Wave of Conviction Chieftain 3.25
Quick Zenith Comments and Replies
Heiro Ball Pt 4
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Chieftain Rework
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Why I Bailed on Sentinel League
Sentinel Update 2
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Sentinel League: Update 1
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HC SSF(ish) Death Wish Elementalist
Sentinel League Announcement Thoughts
Gauntlet Wrap-up
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Gauntlet Update 3: RIP at 90
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Gauntlet Update 2: Top 100
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Quick Gauntlet Update
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Hillock Kill Reference Vid
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@VegardNor 2 ай бұрын
playing the build right now, its pretty decent, mana is an issue but i just crafted -mana cost on amu and ring and its fine. Would love to see further upgrades to this setup if you have the time, thanks for the build :).
@hmanpsionic626 2 ай бұрын
Your trauma stacks is not limited to any number and hence counts the maximum stacks on POB which is unattainable. Your dps calculates as having the 5th hit always and needs Average calculation by putting 76% less damage. Also your count on Molten Strike of the Zenith is way off (count: 8) as you don't have returning projectiles, all 8 projectiles cannot hit all the time without returning proj support.
@primebg9853 2 ай бұрын
I'm the original commenter about the trauma stacks and the projectiles. I did comment on the previous video but ill post my comment here as well: A bit of an update for the people interested. Turns out I WAS WRONG. I have spoken to Connor and other content creators and it turns out Trauma does scale the projectiles as well as it is a flat phys added to the skill itself. Connor advised me that with trauma, this particular version of the build can have 60% more damage than his version. I think it was more likely what @Aequus said, he was more focused on the end game version of the build and this one was more like a stepping stone. Another thing that I relised is that his multi-mirror version does not use phys on weapons because of the interaction with original sin. As original sin only cares about ele damage, if you were to scale phys you would need to convert it to elemental and then original sin would convert it to chaos, which is just incredibly inefficient compared to just scaling ele damage that original sin converts to chaos.
@ruibarian5187 2 ай бұрын
Astramentis also has a 3-piece div card. It's on some pretty awful maps, but that's something we can change with scrying so it should be more SSF friendly this league.
@howdoichangethis991 2 ай бұрын
Edit: The Speed PoB doesn't have enough accuracy without war banner stacked and placed to proc Precise Technique. See the bottom of my long ass reply under zihaojia2117's post for solutions, as well as my PoB and his PoB for comparisons with absolutely 0 conditional buffs except for maybe the Haste tech since I don't know how conditional the buff is. Looking at your "SPEED" PoB for my own use, I would drop the "Utmost Swiftness" mastery wheel and go for "Divine Fury" and take the "inverse Monster Resistance" mastery. This also gives you an extra skill point to put into something else, which you could use on the life mastery to make 15% of mana costs as life, because I still think the mana cost might be weird. But if it's not an issue you can just dump a point into the 6% life node next to "Devotion" until you get more points to grab something bigger. OR help "Alira" instead of "Oak" for the resistances, drop the "Cloth and Chain" 2 pointer, and then grab a rage wheel using those 2 points + the point freed by dropping "Utmost Swiftness". "Battle Trance" would give you 2 rage on melee hit + 10 max rage for 3 points, and I would then switch out "Rage Support" on "Molten Strike" for "Fire Penetration" support for an extra ~25 DPS. Or if you can't maintain max rage with only the "Battle Trance" node, you can use the 3 points + drop "Beef" and use the 4 points for the "Veteran's Wrath" wheel which still gives 3 rage on hit total + either 20% slower rage loss or +6 max rage. This also means that as soon as you hit get an extra skill point either for leveling up, dropping a node somewhere, OR even switching off Alira if you have the regrets, you can take the "Nearby enemies are Intimated while you have Rage" mastery on the rage wheel and drop "Belt of the Deceiver" for a rare belt with fat life/Resistances. You might also want to lifetap Snipers Mark since it takes 64 out of your 71 mana to proc it, which might be an issue or it might not because of the instant mana leech from the balls. If you need to do this I would drop the rage support from Leap Slam since its only ~6% more attack speed for Leap Slam, which seems negligible, and with the rage wheel would still generate rage on hit. Sorry for the wall of text, I got excited and kept getting ideas looking over your PoB to change it to fit my needs as a SC Trade player looking to league start it. These changes solidified my choice to league start this build since it seems good enough to run through the atlas quickly enough to make money to buy gear for Connor's more expensive versions.
@aequus2553 2 ай бұрын
Good catch, to fix non-conditional accuracy this works: pobb.in/gJSP909G9sEg I love the Divine Fury change - inversion totally skipped my mind - but would do on the main PoB because the speed one wants the Utmost Swiftness for attack speed. No need to apologize for the wall of text, I get excited about tweaks too and I'm not all surprised there's room for improvement on the rage vector! I'll give it a look and maybe put out one more PoB later incorporating the ides
@jujuay 2 ай бұрын
@@aequus2553 Hello Man, I think i'm ready for the updated POB! You are a bridge for me between noobs and the conner "early/late" build budget . Hope it comes soon ;)
@bojanjovanov 2 ай бұрын
check ur banner condition. i wont say more ur basing ur whole thing on a conditional buff.
@ShamanicShepard 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the reviews. New melee player so your comments offer good insight into pros and cons on diff nodes.
@aequus2553 2 ай бұрын
Glad to help, you're welcome
@venntof.9095 2 ай бұрын
Did you actually check that trauma works on the projectile part of the dmg? Else it would brick. As far as I remember this part is most unclear here.
@aequus2553 2 ай бұрын
Yes, it works fine
@venntof.9095 2 ай бұрын
@@aequus2553 awsome, thanks!
@zihaojia2117 2 ай бұрын
First, really appreciate all these discussions and new ideas. Helped a lot to make this build better. Here is my understanding of the pros and cons, please correct me if I am wrong: Conner: pros: best on-surface numbers. cons: unreliable rage resource (could be solved), more expensive items. Clearly, he is not a very good build creator for starter builds... Nightwing: pros: slightly more accessible version of Conner's (actually I don't agree with removing Iron Fortress from his build, that's a huge DPS loss, though that item could be a few divs). More consistent performance. cons: lowest numbers (still enough for most contents). Aequus: pros: most accessible build (which is the reason why you proposed this one). cons: rely on trauma stack. And relatively low attack speed (not a big deal for bossing but kinda clunky for mapping) I still think all of you guys provided valuable information on this skill. I will definitely try yours first since it is the cheapest version, then move to Nightwing or Conner's later. I know you may not be able to play but truly looking forward to some updates to this build later.
@aequus2553 2 ай бұрын
I honestly don't think it's close; I'm not advocating not using Iron Fortress, it's best in slot, but I build for SSF. Just add IF to mine and enjoy :)
@NightwingPoE 2 ай бұрын
I think in all the discussion the real point kind of got lost somewhere half way, aequus build is ofcourse far more superior for ssf, although i doubt the attack rate and concentrated effect are going to give you any form of decent clear but that’s beside the point. The real point was opening discussion on conner’s PoB and how it could be done more fair seeming as conner builds multiple mirror builds and we both kinda wanted to point out there were some minor problems with it that could get less experienced players stuck or have a higher expectation than what the early early game actually is. @aequus2553 thanks for reviewing my PoB, and if you do end up playing, hope you get a nice league start, best of luck :)
@aequus2553 2 ай бұрын
@@NightwingPoE If you prefer speed, try this version it has more Speed, and has a mapping gem instead of Conc effect as well as return proj while maintaining the higher EHP and DPS: pobb.in/m0uVKGec5pCR
@NightwingPoE 2 ай бұрын
@@aequus2553 looks like we’re getting somewhere now, this looks pretty decent. and btw for people still discussing if trauma works for the balls, it does. The damage from trauma applies to it.
@howdoichangethis991 2 ай бұрын
@@NightwingPoE I made a separate post on the video about some changes, but wanted to drop my PoB version here if you want to take a look at mine vs specifically the speed PoB he linked. I will be using this in SC trade league start so it is built for that. One thing to note is I have removed EVERY conditional buff in both my PoB and his PoB that I will link with what I believe to be the same configs as mine. THIS INCLUDES the FAT damage increase from War Banner which at 50 stacks is ~100 more DPS because the PoB's actually DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH ACCURACY TO USE PRECISE TECHNIQUE which I just noticed right before posting this so that HAS TO BE SOLVED. Molten Shell isn't checked, Enduring Cry isn't checked. The one thing I am unsure on is Haste + Guardian Blessing + Herald of Purity since I haven't used it, so I left it there on both PoB's but may be conditional idk. My DPS increase WILL be even bigger than the PoB initially says at the start, both because my max rage is 41 but i have set it to 35 for just in case I can't hit that consistently and to show that even without the extra max rage my DPS is still significantly better. AND because I THINK PoB calculates his Momentum support as the average of the attack speed increase if he uses it perfectly. As in he sits there and gets max stacks of momentum with 5 attacks and then moves, which also means this will lower his max trauma charges and thus DPS if you aren't doing the 5 attacks perfectly standing still. But whether all that matters is up to you or depends on if I am right about PoB momentum calculation. My PoB is changed to just put faster attacks as a substitute because I 100% know I will NOT bother to keep track of my momentum stacks and I want basically 0 padding in the PoB's I look at as much as possible, but also keeps the attack speed somewhat similiar. Note that I removed the 20% quality from all gems except Zenith so faster attacks would be even more damage comparatively since it increases attack speed with quality which would also double dip with max trauma stacks, whereas Momentum quality only increases the movespeed duration. Last is my PoB has a config for +20% elemental resistance to show max hit, which would be cheating but my belt is literally just a life roll and that's it, so getting those resists would be incredibly easy. Especially if you use a Stygian Vise with a jewel instead of a Leather belt like I have put in the PoB, so I feel while it's technically cheating, it's just for convenience because you could get those in many places. This would also let you get chaos res easily too on the belt which you wouldn't with Deceiver belt. Edit: realized I linked his PoB twice. This should be my actual one. My PoB: pobb.in/Epq-_eDRLXRU His Speed PoB: pobb.in/SZN0SSGDQiR7 AGAIN, THE ACCURACY WITHOUT WAR BANNER NEEDS TO BE SOLVED TO PROC PRECISE TECHNIQUE WITH THESE PoB's!!!!! I would take the "Eagle Eye" wheel which solves that problem completely, but I dont wanna go through and change the tree more, but just know for 4 points taken from anywhere on the tree that would fix the issue completely forever. Whether you wanna drop Some of the defense/life nodes or some damage nodes is up to you. With the exact PoB I linked, You could just drop a couple life nodes and take Versatility for 2 points as well, but it feels like cheating to do that in PoB as it's only llke 100 accuracy over the life so any extra life rolls or leveling up could ruin it so I will leave the choice up to whoever wants the PoB to make that choice for themselves.
@dr3v240 2 ай бұрын
If we start nickpicking T2 or what ever uniques, molten strike of zenith is not in the shop so... it's not a league starter anyway . Dunno why u even flexing with one atnother to be honest. It's not like people will build this to play early game for 2 weeks, connors build is mostly for not mortal players and for endgame so ... i guess he said it himself that he don;t make leveling guides or builds in his latest video
@gibson4648 2 ай бұрын
You can just run a few labs and to get zenith. It's a lot easier than finding an iron fortress on ssf
@Davidbruun 2 ай бұрын
Have you played the game? It takes so little time to get a gem that has no other to roll.
@aequus2553 2 ай бұрын
I recommend starting with grand slam, then MS, and then run Merc lab until you get a gem reroll option. MS has no other gem to roll to, so it is easy.
@pewpin1039 2 ай бұрын
Look at the comments you got. People just are not in the clear what conners build is about. They don't seem to comprehend that its not about how difficult it is to get the gem, its about a build that gets exponentially stronger, where it does not feel good until you sink in your first 100 divs.
@JayBtec 2 ай бұрын
There is a version without a single unique still doing 6mill dps ​@@pewpin1039
@wikaka555 2 ай бұрын
Imma apply that trauma to your balls real quick if you dont stop breathing into the mic
@ichmagbratwurst4999 2 ай бұрын
I played Trauma Molten Strike in ToTA with Brightbeak and since my Projectiles dealt non-zero damage I'm gonna go on a limb and say Trauma does apply to the balls
@MrDuckman19 2 ай бұрын
Need to check if trauma applies to the balls. 😂
@aequus2553 2 ай бұрын
It does, I tested. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't but a few commenters said it in the last video. However, a quick google search shows many trauma MS videos. Also, as a man, ball trauma can absolutely happen X
@MyMetalMedia 2 ай бұрын
Good work, I'm personally staying away from Trauma/Boneshatter because of new 3.25 rare monster modifier that gives you the crushed debuff. Feel like thats gonna make our trauma hurt us a lot more when we encounter it :/
@muhammedadel9673 2 ай бұрын
If that's your only problem with it then it should be fine because before they added that they had overwhelm which made monster damage bypass most of your phys dr the self damage from trauma is not high enough to make that flat 15% phys dr debuff to matter on this JUGG
@NightwingPoE 2 ай бұрын
So, i commented on your original post, mentioning things i found were wrong with the build and it started a 30-40 long comment chain of people asking for my PoB about the Zenith build. Later this comment and the whole chain was removed and i assumed you did it. Which appearently is wrong, i aplogize if this was not the case. Anyway the mana issues i mentioned were related to ice golem not being able to be cast with the unreserved mana you had, molten strike mana is fine. Second, trauma is just a huge pad especially with more duration nodes/gem. it's impossible to sustain, even with high movement speed. you will on average be way under the maximum sustainable truma, and trauma causes for a gigantic amount of dps inflation. Attack rate is going to make this build feel awful in terms of clearing You already mentioned the quality config in the video so that was fine. no returning projectiles but having 8 proj hits on in skill gems config as you adressed yourself is a huge inflation aswell. The reality is this: this build is ''very very weak'' day 2/early game. i found this out myself making a PoB of my own. However, people see anything that is not super tanky and below 10m dps as weak, but the reality is, a 2.5m non-inflated build is better than any 10m dps build that relies on tons of conditions to get there. pobb.in/GbkMvfi-OPhO This is what i believe to be an actual real version of this build. 0 padding, a no cluster tree, a good rage buildup to justify it actually being up. An attack rate decent enough to make the build feel fine. Sand stance, using lifetap to be 100% sure of mana cost early on. I was going to make a video, but i feel everyone in the comment chain from last video will be watching this, so feel free to discuss it if you think it's worth discussing. Once again, i apologize for assuming you removed the comments, i couldn't think of anything else why it would've been removed otherwise. all my comments were in good faith and not with a purpose of flaming. Nor were any other people in the comment train. They just want the best build to start this with. I'm ready for people being like ''lol only 2.75m dps'', but to keep attack rate good enough for clear to not feel bad. and not using any inflation but true and honest numbers, this is what you're league starting with. And that's just perfectly fine to league start with as this build ramps up insanely once you get some currency in. Anyone who thinks you can get a 10M dps day 2 zenith league starter is in for a surprise. Like i also mentioned. i'm not a build creator either, there might be oversights from my end, and i encourage everyone to name them if you see them. I just want the best start i can get with this build, and i'll take any criticism to make it better. Best of luck with the launch all!
@DrDanQ92 2 ай бұрын
You're way overcapped on accuracy, can unspecc eagle eye. Your res are low, cannot be cursed for 1 point seems worth. I'd go for nomadic teachings. I suspect the new jugg is gonna struggle against ele even with the new endurance charges without having spell suppress and/or spell block. Battle trance seems excessive. Iron grip is 4.5%, seems worth for 1 point or does it not work? Can swap Diamond skin for cloth and chain. The only real aura here is determination. I'd consider going blood magic. Your gear is entirely trade dependent, whereas aqueuus is not. Without unstoppable you'd need unwavering stance.
@NightwingPoE 2 ай бұрын
@@DrDanQ92 eagle eye is for attack rate, not for accuracy, i couldn’t find a cheaper 2 points for more attack rate. cannot be cursed is a good point. Much more realistic while rolling maps. iron grip i believe works but the main problem is attack rate not necessarily dps cloth and chain is less ele res, but worth if you have more res on gear. Very good call Nomadic teachings should not be an issue, like connor shows in his original guide, he clears way higher content easily with the defenses he has. If you can find the points for it though, go for it! As for battle trance, as stated in my notes in PoB this can be swapped out for fortify, either of the rage nodes could be swapped for it. but since we aren’t live yet it’s hard to say if the rage on hit nodes are needed or not to keep rage going smoothly during maps/bossing. This is something we’ll have to find out on the go. Blood magic could be a good option, i think you really want the blood/sand aura’s too though especially since you get a 19% DR from flesh and stone which is worth fixing the mana for. Trade dependant you obviously have a point but i don’t think anyone on ssf should really consider this type of build as all the scaling later on comes from trade dependant items. Nor do i think items like devoto’s or pillar are very ssf either.
@DrDanQ92 2 ай бұрын
@@NightwingPoE Jugg lost the armour taken as ele which is a huge deal for ele mitigation, especially without suppress / avoidance / spell block. I don't know how much armour the original build ran but this is why I'd heavily consider more max res. New flesh and stone is obviously powerful but a lot of times it won't be useful whereas 10% more life always is. It's a big dps boost too with a better link than lifetap and less headache early on. The ssf point is mostly a point about early leaguestart in trade as this specific setup requires a lot more. Pillar and go is a lot less requirement. But maybe these items are very cheap/accessible early on. Anyway these are just minor nitpicks/considerations.
@NightwingPoE 2 ай бұрын
@@DrDanQ92 the blood magic is very convincing, all just makes sense, i don’t think the hit on elemental defense is that heavy on this build early on as it never had a ton of armour to begin with so i think it’s basically equal. Would have to check on this further to make sure though. As for ssf, ofcourse iron fortress and crown of eyes are nowhere near ssf, but i’d actually say the weapon is easier to craft than the chance of finding a pillar would be. And for the record it’s absolutely not nitpicking, the blood magic could prove a crazy good option as it gives 8-10% more dps from taking a more useful link.
@jshh2655 2 ай бұрын
Do you plan to play this at league start? and if so whats your aim for swapping into it? As soon as you get certain items or once you hit a specific level too?
@venntof.9095 2 ай бұрын
So, I just stumbled across your first video and now about this and I think your PoB looks absolutely fine. People screaming about "low ehp" really expect like 50mio dps and 200k ehp on day 1 gear, you can literally never please them. anyway, most importantly: Are you looking into verifying that the trauma works on the balls? Like, since this would brick the build thats the biggest question mark at this point. I have no clue how one would test this so we prob. kinda need your help on this :D Also, this is what ChatGPT wrote about this: In "Path of Exile," Trauma is a unique mechanic that affects melee attacks. Specifically, Trauma is a debuff that stacks on the player each time they use a melee attack skill, causing them to take increased physical damage over time with each stack. Molten Strike, including the Molten Strike of the Zenith variant, is a melee attack skill that also generates projectiles upon hitting an enemy. The key point here is understanding how Trauma interacts with the different aspects of Molten Strike: Melee Hit: The initial melee hit from Molten Strike will apply Trauma stacks to the player, as it is a melee attack. Projectiles: The projectiles generated by Molten Strike are secondary effects and do not count as melee attacks. Therefore, they do not apply additional Trauma stacks to the player. In summary, Trauma stacks will apply to the player when they perform the melee hit of Molten Strike, but not for the projectile impacts.
@whitedemon4915 2 ай бұрын
ChatGPT doesn't understand shit about PoE, stop using it.
@Adrostos 2 ай бұрын
Its hard to take these kinds of comments seriously. why would you use ChatGPT as a source of reliable information? trauma stacks are each an individual buff that adds flat physical damage to attacks, with a trade off that each trauma stack also causes the user to deal physical damage to themselves. each trauma stack will add damage to the strike skill, and it will add 50% of that value additionally to each magma ball. this is clearly explained through the descriptions of trauma and molten strike. take some time to read, and i suggest using the wiki instead of chatgpt.
@venntof.9095 Ай бұрын
@@Adrostos if the wiki was clear on it I wouldnt have asked for other sources. Also, I know ChatGPT is not reliable, hence I asked about it. So what exactly is your problem? Arent people allowed to ask questions anymore? I had conflicting infos about a problem and I didnt find a clear answet but I guess you are just better than any1 else.
@venntof.9095 Ай бұрын
@@Adrostos if the wiki was clear on it I wouldnt have asked for other sources. Also, I know ChatGPT is not reliable, hence I asked about it. So what exactly is your problem? Arent people allowed to ask questions anymore? I had conflicting infos about a problem and I didnt find a clear answet but I guess you are just better than any1 else.
@Adrostos Ай бұрын
@@venntof.9095 You edited your first comment. originally you were adamantly stating misinformation as fact. after you edited it looked more like you were legitimately asking the video author if the interaction has been tested and verified. what a cowardly move. to change you blatant misinformation into a new comment and then try to use the changed rhetoric to have some sort of moral high ground. youre pathetic. next time if you dont know something for sure, dont type it out like a factual statement. loser.
@nicholaspassage1295 2 ай бұрын
The old comment was deleted somehow because all of the replies were removed as well, I dont know if it got flagged or what
@mochmaster45 2 ай бұрын
What kind of content would you suggest for this build? Im not a delver and clearspeed is looking very lack luster (finishing atlas and getting challanges done seems tough).
@nitothegravelord7798 2 ай бұрын
I’m gonna farm expedition with it, i wanted to start slam, but slams looks sketchy so, i’m gonna play ms I know i’m not the creator but i hope it helps)
@mochmaster45 2 ай бұрын
@@nitothegravelord7798 oh my brain totally glossed over expedition that does feel like a good idea. Don't need a ton of clear for it. I'm probably gonna start sunder for the acts and swap when possible
@alpaca5871 2 ай бұрын
Harvest also shouls be good with this
@nitothegravelord7798 2 ай бұрын
@@mochmaster45 yeah, i thought so too, and the build has enough sustain and max hit to actually farm it and not dying so ye, good luck on the start, mate!
@danielbijker9814 2 ай бұрын
Im going essence early into harvest/expedition depending how it feels. After simu might be really good. Depending on how geared u are
@Jadawin-PoE 2 ай бұрын
So some good info here on some swaps that could really help in the early game. I was planning on running this build, I think some of these changes give it a much smoother transition into midgame to really start farming currency. I would just give you 2 bits of feedback regarding your video. 1. Your microphone is very sensitive and is really picking up your breathes in. 2. Coming from a public speaking background I would just try to reduce the amount of "um"s you have. I didn't count but you are probably averaging 4-8 "um"s per minute if I had to guess. This is just due to you most likely doing this in 1 take kind of off of the dome but if you did a small amount of planning and took some notes your video quality would improve quite a bit.
@alen7492 2 ай бұрын
Ty! And I hope you will have some time left to play it.
@jeffberg7490 2 ай бұрын
It will take 12 seconds to ramp up to full dps (starting at only 5% of DPS with no trauma stacks). Movement speed will keep downtime in between packs lower - but it won't help with boss phases.
@heqitao 2 ай бұрын
Thx man. Nicely done!
@brownbruiser1 2 ай бұрын
looks great. looking forward to gameplay vids
@Moritz269G 2 ай бұрын
"i like speed" while having 3.5 aps on zenith 💀putting aside all the other flaws mentioned already this will make it feel horrible to play
@SirDuctus 2 ай бұрын
Hmm when I import the PoB it seems like I won't have enough mana to use my abilities. Have I forgotten to enable something?
@alen7492 2 ай бұрын
Yes, you missed that the golem is cast when dam taken, which doesnt use mana
@skylar4300 2 ай бұрын
@@alen7492 As of 3.15 trigger skills do cost mana, even CWDT
@alen7492 2 ай бұрын
@@skylar4300 Didnt know, ty!
@NguyenPhong-yx3yd 2 ай бұрын
that attack speed is not enough for zenith
@alen7492 2 ай бұрын
Yes, that is because this is only starting build. not the end game.
@whoandwut 2 ай бұрын
I keep seeing people say that, I personally tested it and it felt fine for starting out.
@primebg9853 2 ай бұрын
Apologies if i got this wrong, but isn't trauma scaling only the hit of molten strike, and not the projectiles ? The main damage of this skill and molten trike as well is the actual projectiles, not the initial hit of it. Edit: To make my point clearer. We are not scaling the MELEE bit of the skill, we are scaling the Projectiles i.e. attack and projectile tag of the gem. That's why in his multi-mirror versions he is not using a high physical damage weapon. At least that was my read on it. Please do correct me if I got all this wrong.
@leonardo68078 2 ай бұрын
yes u are correct
@primebg9853 2 ай бұрын
A bit of an update for the people interested. Turns out I WAS WRONG. I have spoken to Connor and other content creators and it turns out Trauma does scale the projectiles as well as it is a flat phys added to the skill itself. Connor advised me that with trauma, this particular version of the build can have 60% more damage than his version. I think it was more likely what @Aequus said, he was more focused on the end game version of the build and this one was more like a stepping stone. Another thing that I relised is that his multi-mirror version does not use phys on weapons because of the interaction with original sin. As original sin only cares about ele damage, if you were to scale phys you would need to convert it to elemental and then original sin would convert it to chaos, which is just incredibly inefficient compared to just scaling ele damage that original sin converts to chaos.
@____Daniel____ 2 ай бұрын
leveling vid guide will be perfect. and how will you upgrade build after you get more currency. to end game/deep delv?! tnx
@jscott6 2 ай бұрын
Have you played this? You attack speed is terrible, it's going to feel clunky as hell. Drop all the points next to templar, 1 endurance charge isn't that big. Get the dex wheel in the bottom right. With Astramentis you can get to 400+ dex easily. That is a good amount of attack speed with jugg accuracy scaling as well as pillar. Then grab magebane for a huge jumpstart to suppress cap. But most importantly, you need attack speed. Currently you get 1 big attack every 1.5 seconds... That is worse than slam builds of old. It's going to feel TERRIBLE.
@seanfarrand9167 2 ай бұрын
Yeah i saw his video and looked into him because it was sussy. I found some concerning things based on a quick search. He openly admits to getting a lot of that mirror gear from followers. He seem to really overhype his performance while hiding or flat out lying about his gear/cost/weaknesses. Seems a little desperate for attention, which always sets off warning bells.
@varens7702 2 ай бұрын
Its pure baait to make views, when i saw his "day 2 items" i was laughing, 3x clusters, fractured 6 link with pretty good rolls on it, uniq chest with 5link, couple of good jewels, lethal pride, all rares that he have are also having pretty nice stats yet he say it will cost only 30c each on league start. Basically lie on lie xd
@Sicknificant1 2 ай бұрын
​@varens7702 he also clarifies that day 2 to him means about 14+ hours of playtime. His build is pretty doable in that time frame. Campaign is like 5 hours. A couple div drops during maps or any early game currency strat you are good with, combined with general crafting skills. I think it's pretty realistic for many experienced players to out that together in under 20 hours.
@varens7702 2 ай бұрын
@Sicknificant1 campaign in 5h not what average player can do, if you thing average player can have this kind of gear in 14h then i dont know how good poe player you are but that gear is not accessible for most palyers in day2 maybe day4 if even, good luck on getting lethar pride day 2, 3x of same clusters + so many rares with pretty good stats at the same time, ahh and like 5x streng stacking jewels with 3good stats, and dont forget about flask he have that are probably like 0,7-1div each
@seanfarrand9167 2 ай бұрын
@@varens7702 im glad someone else was paying attention
@ksyhan3h 2 ай бұрын
@@varens7702 chill man, i think you're taking this too literally. it's simply a benchmark. for him, he has the know hows to trade and strategize in getting fast currencies. if he can get those items right away then that's great he's on track, otherwise things needs to be adapted. those pobs are basically the ideal scenario for said timelines and currencies.
@lasaboteur 2 ай бұрын
It was my understanding that the rage would be coming from the change to lethal pride "added Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage to Notables now instead give 1 Rage on Melee Hit." But I could be mistaken, and either way it's not like you can just grab one of those in the first day or 2 anyway
@profeturulz8373 2 ай бұрын
His build is a stepping stone till he gets Alberons boots. How can you scale your build further? How annoying is the haste aura management?
@AnimeChaos-7 2 ай бұрын
He sayed that if the rage uptime is not optimal with the rage support he will take 1-2 rage points near the strenght wheal on the tree, so it will be easy to keep it most of the time
@aryman6589 2 ай бұрын
great review, conner's stuff is cool but he usually *highly* oversells his builds' performance at the budget or early level.
@paperstars9078 2 ай бұрын
how does your version compare in tankyness to conors? does anyone have a timestamp if he talks about this?
@leonardo68078 2 ай бұрын
he has 40k connor 80k
@maxgurov9901 2 ай бұрын
@@leonardo68078 its not true, just uncheck molten shell in connors build + fortify + connor have pretty expensive gear on his day 2. Connors not better at all
@Davidbruun 2 ай бұрын
@@leonardo68078 do you guys not understand that this build is for SSF and Conor is for Trade/P2W league?
@EsordCZ 2 ай бұрын
Since we talking about padding Golems are just there to get you killed, and you don't even have enough mana for a CWDT golem (130). Been a few years since I've even seen someone seriously put it in a PoB outside of necro/golem builds. 8x proj hitting with MS is hilarious. Maybe a leftover from connor's PoB, but like... have you ever even played MS? With this setup you're hitting 1/3rd of your projectiles, so ~3 projectles on zenith proc, and 1 when it doesn't. 5x125k from melee + 4x165k normal balls + 3x2M zenith balls = ~7M dmg over 5 attacks / 3.43aspd ==> ~10M dps And realistically you'll have maybe 1/2-2/3 of your max trauma, so multiply your dmg with that as well. -Just noticed War banner gives ~90% more dmg for some reason, so if you replace that with the 24% more melee phys, it's another 35% less dmg.- Was likely PT, but wasn't red-lighted. Soo... we sitting at ~6.5M dps under a banner with 2/3 max trauma stacks. This still assumes max rage and berserk, another lul. But the biggest cope is duration stacking Trauma, and having 0 fucking recovery outside of leech. Good luck with that. Maybe if you get your ES to a few hundreds with crystal belt and stuff, but like this, can only laugh.
@NightwingPoE 2 ай бұрын
All the projectiles hitting is a leftover from conner’s PoB but it happens because of returning projectiles bouncing back to their point of origin, this PoB has no returning projectiles but keep the hits. It’s a small oversight bit it has huge consequences on the dps in the actual game yes.
@EsordCZ 2 ай бұрын
​@@NightwingPoE It's just funny how he's talking about incorrect/inflated/etc PoB numbers, yet does basically the same thing...
@NightwingPoE 2 ай бұрын
It’s just an inexperienced person trying his best. Nothing wrong with that, problem is other inexperienced players adopting this that makes it an issue.
@adry0927 2 ай бұрын
wow nice thanks for this
@dr3v240 2 ай бұрын
Ty for pob and effort, tbh connors never like to make and he typicaly don't do leveling guides or cheap builds :D and that budget is like 2-4 days into the league, skilled players can do it others doubt. Anyway, ty for the build would like to know how to pick passives along the way which are more important early than others
@fhucko 2 ай бұрын
The guardian setup sucks. Keeps turning off often.
@TrivialTax 2 ай бұрын
Why not ethernal blessing?
@jakubkolnik6027 2 ай бұрын
This is amazing mid point for leaguestart before you can start investing more currency
@kerfuritogonzales 2 ай бұрын
how do you sustain mana with this, lifetap?
@jakubkolnik6027 2 ай бұрын
You convert phys to 100% fire with some points on tree and you go inspiration supp replacing some other support gem. Then after you respec from trauma you can sustain with multistrike.
@kerfuritogonzales 2 ай бұрын
@@jakubkolnik6027 sounds dumb
@Sicknificant1 2 ай бұрын
In Conners video somewhere I think in the description with his PoB links he mentions using lifetap as an early fix. He said you only lose like 10% damage.
@nicholaspassage1295 2 ай бұрын
@@Sicknificant1 yeah I built it in standard just to see it before buffs and I had to use lifetap, I think that's fine as the damage is more than enough and you get a lot of health back anyways
@maxgurov9901 2 ай бұрын
he just have mana leech node with instant leech, check mana gain from leech line in pob
@Gid-J 2 ай бұрын
Lost like half your max hit swaping from conner's
@venntof.9095 2 ай бұрын
Because he corrected for ambitious uptimes of rage and fortifiy.
@AnimeChaos-7 2 ай бұрын
@@venntof.9095 rage is easy to uptime if u take 2 more points near the strenght wheal in the tree
@thomasjay2694 2 ай бұрын
Rage will fall off very fast if you don’t really invest into it, so permanent uptime will be a dream.
@nestordimagiba9743 2 ай бұрын
hi, is anyone able to explain how the herald of purity, guardians blessing, and haste will work? thank you
@ThePCeristas 2 ай бұрын
Herald of purity in itself isn't an aura, it's a self buff so the buff part isn't supported by blessing Herald of purity summons stuff on kill Activating Haste Guardian's blessing will put the aura on one of the minions summoned by Herald of Purity
@nestordimagiba9743 2 ай бұрын
@@ThePCeristas thank you!
@bentemichaelsen1000 2 ай бұрын
Thank you very much. I really wanna play it
@encarnizer 2 ай бұрын
Great video, we need a levelong pob😢
@silverfox7644 2 ай бұрын
level as jugg sunder, tons of guides and vids
@kerfuritogonzales 2 ай бұрын
click jugg, click bonk nodes, click life nodes ez win
@ScreamCarry 2 ай бұрын
Hi, it is an excellent video, do you have any video with the progress? or any video on how to level it efficiently?
@xTobsecretx 2 ай бұрын
Oh yay, you're back!
@Catchafire2000 4 ай бұрын
The volume is too low to hear anything.
@aequus2553 6 ай бұрын
Edit: I did not take my own advice and RIPed 🥲I'll be back to work tomorrow sooo I'll see ya'll on the weekend, maybe 😊