@OpenMindAndYouWillFind 10 күн бұрын
30:00 genuinely sorry to hear that.
@marty_glenn 8 күн бұрын
Yep. Thank you and appreciate that. Read all your comments and thank you. I will be posting within 24 hours. TYWC - Marty
@OpenMindAndYouWillFind 8 күн бұрын
@@marty_glenn im stoked man. I really appreciate you replying to my comments and actually read them and gave a genuine reply unlike these modern manipulated pos what we call “content” ”content creators”its a load of shit for people to watch and learn nothing if anything make you mire stupid and puts you more deep into this illusion the stupid pay the “creators” and the cycle keeps pedaling. I got over all the b.s tbh the bad and good i always did what was right and just out of my heart but these people i called friends really pushed me to this point and if anything made me a demon/angel on the go push me and you will crushed no mercy like before or be cool respectful snd you will have the most fun you ever had haha. Love you man stay blessed !
@marty_glenn 4 күн бұрын
That is correct. I have 17 videos to edit and post. I will get to them and lets see just how 'real' people are and want to be. I am sure you will let me know in the comments. Look forward to it. lol ;) - M
@OpenMindAndYouWillFind 4 күн бұрын
@@marty_glenn i am as well. You’re so unique in the way you articulate your words as in every pause you have to laugh i can only imagine how much more funny it is on the inside but it still kills me every time you start a topic when you were replying to the topic that laugh spoke for itself
@OpenMindAndYouWillFind 10 күн бұрын
Fuk i have to come back every 1 min to comment its to fuking funny i love it
@OpenMindAndYouWillFind 10 күн бұрын
Whatever they want to call it INFJ bala blaa as i was told. Your videos are fuking gold you have my respect!!
@OpenMindAndYouWillFind 10 күн бұрын
You look like a commercial figure to bring the elderly in retirement homes out and change there life😂😂 just a joke.
@marty_glenn 8 күн бұрын
HaHa. Now that is funny. ;)) TYWC - Marty
@OpenMindAndYouWillFind 10 күн бұрын
I love you man fuck i haven’t laughed in ages. You genuinely make me laugh like im getting fuked in my g spot😂😂😂
@OpenMindAndYouWillFind 10 күн бұрын
Wow look where my 2 month worm hole on after another brought me holy shit😂😂😂 and man i can’t stop fuking laughing this man is gold please upload more man fuk you’re a fuking genius 😂😂
@OpenMindAndYouWillFind 10 күн бұрын
Where was this man my whole life. Lmao from the countless videos i have watched i would be lying i said this isn’t the funniest yet interesting video i have watched yet😂😂 ik i have a boring life
@marty_glenn 8 күн бұрын
I ask myself the same question; trust me that I do. The hard part is asking for myself. ;) TYWC - Marty
@wRayneEvans 10 күн бұрын
😁👍Bang on !!! 🍃
@marty_glenn 8 күн бұрын
Always doing my best. ) TYWC - Marty
@jasonsmith6059 11 күн бұрын
Take the INFJ thing seriously!
@marty_glenn 8 күн бұрын
Sadly [...] it is true. When you do meet a real INFJ and or figure yourself out and you claim or are weighted toward the INFJ [...] take it seriously is understated. TYWC - Marty
@mbeno90 17 күн бұрын
What is this
@mbeno90 17 күн бұрын
So ungrounded
@UnexpectedAmy 18 күн бұрын
Listened to this 4 times in the past day, this vid is so critical. I just realised I live my life in the painful places where most people will never go. I love the abyss, because I know I can navigate it. Surface-dwellers are so damn shallow I just feel like a different species.. It's as you say, I can't live my life caught I'm caught up in others problems. Fighting for boundaries. Thank you!
@ivadedeva7005 18 күн бұрын
Hello Martyn. Can you make a video on those covert narc that work under cover! Humble and charismatic cult leaders!
@marty_glenn 8 күн бұрын
If you check my channels there are many many on the topic. Watch them and you will see just how much I cover this. Your topic of interest is foundational to the covert sociopath personalities. TYWC - Marty
@ivadedeva7005 8 күн бұрын
@@marty_glenn thx
@ivadedeva7005 19 күн бұрын
❤ Negativity about my negative experience!
@UnexpectedAmy 19 күн бұрын
Appreciate these vids so much, my anger becomes more pointed, but more healthy. Wasting too much time on people living at 30%, in denial, repressed etc. Waste of time trying to connect with them, even as every fibre of my being wants to. Thanks, Marty!
@UnexpectedAmy 19 күн бұрын
Wow, you are shadow embodied, saying all the things I want to say to people. I feel so seen with all of this. Thank you so so much, my personal hell is so much clearer now ahahaha
@zerofeedback7533 21 күн бұрын
ENFP here. Few people nowadays think critically of clinical psychology, even though it's one of the first things they told us in class. Watched so many people become entirely brainwashed by clinical psychology in this manner. All clinical psychology is shaped through the lenses of capitalism. There, I said it. ADHD is not inherently problematic unless you're supposed to work a boring 9 to 5 job. Few talk about the benefits of the hyperfocus, and too much about the lack of focus on boring tasks. Hell, there's even a diagnosis called "oppositional-defiant disorder", used for unruly children who dare question authority. It gets even worse, there is a cognitive schema that says "I'm inherently broken, there is something in me I must fix." It's often not the case, but there are billions of dollars made off of this, sold under the form of "self-help", and so many look for "the next big thing", the one information, the thing that will turn your whole life around, it acts as a dopamine shot. Could not be further from the truth. Unfortunately, acceptance-based therapy isn't too focused on, they'd teach you to keep studying psychology and further yourself into analysis-paralysis, without actually giving any concrete steps regarding how to actually develop a healthy self-esteem. Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk spoke of this in one of his books, and he is a renowned psychiatrist. He said, "if anti-depressants really helped, why have depression rates tripled ever since they appeared on the market?" Edit: And by the way, amazing material here, like others said, way ahead of its time.
@anonymous2010ism 21 күн бұрын
Hi Marty, “ I really really need your help “yes I am a subscriber. I just recently found out that I am INFJ sigma male , my boss who I work very closely with on a daily basis I immediately figured outhe has psychopathy , I know this for a fact. The problem that I’m having is, I can’t stop mirroring him. It’s a very interesting dynamic. It’s not necessarily evil or negative , he does know that I’m mirroring him and he seems to know because he’s the boss I allow him to have control , into each other. We work hard and work well together, but I have a problem going away from him and being a chameleon to his energy. I was wondering what the dynamics are or any advice for INFJ sigma male versus, psychopathic male ?
@UnexpectedAmy 22 күн бұрын
Euggghhhh I feel this so much. I'm happier than I could ever imagine, I have so much gratitude for life! And I am so damn depressed. And rounnndd and rounnnddd it goes. Thanks for the vid!!
@themakuachronicles 22 күн бұрын
Soooo true every part 💯
@UnexpectedAmy 24 күн бұрын
Maaaan, people aren't ready for that kind of information. It's such an existential question. All the facile answers are an abrogation of the human experience. I'm not going to share that stuff with someone who isn't able to understand it, who will like try to minimize me as being "deep" or some crap. I get the intent, but I can't live in this world around people who don't have the awareness to even notice the regret they ought be feeling on their deathbeds. With each video I watch, I understand the anger and rage even more, and I'm noticing it in myself, beneath the guilty part that wants harmony and understanding with people. But yeah, underneath is rage at how shallow the whole thing is, and there's no more shallow question than "How are you?" Thank you for the video and the work you put into this channel over the years :)
@victormatheus5701 24 күн бұрын
What should we do then? I know for the most that it makes sense, it’s not accurate. But i’ve met and tried a relationship with other personalities, last one was INTJ and well, none had a good ending for some reason, I got to the conclusion the ideal partner would be another INFJ then? But what you said makes a lot of sense to me ._. I want someone to love deeply and I want this Back too, how can I proceed? XD
@UnexpectedAmy 25 күн бұрын
Ahahahha, I don't know why I laughed so hard at this. It's like the internal monologue externalised, bypassing the intuitive care filter.
@sticks6891 26 күн бұрын
The beard looks great. Not every man has to spend time every day trying to make himself look like a prepubescent boy. Personally, I find the prolific and cultlike obsession with shaving disturbing.
@ivadedeva7005 29 күн бұрын
You just saved me to follow her and continue loosing my time with more non sense! I watched 10 min from 1 of her video and I was like- well how this information is different from the rest of you tubers who talk about narcissism!
@ivadedeva7005 29 күн бұрын
I have watched that video before but now actually I feel like to cry for myself and have mercy on my soul!
@franklinkrocker4902 29 күн бұрын
Jordan Peterson my man!
@tedlarson6216 29 күн бұрын
I'm reminded of the second Buddha Nargarjuna's idea that there are things we can know, and there will be things we can never truly know. And I'm comfortable with the honesty to say I don't know about many things.
@jaqsparrow7382 29 күн бұрын
U just tore apart something u don’t understand cause u didn’t put in the EFFORT to watch his FREE content to understand it… as an infj myself I understand… u think u know ur right but u did not verify this and I can tell u 100% u r in the wrong in this and that this is also dangerous… plz continue to make ur wonderful content and plz know that this science is valuable… so valuable to our race… I know u where triggered and it’s not ur fault… I know his delivery is not the gentlest especially to infjs but he has made me a better person he has taught me to respect and look out for myself and how to be myself with others with everyone and that is through his free videos alone… plz take this down… I beg u plz not for csj but for humanity’s future plz… watch his channel at least before criticizing csj or his tools or his expansion or version of the science… I know if u did u would have a far different opinion about THE TYPE GRID and the science… csj will still probably rub u the wrong way but u will learn alot from him
@mishalubich9366 Ай бұрын
You’re right!
@elsknh Ай бұрын
18:20 This moment when i realized that i was right about when i feel a bit err watching this video haha. We're not only thinking about one thing omg ive so many ideas in my mind that ive jot down and publish some articles papers. Not only about future destruction etc etc. yes we are, that's why some of us are writers, but there's a lot of amazing infj women i know out there. Maybe we've just to uhmm categories things? Healthy female infj vs Unhealthy female infj. That would be better.
@RB-re8kj Ай бұрын
just confirms what i already knew. im sad now.
@Stafford-h Ай бұрын
Hey Marty… U R a lot of fun. :)
@SD-rm5ty Ай бұрын
This is true I've come across sooo many cluster b's I'm over it, I cannot deal with them anymore. Running at the first red flag next time
@SD-rm5ty Ай бұрын
We've been together for 14 years I disagree I'm an INFJ with an ISTJ and we've had absolutely amazing sex, we have other relationship issues but the sex has never been the problem kinda what I can't stay away from. 😂
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
I have always wondered what 'amazing sex', means or is defined by others. I should do a video on that subject. ;)) Happy for you. Keep on keeping on. TYWC - Marty
@SD-rm5ty Ай бұрын
@@marty_glenn The right moves at the right time, somehow he always knows just how much pressure to apply and where I want to be touched at any given moment, knows my kinks and likes them too lol, it's almost like intuitive for us at this point, Ive tried others in the past ( far past) and no one beats him. 😂 Nor do I want to try anyone else at this point.
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
Well said and you can claim 'amazing' and I know ... trust me. Well done. I can add to it and will. You will laugh and smile. - M
@tomasmakovec9336 Ай бұрын
I like to be an INFJ because finally after 30 years I heard someone who has absolutely the same thinking process as me. And I thought I never see or hear anyone talking like that. I watched your video now- What every INFJ must learn to do? If not, your life may not be as happy as it could be. I would sign it I could say amen to that and still I don´ t mind Im thinking this way.And you know why?I give you time loop... Because thanks to people like you who can share it and explain it. So you did not lost many years, no fucking way!
@ninaoosthuizen2909 Ай бұрын
I found it extremely hard to listen to this video and after you denied the Lordship of Jesus Christ I understood why. Do not mislead woman this way sir by presenting yourself as a lamb while in effect leading women into more confusion and away from Jesus Christ. Pls stop that.
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
You are so fucking ignorant it is silly. People likie YOU is why planet earth is where it is at and why we are doomed as a race and will not survive, in happiness and peace much longer within the borders of the United States and other countries. See this link: www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=4870389251c040e3&q=nazi+swastika+over+crucifix&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0AbzhUJjXv6jRup8eVc0BvPyH5PazCaW205cG-Bd0in0dvSnU368ct8hcGzY9zRCgahXUvXYtux5SPCz-VD8JjCRRQ8LRqTDdEUYpRLpCO7i4Abpfgr5RKfHAgc3Zq8pbKkp0mi68K3CXDFL7KsrYadrVQgVTdiihKp3Ia169rEPCwfPwJXLr9DBt3ZwxM0XlbirQsyiZwWgE0_ock6dT6lmfSWVA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1iYjNz9SHAxUoHEQIHRg2OCoQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=1898&bih=1087&dpr=2 Then this link: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika What you need to do is get edjucated and start thinking for yourself. Lastly, I am being gentle with you since you were kind in your commenet to me but know that I am on the very line of becoming an absolute dick. TYWC - Marty
@mussharatnaaz1325 Ай бұрын
I cared for people too much, delayed my career. Got treated like trash, still do. Same environment. Then I behaved like an absolute a$$ without a care for them and I'm still not at peace, happiness is non existent. Can you recommend a first aid?
@adamjona98 Ай бұрын
Hi Marty, had to come back to this video for some reason. Hope you're alright (haven't seen you in a while). You know, what's intresting to me is that I can see a bit of a correlation between the advice you gave in this video and one I've read within the framework of astrology - I know it wasn't your intention to create parallels. Based on the latter, the desire to give all one is capable to those who might need it in the best way possible is a Jupiterian influence, and although that in itself does not make up for an INFJ personality, it might be one of it's driving forces (because seeing things from near infinite perspectives in an instant isn't a Jupiterian trait). Now, you say that the presentation of the percieved optimal algorithm of the solution in one whole package mostly overwhelms those on the recieving end, even if it is of good intentions and authenticity, so it has to be constrained and diluted in time and amount, going slowly but surely. Patience and distinction is not a Jupiterian strength, but rather Saturnian (everything has to be put in it's right place at the right time). Those who have this kind of influence in any areas of their lives have to inherit this trait by trying to emulate and practice it themselves - it might be the lesson of a lifetime, has to be strived for and earned, as it does not come naturally for them, making it all the more valuable once the path is made.
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
oh my fuck ... Top 100 comments of all time. I have to read this a few times as it was brought with details I have not ever heard. Never. Well said. Let me read and get back to this comment. Thank you. TYWC - Marty
@Goodnightcloud-t8f Ай бұрын
I've never been on his website. I've only watched the free videos on his YT channel. Yet I understand perfectly well how to use his grid. And you seem very stupid.
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
I love these comments. Thank you. Seriously. :) TYWC - Marty
@rachelhudson4370 Ай бұрын
I just found your youtube today. I've watched a few videos and I do believe that you are an INFJ, just like me.
@joahchewbhaka5679 Ай бұрын
I think Marty Glenn is INFJ, he reminds me of Jordan Peterson. I personally like his advice, they are personal and well thought out.
@MomandBuggs Ай бұрын
When you speak about IQ are you talking about the intuitive and feeling functions or ones ability reflect and self reflect?
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
One’s ability to reflect and connect with inner self and inner child. Nothing to do with math or puzzles. That is the IQ that the world wants you to concentrate on so that you do not concentrate on the self. TYWC- Marty
@ms.tokyoo Ай бұрын
Was just thinking of you🖤
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
Thank you. - M
@wenaolong Ай бұрын
These intergenerational sociopsychological engrams essential to psychical development, offering support across generations and through multiple ply of them, has been functionally disabled over a long period of time, but the pattern is clear: it is the result of a social engineering weapon.
@starshibe4231 Ай бұрын
Exactly so dam true
@user-zw2ng3lk4l Ай бұрын
Thts y u got R worded. LOL
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
Have not one clue what your comments mean but if time is money and commenting is equal to the value of your time. You tell me lol TYWC - Marty
@user-zw2ng3lk4l Ай бұрын
@@marty_glenn U got touched up u are not a man but a little boy
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
Great. Thank you for your wisdom and subjective opinion of me. It means a lot to me. lol Get fucked. HaHa please keep commenting. I need a laugh and believe it or not these comments actually bring me a smile. Thank you. :) - M
@user-zw2ng3lk4l Ай бұрын
@@marty_glenn Sorry that was my brother. Go fuck yourself! HA!
@sticks6891 26 күн бұрын
@@user-zw2ng3lk4l Is your name Ukrainian?
@armanddimeo6575 Ай бұрын
It would be very hard for an "S" type to have a successful relationship with an "N" type, since this is generally an insurmountable gap between two people. As an "N" type, it is rare for me to find an "S" type who gets me. I have also found ESFPs I have known to be materialistic.
@Ericnaheyg Ай бұрын
Please please make an Instagram account Marty 🙏🏻
@jillianogo4294 2 ай бұрын
Men don’t know how to lead anymore….Women will submit to a man that knows how to lead. If women can’t feel safe they will leave.
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
I do know how to lead. Woman, YOU, do not know how to surrender. The hurt they have felt and suffered from will not allow them to feel the emotion and the love and care of surrendering. - M
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
Woman. Morning. Stop this shit. Okay. You come and you go and get you come back because you know what I am. Fucking stop. Make up your mind. This is the last fucking god damn time I am going to give you one single ounce of my effort. Email me and know it’s your last fucking open door with me. I am sick of woman thinking it’s okay to enter leave and enter my life. Last time Jillian. - Marty
@jillianogo4294 2 ай бұрын
It looks good. Not every woman whores it out right out of marriage, some just want to be alone. Not touched or bothered. 😊
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
Yes. That would be you. I get it and respect that about a woman and about you. The fucking problem is the hurt and the betrayal create walls that are not worth the climb. When there are other woman who offer the same things then one must surrender to the comparison any man is going to place upon that woman. Your pussy and tits and ass are the gold behind the wall. How high is the wall girl? A man’s neck can only bend so far until the back of the head touches his own ass. Right woman? - M
@jillianogo4294 Ай бұрын
@@marty_glenn 🤣
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
Not funny Jillian. You are pushing me. Not Funny woman. - M
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
You have today to email me and correct this behavior. If not, you take care and have a happy and wonderful life. I could not be more serious with you Jillian. Please think and make the appropriate choice for your life. - Marty
@marty_glenn Ай бұрын
Ok. Please listen … Have a wonderful and happy life. A woman’s worth comes from the man who gives his life to her. In return said woman gives her life. You provide absolutely nothing worthwhile to my life and I am calling it now. Please move on and forget about me Jillian. Coming in and out of my life is a waste of your time. I cannot control you, so you may do as you wish. As for me this is the 3rd or 4th time and it’s enough for me for this lifetime. There are more woman that I can see than I care to count and to spend time on you anymore is not worth it for me. Please set a solid boundary for yourself and forget me as I am now going to forget you. Remembering how we met and under what conditions will always be special but you, after that, did not bloom into what I thought you would. I am sad about that but in the end my boundaries are what count. Take care of yourself and have a wonderful and happy life to you, your family and most of all your children. I don’t want you. - Marty