The Whole Bank - Linqua Franqa
PSLF Webinar
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Abolish Bail Debt Tool
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Labor + Student Debt Cancellation
Virtual Debtors' Assembly 2022
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@yung5dakid 13 күн бұрын
Cancel now! Stop predatory lending!!!
@TheGaryMcC 14 күн бұрын
My wife is 65 years old, had to retire from teaching early because of health issues. She still owes $35,000 on student loans,. Some loans were brought on by being forced to take classes to keep her teaching certificate required by Michigan's Continuing Education Requirements for teachers. I'm 68 and retired as well. We live on a fixed income and making student loan payments really cut's into our standard of living. Now republicans want to do away with the SAVE payment program which would make are payments even higher!
@sotto212 16 күн бұрын
Is it time for a debt strike? We can forgive ourselves of our student debt. I did. Just don't pay, they can't come after us all.
@Aba_Ifeoma 16 күн бұрын
The only thing standing between us as older borrowers and debt relief is political will! CANCEL STUDENT DEBT NOW!
@Aba_Ifeoma 16 күн бұрын
Great job everyone! Thank you for your advocacy Debt Collective!
@huguettecarrasco7377 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for standing up in the gap to defend us. We need the Department of Education to help us cancel our debts.
@SusanMeeker 17 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for having the courage to share your challenges with the student loan system, not blame yourselves or others and stand up for each other! So much passion and determination and love!
@hollymcdonald4799 17 күн бұрын
@truecrimefangirlchannel 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for showing up and speaking truth!!!
@lenoble8 18 күн бұрын
Scott Giles and MOHELA need to be fired. Taxpayers are his boss.
@TDDMS 3 ай бұрын
Luke's advice about making students creditors, has that even been tested against case law and in court? EDIT: Those present in this video along with many at UARTS don't want to face reality. They never bother to ask the question as to why the university had to take out over $100M in debt. Could the reason be that the policies UARTS instituted starting in 2009 where they began to blatantly discriminate against straight white males both in terms of student body and employment? Do you think the fact that UARTS career services office was impotent in its ability to send students to job opportunities. For instance, the CS office had zero contact information for any of musician unions, acting unions, and made no attempt to reach out to theaters to establish a pipeline for UARTS alumni to, in the least, audition for roles. Do you think their penchant for hiring UARTS alumni, thus not bringing new blood into the university? Are you even remotely aware that the music department's faculty consisted of 40% UARTS alumni at the time of closure? Or how about the exorbitant number of lawsuits filed against UARTS over the decades? Or are you even aware that the female teachers in visual art department conspired where they setup a honeypot to malign and terminate a teacher simply because he was a straight white male? (BTW, he won the court case and was paid handsomely.) Additionally, the women who engaged in this conspiracy, they were so dumb they outlined their plans in email and left it on the server for quite some time. Everyone wants to focus on the money. They want to insinuate that there was some secret cabal that set out to harm so called hard working artists. But they don't want to face the reality that it was their cherished policies of DEI, AA, hiring bigoted women, not have both visual and performing art standards all led to the collapse, or the fact that many of the student body had SAT scores in math and reading in the 200-300 levels.
@Pizaz0 3 ай бұрын
Amazing upload, thank you so much
@toddsqui 4 ай бұрын
Wow, the scarcity mindset running through these comments. As if CEOs don't make millions while everyone else barely gets by? Really, that's the genocide we're all advocating for? Go Debt Collective, show us all the injustices of our times! ❤️
@TCharlesOH 4 ай бұрын
If their term debit relief means taxpayers pay for their bad loans then I'm against it too. You take the loan out, You pay it back.
@handynothandsome261 4 ай бұрын
*I have **_ZERO SYMPATHY_** for these entitled children.* *_Did you borrow the money?!_** Well then **_PAY IT BACK!!_** It’s not OUR fault that you were too stupid about money to make good choices- WE had the same opportunity to borrow, and **_WE paid our loans back!_** So do the rest of the taxpayers a favor and pay your own debts- and **_consider it a big part of your education, then teach this to your kids,_** so the cycle stops with **_YOUR_** generation.* *I’m tired of being careful and responsible financially, then getting screwed financially by people **_who refuse to take responsibility for their own bad decisions!_*
@Evanzealotry 4 ай бұрын
What idiots. The woman you’re harassing is aware of the fact that “debt relief” means either A: A lot of people are not getting their money or B: WE THE PEOPLE are paying for you. That means that men and women who have never been to college will be forced to pay more of their taxes to people who DID go to college and have access to better career paths. THIS ALSO INCLUDES PAYING FOR STUDENTS THAT DROPPED OUT. If we used that money to repair our economy, we could stop the inevitable depression our country is currently entering. But no. You want people who signed a contract to not have to fulfill it instead. All of the issues in this country and this is the shit you’re holding signs over?? Ridiculous.
@Cavethug 4 ай бұрын
I'm all for debt relief... these people were forced to take loans, no one said "don't take it if you can't pay it back" oh... wait.... they did. Scratch that... these people can go to hell.
@iamcornpop5011 4 ай бұрын
Oh yes, when the left eats its own.
@karlwolfenstein4496 4 ай бұрын
I worked a full day, attended collage at night for a total of 5 years and paid it off as I went. The IDEA that I need to pay for somebody that's afraid to work for what they want is ABSURD!
@MaddyClifford 4 ай бұрын
YOU don't have to pay. It literally doesn't work that way.
@kenscarbrough-py4ib 4 ай бұрын
My wife and two daughter's went to college and had no problems paying it back. The reason was that they went to work after they graduated. My wife taught school, and my daughters work at the same hospital. The oldest works in cardiovascular and the youngest in birthing. Im so proud of them...
@MaddyClifford 4 ай бұрын
Congratulations. The point of living in a society is to make it better, to alleviate suffering for future generations. If they found a cure for cancer tomorrow, nobody is going to say "but my family member died of cancer so nobody should use this cure to help future cancer patients." Like, be for real for a second.
@heatherbug265 4 ай бұрын
Nice work. God bless. ❤
@richardwalsh9298 4 ай бұрын
THEY are the actual thieves. Entitled punks
@JoeDuke-PhD 4 ай бұрын
Not enough free sex.
@danramelli3932 4 ай бұрын
Students not paying back their student loans that they agreed to pay is a scam on the hardworking United States American taxpayers! No more freebies! If you agree to pay it, you pay it!
@bdr3386 4 ай бұрын
The entitlement of these Mexican privileged morons kills me
@bdr3386 4 ай бұрын
Don’t take out a loan you can’t or won’t pay back morons!
@palisaanne5096 4 ай бұрын
Did you sign the dotted line? Then shut up, and pay back the loan.
@MaddyClifford 4 ай бұрын
No thanks
@niciwalsh5180 4 ай бұрын
Morons. Pay your damn loans
@delenehuntington4192 4 ай бұрын
Let's all buy houses, boats and cars, that someone else will have to pay for, make's economic sense?
@originalghoul3738 4 ай бұрын
You know you dont pay for it, if you try and say your taxes, taxes paid to the Fed Bank which is private company and values money the taxes pays to keep money what it is???
@delenehuntington4192 4 ай бұрын
A totally unfair, biased program to buy votes ! If you want this, you have to pay all past students, and refund all students who paid cash, as well.Colleges will now have to be free !
@rxrxm 4 ай бұрын
Can’t wait til they have the cash to buy their house, they don’t want to use leeches do they? But wait! Omg they did use they, parents raised them to accept responsibility! LOL, NOT! Poor quality parents and education system contribute to entitlement
@stevensmoley7983 4 ай бұрын
So, let me get this straight. These kids took out a loan, which they are required to pay back. They knew this from the beginning. And now they want the tax payers to pay back the "theft" that was incurred on them? Its called INTEREST boys and girls. Your classes didnt teach you that? Probably because they are too busy teaching them completely useless courses like transgenderism or gender identity. Another thing the kids dont seem to realize is the opposite situation. What if they were DENIED the loan. No student loan, no college.
@margaretcooke9298 4 ай бұрын
America is the only country in the western world which charges a fortune for education. It should a right for every citizen to have free education, healthcare etc. But no problem spending billions on arms for constant wars. That's tax payer's money too. Do you question this.
@stevensmoley7983 4 ай бұрын
@@margaretcooke9298 @margaretcooke9298 in a perfect world, that's what it should be, sure. But the real world inclues paying loans back or suffering the consequences. Nobody put a gun to these kid's heads for them to take out the loan. They took it out, they pay it back. What are we really teaching these kids about how the real world works here? I shouldnt have to pay back debt that other people incurred, just like they wont make my mortgage or car payments if I get behind on them. As far as sending millions/billions of funds to our allies at war, nobody seems to understand it is NECCESSARY to do so. This is done to keep our country safe. If we didnt get involved in any of these foreign wars, our enemies would just be beating/annexing other countries and getting bigger and bigger until they feel they have enough man power to take down the US. And so then they come for us and were done. Do you really want to see a missile roaring down your street?
@stevensmoley7983 4 ай бұрын
@@margaretcooke9298 should someone who doesnt plan to go to college pay to send someone they dont even know to college? I think not. If you take out a loan, you pay it back, just like anything else you purchase that you dont have enough money for. Kids get a free education through 12th grade. College is a choice. You go and pay and or take a loan out or you dont go, you dont pay. What are we teaching these kids about life when we are telling them not to pay a loan they took out? There is a bigger picture here.
@margaretcooke9298 4 ай бұрын
@@stevensmoley7983 so should I fund wars that I dont agree with. Most of these students are paying taxes through working low paid jobs to pay for there tution and I'm sure there parents and siblings do to. So people who try to get a further education which by the way most far seeing governments see as a benefit for a country be critised and condemned in asking for help when the interest on these loans are exorbitant. So a future scientist doctor lawyer who comes from a poor background should have no right to improve themselves unless they can pay for it which means only the elites are entitled to further education. The other question can you explain to me what is the reason for paying taxes Where does this money go. I'd love you to explain it to me
@thefunnymofo7857 4 ай бұрын
​@margaretcooke9298 Yes everyone questions it. It is just simple. Some random idiots education is significantly less important than defense spending. Can't even understand how loans work and you want to be a higher priority than "war" spending lol
@chinaxshop 4 ай бұрын
debt relief is people saying i want free money
@BertPieterse 4 ай бұрын
Only idiots borrowing money and don't want to pay back sing this kak...
@stevensmoley7983 4 ай бұрын
Deadbeats is what they are called.
@Keyaaa.Keyaaa 4 ай бұрын
Now this is a protest I would participate in 💯 to pay for a education in America and be thousands in debt even struggling from it when the President can give out money like it's nothing when the ppl here in the USA could benefit from it & 9 times outta 10 you don't get a career in the field with the degree you paid thousands for!!
@fivefamily5820 4 ай бұрын
Stop stealing our money to pay for other people's privileged choices.
@MaddyClifford 4 ай бұрын
What are you talking about? It doesn't "cost" money to cancel student debt.
@SquidFox9 4 ай бұрын
@@MaddyClifford you’re a great example of the level of ignorance these people have. Yes , it does. Someone in fact has to pay for it. Waste of oxygen.
@MaddyClifford 4 ай бұрын
@@SquidFox9 That's not how debt relief works. One of the most glaring examples is the fact that Biden HAS already canceled some student debt and it has not cost anyone a dime. Same with PPP loan forgiveness. Did that "cost" you anything? No. Sorry you're misinformed.
@hailfire2111 4 ай бұрын
Literally don't care if you're being crushed by debt. You borrowed it, you are the only one who should be paying it off.
@MaddyClifford 4 ай бұрын
Education shouldn't be a debt sentence.
@CyborgNinja. 4 ай бұрын
And if they can't pay, we gonna have to pay for it...
@rockinroll817 4 ай бұрын
@@MaddyCliffordThen don’t borrow the money. Stop being mooches.
@MaddyClifford 4 ай бұрын
@@CyborgNinja. Not how it works. You don't have to pay anything. It doesn't "cost." But congrats on complaining about something that doesn't impact you besides boosting the economy.
@esta8651 4 ай бұрын
Awesome! 👏🏽
@MaddyClifford 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! You are not a loan.
@jamesprihoda9927 4 ай бұрын
You borrowed money, pay it back. Grow up and stop putting it on others. You aren’t owed anything.
@dakotaflower5926 4 ай бұрын
True they need to pay back their loans themselves, but how can you have any pity on the piles of trash in that room taking advantage of high school kids… that lady was crying for a reason, she knows what they are.
@MaddyClifford 4 ай бұрын
Borrowed to go to college, to get an education, to earn higher wages, to pursue the American dream. Stop spewing bs personal responsibility rhetoric and start directing your anger towards policies that turn education into a debt sentence.
@MaddyClifford 4 ай бұрын
@@dakotaflower5926 Nobody else "pays" when student debt is cancelled. Sorry you're misinformed.
@dakotaflower5926 4 ай бұрын
@@MaddyClifford ya, my ass. I will believe that when I see it. There is absolutely no way the democrat party will allow non-payment to student loan vendors. That’s their true constituency, not you 😂 . Stick around for a bit kid and you will eventually educate yourself to where the rest of us are 😂
@dakotaflower5926 4 ай бұрын
@@MaddyClifford yes, you borrowed to get ahead of your peers for that education/higher wage. Now you are angry, because they made a more informed decision than you and you want them to pay for it. That’s called privilege 😂. Congress doesn’t possess the authority to eliminate the student loan balance sheet, what do you even want?
@scottcrennie 4 ай бұрын
I don't have heroes but these folks come close.
@sunny9233 11 ай бұрын
@ginashaffer9293 11 ай бұрын
Heres a thought- dont take out a loan that you cant afford to pay back.
@carmen_sandieg0 10 ай бұрын
So how did you even get here? You searched this to be mad? Go be narrow minded somewhere else.
@medcentrepllc5461 Жыл бұрын
It is indeed a labor issue. I'm glad to hear that pharmacists are apart of the Kaiser-Permanent union and strike as their wages have been stagnant for at least a decade, they're denied provider status under Medicare Part B, denied some access in some NHSC federal loan forgiveness program participation, and yet the cost of PharmD education and workload responsibilities continuously increase.
@cougarlady112 Жыл бұрын
Pure evil!! Same evil as MAGA Republicans!! 🤬🤬🤬
@tomcole2608 Жыл бұрын
🤭 Promo*SM
@Semelem Жыл бұрын
Pls make a video about SAVE plan. I have very low income and 30k debt trying to see what plan is best for me to save money without the interest exploding
@johnharris6655 Жыл бұрын
More Republicans than Democrats voted for the Civil rights act.
@TC-53 Жыл бұрын
Schumer and the other idiots democrats need to understand a person's rights. It's unconstitutional to take money away from a working individual who has to provide for his family and give to someone to get a Masters or any degree in gender studies. (A waste of time and no value added to society). Specifically when the persons paying may not of had an opportunity to further their education. FJB
@jeffeverett274 Жыл бұрын
This bozo belongs in hoboken as a bar tender. 😮
@magaman5010 Жыл бұрын
Chuck the Schmuck strikes again!!!
@jjrl51 Жыл бұрын
There are other inaccuracies Chavéz not ended is political degree. Another inaccuracy , not to say that it is directly false, is that the requirements for academic promotion were lowered to flatten the hierarchies, it would take a long time to explain, but it is a point of debate, because it is also not true that doctorates and journals were needed to To be accredited as a university, to say that is to apply the European standard to a totally different reality, even more so it is to ignore the institutional history of the Venezuelan university and the current legislation, because the university law, still today continues to be the law of principle of the 70s of the last century.