Lila Out Of Context #1 (VTuber Compilation)
21 сағат бұрын
LilaoftheWind - Storm Siren
21 күн бұрын
@Haunterin 13 сағат бұрын
More of this Would be sick nasty👍🏻
@SAHenryEx 19 сағат бұрын
Lmao why did CDawg have to laugh like Ludwig at 2:09, is this a thing now?
@GunthersLoyalSoldier1307 20 сағат бұрын
What about Hyrule warriors and those awful Zelda games that are in those YT poops?
@terrabranford7485 21 сағат бұрын
Lila, "Is she Darth Vader?" I mean. Probably. Giving Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) had full body third and portion fourth degree burns all over his body and needs medical suit/combat power armour to survive. Iron Mouse having Common Variable Immunodeficiency, she would benefit from use of a Vader-like suit. Being canonically the Devil or Hell associated, she fits villian vibes. "Spicy Latina" with lightsaber is an intimidating prospect.
@grey6545 22 сағат бұрын
Lila was part of the 93%? Let's goooo;!
@NovierRecords 23 сағат бұрын
I guess no stream to celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day then. But that's okay, if you're tired you should get a lot of rest and regain your energy.
@AlestaireCrowley 23 сағат бұрын
Funny thing about lifeline: if you use the stereotypical english with a japanese "accent", then the game recognizes your voice more consistently.
@micahanimestuff3506 23 сағат бұрын
It is I Lila’s #1 fan 😎
@LilaoftheWind Күн бұрын
very tired from 12+ hour work days, so here's something short, and new, to watch! i thought it'd be cool to react to more vtubers. Merch (Code 10OFTHEWIND for 10% off) ▷ Subscribe ▷ Join The Channel ▷ LilaoftheWind Socials ▷
@GunthersLoyalSoldier1307 Күн бұрын
I attack Lilaofthemid! XD I’M SORRY!
@winchcable2282 Күн бұрын
this made me so happy i got to start clipping more! the pocket pillow cover made the list! some of my best work!
@Hecatom Күн бұрын
@ProjectEchoshadow Күн бұрын
More like the winded
@JT1698 Күн бұрын
Pirate day is Tomorrow.
@hughu9340 Күн бұрын
Chat, yes!
@KrisNekomata Күн бұрын
Oh gosh, you caught so many good moments of us!!! Aaaaaa, so many good memories! I would love more of these compilations!! I must clip more often!!!!
@theh0r5e90 Күн бұрын
trying to say my name lol
@whatiwant5505 Күн бұрын
This is the first time I’ve seen Lila’s full model. It fits her like a glove. Can’t wait for next stream!
@NoraBellerose-m3t Күн бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed this.
@JasonBoos2005 Күн бұрын
cozy sheep
@LilaoftheWind Күн бұрын
enjoy this compilation! i hope to make it a series, especially for sheep squad members who are too busy for twitch streams / long youtube videos, but would love to see highlights... or, for those days when you feel down, and need back-to-back laughs and randomness. Merch (Code 10OFTHEWIND for 10% off) ▷ Subscribe ▷ Join The Channel ▷ LilaoftheWind Socials ▷
@Wiziliz 2 күн бұрын
Evil being more innocent I feel is an appeal of the character. I wouldn't really want to see it drawn out into too many characters myself, I like how the two have a lot of personality to them instead. Like Evil Neuro's pirate obsession, her basically being a pirate, is a lot more fun compared to if there was a separate character called Pirate Neuro with Evil not being about that, haha
@Parelf 2 күн бұрын
Random question: Ever considering streaming Cult Of The Lamb? Your Ad Break Time bleat summoned this question. The R3 button in game causes a very similar action by the lamb. It dose nothing but cause the lamb to bleat.
@jonathangarcia8124 3 күн бұрын
@MilesDoyleSalt 3 күн бұрын
Psalm 22 "My God My God why have you forsaken me?.... bulls of bashan surround me they pierce my hands and feet.... they cast lots for my garments... "“He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him.(R) Let him deliver him,(S) since he delights(T) in him.” "I am poured out like water" etc like with other passages in the psalms, genesis, (including theophany appearances in the torah) Isaiah, Zechariah, Daniel, Proverbs etc are considered messianic in rabbinic Judaism as the suffering servant messiah Ben Joseph, and to Christianity as Yeshua, Jesus bless you ❤ Edit: To expand on this is of course Isaiah 53 where you have the servant being crushed by God as an offering for sin for others, who dies and sees life and his seed afterwards, who dies with thieves and in a rich man's tomb, and who was despised and rejected, so why there is a common view of two messiahs, Ben yosef and Ben David, one messiah as the suffering servant and another as the conqueror who sets up the kingdom. Isaiah 52 the messiah draws Israel back to himself. Some fun and sad things are like people would say Jesus didn't exist despite Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the younger, Lucian etc and the apostles writings and the successors/church fathers of the apostles/bishops writings and josephus, because "Nazareth doesn't exist" until of course Nazareth was discovered, or another one, "there was no synagogue in capnernaum" until we found it, or Thomas Payne in age of reason "Bible is false because there were no kings during Jesus's time" until we found King Herod Agrippa's coins, or "Jesus wasn't buried in a tomb because crucifixion victims weren't buried in tombs" until we found crucifixion victims with the nails still in tombs in tombs. More cool things, are Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane, this is a real phenomenon called Hematidrosis where death row inmates sweat blood, also another when Jesus is pierced and water and blood come out this actually happens when water builds around the lungs, it confused some early church fathers on the spiritual meaning, but it's a real phenomenon that occurs as well. Many rabbis into gematria etc say there is a curse upon reading Daniel 9 because it says Messiah The Prince must come and bring in eternal righteousness before the destruction of Solomon's temple, no wonder they say that as then if Messiah didn't come before 70 a.d. there is no messiah, those who have divided messiah into two were confused if the messiah would come riding on a donkey or horse, so the two messiahs, as opposed to the jews who believe in Jesus and himself, who state himself and two arrivals. Of course this is why Islam falls quickly because while they call Jesus messiah they don't understand what it means, and Muhammad of course denied the historical fact of Jesus dying by crucifixion (Which besides tacitus mentioning pontius pilate doing it to him, we even have an inscription that was uncovered oh pilate and dates lining up with his time being the procurator/prefect over Jerusalem) besides Muhammad being the total opposite of Jesus, Muhammad had sex with his child bride Aisha who was nine, he beheaded and crucified people, said not to trust jews and Christians, he had Ethiopian slaves and called them raisin heads, he called jews monkeys and rats, he slaughtered villages and the wives of families he killed said you can take them and have sex with them, he got caught having sex with his slave by Aisha and said he would not do it anymore then conveniently "Allah" comes and says it's fine and he can, he's a textbook false prophet, with of course takiyah being they will lie to you about what I said above, Islam is meant to subjugate the world I'd into belief by force, if you don't convert you must pay a tax, if you don't pay it you die. Allah has no love for unbelievers unlike Jesus who loves his enemies and we are meant to love all even to death, I'd write more but youtube doesn't like long messages, with eastern thought eternal universe doesn't fit the mold because and infinite amount of successive events becoming then impossible to have the present, we would never reach today because we would always have a yesterday or event before this moment, an immaterial, spaceless, timeless, mind (agency) bringing space-time into reality, is the best explanation for why anything exists including someone as amazing and as lovely as yourself 😊 So the disciples who say "For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." And "13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Since the witnesses knew whether or not they were lying and knew what it would mean to continue to say he did in fact rise and is the Messiah and God in the flesh then yes I believe them as The Messiah had to come during that time, a mind/agency creating the universe is the best cause for reality, Jesus is the most moral, truthful and charismatic and loving and honest person there is, and the most important and influential, (Buddha said he was still searching for truth, Jesus say, "I am the truth, the way and the life") Jesus gives us love and salvation as a gift without earned merit by us, not working our way to the truth or God or eternal destiny through every other religious and spiritual framework, he loves you and cares so much for you before he created you and wants a living relationship with you here and now not just after you die 😊 There's a million other things to cover that I want to say but this is probably a good stopping point but Jesis wants to remove the shadow in your life and Jesus wants you as you are right now he wants your heart and to live in you and you to know his love personally 😊 I had people prophesy over me very specific things nobody else knew about my past, things I was thinking or experienced even just the day before, Jesus healed me of sleep paralysis I had for years, depression and loneliness, I had a dream of a woman named Heather and a voice telling me their dad had died, a couple days later i meet them and they tell me about how they had just lost their dad that week, I feel God telling me to sit down and close my eyes and I see an outline of someone going to the bathroom very bizarre, then shortly after someone out of the blue asking me to pray for them as they are having trouble going to the bathroom, another was I ask Jesus alone "are you my buddy?" A couple hours later someone contacts me and they say "Yes Jesus is saying yes he is your buddy" another time was I obsessing a little over this blue suit and someone prophecies "I see you in this blue suit" etc, another time I was testing this whole thing and I'm about to be prophecied over and I have my Google notes out I had tried writing out a little story and it was about a fire and forest being burnt down and I ask God to confirm if he wants me to write this and sort of as a test because everything had been scary accurate and the person right after says "God wants you to be his little stick lit ablaze with his love, it may not seem like much but one small flame can burn down a whole forest" 😂 another one was I had this. Surreal vision looking at stars, shortly after someone messages me saying Jesus is looking at a telescope with you saying to you "everything I have is yours even the stars" another one I was in the bathroom asking God for a message for my friend Moses in Nigeria and as I'm leaving the bathroom i freeze in place and go into this bizarre trance like Peter in the book of acts and I see my friend Moses as a child playing with a toy firetruck and Jesus sitting next to him with love, I quickly tell them and they are in shock as they had just thrown away that toy that same day, another time I had gotten a word from God about someone close to me who hadn't accepted Jesus and that they had been praying to God secretly, I told them that and the look on their face was priceless as I had no idea they had been praying to God at all, they were shook 😄 this is only a handful of many a 100 times in just the last 12 months after 5 years of me being born again, there's so many more amazing things that have happened but you are beautiful and desired of God, he is a gentleman and will not force you to choose him or love him but he loves so so much, he's asking you if you will come, he will love you and cherish you everyday of your life, he will never abandon you, I beg you to take a chance and not reject God's love for you, he wants to heal you and you to enjoy a living relationship between you, God bless you so much, Jesus says to come to him for rest your weary soul he is humble and meek and tender and gentle, he loves you so much he knows everything about you, nothing about you is unimportant to him 😭❤❤ If you repent and call on his name you will be saved from hell and Jesus's wrath and judgement for all have sinned!! ❤ For God so loved The World that gave his only begotten son that whoever should believe in him will not perish but have eternal life!! 💙🙌🏻 repent all have sinned and fallen short!!❤️‍🔥❤♥️ ❤️🔥❤️
@mosshivenetwork117 3 күн бұрын
@Lord_Alzorn 3 күн бұрын
That's super cute!
@KrisNekomata 3 күн бұрын
Thank you, I’ll take 20 of them
@liricopetanco6257 3 күн бұрын
Epic chest indeed, but sometimes I miss the old flat model. Must be nostalgia or something.
@GusOfTheDorks 3 күн бұрын
Ok, but where's the one that says "Breed"?!?! J/K. I like these. The Epic Chest one made me chuckle when I saw it.
@LilaoftheWind 4 күн бұрын
i made these during last year's subathon and they were inspired by words you guys loved to use in chat! ❤ Sticky Notes Asset on Ko-Fi ▷ Merch (Code 10OFTHEWIND for 10% off) ▷ Subscribe ▷ Join The Channel ▷ LilaoftheWind Socials ▷
@Bdspyder 4 күн бұрын
space vietnam. i was there.
@odwrksboxedtrash3730 4 күн бұрын
Don't mind me, just running out of Lila to watch and now currently looking at older stuff.
@Raiden2407 4 күн бұрын
There are 2 different definitions of AI: Weak AI (or Narrow AI) and Strong AI Weak AI: Is a series of algorithms searching for the best possible solution (Focused on one specific field/task) ChatGPT and self-driving cars counts as a “Weak AI” Strong AI: Equal or better Intelligence than Human Intelligence or even consciousness (such as logical thinking, the ability to make decisions under uncertainty, the ability to plan and learn, and the ability to communicate in natural language) (As of today, it is uncertain if it is even possible to create a “Strong AI”)
@Wyatt360animation 4 күн бұрын
I started out in Zelda playing the original 😎😎😎😎
@kalleyneves 5 күн бұрын
@alexthegemini605 5 күн бұрын
I definitely wouldn’t have wanted to exist if I had the choice.
@hughu9340 5 күн бұрын
@ramiel7666 5 күн бұрын
Well...Neuro ordered her swarm to conquer the I guess she CAN influence the world from her prison.....
@KenanVonKaiser 6 күн бұрын
MLP Based!
@DoonieMan1 6 күн бұрын
I love her little panting laugh it’s so funny lmfao
@ReticentSparrow 6 күн бұрын
Yep, time to play Sea of Thieves again.
@KenanVonKaiser 6 күн бұрын
@1a2d09 6 күн бұрын
The way I think how the copy right would work if an AI created something is the AI itself is created by someone and they likely have copy rights over the AI and thus anything the AI creates falls under the creator and thus owns the copyright to the stuff it creates.
@kaylaruth599 6 күн бұрын
Pain is actually an extremely important part of having a physical body since it’s how we know/learn that something is bad for us It would be more unethical to not program something akin to pain to a physical being There is a type of disorder where people are born unable to feel pain and it’s super dangerous because it leads to situations where you like leave your hand too close to fire and just because you don’t feel pain doesn’t mean it isn’t permanently damaging you They could just program her with the bare minimum levels and not like to our level of like breaking a bone since idk if having different levels would actually help anything