CoculesNation is a channel crafted by an autistic German-American speculated Ashkenazi who uses Linux for his work; wherein also tying it together with a suit, since he's into 1950's American entertainment standards. Nëïgsëndöïg Cöcülës, the founder and CEO of the Cöcülës Industries Spy Network (CISN), is an independent musician, and a gamer, with Autism Spectrum Disorder Lv. 1, and is looking to provide entertainment that fits this style while playing video games and teaching Linux.
This channel primarily focuses on gaming on Linux, and tutorials centered around gaming on GNU/Linux and setting up said operating systems.
Do you have any business inquiries, or want to collaborate with us in the future? Send Nëïgsëndöïg an email using
[email protected], and he'll be happy to answer whenever he has time.