[FREE] R&B Type Beat - "IN MY MIND"
4 сағат бұрын
[FREE] R&B Type Beat  - "Never Let Her  Go"
[FREE] R&B Type Beat - "DO YOU LOVE ME?"
[FREE] R&B Type Beat - "Honest"
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[FREE] R&B Type Beat 2025 - F#CKED UP
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R&B Type Beat  - "BELIEVE IN ME"
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[FREE] "PRETENDER" - R&B Type Beat
@Dezmadeit Сағат бұрын
Tsss Excelent!! Respect From Me
@OneL1EVibez Сағат бұрын
Big up
@starlincorneliowilson5717 2 сағат бұрын
El bi Ma duro que ha subio OneL1EVibez en la historia. 🔥👏🏾🔥
@OneL1EVibez 41 минут бұрын
@Dezmadeit 3 күн бұрын
I like this melody, pure tune
@balance733 5 күн бұрын
aRe thësësz rëPostsz...bc...iHeard & jumpd' on thiS beat, & like tWø MORe iHeard...✨💌✨
@OneL1EVibez 5 күн бұрын
@@balance733 yes, I keep uploading new beats as usual, just I am reposting beats to keep my channel more active.
@balance733 5 күн бұрын
@@OneL1EVibez iGøt yøü Respect' still ⛽🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥⛽
@balance733 15 күн бұрын
whY would yøü dø Me' like thåt thiS was supposed tô Be' aRe special MoMentsz, nöw itSz like yøü wånt Me' tô fëël regretful leaRning leSSon, yøü was myBlessing, wh🦉, tuRn thå sun Up, i nëëd aCloud, ☁️👤☁️ i nëëd thå SHade, 🖤👤🖤, i nëëd myNorth like i nëëd mySouth, east & west, WAs jüSt an🤪theR bonüS We' had gRRRRRRReat timeSz DiD iHit myFunny, happY daySz, We' had saaad daySz, iHad tô watch some of myLa`Familia gø like uncle charleSz, bone bone bone, iSHed teaRsz on thå tRackz/sonGs nø RICH ganG, iWas boRn with fanGs, nø aDdam familY, whëñ yøü sëë Water°, jüSt tink' familY, Im aPuppet masteR, 🆔ønt, dø thå tangles, aSMr gøt Me' slëëpinG fëëlinG tinglez, nöw We' paSS thå jingleSz, We' pRobably cåñ gET fancY, She' said iWas aFox iFelt 29, aEast coast joke, 🎥fox29🎥, gøt Me' tink'inG of mamA...bc... iTink' yallSz, 🎥fox11🎥, iMade an interestinG & infamoüS vide🎨, shoutOut tô "fox st", iPray eveRybody makeSz it tô heaven/jinnah jenga, eveRy pull MATTERsz, iUse tô hiGh as aKite, iSmoke dønt with eveRyONE...bc... eveRy pull nøt thå same, likeSz imaGine if iCare foR thEm', aRe yøü "dumb", ëVën hîM c🐱pY Me', We' all make baaad choiceSz, Im hëRë tô GUIDE thå futuRë, itSz ok tô Be' inspired, motivated, bY Me', iJüst rêquirêd ONEtinG & it comeSz in thRëëSz, Respect' tRust & loyalty in thåt oRdeR, whetheR yøü fall/fumble\fail, We' all monsteRsz itS thå yin yinG ☯️ in üS, iSHow yøü balance WHILE Im leaRning balance... nø ciRcuit act, seas2n We' was supposed tô fall in 💞, dø dReamsz come tRue, oR Out dated & tuRn intô niGhtmaResz, Im fRom phylly phylly, whëRë most of all yall pionëëRsz fRom, dëcëmbëR 12 1787, 💌We' made it home, 💌second 🥈 pLace, shoutOut tô DElaware, nø 💞 löSt, if iHad ONE mic, ill tell yøü aboüt höw "nas" iS myCousin, findinG buttonSz, iUse thå automatic tô pump, pump it Up, "iMade aHotline & aHot sonG/tRack" google time, foR thësësz thåt wanna heaR Me' Out, nø pacifieR yøü gøtta deal with thå cRying nèVéR bëën aSaaad boi, shoutOut tô myNeighbor nephew He' said iGet thå hammeR, iTold him ill gET thåt SHovel eveRytime iHad pRoblemsz with ppl We' Be'come bestfRiendsz, nöw iSëë whY SHe' gETsz maaad at Me' soRRy ladieSz We' cåñ nøt gET maRRied if yøü nøt myBestfriend... iDønt dø myFriendsz diRty iDid myFamily diRty befoRë fRiendSz, whY yøü tink' iCrëatëd "familY iS fReQüency" nø MORe fRiendSz ØNly La`Familiasz, fRom thå gYm fLôøRsz tô thå ceilinGsz lETsz take thiS ryde with Me', itSz hott OutSide sô lETsz dRop thå ceilinG, iWas force tô lET it go, yøü cåñ saY foR thå aiR foR thå wind, 🌬️ 🧢👤🎓, shoutOut moses & aaRon, iCåñ Be' eveRybody in aStory, sô as yøü nø cappinG, itS MORe thå aRt in myCaptionsz Revolution has bëën têlêvisêd, all snappin' iØnly stop cReatinG t.v. ...bc...iStartd' believinG watch myEyEsz captuRing, 💌iSHowd' yøü vision thRouGh 💌"Rieltv..." iToke thå fiRst2, hid thå "E", HîberNATION, iCould slëëp oR...hide, âWink, "aWrinkle of time" "aquila thå 🐝 🍯 🐝 bëë" "thå gRRRRRRReat debateRsz" educatinG thå youth was alwaySzzzzz' foR Me', aMaverick iJüst dønt jump on thå 💌sofa iSlëëp on thå 💌couch nø interviewSz unleSS yøü behind BOWseR, iFollow rainBOWsz, like iWantd' gØLd tôø, shoutOut tô poweR, iHad tô lET yøü go sô We' cåñ Be' kool, cool 😎, yøü remember of myAce growinG Up aREAL ONE, atheist at thå listeninG tô Hov, iWalk with G🖤D, thåtSz whY We' was safe, i alwaySzzzzz' bRoke bRead 50/50 itSz cRazy what my20/20 cåñ Me'...✨💌✨ iGøtta stop Im infinite, myClip dønt empty, shoutOut tô thåt cLip with "biGGG boY" & 50/50, iMëët thëRë, May'Be' whëñ iGrow some haiR, iGøtta joke lauGh Out loud like kevin haRt was neaR, dø yall gET aLong i nèVéR sëën yall tøGEther i alwaySzzzzz' thouGht as bRown & bLack We' gøtta stick tøGEther, jüSt knöw whëñ it comeSz tô Me' We' foreverR°...🌟 dønt mind Me' jüSt dRopping an exclusive befoRë iEdited...i 💞 höw youR beatSz zoneOut sô easY & fRëë, imagine whåt iCåñ dø if iTake aDay tô cRëatë inStead aHr oR 2...✨
@OneL1EVibez 15 күн бұрын
@@balance733 Waos, amazing
@TAKEN_DARK 15 күн бұрын
Im playing this 24/7
@balance733 21 күн бұрын
thiS jawan, heaVy, ⛽🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥⛽, stop tryna gET Me' Out myBag...✨😁✨
@Dezmadeit 21 күн бұрын
Well I gotta say that I love this
@m4le3k46 24 күн бұрын
@OneL1EVibez 24 күн бұрын
Work in yourself, Bro 🫶
@Dezmadeit 24 күн бұрын
Here before this hits 1M views
@OneL1EVibez 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for the good vibes 🫶
@balance733 26 күн бұрын
{ill Be' back}...✨💌🪞💌✨
@balance733 Ай бұрын
höw yøü knöw, like yøü pullinG strinGSz guitars banjos violinSz, heaR thå siRen 🚨 Im fRom thå city whëRësz itSz nèVéR silent, thëY pLay touGh tô thëY gET beHind thå baRsz, & nöw thëY wanna talk it Out, like thëY haVë amnesia & forgot violence, & lEftEd it in thå stReetsz Be'hind thEm', Be'hind thå baRsz, it gET MORe violent, aSilent call, had thå aRmy hëRë, sonic boom, "guile" will nèVéR battle itSz ken, itS, üSa, & still thëY dønt gET it, cåñ goodSz had Me' gRRRRRRReat, in baaad situationSz, panhandlinG tô iGøt aBuck, teaRSz was in myRecordsz, nöw eveRybody wantSz tô record, thå massaGE, bRoke aLot of heaRtsz, Im located in thå east, sô She' tuRnsz tô thå east, like She' wantSz tô tRip with Me' tô mecca, Double Deckers, Black & Decker, wh🦉, DiD iMarried, oR thëY waitinG foR Me' sô We' cåñ walk thå aisle, dø yøü tRust 💞, oR yøü nëëd aTrail, aLot run, Im hëRë tô staY, yøü gøt myBlood w🎨RkinG in all typeSz of waySz... {jüSt playinG with w🎨RdSz}...✨💌✨ 8:45am 12)12)2024
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
Omg 😳
@balance733 Ай бұрын
iLike tô këëp myWord, sô iDid sometinG tô thiS beat...{Im still gonna tackle thåt asWell}...✨💌✨
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
@balance733 Ай бұрын
thiS aHome runneR 🎶⚾🎶 ...iBe' back, afteR myNap, iWanna Be' 🌊well🌊 rested tô tackle thiS/thåt...lolol laughOutloudoRleaRn...✨💌✨
@starlincorneliowilson5717 Ай бұрын
@FORTUNE_Studios Ай бұрын
chords going crazy brotha 🔥 nice progression
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
@@FORTUNE_Studios Thank u, brotha
@Ciyotnnakauebluzy2seanuh Ай бұрын
It been a long time coming Just took sometime to myself Loving overseas guys And I had to let you go Time to move on about your life I,i,ooh la,la,la.... I just wanna wish you well Ain't no coming back Move all to the top silence Sorry I had to let her go.. Gave it all... Six years to 5 weeks
@Ciyotnnakauebluzy2seanuh Ай бұрын
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
@Ayy-ki8dq Ай бұрын
sounds good
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
Thank u ❤
@Ayy-ki8dq Ай бұрын
bro this your original song??
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
Is a beat, do you think it feels like a original song?
@Ayy-ki8dq Ай бұрын
I didn’t know this song before so that’s why. I think the beat is cool
@mstlovemusic8215 Ай бұрын
Aaaaayyyyeee - nice groove
@prodbyzylo Ай бұрын
Loving the vibe on this
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
@@prodbyzylo Thank u Bro, subscribe, I am uploading beat today 🔥❤️
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
Do you liked this beat? SUBSCRIBE it comes amazing Beats 🥵
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
Do you liked this beat? SUBSCRIBE it comes amazing Beats 🥵
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
Do you liked this beat? SUBSCRIBE it comes amazing Beats 🥵
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
Do you liked this beat? SUBSCRIBE it comes amazing Beats 🥵
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
Do you liked this beat? SUBSCRIBE it comes amazing Beats 🥵
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
Do you liked this beat? SUBSCRIBE it comes amazing Beats 🥵
@Darlin420 Ай бұрын
Donde lo compro$
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
En el link de la descripción ❤
@Dezmadeit Ай бұрын
Dope, gonna share this with rappers 🔥
@balance733 Ай бұрын
eYe nëëd paRtSz...✨💌✨
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
@2savage2whip Ай бұрын
This iss tuff, im tryingg to make my first songg but lowkey struggling😭
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
Amazing bro, you can listen to this beat 2 or 3 times, Go for a walk for a while, think about something you want to express and something will probably come to you. Take your cell phone with you, so that if something occurs to you you can record or write it, Good luck 🥰.
@2savage2whip Ай бұрын
@OneL1EBeatz thankss soo muchhh!!!!!
@Realicedroppa Ай бұрын
Can i use it on spotify
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
@@Realicedroppa if you want to use this beat for upload to Spotify, you must buy the beat, let me see if I can give you a discount 😉
@OneL1EVibez Ай бұрын
No, I can't give discounts for now 😢
@Realicedroppa Ай бұрын
@@OneL1EVibez okkk
@Dezmadeit 2 ай бұрын
Would be great to get this 💯
@OneL1EVibez 2 ай бұрын
@@Dezmadeit I already put the link to purchase 👌
@30segund 3 ай бұрын
Fundió estoy con esta canción 😂
@ElvisjuniorDíazCastillo-e9g 9 күн бұрын
@SinNombreRD 3 ай бұрын
@Yoskoo_officiel 4 ай бұрын
Dis moi qu'est t'en penses faut que j'sois en tendance, mon veau-cer a besoin de vacances, j'arrete de deprimer, si seulement j'pouvais le soir en train de imaginer
@c.a.t2374 5 ай бұрын
bao đêm trôi qua đêm mơ về em kí ức hôm qua Y như ngọn nến giá như hôm đó em không trao tôi nụ hôn gió thì có lẽ giờ trong tôi đã không có ngàn cơn giông tố ta quen nhau đã lâu nên có tiếc gì đâu bây