Akira stars
4 ай бұрын
First Day of Akira
4 ай бұрын
Akira happy and good feelings
foal ... :D
9 ай бұрын
Foal ... playing little game
10 ай бұрын
German Eurocopter Tiger
Жыл бұрын
Last Dance - Good time
2 жыл бұрын
Fire Dance
2 жыл бұрын
Cat learns DJ scratching
2 жыл бұрын
Cute Deer - is this Bambi?
2 жыл бұрын
2 жыл бұрын
Flying backwards
3 жыл бұрын
20. Mai 2021
3 жыл бұрын
20. Mai 2021
3 жыл бұрын
20. Mai 2021
3 жыл бұрын
15. Mai 2021
3 жыл бұрын
Foal slowmo Jumps around
3 жыл бұрын
Slowmo Foal - joyfull day
3 жыл бұрын
Super slowmo
3 жыл бұрын
Super Cute foal - First day
3 жыл бұрын
Horse gets up - sky high - RDR2
@francesjohnson8205 19 сағат бұрын
She definitely didn't like it. It was in her eyes. Then she put herself in between you and her. Very gentle mother.
@sarahmatthews5878 4 күн бұрын
Mom told baby get away from you. She doesn't b trust you around her baby.
@ladyx8671 5 күн бұрын
Нарядный коник и очень озорной! 🤩♥️
@WillyWoolyButt 6 күн бұрын
@Al-cynic 7 күн бұрын
What Star Wars episode is that creature from again?
@Rusticsewing 12 күн бұрын
something big and powerful can also be obedient
@KibaKitty 14 күн бұрын
Whiskers 😍
@unclebadger597 16 күн бұрын
This horse should be ridden by Ookla the Mok
@Bigbaymonstermare 16 күн бұрын
My horse does this ❤ we have a very special noise we only make for her that no one else ever makes. But she also knows our car. We’ve replaced our car several times in the almost 11 years we’ve owned her, and it takes her a couple of weeks to work out the sound of the engine of the new car and what it looks like. Everyone at our yard says how well-behaved and quiet she is, doesn’t make a peep. Well, when our car shows up, she’s all nickers and whinnies. Should she be napping when we arrive, I make the noise and her head ALWAYS shoots up and she spins to the direction of the sound with a nicker before she knows where I am or how close. Her head follows me around the yard. If I disappear by getting something from the car or our horse box (especially those two because we may be leaving without saying goodbye! Oh no! 😂) or I go to the bathroom, she panics and whinnies and paces until I’m back. If I stop and chat with someone or spend too much time not touching her or looking at her, she *_WILL_* paw or bang on her door if her stable guard isn’t up and the door is closed. I must be next to her, touching her. If I’m chatting within touching distance, her head goes over my shoulder and she puts the whole weight of her head over my shoulder and against my chest. Her eyes automatically close and she begins licking and chewing, with soft happy sighs in between. Should I stop touching her, her eyes cautiously open, I get a nudge and her eyes close again, and she’s absolutely still, waiting for me to continue. Should she be outside in a paddock, she’s hyper aware of the car turning up, even though she can’t see it through the bushes or behind the barn that’s in her way of her line of sight to us. We open the doors to the car, my husband and I (he has taken up riding of his own interest and volition, but I call it horse theft, even though I’m still clearly the favourite and he’s an “acceptable” replacement if I’m not up! 😂) and you can hear her nickering incessantly, whinnying if we don’t call her or she thinks we’ve taken too long, and you can hear her, trotting and/or cantering the fence line to her paddock. If she’s waited too long in her books, she’ll be bouncing up and down at the gate, and the closer you get, the quieter the nicker gets, until she’s almost completely silent, but her bottom lip is flapping about like she’s having a whole conversation with you. We had her at one yard when we lived on the other side of England (I’m a Canadian expat, here for the last 12 1/2 years) they had these enormous paddocks, but they were narrow….about 60ish feet wide, but very very long, about a 6-7 minute walk to the back fence line. There was a lady who shared a paddock next to us. She had two horses and her paddock buddy had one. My horse was in hers overnight in the summer months, and shared with one horse in the winter months, but had friends on either side of her and was very happy with this setup. She was so eager to see us, and the grass was the best at the very end of the paddock. We would walk up the path and she could only see us a bit walking up the path, so far away, because the bushes were kind of in the way. But she recognised the way we walked and as I walked towards her paddock I made that special noise, and she would almost scream back, and gallop at full tilt to the gate. Most of the time, she spotted us walking through the holes or spaces between bushes and she would whinny and gallop without the special sound. One day, the lady with two horses (who always seemed to be out pottering around in the paddocks) called me over to the fence line. She said, “you know how much I hate you, right?” I was taken aback. This was a mostly DIY yard with about 60 horses spread out and with my schedule, I rode mostly alone in the later bit of the evening, which could be nice since it was a busy yard, but by the time I got up there it was pretty much empty for the evening. I had met this woman twice, and she was always nice to me, so I was confused. She laughed and said “don’t you wonder why I’m always out here even though my poo picking is done and there’s nothing else to do?” I said that I didn’t really think about it. I was the only livery who cleaned out the automatic water troughs which were disgusting and filled with algae and when I first moved there, mosquito larvae….I spent three hours the first weekend draining and scrubbing it spotlessly clean. THREE HOURS. Word got around and people had the balls to ask (and two demanded) that I clean theirs, thinking I was being hired or would do it for them 🙄, but in the end it sparked a frenzy of cleaning by liveries of the water tanks after seeing the buckets of muck I pulled out of mine and had taken photos of. I assumed my neighbour was cleaning her trough, as with the record for the hottest and driest summer in England was that year and in order to keep the water clean, it needed attention several times a week, about 20-40 minutes a time. It turns out, that she had to spend 60-90 minutes daily trying to catch one of her horses, as her other horse was retired so she only rode the other one and even the retired one was somewhat difficult to catch and they tried everything. She had to coax them with buckets of feed, and eventually resorted to leaving their head collars/halters on them, with a short catch rope (they do this for foals; you leave a short bit of rope so they don’t get tangled in it, but it’s long enough that when trying to catch a baby without training or manners can be a chore for some babies, so a catch rope makes life easier to grab them…I was the one who suggested catch ropes for my neighbour) in the end which with the bucket of hard feed enabled her to catch the one horse she was after within 15-30 minutes instead of an hour and a half 😂 Anyway, she watched, night after night, as it was a game with my horse to see who spotted whom first - whether I got to call her and she would come galloping to me, or if it was her who managed to spot me first through the holes and gaps in the bushes and called *_ME_* and galloped up. She knew I was catching her to ride, which blew my neighbour away. So night after night, she watched with pure envy and lighthearted hatred for the situation as my horse was beyond excited to see me and she finally had the gumption to say something 😂😂 Until I left, she made jokes about it almost daily and sometimes it worked if she would grab my horse as she came to the gate and I would go take treats to her horse and catch him for her. We made it so he didn’t always see me as the person who tricked him into being caught. Every evening, I would give my horse a carrot and tell her to wait and I would slip through the fence to her horses who knew I was packing carrots in my pockets, and I would feed them one, scratch them in their favourite spot and fuss over them. About twice a week; we would have the owner wait in the barn and my husband would grab our horse and I would go give her horse a carrot, catch him for her, and bring him to her in the barn. The nights *I* caught him, she would go out before I got there or after she was done and treated her horses without bringing them inside, and in the end we cut the time way down. They wanted the carrots desperately. The grass stopped growing with the heat and no rain, and we would withhold hay until after he had been ridden, so they were eager for the carrot treats, having run out of their day hay. So in the end, we solved her problem of not being able to catch her horse, the woman’s husband was thrilled, because she was home almost 2 hours earlier every night and she was so thankful for our help. She turned out to be a good friend and we would occasionally swap horses; I helped her with her horse’s training, he got used to another rider, and she got a break and rode my thoroughly broke horse and not always something green (he didn’t hack well alone, and would spin with her; not take off, just spin). He had two riders telling him that wasn’t acceptable every time, and hacking out with a calm horse meant that he chilled out and was better behaved. She got company to ride with and as I said, a break from her very green horse to riding mine on the buckle. He turned into a nice little hacking horse, but I’ll never forget the night she told me she hated me 😂
@davidh7300 18 күн бұрын
Bro are you going to let your hair grow out? Horse: Neigh! (Yes in Korean)
@chveyk 18 күн бұрын
Интересно - сколько в этой лошади "лошадиных сил"?? 10-12?
@highlander5521 18 күн бұрын
So that's how you call a tank
@pillepolle3122 18 күн бұрын
Why no tail
@tbonemc2118 18 күн бұрын
The photography wasn't great but you'd have to go a long way to top that magnificent beast. Most of the big horses are truly gentle giants too. I had a Clydesdale I'd play with by hiding carrots in my pockets and he'd get all of them without any help from me.
@retiredcatlady 18 күн бұрын
That is so cute. Snort from mom is language for this little foal❤
@ScratchyBaws 19 күн бұрын
The horse ignored you then decided after a pause to go for a wee run then when you whistled again stopped dead. 🤣🤣 NO BOSS's seen here.
@simonetofani6357 19 күн бұрын
@mikejones-go8vz 19 күн бұрын
So powerful looking…and it moos 😳
@TrueWalker88 19 күн бұрын
So majestic. And with the birds, dreamy.
@Nicefoolkilla 19 күн бұрын
I can see where SkyRim got its inspiration from... what an absolutely gorgeous horse
@Nicefoolkilla 19 күн бұрын
I can see where SkyRim got its inspiration from! What an absolutely gorgeous horse!
@nuclearchris832 19 күн бұрын
These may be the most beautiful animals on earth
@ellyneilsen2865 19 күн бұрын
Such a magnificent creature!!
@bradfordbroswtent.8450 19 күн бұрын
Man alive that is one magnificent beast.
@lindamyers951 20 күн бұрын
Omg beautiful the hippie boots look sweet ❤
@valkyrie_arts 20 күн бұрын
Good god, he's BEAUTIFUL! I see why my mom has been enamored with horses her whole life ❤ What's the really annoying clicky sound? Is it a call or something like that?
@resQfurppl 20 күн бұрын
he moves beautifully! 🥰😍
@mikestirewalt5193 21 күн бұрын
What an incredibly beautiful horse . . . ! This is an animal with a mythical form yet is real. I've never seen one until now.
@Spradebasse100 21 күн бұрын
It moves like a playful dog 😊
@Flying_Doodle_Homestead 21 күн бұрын
Your cat looks like my cats twin!
@tdoax 21 күн бұрын
Well the bad news is he died 7months ago. But while he was dieying he has choosen someone to follow him
@Flying_Doodle_Homestead 21 күн бұрын
@@tdoaxI am so sorry to hear that 😢 Our girl is a super senior, she turns 17 in Aug! I’ll give her extra love and extra treats today, in memory of your sweet boy 💜
@ColaMixx3000 21 күн бұрын
Yeah... you smile Horseowner you smile. Wait untill the greek come out of this thing and take your city.
@AcroNix_BLue 21 күн бұрын
The most gentle little thing a mom could do a teach her foal a lesson🥰
@Hol902 22 күн бұрын
Wunderschöne Pferde 😍
@jeffmunkynutz1568 22 күн бұрын
"Im not going the WHOLE way" 🤣 This is a good horse.
@atimidbirb 22 күн бұрын
He's fucking beautiful
@russell-di8js 22 күн бұрын
Love a hairy heavy horse but hate the docked tail i'm afraid!!
@statelyelms 22 күн бұрын
Whup! Jamboree, Whup! Jamboree, With your long-tailed black mare comin' up behind, Whup! Jamboree, Whup! Jamboree, A-come and get your oats, my son.
@jamesbach3535 22 күн бұрын
My horse not only nickers every day but gives me kisses. We’ve been best friends for 24 years
@dinatonrecus6576 22 күн бұрын
Хвост купирован🙁👎
@timm4269 22 күн бұрын
Some real Zelda adventures here 🙂
@furygeist 22 күн бұрын
Ijust wanna ride a monster truck horse just once. 😩❤️
@Melissa-wq9be 22 күн бұрын
Link calling his horse in ocarina of time.
@edypolley4559 23 күн бұрын
What a beautiful boy!
@TheRealEtaoinShrdlu 23 күн бұрын
Just like in Skyrim 😂
@makita883 23 күн бұрын
@ladydiva295 23 күн бұрын
What a beauty! ❤🎉
@hansdampf640 23 күн бұрын
wow... how many horse power he have?
@shirley4726 24 күн бұрын
What a beauty!
@lilcat6091 24 күн бұрын
gosh, hese beautiful
@cherylclick1664 24 күн бұрын