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Chamos - Topic
Los Chamos were a famous Venezuelan boy band formed in Caracas in 1981 to rival Menudo's success. Los Chamos were made up of six members and released their first album, Los Chamos-El Soldadito, sponsored by channel 8 of Venezuelan National TV.
In 1982, they released their second album called Siempre Te Amare, which spanned the international hit “Canta Chamo”. That album went Gold and Platinum in many Latin American countries.
That hit led them to sing at Mexico's Estadio Azteca, among other big venues in Latin America.
In 1983 they released a third hit album called Tu Como Yo produced by famous singer and composer Rudy LaScala.
That same year Los Chamos released a blockbuster movie called Secuestro En Acapulco-Canta Chamo alongside famous actresses Yuri-also a singer- and La Chilindrina
Los Chamos went on tour for many years through Mexico, the United States, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Central America, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, etc. After that huge success, four group members alleged poor working conditions and left to pursue other musical endeavors. Four more boys were brought in to form Los Chamos' line up, and another album was released.
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