the claims you made above? You bluff; I call!
@ajhieb 2 ай бұрын
@@jessebryant9233 _"I'm not interested?"_ Correct. _"How do you know that?"_ Your response just demonstrated it. _"Why do you think I stated that I lead in with... a question?"_ You didn't start... _"I often challenge atheists to make a positive, scientific, evidence based case FOR their own naturalistic faith position."_ ...with a question, did you? _"Yeah, you have no evidence whatsoever to support anything you just said."_ Sure I do. You're a presupper. That's what presuppers do. So that's what you're doing. Basic deductive inference. (That, and it's just painfully obvious) _"Don't lie and claim it is arbitrary."_ Don't lie and claim it's not. Demanding that someone defend something that isn't entailed in their worldview is arbitrary. Demanding they do it via a methodology that isn't required in their worldview is arbitrary. _"And why are you claiming that invented the standard that virtually ALL atheists arbitrarily assume-that being "evidence"? "_ English. Do you speak it? Or have I chosen to interact with the world's worst presup AI? Empirical evidence is the standard by which most people judge empirical claims. Most people's worldviews aren't making empirical claims, so evidence is irrelevant. So would you care to prove me wrong and allow an internal critique of your worldview, or are you going to continue to prove me right by desperately trying to get back on to your presupper script so you can stay on offense and never bother defending your own worldview?
@jessebryant9233 2 ай бұрын
@@ajhieb So you're not gonna meet the challenge... or is it just that you can't?
@ajhieb 2 ай бұрын
@@jessebryant9233 I challenged you Chief, and it's clear you don't have the stones to accept. Not only did I challenge you, I predicted the outcome and your obvious attempt to get back to your silly little presupper script. So far you haven't disappointed. Next you can try and make more excuses for why I should address your challenge first, along with a totally insincere promise to put your worldview up for scrutiny after you're done with mine. Sorry, bub. I've dealt with too many presuppers before you to fall for that obvious lie. But if you wanna have an interesting discussion without having a worldview pissing contest (which is clearly what you're here for) we can talk about all the failings of Bahnsen, Frame, Van Til et al, and how the presup apologetic is nothing but a meaningless tautology that says nothing useful about the truth of Christianity, nor the falsity of any other worldview. But my guess is you'll run from that too.
@TheTobbe31 3 ай бұрын
Laws of logic are material; they exists as representations in human brains, using matter
@dannychapman456 Ай бұрын
Hand me one. While you are at it hand me math that's subjective. "It can be w/e an individual brain believes it to be" - If a human brain isn't functioning properly (Lets say dementia etc) does that mean the laws of logic or the uniformity of nature no longer apply to that person? If a damaged brain stands in front of an oncoming train and believes the train is actually moving away from him - is that true? What if ALL brains are broken, how would you know? If a society of broken brains tried to build an airplane using subjective math - would you fly on it?
@LuciferAlmighty Ай бұрын
​@dannychapman456 nonsensical babble
@beautifulfeetpreachingsc 3 ай бұрын
When I talk with an atheist, I asked them give me the scientific proof that evolution has occurred following the scientific model. Not one of them has ever tried to give me that proof, why, because it doesn’t exist. There is no scientific proof that evolution has occurred because following the model, someone would’ve had to observe the whole entire process and who is that? The atheist truly is the one who checks their brain at the door.
@beautifulfeetpreachingsc 3 ай бұрын
That’s the problem with the atheist when he tries to recover. Silverman makes the statement I could be wrong about everything I know. The Christian never admits that or at least I hope they don’t. But the atheist has to backtrack and then try to explain away his ridiculous answer.
@beautifulfeetpreachingsc 3 ай бұрын
Shut up already Silverman
@TamSak-il8yu 3 ай бұрын
Sir Mike is much more alive more than he was. At the Lords presence. ❤ Greetings from 2024 😁😁
@kgp277 3 ай бұрын
As someone in both faiths since I was young, the debate is closer than people think. The Rabbi did misinterpret some Christian scriptures completely incorrectly, ie. circumcision.
@joecheffo5942 3 ай бұрын
So you are telling people what they should think? Obviously you don't believe Rabbi Schochet, you CAN'T. He said Jesus can't be the Messiah and you say he is. Same with the trinity.
@michaelwilliamson7626 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for taking a stand on the bible!!! Theistic " Devolution"..ahem i mean " Evolution" is sin!
@ericturcott9764 3 ай бұрын
As a gentile Christian I think what’s interesting is that most Jews don’t seem to care at all about sharing what they believe is true about the Scriptures with gentiles. The true God cares about Jews and Gentiles the same. The Jewish stance seems to be just believe whatever because we don’t really care what gentiles believe. It makes sense to me that God would want to call all people to Himself through His Son Jesus.
@joecheffo5942 3 ай бұрын
I somewhat understand, but telling people they are rotten from birth and most are going to hell, that's the "good news" you want to hear? Jews have the seven laws of Noah that are set out for non-Jews. Jews lived peacefully with other faiths. They believed they were to set an example, not convert everyone. I think they were waiting for the Messiah and then people would unite under God's Kingdom. But Jews didn't prevent people from following God.
@criminaltotheworld3154 Ай бұрын
@@joecheffo5942it’s up to people to choose if they are righteous or unrighteous, God teaches the sinner in the way, he came for the sinner, I admitted it. David admitted he shaken in iniquity, and in sin his mother conceived him, two people walk into a synagogue, one thanks God of how righteous they are, and the other bows his head and says to God to have mercy on a sinner like him. Isiaah when taken into heaven admitted that he was unclean, God had to purify him. So on and so on, the continual biblical pattern goes into the New Testament
@RicardoMartinez-oy9dg 3 ай бұрын
@danzel1157 3 ай бұрын
So, this all happened 2,000 years ago, which is pretty convenient.
@chuckiepeoples 3 ай бұрын
Reasoning with believers is a much more difficult task, am I right?
@jtbtdlkt2012 17 күн бұрын
Lol you piqued my curiosity. How so?
@chuckiepeoples 17 күн бұрын
@@jtbtdlkt2012 Once a person has been religiously duped, it’s difficult to get them back into reality.
@jtbtdlkt2012 17 күн бұрын
@@chuckiepeoples interesting. Reality as you define it or in what sense?
@chuckiepeoples 17 күн бұрын
@@jtbtdlkt2012 The same reality in which we all find ourselves, collectively, not individually.