After riding dual sports for years, that klr seat is a lazy boy
@richardmorrison268618 сағат бұрын
I have 2 KLR,S 95 650. 96 250. I now ride my 650 Versys. Parallel twin 67 horsepower. 58 mpg. 6 speed , the klr,s will bounce over modest rocky roads here in Colorado mountains,however the Versys will do everything but the rocks , and I mean rocks the size of footballs , I like my KLR,s. ,but the Versys is better in every way , and will cruise at 95 all day But we must agree the KLR,S WILL NOT DO MODERATE ROCKY dirt roads , neither will the Versys , but I don’t ride too many rocky roads , the 650 KLR is too heavy , the 250 is just right for off road , but I admire your bike , never sell it , if you do you will regret it ,
@IggySky4 күн бұрын
the 8 inch is killer...then remove the carb snorkel and you get a deep sound....sweetness.
@davidazzano55205 күн бұрын
Happy Holidays. Great video. I just picked up a KLR 650 Adventure ABS at Kelley’s Kawasaki in Mesa, AZ . The staff there is very professional and their fees were very reasonable. I drove from LV, NV to AZ to pick up my new bike. It is Blue. I am looking toward to upgrading some things. First on my list is the T-Rex top Crash Bars. They work with the Adventure stock light bar and lower stock crash bars. Definitely worth a look to go with what you already have. Enjoy the bike and ride safe 0:12
@davidazzano55205 күн бұрын
Happy Holidays. Great video. I just picked up a KLR 650 Adventure ABS at Kelley’s Kawasaki in Mesa, AZ . The staff there is very professional and their fees were very reasonable. I drove from LV, NV to AZ to pick up my new bike. It is Blue. I am looking toward to upgrading some things. First on my list is the T-Rex top Crash Bars. They work with the Adventure stock light bar and lower stock crash bars. Definitely worth a look to go with what you already have. Enjoy the bike and ride safe
@porkeater555 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video. I never heard of this plave either. Fuckin scumbags have to throw their trash on the side of the road, spoil things for everyone.
@OurMagicalJourneyFL4 күн бұрын
Right? lol. Such a beautiful ride on the motorcycle out there and then boom, trash lol
@coleedmonds73945 күн бұрын
I’d love to fish those ponds ! probably some monsters in there lol
@OurMagicalJourneyFL5 күн бұрын
Oh man you have no idea lol. Total beasts swimming in there!
@CAMOEDTJ6 күн бұрын
Hey, I just picked up my brand new 2024 adventure. I got it at Kissimmee motorsports. I absolutely love this thing. Beautiful color I got the blue matte blue color.
@OurMagicalJourneyFL6 күн бұрын
Nice! I got mine at Seminole Power Sports. Have fun!
@1219magnum6 күн бұрын
Approaching 30,000 (hwy) miles on my '22 Adventure. Change 10W40 synthetic oil every 5000, shifting becomes iffy after 6000 miles on the oil. The fuel gauge bars on mine do same. Ride heck outta your Adventure. It likes it!
@DrJonGroves6 күн бұрын
That road you’re on looks less sand and more solid. Where is that??? I’m sick of the sugar sand. I’m in Inverness. Let’s meet up. I’ve got the 2022 adventure. Love it!
@OurMagicalJourneyFL6 күн бұрын
That was the Cross Florida Greenway / Rodman Dam area north of the Ocala Forest. I ride out that way all the time. All the roads are safe for my Shinko 705's haha. Yeah I'd be down sometime
@TheWanderingGeezer6 күн бұрын
It’s a KLR, people buy them just to sell them.
@OurMagicalJourneyFL6 күн бұрын
I think alot of people don't do their research beforehand. They don't realize how slow they are. And alot of people want that super fast/rush feeling while riding. Like 80% of used ones I've seen online are under 1000 miles. I did that many miles in 2 weeks on mine just casually riding around town lol. So it's crazy people buy these things, realizing they are slow, and then hate it because it's not fast lol.
@canadiantechprep7 күн бұрын
I got the same bike last year off the showroom floor (I have a video of the initial walkaround on my channel). I was on a wait list for a Tenere 700, but needed something to replace my DRZ400 immediately. While I like the bike, I wish I had done more research. Lack of sixth gear and cruise control is noticeable on the highway. The T7 is double the HP for the same weight, with fully adjustable suspension and other perks. I do love the's stable, and does what I need to do, but am now looking seriously at the Aprillia Tuareg. I did a bunch of mods. The thing I do like about it si the livery color scheme. The 2024 Adventure green is great. What I am really upset about though is the upcharge for all the useless 'stuff' on the Adventure model. Here in Canada it cost nearly 3k over the S model, and I ended up replacing the plastic paniers and rack with Tusk and soft bags, Tusk forward crash bars, had to find specialized mounts for the lights, added an ABS shuttoff switch and added a foglight switch for the left hand (why they put it way over on the right side is beyond me). Sure, it's a good bike...I love any bike I am riding, but I would have gone with something more modern if I had been more patient. Aprillia Tuareg is looking like the best alternative...thanks for the video though!
@OurMagicalJourneyFL6 күн бұрын
Agree with you. Kinda in that same boat, feeling wise. It's fun, but yeah for the price, there's definitely a bunch of more powerful bikes available! Safe riding!
@wardog32177 күн бұрын
You're not gonna like the cases once you drop it. They are gonna break. Go get that thing dirty!
@OurMagicalJourneyFL7 күн бұрын
I actually just put them on for this video lol. In regular daily riding, I keep them off all the time. Makes it easier to swing my leg over without them on lol
@wardog32176 күн бұрын
@OurMagicalJourneyFL Dont swing leg over. Place left foot on the high side and get on that way. There are some good videos to watch on it.
@OurMagicalJourneyFL6 күн бұрын
Yeah i know that method. But until I can slim down a bit, I'm a hefty young man and don't wanna bend the kickstand haha
@wardog32176 күн бұрын
@OurMagicalJourneyFL bro, I weigh 250 lbs naked, and it doesn't budge
@DonnaRoushall7 күн бұрын
Might I suggest the new 2025 Triumph 800…?…. It’s got the same seat hight as the 660…835mm….. BUT with cruise control…. Quick shifter….. I’m currently on the tiger 660 and ALTHOUGH I totally love my bike…. I’m looking into it….. BUT at 6’….. might be a tad to low for you…..but when you ride the triple…. You NEVER go back
@OurMagicalJourneyFL7 күн бұрын
I was looking into Triumph's as well! Such nice bikes. Maybe one day!
@spencervidal31687 күн бұрын
Even though it has a six gallon tank, because the way the tank is designed you only have access to around 4 gallons. STUPID!!!
@OurMagicalJourneyFL7 күн бұрын
Yeah, I wish the fuel gauge was more accurate, for how much fuel was actually left in the bike lol
@coryswilkens7 күн бұрын
That's incorrect
@spencervidal31687 күн бұрын
@@coryswilkens 🤣
@spencervidal31687 күн бұрын
@@OurMagicalJourneyFL Well the fuel petcock is to high on the left side to catch the lower fuel level and no means for the last 1.5 gal on the right side to get to the petcock when fuel is low.. Cant get over the center tunnel in the tank. CRAP engineering..
@Solo_adv7 күн бұрын
🤡 you obviously don't own one.
@spencervidal31687 күн бұрын
The KLR is an antiquated turd, With todays selection of bikes the KLR is a comparative piece of crap and can not be justified at at any price. Time to retire that crap!!!
@OurMagicalJourneyFL7 күн бұрын
It's my first bike other than my old used Honda Nighthawk. I do agree on the price part though lol. The financing on the Adventure model definitely hurt a but, but even still, no regrets. I also think it's a great beginner bike for those who don't want all the crazy speed and want to get into adventure riding. It was a toss-up between the KLR and a few others, when I was at the dealer, but after looking around, I kept leaning towards the 650. Probably won't ever sell it, but I'm definitely looking around for my next bike. Thinking of checking out something more sporty, maybe the Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R.
@spencervidal31687 күн бұрын
@@OurMagicalJourneyFL I have had around 15 bikes in the last 50 years. And the KLR that I owned was the biggest piece of S#!^ I have ever owned. In this day and with the availability of ADV bikes, the KLR is not worth the money if it were free.. Total CRAP!!!
@OurMagicalJourneyFL7 күн бұрын
What's the best bike you've owned so far?
@spencervidal31687 күн бұрын
@@OurMagicalJourneyFL I have to say my 07 Aprilia Tuono, for street bike. Aprilia Tuareg 660 for ADV bike. . I have owned Hondas, Suzuki's, Yamaha and Kawasaki. I have found the Kawasaki's to be the lowest for quality and performance. The others were reliable but underwhelming. My Aprilia's have been reliable and top tier components and performance. Just my two cents worth. If your married to affordable, Royal Enfield, CF Moto or something along those lines for ADV. But the KLR has proven to be a total piece of crap. I bought it on the "reputation". Totally underserved.. Couldn't wait to get rid of that turd.. And stay away from the hard bags, on anything. They will F#$% you up if you go down..
@coryswilkens7 күн бұрын
This guy is a snob
@Asiandynamo8 күн бұрын
Looks like Ocala state park.
@OurMagicalJourneyFL7 күн бұрын
Yep! Was riding out by the Rodman Dam area
@Asiandynamo7 күн бұрын
@ suscribed
@OurMagicalJourneyFL7 күн бұрын
@danielw.909021 күн бұрын
Good move sir. I did the same for my '23 but I opted for the 8"Carbon Fiber looking to drop/trim weight. I love it. Sound is good not like a Harley by any measure but well heard on NJ roads. Carry on, and stay up rider! Cheers.
@OurMagicalJourneyFL21 күн бұрын
@CrazyManhog28 күн бұрын
Look it's Splash Mountain
@OurMagicalJourneyFL28 күн бұрын
Life hack, put in headphones and play the splash ride music haha
@demonicxxxlove129 күн бұрын
@demonicxxxlove129 күн бұрын
@raymondparsons902Ай бұрын
We camp off FR30 ,we see Bear on a regular basis out there. We also saw the biggest Bobcat we have ever seen on FR30. Thanks for sharing.
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
It's definitely a fun area! We haven't camped out there yet though!
@juliezimmerman3476Ай бұрын
I am very mixed about this change. Especially sad Muppets Vision 3 D is closing. It is a bummer that rock ‘n’ roll roller coaster will keep its ride system Layout. I feel that small children, older populations,and or medically unable won’t be able to enjoy the full experience. Not the same watching it POV on KZbin. Well, it is Disney’s chance to redeem the Muppets into the fun and Zaney franchise that gets the recognition it deserves. I hope additionally to the roller coaster that they have a Muppet meet and greet that they had in the early 90’s. Also an attraction for all ages to enjoy to hopefully occupy the former space of the lightning McQueen attraction. Why not make that whole courtyard area a revision of Muppet Courtyard ??? of course it would be developed overtime, and obviously not overnight.
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
That's what we are hoping for as well. The Lightning McQueen building would be the perfect spot. But with Disney, who knows what they have in mind. We just hope the attraction remains somewhere eventually!
Hey, I was just wondering if you don’t mind me asking I’m looking at purchasing a new 2024 model klr. I live here in Florida as well Central Florida, but I’m just wondering what to expect as far as extra fees that a dealer charges like how much more over their listed price can I expect to be added on? I’m wanting to pay cash for one, but I wanna make sure I have enough money. Thanks enjoying the videos on your new bike.
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
Sadly I don't have the paperwork handy. But I believe the showroom floor price for the '24 KLR Adventure was around $7k. Our out the door price was around $9,400 something. Dealer fees, taxes etc. We bought it from Seminole Power Sports in Eustis. The base model KLR's are definitely cheaper though.
@eddiejohnson3458Ай бұрын
also just north of the forest is a little town called saltsprings has a nice natural springs you can swim in
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
I've heard of that! Actually haven't made it out there yet. I'll be sure to check it out sometime!
@drizzyman1035Ай бұрын
Quite unfortunate man… So hopefully montopolis can live up to muppets standards
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
We hope so too! I also hope they keep the Muppets humor strong in the Rockin' Rollercoaster retheme. Hopefully it's not sugarcoated to not offend anyone. Sadly, it probably will be haha
@jessellsworth6313Ай бұрын
“Moose knuckle I mean moose head beer”😂
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
I'm glad someone likes my lame humor lol
@jckdnls9292Ай бұрын
nice footage, if youre ever in south fl, check out Loop road scenic drive. youll see some bulls there
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
Thanks, I'll definitely check it out!
@yoruizdeporras8756Ай бұрын
Greetings 🙌🏼, I hope you are well, ask how the boat turned out for you, it is a max 380 and your HP 15, I am from the Caribbean and I want to give myself a couple of those for this Christmas, how is the raft, Thank you
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
For the price, Seamax makes really good inflatables! I'd definitely buy from them again! I'd recommend!
@FreddyBGeeАй бұрын
I've got the same boat but branded Aleko with a 20hp Tohatsu 4 stroke efi. Awesome little boat. You can run them in less than a foot of water and load them up to 1k lbs
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
Inflatables are the best! Can definitely get into places you couldn't with a bigger boat
@SinnihilationАй бұрын
I traded 3 of my bikes for this bike. I'm excited to ride. I'm excited to camp with it. Ride or Die.
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
It's my daily driver now! So much fun to ride
@MandrakeRootsАй бұрын
I want to hear..."why her silly wheelchair" " she's pretending as always"...🤘😂🤘
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
Haha yes!
@willcratch7815Ай бұрын
Sounds like me and my wife lol!!! Married life🤘
@RobertdeVries-trimaran-sailing2 ай бұрын
Rode my 1987 klr650a just yesterday. (Bought new then) please take off your helmet next video narration! You sound very ‘from world afar’😂
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
Even bought a helmet mic and the audio is even worse haha. I'll figure it all out eventually I'm sure!
@RobertdeVries-trimaran-sailingАй бұрын
@ got mine for 37 !! years now. It no microphone. I just listen to the thumper. :-)
@KTT19853 ай бұрын
Where did you get the rear top box with the pads?? When I get mine I want one so me and my better half can do some riding together too.
@OurMagicalJourneyFL3 ай бұрын
Theres a link to it in the video description!
@KTT19853 ай бұрын
Im looking to buy the exact same one! Im waiting tho to see what they do with the 2025 model drop if they change the power or engine into the v twin or not. I really hope they do. I almost bought it but i got the 2025 klx300 for now amd as soon as the 2025 klr 650 drops im getting it regardless of what changes i want this bike!! Lol
@OurMagicalJourneyFLАй бұрын
I just wish they'd add the 6th gear already. All this time riding, and I still occasionally look for it.. to no avail lol
@shiftingperception3 ай бұрын
Awesome 😂😂😂
@KTT19853 ай бұрын
Can you please let kawasaki know if they put their V-Twin 750 brute force engine in the 2025 model, ill buy 3 of them right now haha!
@KTT19853 ай бұрын
I plan on getting the adventure model myself. However why hasnt kawasaki put their Brute force 750 engine in that bike and then it would be perfect!! Also update the suspension with that v twin engine and ita mine haha!!
@jonmoak15373 ай бұрын
We bought the same boat in red in 2012. They may have upgraded a few things over the years, but it has held up great over the years. The only problem we have had is that 1 of the handles came off & one of the rubber clips that the ores clip into came off. For having it as long as we have had it I’m ok with that and they are easy fixes. I still have the handle & will reglue it back on where it goes. We are running a 1980s Mercury 9.9hp 2stroke on it & the top speed is around 16mph with me & my wife in the boat. We have a 5gal tank as well. Also, the aluminum floor stays cool in the sun & heat as well. I would always take the aluminum floor boats over the inflatable floor boats too. All in all, it’s a great boat for the price & build quality. We have a 19 foot Sea Ray & we were looking to sell the Seamax. After looking at the prices of the new ones we decided to keep it because we cannot replace it for what we paid for it and we had a lot of fun with it over the years. We have our Sea Ray in our slip & put the Seamax on the Sea Ray trailer & take it to other local lakes & rivers in the Flathead Valley. Great excuse to keep it & have fun. Also, these boats are safe. Have fun with yours.
@santauxia3 ай бұрын
Best of luck guys. All best.
@SilentPrepperFL3 ай бұрын
I want to get one of these bad... Has been in my wish list for the last 4 or 5 years... I am in Fl as well... Thanks for sharing...
@OurMagicalJourneyFL3 ай бұрын
I was watching videos of them for a long time also! It's weird having it now lol
@izaak.salomon50483 ай бұрын
Piękny motocykl! Kolego,z jakiego kraju jesteś????
@OurMagicalJourneyFL3 ай бұрын
Florida, USA
@izaak.salomon50483 ай бұрын
@@OurMagicalJourneyFL🙏❤️🇺🇲❤️🙏Zdrawiam z Polski ❤️🤚
@G-pigGel4 ай бұрын
The type 2 frame slider Kawasaki sells saved me the same fate… glad there weren’t any injuries
@JC-jk3kl4 ай бұрын
Can you show us the trunk with the backrest once installed? Really nice bike Congrats!