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@Unknown-hu4gf Ай бұрын
Repairing the valve or a MitralClip is the only way to go. Your industry needs a lot of change!!! Medical management of a valvular disease is just BS....
@Unknown-hu4gf Ай бұрын
Pimobendan a safe drug! Are you kidding because it'll sure rip a canine heart to shreds !!! Haven't you necropsied a heart of a dog that's been on it....
@pearlsaladino7586 2 ай бұрын
Thank you very much good content
@Gilly-gx8rt 2 ай бұрын
This was so informative. Thank you. My dog was wrongly diagnosed with heart failure 2 years ago. I wasn’t convinced & asked for a cardiology referral- Her heart was not enlarged. Heart worm etc was ruled out. Steroids were the only thing that helped stop the cough. Now 2 years later the vet is pushing vetmedin again. Her resting breathing rate is 20 breaths per min. Time for another cardiology referral & an X-ray.
@LureeAvery 4 ай бұрын
Before my cat was happy and healthy with a little hip pain. We used Solensia and now she’s dead.
@vha3742171 4 ай бұрын
My dog died from chf. He had a 4 heart murmur than started to cough.
@Roswell33 5 ай бұрын
Ok but what do we do about lung/tracheal cough? Everytime I go to my vet they talked me into Gabapentin for my dog and I kept trying to say it's making him ill but they don't listen, he was having syncope daily on it, I took him off Gabapentin and it went away but a mild version of the cough stayed and last night it was BAD I don't even trust my vet to help.. Now I don't know what to do as they generally say or do something I don't agree with but I'm not medically trained
@franceslynch8815 Ай бұрын
It can take a while for side effects to wear off. But you know your pet best and it's hard to see them uncomfortable/sick after they react to a new medicine. You could ask your vet for a different cough reliever or even a short term one, if possible, when it gets bad. Then You can always try another vet and explain everything you went through and how sick your pet was on the previous medication, if no help from your own vet. My own pet is on cardisure and was given a new heart meds that made her sick. When I rang saying I'd to stop it, I was told "but she's only on a very small dose". How this response addressed my pet being sick and my report of it had me bewildered. As if the small dose could not have made her sick. The 2½mg of Fortekor put her in a heavy sleep with odd limb spasms, twitching, panting, nightmares, vocal dreams and disorientation after waking and lethargic for rest of the day. I couldn't do this to her anymore after 3 days. I really hope you get your pet relief for their cough. Side effects are uncommon (my pets never has reactions until this one). And medications can make their lives comfortable and more bearable living with sicknessl so I really hope your beloved pet finds relief soon.
@Spyglass2024 21 күн бұрын
Gabapentin affects their kidneys and isn't safe long term - Dr Google. Lots of meds come with down sides. Dr Andrew Jones ( Veterinary Secrets) has some great alternatives
@orionstarlift1587 21 күн бұрын
I'm in the same boat with my chihuahua - she's had a cough and mucus for 2 years now, and the vet hasn't really done much for that. In fact at first they treated me like I was making it up. Earlier this year she was diagnosed with an enlarged heart. She was put on Enalapril but that made her cough so bad I had to take her off it after just 2 days. It also gave her a distended stomach, which she did not have before. When I spoke to one of the vet's on the phone after this, all I got was "I'm so sorry" and regarding the distended stomach she said "it's her cancer". What? No one ever told me she had cancer. To my knowledge, she has not even been tested/examined for cancer. ??? So I have been researching and trying supplements and better foods for her. These have helped a little with the coughing and reverse sneezing and mucus. She still has them but they are not as bad or as frequent. But the heart thing is definitely getting worse. So I thought I would give the main vet one more try. I called them Thursday to try and get an appointment. Only to be told he did not have any openings. He was booked for the foreseeable. Would I like to see another vet. I said no. The one wrote my dog off like she was already dead, and the other went ahead and gave her a vaccine after I said NO! My dog does not do well with vaccines - they have nearly killed her several times and each time I have managed to nurse her back to health - usually by using puppy replacer milk because she couldn't keep anything in for a while and was off her food. You have no idea how furious I was with that vet when she grabbed my dog's nose and squirted the vax up her nose, saying she had to have it. YEs but NOT on the same day as the other vax she had already been given. I do note that this was not too long before she got sick with the coughing and mucus. Anyway, I said the main vet could call me back. I expected the call Friday. He never called. A lot of Vets seem to have become like Drs... uncaring and untrustworthy. I guess we are on our own and I will continue to try things to see what helps. Last week I added turnips, basil and kelp to her diet. They seem to have helped with the mucus a bit for a few days anyway. She is still eating and running when she wants to, so that seems to be good, right? However she is carrying a bit too much weight and it is hard to get her to lose some. I'm not giving her a whole lot to eat as it is, so really don't feel comfortable cutting her back any more. More research ahead I guess. I am following Dr Judy Morgan on here and several others that give more holistic options. She also has recipes if you want to home cook for your dog. I did try home cooking, too, but my girl started piling on the lbs!!! She loved it, mind! My girl is now on CoQ10 and just started Taurine, she's also taking several other supplements and herbs for the heart, like hawthorn and red clover, and slippery elm & marshmallow for the cough. Dosages can be found in various videos on here. You might also look for acupressure for dogs, where you gently message specific points to help with various conditions. Wishing you luck in finding something that helps your dog.
@Unknown-hu4gf 8 ай бұрын
Doctor Gordon your book needs an index for expedient reference in everyday use and especially urgent or emergent use!!! Is there a more current edition that has this???!!!
@ChristineLV Жыл бұрын
My cat hasn't had the best reaction to Solensia. It's only been a week, but I expected more. She is trying to jump up, but missing. I have given her staged areas to get into my bed. Her other regular places on the couch and chairs in the living room she has been able to access. They aren't high jumps for her. I just hate to go for months and find out this isn't working. My vet diagnosed OA in her spine.
@phil1pd 8 ай бұрын
Has solensia helped at all over the last 4 months?
@laurenwallace4919 Жыл бұрын
amazing product ,immediate changes in my cats ,increased movement, behavior much more out going ,even physical changes in his paws ,stopped limping .
@vanessagregory8835 Жыл бұрын
I used it for my Mastiff. The specialist wanted to remove two toes plus pads. I looked at all the KZbin videos and we went ahead at my request. The specialist was so excited at the outcome and took so many photos. Leroy was in pain the first night and cried. I gave him Panadol and he went to sleep. He licked it for a few days then lost interest. Within three months were were on the beach with no sign of the site. We did three month follow up plus ultra sound. Eighteen months later he is fine.
@dennismalone6303 Жыл бұрын
This was a great conversation to see as I am dealing with my 17-year-old Chihuahua with coughing and a heart murmur diagnosed through an echocardiogram. His breathing rate recently went up to about 33 breaths per minute, but after a few days of medication and a lot of rest it’s down to 20.
@sabrinapittsley2304 Жыл бұрын
If people feed their dogs a HEALTHY homemade diet, there would not be all this heart disease, which recently has been proven in some studies that shows dog food is NOT good for your dog. All these pharmaceutical drugs would not be necessary. I just adopted a shelter dog a month ago, they estimated 8 years old and has something going on with her heart. Her heart rate at the vet was 60 both times I’ve taken her. She tires out so easily as I am holding her she can hardly hold her head up. She’s got stressed out chasing squirrels at the dog park and had a seizure. And a few since I’ve taken her to the vet and the emergency room. They wanted to put her on seizure medication. I said no because that only would make her more lethargic than she is now. Yes, money is a main issue for me to get to a cardiologist because I am still in debt from having my little chihuahua’s neck surgery in September that was 5 thousand dollars. I want an accurate diagnosis instead of being lead on from test after test and I’m not too impressed with some vets who are really not good a diagnosis. They don’t even feel the dog for anything (tumors /abnormalities) because they don’t want to face the responsibility of diagnosis that might be wrong.
@Unknown-hu4gf 8 ай бұрын
I'd like to see the studies that your citing that show that a whole food diet improves or clears heart disease in dogs. Please, send me links or whatever you can so I may look at them...
@ShelleyArtist 7 ай бұрын
I started making my dogs food and absolutely love being able to know what is in his dog food. I also add calcium and organic multi-vitamin mineral. I also add a small AMT of coconut oil. I can only imagine how horrible it would be to eat the same exact food everyday. I would also think if we are feeding them healthy foods they'll be healthier than feeding them dog food with who knows what in it. Js
@ShelleyArtist 7 ай бұрын
I started making my dogs food and absolutely love being able to know what is in his dog food. I also add calcium and organic multi-vitamin mineral. I also add a small AMT of coconut oil. I can only imagine how horrible it would be to eat the same exact food everyday. I would also think if we are feeding them healthy foods they'll be healthier than feeding them dog food with who knows what in it. Js
@ShelleyArtist 7 ай бұрын
I started making my dogs food and absolutely love being able to know what is in his dog food. I also add calcium and organic multi-vitamin mineral. I also add a small AMT of coconut oil. I can only imagine how horrible it would be to eat the same exact food everyday. I would also think if we are feeding them healthy foods they'll be healthier than feeding them dog food with who knows what in it. Js
@ShelleyArtist 7 ай бұрын
I started making my dogs food and absolutely love being able to know what is in his dog food. I also add calcium and organic multi-vitamin mineral. I also add a small AMT of coconut oil. I can only imagine how horrible it would be to eat the same exact food everyday. I would also think if we are feeding them healthy foods they'll be healthier than feeding them dog food with who knows what in it. Js
@hlanton1232 Жыл бұрын
If a open wound may be troublesome, use a big sterile compress, could that work to protect the wound?
@vanessagregory8835 Жыл бұрын
Let the dog lick it. That was the advice and it works. The tumour falls off and the area heals as per normal;
@JimmySchoster Жыл бұрын
Having difficulty finding the link to the Stelfonta dose calculator. Please send link. Thank you! J. Schoster, DVM DACVO
@Nelson-ry8iv Жыл бұрын
Pᵣₒmₒˢᵐ ✔️
@scottytarvan9523 Жыл бұрын
Good talk thanks, the last few minutes were the best part of the presentation so watch until the end
@lifemattersvet.4951 Жыл бұрын
Kindly suggest some books
@brizzx32 2 жыл бұрын
Tigilanol for dogs less than a Thousand. Tigilanol for humans over $25k, same drug. Humans are treated less than dogs. Very sad, FDA the pharma mafia.
@mikez9929 2 жыл бұрын
@MeenaXray 2 жыл бұрын
Are there any vets in northern Nevada or Northern California who are using this treatment?
@Daledugahole 2 жыл бұрын
It’s available to all vets but most of them don’t know about it yet . Just refer your vet to the Stelfonta and Virbac sites and they can learn about and order it
@disissparta447 2 жыл бұрын
you have good camera quality good information and everything but why no views?
@PF-bm1fh 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, I wanted to know if my dog will have long term effects from a mistake done at the veterinary. I took my dog immediately after seeing him walking with no balance. I told her about my dog scratching the ear and she saw the ear and said it was ok. The veterinary told me that had a stroke and I did schedule an appointment with the neurologist. She gave me prednisone for the pain. I came back after 5 days because my dog keep shaking the head and walking with no balance and I requested another doctor. She checked the ear and told me my dog has yeast, they put some medication in the ear and told me to continue prednisone. And now he is walking normal.
@positiveandhealthy2728 3 жыл бұрын
I really need to at least start stretching my whole body during the day and work from there to exercising a half and hour 5 days a week!
@WiLd_WaNdErEr22ps 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this information!
@FlexHR-Outsourcing 4 жыл бұрын
Flex HR was happy to be a part of this and will continue to support any businesses in need! Please feel free to reach out to us!