@AutismHongKong 3 ай бұрын
@waichow5887 3 ай бұрын
thank you
@ln6835 5 ай бұрын
@AutismHongKong 3 ай бұрын
@user-kc4gf1dg4y 6 ай бұрын
quite a new idea to hk
@AutismHongKong 10 ай бұрын
The Autism Hong Kong had incorporate the QABA ABAT Course into Cloud Class mode. Which means that you can self-study at your own speed and take the ABAT certification examination at your own schedule. Welcome to contact the Autism Hong Kong at (852) 8191-7015, Whatsapp (852) 5542-2454, email [email protected] www.autism.hk
@AutismHongKong 10 ай бұрын
The Autism Hong Kong had incorporate the QABA ABAT Course into Cloud Class mode. Which means that you can self-study at your own speed and take the ABAT certification examination at your own schedule. Welcome to contact the Autism Hong Kong at (852) 8191-7015, Whatsapp (852) 5542-2454, email [email protected] www.autism.hk
@firefly_ahk 11 ай бұрын
a very good teaching for parents and teacher with kids with autism
@ABA-hh8ct Жыл бұрын
A good teaching but too short in length
@ABA-hh8ct Жыл бұрын
@ABA-hh8ct Жыл бұрын
Thanks for Dr. Wong's and Autism HK contribution to the promotion of ABA in HK
@K20PROAHK Жыл бұрын
missed the live broadcasting
@waichow5887 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@waichow5887 Жыл бұрын
thank you for the lecture. much appreciated.
@ABA-hh8ct Жыл бұрын
A very good ABA class for teachers, social welfare and parents for kids with ASD
@user-sv6fi9gn1i Жыл бұрын
@user-sv6fi9gn1i Жыл бұрын
I don't agree with the Appeal Court decision to order retrial
@ABA-hh8ct Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your hard work in social work education for the general publc
@rednotemix11ahk Жыл бұрын
a very good show for parents and teachers
@003Mhatwdac Жыл бұрын
@Poco012Ahkec-mn6kq Жыл бұрын
@Poco012Ahkec-mn6kq Жыл бұрын
@005Mhatwdac-dk3wg Жыл бұрын
Difficult issue for child with asd
@Poco012Ahkec-mn6kq Жыл бұрын
a very inspired sharing
@AutismHongKong Жыл бұрын
We will organize a QABA-1 training course for ABAT Certification Examination from 25 March to 3 June 2023 (total 40 hours, 10 weeks X 4 hours). Apart from the 40 hour training course, participants also need to fulfill the 15 supervised practice before passing the ABAT Certification examination. Hence, Autism Hong Kong would also provide a 15-hour ABA supervised practice to all QABT-1 course participants. For details, you are welcome to visit the website www.autism.com/qaba.htm (updated on 1st Feb. 2023)
@AutismHongKong Жыл бұрын
We will organize a QABA-1 training course for ABAT Certification Examination from 25 March to 3 June 2023 (total 40 hours, 10 weeks X 4 hours). Apart from the 40 hour training course, participants also need to fulfill the 15 supervised practice before passing the ABAT Certification examination. Hence, Autism Hong Kong would also provide a 15-hour ABA supervised practice to all QABT-1 course participants. For details, you are welcome to visit the website www.autism.com/qaba.htm (updated on 1st Feb. 2023)
@siupikstellachan5597 2 жыл бұрын
thank you very much for your professional sharing 😀 😊 👍 🙂 👏 ☺️
@AutismHongKong 3 жыл бұрын
社會工作者註冊局成員選舉結果 [04/12/2021] 社會工作者註冊局成員選舉於本年11月15日至12月4日期間舉行,點票工作於12月4日在註冊局辦事處順利完成。註冊局共收到6521張有效選票,點票過程由外判電腦服務供應商處理,並由選舉委員會成員全程監察。經扣除廢票後,15位候選人所獲得的票數如下: 候選人編號 候選人姓名 所得票數 1 梁嫣紅 520 2 張潤衡 636 3 張達明 1344 4 黎汶洛 4457 5 余秀螢 740 6 伍銳明 5021 7 陳國邦 3208 8 鍾威麟 4367 9 何詩敏 4319 10 黃錦娟 4233 11 岑偉全 586 12 陸鳳萍 4846 13 程志剛 1167 14 吳兆文 1594 15 林昭寰 4888 以上獲最高票數的8位候選人當選成為新一屆註冊局成員,其任期由2022年1月16日至2025年1月15日。該8位新成員的名單如下: 黎汶洛、伍銳明、陳國邦、鍾威麟、何詩敏、黃錦娟、陸鳳萍及林昭寰 新一屆註冊局成員名單包括上述8位當選者、6位由政府委任的成員及社會福利署署長或其代表,名單將於2022年1月15日前刊於政府憲報。 www.swrb.org.hk
@leesaiho 3 жыл бұрын
香港自閉症聯盟~余秀螢主席參與選舉,能令社工界別多認識自閉症對教育、家庭,以至社會深遠影響的重要性。 而香港兒童啓迪協會,對自閉症的義工服務支援,確很值得欣賞!
@skong9754 3 жыл бұрын
@AutismHongKong 3 жыл бұрын
#社工螢火蟲余秀螢直播頻道 #5號候選人余秀螢 #社會工作者註冊局成員選舉2021 #1號候選人梁嫣紅 #社會工作者註冊局成員選舉2021年11月6日論壇 #社工註冊局成員專頁 #香港自閉症聯盟 社會工作者註冊局成員選舉論壇(2021) 2021年11月6日 (星期六) 14:30-16:30 因超額不獲即場讀出的發問題目 論壇參加者向5號候選人發問題目 余秀螢想透過網上頻道點守護社工嘅核心價值,守護社會公義? 5號候選人:余秀螢論壇後回答(10/11/2021): I/「網上頻道」溝通功能: (a) 提供業界和公眾一個公開和方便易達的溝通途徑,就社工核心價值和社會公義相關事宜交流意見,及促進持份者對有關事宜的醒覺。 (b) 提供社工業界和社會工作者註冊局民選成員的溝通平台,就業界關注議題收集同工意見;及如合適帶上社工註冊局工作討論。 (c) 社工註冊局8位民選成員,過往24年常被批評:脫離基層社工、欠缺與社工聯繫,大佬/教授/管理層/小圈子文化…等作風。要拉近民選成員與26821 位(10/11/2021數字) 註冊社工,促進溝通交流,「網上頻道」正正是最直接、省時、節約、公開和可行的方法之一。 II/「網上頻道」教育功能: (d) 守護社工核心價值有賴業界和公眾對社工核心價值的認識和醒覺,而「網上頻道」可以提供業界和公眾一個迅速和不限時空限制的課室。 III/ 「網上頻道」民意表達功能 (e) 守護社工核心價值和社會公義,首先需要有途徑供業界和公眾民意表達、相互討論、和制訂社會議題等。 (f) 守護社工核心價值和社會公義,既不能單靠鍵盤戰士在虛擬網絡上單打獨鬥,也絕對不能單靠一個「社工螢火蟲直播網上頻道」而達陣。 社會工作者註冊局成員選舉 5號候選人:余秀螢 公開呼籲論壇當天提問未獲本人回覆的同工、26,820 位同工、和8百萬香港市民,抽空參與「社工螢火蟲直播頻道」,發表意見,與本人直接交流。 直播頻道:2021年11月9,11,16,18,23,25及30日,12月2日;逢星期二及四晚上21:30- 22:00;在下列 KZbin 及 Facebook 直播 kzbin.info/door/1MX1w2NuVQ2eDLtrKw-wIg facebook.com/groups/2226439917494868 詳情及最新消息 www.yusauying.org