Norrsken VC Fund II Announcement Video
Kapu | Norrsken Africa Week 2023
Salad | Norrsken Africa Week 2023
Lessons for a Global Tech Investor
Emata | Norrsken Africa Week 2023
Kwara | Norrsken Africa Week 2023
Fixa | Norrsken Africa Week 2023
@zeuschronos446 Күн бұрын
I have watched a lot of Daniels YT videos over the past 4/5 years, and this was one of his best. He just "F'ing let it rip!!!!" . Yeah it's Depressing, but it's the reality of what humanity has to face. My question is how do we get this message to the power brokers of the world to hear it, accept it and then do something about it. I used to be concerned about all the issue's of the Metacrisis, but with the current geopolitical situation, it seems like the Doomsday Clock is about to strike Midnight. And if anyone survives then all problems and their solutions will need to be radically re-thought.
@jdmac44 2 күн бұрын
I'm remembering the main reason that I was really excited about the possibilities and potential of AGI a couple of years ago: save us from ourselves. 😲
@russv.winkle8764 2 күн бұрын
Has Daniel gone completely nuts or is it Don Quixote syndrome ? There's no egalitarian paradise, only incentives. I shudder to think of Galaxy Brains calling all the shots
@laa2871 3 күн бұрын
I cant control the government, but i can, for now, protect the forest i live in, recycle the waste i produce, avoid plastic, plant gardens and maintain my life long love and respect of the natural world that surrounds me.
@NoYas-dk2mu 5 күн бұрын
Vegan is bad for you, I eat meat, lots of meat
@zionne2716 6 күн бұрын
Currently pharma and production have poisoned the land, the water, teh animals, every human being on the planet. Some more some less. This needs to stop. I was healthy and am 31 now in total the pharma industry destroyed my health. I m not relevant. I m just one stone of millions. Also few meds are as insane as it is properly tested and everything operates like a mafia. Some meds save lives, but many are dangerous and its victims silenced or they dont even know. E.g. why do animals not have heart attacks? Why is autism at 1/36 when it was 1/10000? Why is cancer and dementia rising? Why is child epilepsy rising? If the system is sobgreat why does human, animal and nature and planet get sicker and sicker? Something is deeply wrong. systemic corruption, pollutiin and toxic waste. Also. Co2 climate emergency is a scam. Truth is: they dont fking know what is influencing climate. And the sun and cloud are big factors. They increase the average temp with having stations near asphalt and closing stations in cold terrain. Voila artifically heaed. Then geoengineering is a thing. Just look at a the sky a lot at mornings and evenings. Google is also not your friend. Its algorithm is tailored to influence opinion. Additionally every system shuns those with dissenting views. Mao: punish 1, teach 100. So you think everyone agrees. But it is just that most adopt the opinions around them and those who dont dare too afraid to speak up. E.g. covid in my country so many scientists, doctos and professors are banished from society for different views. Oh how fragile a world is, how undemocratic if it can t even execute the first rule of science and philosophy: question everything.
@zionne2716 6 күн бұрын
He is 100% right. We cant just be aware and then forget or only talk we have t act or those few speaking out against corruption fight alone or in some cases are even silenced. Anytime someone comes close to cures for cancer, well they die. As if pharma let their biggest cash cow gow.
@123chupachups 11 күн бұрын
Did we really need the intro from the tanned guy??
@WaspMedia3D 12 күн бұрын
"boosted our wages" ... hahaha .. .good one! Pretty sure 90% of the boosting is profits. But more seriously - great presentation. I sold all my "stuff" now grow a garden and only buy local small farm meats, don't care for "toys", "status", or "money" (except where required to live), and I've never been happier with my choices. If only more people could do the same, and only if we didn't have such deep corruption everywhere in governments and corporations, the world would be in an entirely different place.
@Mark-Walsh 13 күн бұрын
There wasn’t a “genocide” of 100M native Americans. Most died from diseases accidentally introduced
@erikolsen6269 14 күн бұрын
Great content
@user-ym4kd3ye5e 15 күн бұрын
so what do we do besides feeling gilty and depressed? the questions were good, the problems were clear, once again, weak and too open solutions.
@AncientTexan 15 күн бұрын
A master plan is needed. A big, expensive study
@erikolsen6269 18 күн бұрын
2:34 did she mean extinct?
@ItsEltonSilvi 19 күн бұрын
I was first introduced to Daniel’s perspective during the pandemic and he was so refreshing to listen to. Partly because he’s learned to tap into higher frequencies. Listening to him today after years, the same message holds true. Only now, it’s coming with a warning. If we remember who we are, we’ll stop living such hateful lives. Watch his talk on emergence (you’re welcome)
@matthair8324 20 күн бұрын
Meet your fractional Jesus. Maybe that statement is met with animosity or denial, hell, Daniel himself would be appalled at the comparison. Yet many years from now, in in remorse of what we've lost, his words will be compiled as another fictitious entity that is itself a composition of all that was right. Of all his speeches and emphasis and poignant observations, he touches and skirts the obvious which we all deny. What would that be? Well, it sure as hell isn't fission or genetic manipulation or non-stick cookware that gives us perfect eggs while decimating the planet. The human ego. Everything else is purley a product of desire opposed to acceptance. Like his words, this likely goes to deaf ears. So I cut it here. I have the time to set my garden. Before that though, I'll preempt any of those religious fanatics that may seek to cut me down. I'm agnostic. I give not a farce or fuck to what you believe, even if I want to, and for very obvious reasons. No time for your ego.
@spazable1440 22 күн бұрын
If everyone stopped buying processed food & increased demand for produce…we would use less wrappers
@mb369b8 23 күн бұрын
Mao would be proud of the continued struggle session
@mandyshanks2327 28 күн бұрын
Danny needs to get rid of the Santa beard.
@weltraumaffe4155 Ай бұрын
For Moloch to die it will have to take billions of lives with it. No one "wants" to willfully do that. The other option is to prevent more lives from happening and to endure the catastrophe that will cause.
@artoftheheart11011 Ай бұрын
14:20 „the market pulls forward the best solutions“. Is this true, and who definies what the best solution is? Often just the most profitable solutions are pulled forward.
@ilovehanoivietnam2521 Ай бұрын
Oh god we are fed up with this scaremongering 😊 !
@christiansgrignoli3351 Ай бұрын
Can someone send me the research, because he didn't quote any. What research backs up all the imbedded assumptions?Whats Daniel's knowledge base on climate? Has he written a book about it? Im agnostic on the belief that man made climate change is the main threat we face. I have become skeptical of the climate change agenda. Claims made by climate change forecasters have been wrong many times. The climate change cause has become cult like. Mattias Desmet’s mass formation and totalitarianism. Have you made any economic or sociological discounts to the prevailing theory? The other discount is the dialectic towards centralized control. The UN agenda, the Trilateral commission, and the WEF all push the agenda - and all their solutions consolidate more power. Since covid, i dont believe public health is trustworthy significant capture by private industry. Ive noticed a similar phenomenon in colleges and scientific journals. There may be alligned incentives that can exert enough influence to fund the research, alter the data, or simply throw away data that doesnt confirm the assumptions. I worked in m&a and financial modeling, so i may be off base but a truism was garbage in garbage out. Covid was a display of techno authoritarian -censorship for jay battacharia,.schools shut down, the hollowing out of many institutions, semi forced Vaccinations albeit they had no risk/reward profile. Those societal pressures and laws provide a view into 21st century totalitarianism. It comes through emotional and fear response. The delivery system is weaponized "safety" and "empathy". That explains the large cultural revolution for neitzche transvaluation of values. Truth free speach, and merit are under attack. Power centralized greatly the previous 50 years. Public and private. Many industries have an oligopoli market of 3-8 sellers. At that stage, they find ways to collude and find common ground by creating interests group and lobbying payroll. The executive branch agencies have gotten mission creep and infringed upon our society in unconstitutional ways( FBI, DHS,CISA, CIA, DOD,FDA,CDC). I am fearful of power further aligning - many global orgs are aligned with industry, and the market created and the recent $ tril green infrastructure spending. our security and intel apparatus mix with CFR- Atlantic council- trilateral- the old and new money foundations(open society, Rockefeller, ford, gates). These and other orgs under control or funded by "anglo american establishment" have large influence over the international orgs like UN and WHO. I speculate these orgs will be used to centralize power out of the nation states that will de facto destroy sovereignty. Along with moves to gain control over the money and info supply. The momey.could be done by a large global market fiat $ - implementing a CBDC . Controlling info supply is underway throughout the west world from censorship by Hate laws. There's a governance problem when international orgs take power that supersedes nation state law with the potential to control energy, fertilizer and food, travel. Or use the WHO to enforce "misinformation " or forced Vaccinations.
@christiansgrignoli3351 Ай бұрын
Critical theory and postmodernism connects with neitzche in an ironic way. Neitzche insight was recognizing and terming "transvaluation of values". The current transvaluation is a terrible project, which inverted many of our beliefs; censorship becomes moderation. Racism becomes antiracism. Diversity becomes uniformity. Privilege become victims. Liberal becomes authoritarian. men become women. Values become weapons.
@christiansgrignoli3351 Ай бұрын
Daniel is brilliant, but this talk is subpar. There is no groundbreaking ideas. He makes alot of assumptions, and vague pontificating. What is Daniel's current role- other than media and podcasts? What problems is he solving for? Is the concilliance project still running?
@brianrobinson3236 Ай бұрын
Fascinating and important. I need to watch it again and perhaps again after that.
@suffering_sucks Ай бұрын
Is his hair brown or gray?
@connorfrankston5548 Ай бұрын
What’s driving the world to these problems is a flip book full of prisoner’s dilemmas.
@eldjoudhi Ай бұрын
If people collaborated instead of competed , less than the hundredth of the world datacenters can be more than sufficient to answer REAL problems regarding the well being of most people AND the environment. Cybersocialism was already tried in 1970 ( can you imagin) with only three small mainframes in Chile to serve the people. And guess which empire killed that project? Check the video below to learn about project cybersyn.
@maurameng133 Ай бұрын
I’m not impressed. Just because the delivery is intellectual doesn’t mean it’s inherently meaningful. I’m hearing the zeitgeist of the moment, yes. But there are assumptions that aren’t well considered. “Human history as it has been so far”…like, you could look at that a million ways. I live in a territory that is challenged by two different societies coming together, power imbalances, and one society has a 30,000 year history in one place. they remember the giant animals of the last ice age. I’m not saying “trust indigenous knowledge” because there’s problems. My point is, it’s hard to imagine a different way of living. It’s hard to imagine living with stone age tools and the fear of being drowned by giant beavers, but they did for a long time. Now a days, we’re fleeing from forest fires that are getting worse every year. Most of us could be homeless and living in tents again. Human individuals may be stuck in the day to day making a living and going through the motions, but maybe that’s the way out too. There’s a dread of pending disaster, and then there’s getting through. It all comes to a head in our day to day lives, and we know it’ll be hard but it’s occupying a large and looming storm that’s just reaching just the edges of land so far. Like Tich Nat Han and the importance of being calm for others in the refugee boats when he was fleeing Vietnam. Be depressed is bad advise. Acceptance is important but stay calm.
@vivalaleta Ай бұрын
The super powers are run by sociopaths.
@danilocastelli2435 2 ай бұрын
"That thing has to die or the biosphere will die" Thunderous silence.
@mandyshanks2327 2 ай бұрын
Can Michael please speak with Douglas Murray. Some people are angels.
@mandyshanks2327 2 ай бұрын
Come back Daniel. We need you.
@meredrums1 2 ай бұрын
Dude, we'll be ok. 03/29/2024. (feels weird to write 2024). AI will suck up more energy that is produced on the entire planet.
@vvvvxxxx9999 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for helping me.
@fransbaars3250 2 ай бұрын
43:35 in my view the only solution that can be effective is a evolution of awareness - we have to evolve to non dual awareness - once we fully realize that all seemingly separate entities are in essence one fundamental consciousness it becomes impossible to keep acting in limited self-interest. Nothing else will do…
@holda13 2 ай бұрын
Donate your Rolex to science !
@meinratsenf 21 күн бұрын
If science would be the answer, there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.
@tarantino666 2 ай бұрын
not sure if it was just me, but the laughter and applause from the publicum after Schmachtenbergers initial statement "...that what I've been reflecting on" felt highly dissonant from a proper reaction. Maybe I'm in a state already where i just can't squeeze out any positive emotion when it comes to our current state of civilization
@atomo2971 2 ай бұрын
4:34 I genuinely hope this made Daniel laugh like it did me
@kchwophy 2 ай бұрын
Amazing stuff
@iddefusco 2 ай бұрын
@JD.......... 2 ай бұрын
28:03 - 32:20 That was monumental
@JD.......... 2 ай бұрын
I don't believe most people realize the utter cognitive courage it takes to inquire deeply into questions like this as Daniel does...
@astrologerclimatewitness3787 6 сағат бұрын
Exactly ..if really does...take courage. I find that ...I am alone..among my family..and the few friends I have...ooohh they still talk to is ..not really..." connected ".. to any reality . My sister..just gave me a lecture on recycling again today .not that I don't do it .but .when I mentioned how .it is not...going to save us. And that the plastics .should not be made in the first place..she was annoyed....that's it . She also..hates it when I say .."The ...industrial civilization.
@faithdada5990 3 ай бұрын
Really impressive
@datamongerbonny 3 ай бұрын
I guess it was about 7 years or so when I decided to go for a run by the sea listening to London School of Economics podcast. Lucky for me Kate was talking and my world perspective immediately changed. Over the years I discovered Nate, Daniel, Tristan and many others. Now when I see them all on the same stages I know we are on to something...
@elephantman2415 3 ай бұрын
I've been through the depression and am now out on the other side and I am fundamentally optimistic about the future.
@Consciousness_of_Reality 2 ай бұрын
I realized that no philosophy or video could make me depressed, I wish people had that resilience instead of sucumbing to misery.
@BryanAlexander 3 ай бұрын
32:01 - what's the acronym he mentions, MOWOK?
@BryanAlexander 3 ай бұрын
Was it the Biblical Moloch?
@olivergilpin 2 ай бұрын
Moloch - check Liv boeree’s work
@BryanAlexander 2 ай бұрын
Thank you,@@olivergilpin . She's new to me.
@olivergilpin 2 ай бұрын
you're welcome. have a wonderful weekend Bryan@@BryanAlexander
@aristotleinbottle8012 3 ай бұрын
@MrDunk1n 3 ай бұрын
The wavering in Daniels voice is haunting. Not sure if its his discomfort of public speaking or the subject matter of the discussion but he (justifiably) sounds like he is on the verge of tears