There is a French edition that does. Given the lack of text, it's worth finding a copy if there are any still available
@Amiichii6668 сағат бұрын
This type of game is way too difficult for me 😅 but holymoly, I love the steampunk style so much!
@TheArtbookCollector8 сағат бұрын
I have a few artbooks for games that I can't beat, but you can still love the art! Same for games that aren't good, it takes nothing away from the artists and they can have artbooks worth buying too
@bolenandoКүн бұрын
I loved Matangi's pages, she's so interesting as a character.
@dominiclopez50992 күн бұрын
Fat albert and the cosby kids vs The Apocalypse the art of the movie
@666Winterdemon6662 күн бұрын
Ordered the 4k bluray steelbook version of season 1 and this baby too. ❤
@HitomiChris-b7k2 күн бұрын
3:37 I wonder if that cell is the same one that Gromit was in when Preston Framed him for Sheep Murder in "A Close Shave"
@stomper12322 күн бұрын
"Feathers was 'ere"
@オリバ-e9m3 күн бұрын
Your nails are beautiful!
@TheArtbookCollector2 күн бұрын
Thanks! Can't say it was a comment I was expecting 😂
@alienbull23033 күн бұрын
Imagine if this game gets a remastered edition, lets hope it drops in mars on its 10 year anniversary
@Mememaster55yt3 күн бұрын
Omg the airship
@kimberlygajo99863 күн бұрын
5:51 "Due to technical issues, the directors wanted to get rid of the braids. They're really nice but in the final battle, in Episode 209. she's on a flying skateboard and braids were just one more thing we had to worry about" Do they mean the Firelights' hoverboards? And the fact that we didn't even get see it 😭😭😭
@peterhighwood48034 күн бұрын
Plz do dog man movie next
@TheArtbookCollector4 күн бұрын
It's not a book I have joining the collection, so I won't have a video for that one unfortunately. Another channel may feature that book in the coming weeks though
@AZIZ-NEKO4 күн бұрын
I order it in Amazon Saudi arrives on 19 Dec Can’t wait
@fatenmakni35054 күн бұрын
❤️=blood\love\danger 🧡=friendship 💛=Sunday\jealousy\kindness 💚=nature 💙=male\boys\sea\it all for u 💜= narcissism in kings 🖤=human ignorance\ignore the Creator ⚪=peace
@wolverinescratch4 күн бұрын
The best PS5 game
@bigbigarchive4 күн бұрын
1:12 So Wallace has a picture of Trevor the Traction Engine in his room?
@anthonyTang-d5w5 күн бұрын
20 Hours Ago.
@larissasoto46165 күн бұрын
What date will it release?
@TheArtbookCollector5 күн бұрын
I noted it in the description, it is out Dec 31st in the US currently, but if you're elsewhere, you can check online as it may differ
@eriksenbak45195 күн бұрын
It sucks when companies open up for pre-orders and when you take them up on that offer in good time, they can’t deliver their end of the bargain on release date. Amazon, I am looking at you! Perhaps shut down the pre-orders, when quota has been reached so people are not left disappointed!
@evermilion42217 күн бұрын
well its seems that i need it
@da5idnz7 күн бұрын
Thanks, bro!
@adnPL7 күн бұрын
Do you know what is the difference between artbooks found in collector's editions such as Diablo 4, Diablo 3, Reapers of Souls and The Art of Diablo books? Or they use the same arts?
@TheArtbookCollector6 күн бұрын
I couldn't say unfortunately as I don't have those books
@ourabouras7 күн бұрын
My limited edition finally arrived, it looks the same only the graphics around Jinx on the cover are Firelight Green. The inside has a bunch of little goodies like a map of Piltover, a Death tarot card, a Progress Day pamphlet, etc. It also came with a vinyl album of S2, a portfolio with some lithographs, and it all came in a Jinx inspired box. Gotta say I’m impressed with all they managed to cram in to one book, and yet there will never be enough bts artwork. I am a bit surprised that characters like Rictus, Maddie, Loris, and Seb aren’t even featured in the book. And I wish we could’ve gotten some developmental studies for background characters like Finn, I loved his design. I was also hoping to learn more about what races Lest and Scar are but they’re barely featured. Even Isha is a mere blip in the book. Oh well, guess I’ll never be happy😊
@voch1237 күн бұрын
It’s interesting that Chip’s last name is Hatchetface (9:51) for two reasons 1. Harry Hatchetface is the name of a character in S2E1 in jail, so he’s likely Chip’s dad or relative. 2. In the novel Carnival Chaos, Cuphead’s class is taking attendance. Assuming the attendance is taken in alphabetical order, Chip’s last name could not possibly be Hatchetface, as in the list he comes AFTER Canteen Hughes.
@aliadrian27727 күн бұрын
When did they mention the 60 minute cut scene
@enigmatico62097 күн бұрын
Must have for any fans and also for anyone digging into the Y2K aesthetic, because this is one of the games that defined the scene.
@hb8888 күн бұрын
Perfect flip through, thank you so much!!
@TheArtbookCollector8 күн бұрын
No problem! I'm always trying to improve the quality, books are surprisingly difficult to film at times 😂 but I'm glad to hear it's working for people
@historiasconmunecas65068 күн бұрын
I’m offended they didn’t include Mylo and Claggor ☹️
@lucyred65239 күн бұрын
So pretty! What is the release date? I pre ordered it a month ago and it said the release was 17th December but now I see some sites showing it was released or it will be released in January. Thanks
@TheArtbookCollector9 күн бұрын
I couldn't say, the release has been a mess. In the UK, it's the 17th, but other sites have it earlier. Some are listing January in all regions due to stock issues. The only way to get a reliable date is to ask the retailer directly
@miladh18599 күн бұрын
God i want this soooo bad 😢😢😢😢😢😢
@lamych30119 күн бұрын
It looks so stunning !!! Thank you so much 😍 also u didn’t show the goodies 😢 from your previous comments u confirmed that the content and offered goodies are the same as the American edition published by Insight edition so I’m a bit confused 😅 I can still buy the American edition by Insight but I need to cancel my first order also if the two edition are the exact same with no slight difference even in terms of printing quality then I’ll stick with the British one … are the two editions really the exact same cz It seems like the insight edition looks much better …
@TheArtbookCollector9 күн бұрын
The books are the same, the only difference is that Insight is the publisher in the US and Titan Books is the publisher in other regions. This has been the case for a lot of books
@lamych30119 күн бұрын
@@TheArtbookCollector thank you so much for your clarification ! 🙏🏻It’s the first time I buy an English art book I usually stick with the local french publishers 💀
@denbar68259 күн бұрын
I received my artbook today, and to be honest, I was disappointed. The paper and printing quality are terrible. The colors are distorted, and the paper feels like it’s from old books. Most artbooks are printed on coated paper nowadays, but this printing makes a beautiful illustration look as cheap as possible, unfortunately:(
@SummerStars189 күн бұрын
Oh my gosh this looks amazing/ stunning. I need to get this! Thanks for showing us.
@TheArtbookCollector9 күн бұрын
No problem, glad to hear it helped you discover a new book!
@suisinghoraceho24039 күн бұрын
The cover is definitely a reference to black lagoon.
@deyanstoilov978910 күн бұрын
Excellent video! The paste, camera angle, video resolution, lighting and the fitting music, ... I mean everything was done in a professional manner and it shows! My only disapointemnt is with the the book itself. I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy the content of this art book but sadly I'm not one of them. I'm going have to forgo, same as with the previous volume. I do collect art books, love video games and am a huge D1, D2, D2R fan and would have paid any price to own orignal artwork by Chris Metzen and the other artists who have worked on those titles.
@PAChezItVr10 күн бұрын
IM GETTING THE BOOK FOR CHRISTMAS (can you tell me the name of it so I get the right one-)
@PAChezItVr10 күн бұрын
Wait nvm
@mayaamis10 күн бұрын
are normal and deluxe editions same in terms on content? I know deluxe has fancy covers and extra lithographic art but wondering if anything else is different
@TheArtbookCollector10 күн бұрын
Pages are always the same, it's just how it's presented and any extras that aren't the book itself that are different 😊
@mayaamis10 күн бұрын
@@TheArtbookCollector cool thanx :)
@michafryc284510 күн бұрын
just ordered this book💥
@MrGenjirouu10 күн бұрын
We could've a foking dragon submarine!!!!?????? Wtf bioware!???
@Acme_the_rubberhose_dog11 күн бұрын
Am I the only one that hates that graffiti like overlapping of 99% of the reference sheets and sketches? Half of the weapons are overlappung each others and many pages waste spaces with useless graffiti I was hoping for a book full to the brim with art and some pages look so damn messy
@DigitalArtcast11 күн бұрын
Dude nice! I've only reviewed one book on my channel haha
@TheArtbookCollector11 күн бұрын
I just subbed, I had a scroll and recognized so many names in your interviews! Looks like you're doing awesome stuff and I'll be going through a bunch of your videos now
@paoolinka891111 күн бұрын
I preordered this month ago on Amazon, through this day and don’t get any email when they will ship this or what date this will be available :/ I am so angry
@TheArtbookCollector11 күн бұрын
I've seen different reports, but it seems like late January or early Feb is the expectation. They really screwed up the forecasting on this one unfortunately. I hope you get it soon!
@paoolinka891111 күн бұрын
I hope so to, because this was my present on Christmas but now i am don’t know anything :( anyway thank you for the unboxing :)
@TheArtbookCollector11 күн бұрын
@paoolinka8911 it happened to me too, I was expecting The Art of the Wild Robot in October, but I won't have it for a while as they have to print more 😕 enjoy it when it arrives!
@DemonKnight8511 күн бұрын
@TheArtbookCollector Question for you. Did your book come shrink wrapped and also did it come with a dusk jacket? I'm trying to find this out. I just got mine from Amazon but it wasn't shrink wrapped, and no dusk jacket either. The front cover was bent a little too and apparently this is a problem for people buying the book from Amazon. Just wanted to see how yours was.
@TheArtbookCollector11 күн бұрын
I can't remember off the top of my head if it was shrink wrapped, but it doesn't come with a dust jacket. Packaging and books is always a gamble, I hate that they haven't figured it out
@DemonKnight8510 күн бұрын
@@TheArtbookCollector No problem, I just wanted to ask. I hear yea, I mean the damage could have been worse but I'll try to order another one that hopefully doesn't have any damage. It wasn't the worst anyways, but I'd still rather have one with no damage than some!
@TheArtbookCollector10 күн бұрын
@DemonKnight85 you could get a return on it, Amazon in the past has sent a replacement before even receiving the damaged one back. Always worth doing!
@DemonKnight8510 күн бұрын
@@TheArtbookCollector Yea I just bought another one. I'll compare the 2 and then return the one with less damage. The first was kind of acceptable anyways, but I'd rather not a crinkled up corner on the back cover if I don't have to. The book and design is too nice for that! I guess a lot of people are complaining buying this from Amazon though. All of them without shrink wrap and a lot arriving with damage, so we'll see.
@TheArtbookCollector10 күн бұрын
It happens, I have so many with knocks on the corners. It's when the cover warp also bends page corners that I immediately contact the retailer
@sarah.escheiber997311 күн бұрын
Est ce que que c'est une édition limitée ?
@TheArtbookCollector11 күн бұрын
This is just the standard edition, but I know there were are couple of other editions that were limited
@notdante115111 күн бұрын
Where's the Ekko and Jinx page?
@amberp29007 күн бұрын
4:42, 4:57, and 8:38
@caroljeeben706411 күн бұрын
Hi everyone- i suggest looking IN stores such and barnes and noble. I personally pre-ordered this from target for myself, still waiting for it to arrive- but after looking around online to buy a second as a gift for a friend, it said sold out just about everywhere. Well i went to barnes and noble today and there were 3 copies just sitting in the entertainment shelf, even though it said sold out online. Go to the stores in person- its fun! You might find it there! And get a cookie at the cafe.
@TheArtbookCollector11 күн бұрын
I wish I had places in my town that would stock artbooks like this. Make the most of it and don't take it for granted!
@annisa-11 күн бұрын
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing
@TheArtbookCollector11 күн бұрын
No problem, thanks for checking out the channel!
@xox174311 күн бұрын
¿Tendrá edición en español 🙏🏻 y cómo puedo verificar qué editorial lo hará en esa versión? Will it has espanol language edition 🙏🏻 and how can I check which publisher will do it in that version?
@irenesoki92711 күн бұрын
Hay edición en español si. Yo lo he encargado en Amazon.
@Octoboobs12 күн бұрын
This is what I want from the 'art of' book- tons of concept art, process shots and sketches and as little as possible of screengrabs from the media. Gorgeous book, thanks for sharing!
@vanessa.nguyen12 күн бұрын
Thank you <3 <3 <3 i knew i'd love to get this one before even seeing it~