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Rest Day Flyer
My name is Chris Kirby and I have had a life long ambition to fly. My first taste of flying was in the air cadets as a teenager but I never pursued that path into adult years. Now my own family has grown up I’ve decided to put into action my plan to get my private pilots licence. On work days I am a Paramedic Operations Officer on the NHS frontline but the real excitement starts on my days off as I enter the thrilling world of flight simulation and real world student pilot training.
Join me on my journey of circuits and bumps around the airfields, exploring new products to enhance the trip and the never ending quest to create the ultimate flight sim experience when I’m not in the real skies!
The PPL Journey begins
Жыл бұрын
10 ай бұрын
Congratulations, Chris, all very smooth ! Charlie, and the rest of your crew, will be proud of you !
Жыл бұрын
"Harness, Check, check mine, BECAUSE ITS JUST MEEEE !!! " Brilliant, and well done on not dying. x
Жыл бұрын
Yes, the dawn of realisation 😂
8 ай бұрын
On my list..... fantastic, flying a small aircraft is an amazing feeling 👍