@squishykif 34 минут бұрын
what server is mdash in
@imkuelllgremlin Сағат бұрын
omg can they please just make it actually KNEW, where they actually create a new world with knew lore and some actual care and effort put into it.
@BennyBoosHooks 3 сағат бұрын
2:34 Universal at one point had a new generation license who knows if it fell threw but Universal might have it
@dredanhaner3210 3 сағат бұрын
I'm excited and worried for G6. also, tara strong did WHAT?
@angel-nv7jk 4 сағат бұрын
After G5, I doubt we'll ever get Gen 6
@landrovergaming 4 сағат бұрын
I'm watching this video.
@soulslvr9562 6 сағат бұрын
Honestly I wished that g5 tried to be it's own thing instead of leeching out of g4's success
@evanrhildreth 7 сағат бұрын
You talk about a "platform", but platforms are the problem. G4 might be synonymous with "The Hub", but it outlasted The Hub, and by the later seasons, most people were watching it on Netflix because they cut cable tv. But Netflix changed between G4 and G5. Around 2018, sources like Cartoon Brew and Variety were touting how Netflix was supporting "creator driven" animation, but all those new series were canned after one or two seasons and by 2020 those sources were whining about how Netflix was where animation goes to die. And to top it off, a 2024 study found kids watch more KZbin than Netflix! In hindsight, it's no surprise G5's KZbin series did better than it's Netflix series. MLP has to go where the kids are, which means G6's home has to be KZbin. But there's a problem. Hollywood had 50 years perfecting the formula for tv-based cartoons, culminating in G4. But they are still figuring out what works and doesn't work on KZbin. It's hard to make a successful show when everything has been shaken up and knowbody knows what makes a show successful anymore! But if it makes you feel better, this is not just an MLP problem. Dreamworks animation is a sinking ship. Disney+ has lost billions. Nobody is navigating this transition of platforms well.
@daraghokane4236 Сағат бұрын
KZbin is were I first saw G4,
@SugarSwirl 8 сағат бұрын
There hasn’t been a Gen of mlp that I hated, but what I’ve seen for g6 so far I think this might be the first time I don’t like a new mlp gen 😭
@Aveysaur 8 сағат бұрын
didn't know g5 was dead, but i'm not surprised. it sucked.
@Technilogica2019 9 сағат бұрын
I LOVE WOKE HORSES /j fr tho im so so hype for what's in store \o/ i need to get my va portfolio together yippee
@blizzardwizard8318 11 сағат бұрын
Hi I'm a Chinese American and I just want to tell you, well I understand that you may not have meant anything bad by it I do want to point out a few things you have said about the Chinese part and the first thing I want to mention is the idea that the Chinese do not agree with their government and this is not necessarily the case. Obviously a group of people dislodge is going to have diverse opinions but to say that we shouldn't judge these people based off of their government, the thing is is that their government is actually very popular and they really like their government. That may seem really weird but according to polls done by Gallup and done by Harvard it turns out that they really like their government. Even when these polls are done anonymously they still like them such as the ones done by Pew research center. They have reasons to like it. The famine that happened in the 1950s may seem very bad but it was actually the last famine that happened in China ever. Between 108 BC and 1911 AD, there were no fewer than 1,828 recorded famines and guess when the last one was recorded? That's right, the great leap forward. Well it may seem very unfortunate from our point of view from their point of view, the CCP ended the famines. There's another problem with your point of view as well which is the idea that a group of people's opinions of another group of people somehow justifies racism and it doesn't because nothing justifies racism. When people try to find scientific or statistical or any justification for not being racist what they're really doing is saying that if they were wrong in those justifications that racism is okay and that it is not okay. It doesn't matter what the opinions of the Chinese people are. Racism is not okay. It is not okay to be racist to them. Many people were racist to them during the COVID thing and people used COVID as a justification for racism and it was not okay then. You could have a black person who is worse than Hitler and it would still not be okay to call him the n-word. The reason why this kind of stuff is a problem is because it implies that if they met a Chinese person that did hold those views that it would be okay to be racist to them. It's one of the reasons why people feel like they can justify racism towards Arabs when racism is always wrong. Also when it comes to the censorship, it's not always just about like minorities or things like that. For example back to the Future was censored because of featured time travel and sometimes other things are censored due to their religious imagery or features of things like ghosts or superstitions. 4:07
@psi_mae 10 сағат бұрын
Of course, I would never ever want to insinuate the government reflects the interests of its people. I’ve actually gotten into passionate arguments over this in high school of this exact topic. And I think you of may of misunderstood something I said in the video, I directly said that the beliefs of some is NOT justification for racism against them. As a member of the black community, racism against Asian people is weirdly rapid z
@princedonovaughn1182 5 сағат бұрын
Must we always use black people as the default example of how racism would still be bad if... Also while racism is never ok, you can call people out for also being racist without being racist, and unfortunately there's been a long held beauty standard in China that puts black people as undesirable.
@poseybloom55 12 сағат бұрын
Yeah i don't think g6 is going to be good mlp is so dead 🪦 to me 😒
@chase_m1892 12 сағат бұрын
Gen 4 is the only good generation fr 😭🙏
@mcrbitch4265 10 сағат бұрын
Gen 3 was good too
@featherlight2652 8 сағат бұрын
Don’t forget gen 1
@chase_m1892 8 сағат бұрын
@@featherlight2652 Yeah I guess, weren’t there humans in that one?
@SpineBones 13 сағат бұрын
The irony of the science horse's voice actor being a science denier... Wow
@daraghokane4236 16 сағат бұрын
I like the camp cuite mark camp idea, turning the ponys into kids is a good idea, and im guessing the camp will be near the efferfree forest. The ponys in school learning is a good set up. Make G6 Tirek like his G1 version a guy with an army I think that works better then he can drain magic
@daraghokane4236 16 сағат бұрын
One thing they should do that I think is cute is give pony's individual ability's like they had in G1 Like Starlight was the only pony that could take marks Luna was the only pony that could enter dreams. I think that indiudual power thing is good as nobody is the best if everyone is good at just one thing.
@kidklein6897 15 сағат бұрын
Im pretty sure any pony who's talent is magic could to learn to steal cutie marks, I could be wrong but idk
@SmokeTheHorsehog 16 сағат бұрын
Apologies for the previous comment. I definitely would like to volunteer for voice actors.
@psi_mae 16 сағат бұрын
Previous comment?
@SmokeTheHorsehog 16 сағат бұрын
@@psi_mae Quoted a FlashGitz animation, "pov your life is over," in reference to the discussion of China's censorship laws.
@JakeThehedgehog-m1x 3 күн бұрын
Wow gaslighting much? You know there's no confirmation right?
@psi_mae 2 күн бұрын
It’s called clickbait I mainly just need to get as much attention for the announcement at the end
@vineqar333 14 сағат бұрын
Gaslighting would be psi telling us there were no leaks and g5 is still being worked on
@goodmachines7743 12 сағат бұрын
@@psi_mae Oh, so you admit that you're just bullshitting. Got it.
@psi_mae 12 сағат бұрын
@@goodmachines7743 this is a video about leaks regarding G6, kms till delivering the information
@Alex_the_Lonely_Shed 5 сағат бұрын
Why are the comments on videos so toxic recently?
@alichan6484 8 күн бұрын
Fun fact: this video recommended to me because of write "smile hd" in the search 😂😂😂😂😂😂 That makes sense, since the name and remixe song of animation are camed from THIS EPISODE!!! 😊 Im making Smile HD editions, may you (everyone who reads) watch at least one, please? 😢 Mae, give me the ❤!
@cancelculturecansuckmydick4923 9 күн бұрын
W video
@Alex_the_Lonely_Shed 11 күн бұрын
@quinnhouk5369 11 күн бұрын
Hey dude. I subbed to you sometime ago. You’re welcome
@SmokeTheHorsehog 11 күн бұрын
All of this being said, what are your thoughts on Generation 3 or Generation 1?
@psi_mae 11 күн бұрын
@@SmokeTheHorsehog Gen 1 is an all time classic, Gen 3 is cute
@landrovergaming 11 күн бұрын
This is the episode of all time!!
@MPJBD-MLP_2nd 11 күн бұрын
@MPJBD-MLP_2nd 11 күн бұрын
Episode about best pony with best song
@CherryHotSauce 11 күн бұрын
I honestly couldn’t tell you what episode I think is the best one. There’s too many.
@SunIsLost 11 күн бұрын
@CasuariusCasuarius 12 күн бұрын
I just thought of an idea for an episode: "Bad Apples Always Rot" (S2E1) - This episode dives into the changelings, and how there's still some corrupt, evil members within them. Corruption is a very real thing in the world and there's always gonna be some bad in a world of good
@friendship5293 13 күн бұрын
@RiggsRealreal 13 күн бұрын
It’s not multi versus it’s alternate timelines
@psi_mae 13 күн бұрын
@@RiggsRealreal I just explained the difference
@Alex_the_Lonely_Shed 18 күн бұрын
Ahhhh… foreshadowing
@zcbros2103 21 күн бұрын
In all honesty, I never liked whole Twilight-being-immortal thing, I get the idea of wanting to touch on cherishing time left with others, but that headcanon is always gonna be something I feel is too depressing for this show. You can make Alicorn Twilight work without making her immortal, several AU’s have done this For me, I would’ve had Twilight being concerned about the possibility and asking Celestia about it, and from there we’d learn the aftermath of the Nightmare Moon banishment: Celestia revealing that she knew the threat of Nightmare Moon would outlive her, but she also didn’t want her sister to have to deal with the world alone should she be redeemed. So, she casted some kind of arcane soul-binding magic that kept her from aging as long as Luna was trapped in the moon, hence why she was able to live for 1000 years- through an act of love. See, something that’s simple and probably would’ve made sense in the canon of the show Thus, you could still explore similar themes, but still leave room for a Twilight/ensemble episode that’s more lighthearted as the finale
@Jenonen-Music 24 күн бұрын
Nice video. I never realized how influential DC AND Marvel were to the power ponies.
@Alex_the_Lonely_Shed 25 күн бұрын
After chronicles immediately begins development on making power ponies 😂
@Lucky_Pony1 25 күн бұрын
The spiderman outro music 🔥
@SmokeTheHorsehog 25 күн бұрын
It's also been speculated that Mane-iac was based off of Sedusa from The Powerpuff Girls, yet another villain who fights with their hair. And while she may not be a comics character like all of the examples you mentioned, this speculation seems to come from... well, take a guess who worked alongside her husband on The Powerpuff Girls?
@psi_mae 25 күн бұрын
@@SmokeTheHorsehog similar reason I gave that brief shout out to Ben 10, cuz Tara Strong was also… Ben 10
@SatansKidney 26 күн бұрын
I haven't felt much of a connection with Trixie, but I'm glad people can see themselves within her. If she is trans, "Trixie" Is a very cute name for her! Especially since she would be a lil Trans Trixster xD. I've personally always related to Rainbow Dash, because she gave me she/they vibezz and always cared for people; as I cared for my friends and I'm NB. Head canons will always be shamed upon, and people shouldn't talk about something they don't know about 💀
@dakotastein9499 26 күн бұрын
aparently poeple dont know the difference between a trans character and a character whos gender was retconned before the character actually debuted. eye spots arent enough to just assume a character is male yes lauren eludes to a character being trans but she never stated which character,as even in season 1 there were several.
@psi_mae 26 күн бұрын
@@dakotastein9499 Q: Are you transphobic if you're not a fan of the headcanon? A: No. Q: Are you transphobic if you're outspoken against the headcanon? A: Probably. Q: Are you transphobic if you do nothing but obsess over how much you hate it when people say "Trixie is trans"? A: Yeah.
@Pandazillaaa 21 күн бұрын
​@@psi_mae openly disagreeing with you doesn't mean their transphobic.
@psi_mae 21 күн бұрын
@@Pandazillaaa read the questions again
@SunIsLost 14 күн бұрын
@@psi_mae Yes. @Pandazillaaa it's literally the first question.
@MPJBD-MLP_2nd 28 күн бұрын
@nightwingdings3886 29 күн бұрын
Flutters being trans fem and the poison joke giving her her old voice, this is why she's so lanky as a filly. Her parents and brother are very supportive of her, which is why her brother constantly refers to Flutters as his sister to validate her. Also trans masc Rainbow Dash (because when I was younger I saw myself in RD, and I'm trans masc :D)
@isamekailmahmud9302 29 күн бұрын
i love the last one
@gooeydude574 29 күн бұрын
Something I’ve wondered about: does homophobia or transphobia exist in the world of Equestria or in its human version from Equestria Girls
@Ghost_caat Ай бұрын
I headcanon pony twilight as aroace And human twilight as bi ace
@Eggs_the_great Ай бұрын
If I were to make a G6, I would have a main cast of six characters. Dragon fire (Firefly/rainbow dash ), Twilight, Bombshell (surprise/pinkie pie), melody (medley), Posey (Fluttershy), and peppermint (minty). The story would mainly focus on Dragon fire as the main character, starting off as just episodic slice-of-life style episodes before the plot eventually starts to unravel. Dragons start abducting ponies in town. Twilight’s little sister, Ember, was captured during a kidnapping, meaning the six ponies needed to track down the dragons and save her. The ponies go to Moochick, who in this iteration is a chaotic good trickster deity, in order for guidance. He gives them a rainbow amulet with the powers of harmony and light. After receiving the amulet, they follow the trail of the dragons (they left a lot of destruction while leaving) and are lead to a castle bathed in shadow. While in the castle they have to hide from guards while searching for the kidnapped ponies, including Ember. After a while of searching they meet the aforementioned Spike the baby dragon, who was left to “guard” one of the dungeons. Upon interrogation, he reveals that the dragons are imprisoned by a beast named Tirek, forced to kidnap ponies. Upon learning this, the group of ponies promise to defeat tirek and free both the ponies and dragons. After some castle shenanigans I refuse to elaborate on, they make it to Tirek in the throne room. Tirek has a dark version of the ponies rainbow amulet, he notices theirs and wants it to become powerful. Blah blah blah, insert epic battle, ponies get beat up. After the ponies get throughly pummeled, dragon fire gives a speech about hope and holding onto your dreams, activating the rainbow amulet. Each of the ponies glow a corresponding color on the rainbow amulet. Dragon fire being orange, peppermint being red, twilight being purple, posey being yellow, melody being blue, and bombshell being green. A rainbow laser shoots Tirek and he dies. Upon his death, the castle turns into a combination of several pastel colors, a stark contrast from the blacks and grays it was. The ponies free the other ponies and dragons (also Ember still exists) and go back home. At the town waits the moochick, who congratulates them on their victory. Dragon fire asks why the rainbow amulet made them bright, the moochick explains that the amulet is made up of six different lights (virtues with a different word), hope (orange), wisdom (purple), compassion (yellow), courage (green), patience (blue), and respect (red). The moochick explains that the six ponies represent the lights within the rainbow amulet and that they have great power when working together. That’s a rough estimate of what I’d do for a season one, sorry if it sounded messy, I rushed the explanation a bit. But I hope you were able to get the message across. Yes it is just a crossbreed between G1 Rescue from midnight castle and G4’s pilot episodes, it’s just a skeleton for the basic plot, it’ll be more original if I can plan it out fully. Also a season two would be about sea ponies, and the six trying to solve fish politics.
@SkylarThompson-mu1qs Ай бұрын
Big Mac is Bisexual.
@kaleeshsynth9994 Ай бұрын
Genderfluid Big Mac
@user-gb8qf3ly6i Ай бұрын
Docter strange: the multiverse is a concept we know frighteningly little.
@user-gb8qf3ly6i Ай бұрын
BTW thanks for bringing up spider-verse, marvel, and dc.
@KoopalingProductionsStudios Ай бұрын
Personally, it’s super odd headcannoning kids characters are a different gender or sexuality. Now, I’m an autistic bisexual women so I’m not saying this as a “straight male bigot”. Just because someone doesn’t fit gender roles, does NOT mean they have gender dysphoria. It’s a serious disorder, and many kids love exploring their likes. I was very tomboyish as a kid, and still am in dress and how I act especially in my homosexual relationships. It’s because we all like different things, and have different personalities. This is not hate towards you, but I think I should make that clear. Saying a child is a certain gender or sexuality, is like making R34 of them (yes less severe, but still it’s very touchy).
@psi_mae Ай бұрын
@@KoopalingProductionsStudios you hear “sexuality” and automatically think “sex” But you would not think the same if it was a kid character in a straight relationship. Sex ≠ sexualization, it’s not that deep. You’d not act the same way to the plethora of Sweetie Belle & Button Mash shipping. In addition, regardless, you are setting expectations of real children on these cartoon characters. While the amount of elementary school age children who identify as trans is like less than 1%, we aren’t dealing with real world logic. In summary: take your casual queerphobia outta here.
@KoopalingProductionsStudios Ай бұрын
@@psi_mae I’m not homophobic? I’m literally bisexual brother. I date women, I’m a women. And no, it’s not that I automatically think “sex” but kids GET sexualized. I don’t support any ships btw, cause they’re kids. And trans kids are very common in 2024, I’ve met a ton. I’m the last thing from a homophobe, in fact I’m just trying to say that we should be careful how we portray children characters in the media. Also btw; q*eer is a slur. It’s like saying n*gg** basically. It’s not an identity.
@psi_mae Ай бұрын
@@KoopalingProductionsStudios it kind of feels like back pedaling since the thesis of your argument is being against Headcanoning these characters as any sexuality or gender. You can hide under the vale of “ANY fictional kid being in a relationship is weird” which is a bizarrely puritanical way of consuming media, but that didn’t address the whole “you shouldn’t Headcanon any kid character as any gender” deflection. So what is a kid supposed to be portrayed as in fiction, everyone should be agender?
@KoopalingProductionsStudios Ай бұрын
@@psi_mae let me also add, what you just said also makes you sound like the average modern day groomer. Not saying you are, but it can come off that way. Sexuality means to sexually be attracted to, want to have sex with. Saying that about kids, sounds wrong. Even to a boy who likes a girl. It’s weird. It’s different to say romantic. And gender identity is the same principle, as it involves someone’s private parts and brain.
@KoopalingProductionsStudios Ай бұрын
@@psi_mae I never said they should be portrayed gender less or agender. I’m saying characters made to be male for example, and are kids we should treat them like a regular male kid. Tomgirl, feminine, whatever they love but they are a boy. That’s just one example. And yes it’s headcannon, but we need to be careful what we think of literal children as. Lyra/Bon Bon AJ/Dash Scootaloo’s Aunts are all full grown adults, and are amazing representation. As they are adults, and plenty of adopted kids may have two moms. And ships like Twi/Dash are fine cause they are adults. Consenting adults who understand themselves. Kids don’t. They just don’t. I didn’t know sexuality as a kid. I only knew people who kissed and hugged each other got married and had kids. I didn’t come out till I was a teenager, and didn’t understand fully until I developed sexual attraction.