@pandierik8346 7 ай бұрын
Sir/ lady, just lower the music volume please, it is so exagerated and unnecesarry.
@superiorquality7157 10 ай бұрын
Now this is our Revolution
@misteraxeman2680 Жыл бұрын
I still cringe and feel bad about selfish and dumb decisions I made as a kid and the more mistakes I keep making, the more I have to stress about
@michaeljones-bv1lx Жыл бұрын
Don’t judge yourself bro with that don’t judge others or you will judge yourself
@kapilbhavsar6735 8 ай бұрын
@kevinedwards7079 Жыл бұрын
I am dealing with this and it's because of you sir and I will help others to help myself even though I am less I want to be more and that's what I take from you. Sir
@FuckFace-ew9yq Жыл бұрын
@Lucacarrara3173 Жыл бұрын
wth is this music
@LaurenSoniaPrager Жыл бұрын
Forgive me God My heart is broken.
@RVCHAT Жыл бұрын
strong true words. the music not helpful. sounds like an ad.
@nahimabella Жыл бұрын
I wish I could've listened to this without the loud background music
@randomnumbers84269 Жыл бұрын
The visuals were a bit distracting as well.
@ROMANEMPIRE69 Жыл бұрын
Well put it simply the mistakes I e make put me where I’m at now. There is always the right if I had taken some major choices a different way. Maybe or maybe not would I be in a better situation
@Kisuke323 Жыл бұрын
Wow, the video and music doesn´t work with his words at all.
@johnrainsman6650 Жыл бұрын
I'm not so sure I can forgive myself. I feel like what happened at work _defines_ me. I was taken to my supervisor's office with her and a high-ranking chef. They (or mostly the chef) told me that I've been touching my coworkers too much. Not THAT type of touch, of course not! Just casual ones, like on arms or shoulders. I was always very outgoing at work. When I asked her if anyone reported a complaint, she said it didn't matter. She told me that we need the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment, and that I pretty much shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school (I work at a university's catering service). She told me I shouldn't tell my stories because they may be inappropriate to my coworkers. Now yeah, I pretty much don't have a filter, and sometimes I guess I do say inappropriate stuff at work, but not horribly nor intentionally. I like to joke around and have fun with my coworkers (and I know they like to have fun with each other too), but I guess it isn't like that after all (more or less). I really didn't get specific information from the chef about what and who. She understands and likes that I'm outgoing, but she made it sound risky and in need of limits, for good behavior and my coworkers' sake. And again, that I shouldn't touch my coworkers (shoulders or arms) without their consent. But seriously, I'm not a creep! I don't randomly hug people or anything like that. I didn't mean to be so "handsy" (I say loosely). I'm so embarrassed about the office lecture. I am not like Biden at all. I'm really not. Have I really gone that far at work? It shouldn't have _gotten_ to that point. I'm an adult, not a kid who needs a timeout or a teenager who gets detention. I've been depressed and self-doubtful ever since. I wish I wasn't on the spectrum; allistics are so lucky.
@HeadCrabbyPatty Жыл бұрын
What do you know of being allistic? Besides it's unfortunate that the work environment has become awkward, but if there were no bigger repercussions isn't everything quite allright overall? What exactly does this "define" you as?
@Mantras-and-Mystics Жыл бұрын
Hey! Don't beat yourself up there! You are innocent. Nothing was intentional on your part. Just adhere to the guidelines they've given you. 😊 It must have been embarrassing - but they must really like you a lot to take the time to tell you how you can do better in your job. No more self recrimination, okay? 💙
@johnrainsman6650 Жыл бұрын
@@Mantras-and-Mystics I'm sorry, I don't agree with the "they must like you to help you do better" comment (no offense). See, that's like saying a bully likes you enough to make you stronger. I mean, yeah, the chef said she was telling me this stuff to make me successful, and that she just wanted to make I understand, but I'm not entirely sure I trust her word. It could be a patronizing cover-up. Kind of like, "I can't go on a pity date with this person, that's mean and hurtful," when you _really_ mean, "Ew, I don't want to date this pitiful person at all." Besides, I don't think they like me at all. Besides, having fought through the blinding guilt, I finally saw where the chef went wrong herself. 1. Bringing me to my boss's office formerly, instead of just some hallway for a respectful sensitive talk (with just her, for only a minute or two). 2. Being firm and restrictive about touching people. All or nothing isn't really fair, especially when you just compromise and loosen up a bit. I'd leave people who don't seem to like me so much alone. Besides, a middle-aged man and woman from the dining department have casually touched my arm and shoulder; it's not creepy. I should've asked the chef what the difference was between that and my "creepy" touches. 3. She was insensitive when she said to my boss "Is there anything you want to add?" That made me feel like a bad guy, who was nothing more than worthy of reprimand. 4. She did not own the way she treated me. No apologies, nothing. You don't make someone feel like that and not consider it. 5. Which leads us to this: the next day, she asked me how I was. Why the heII did I not say, "Uhh...I'm sorry, why would you ask me that question after yesterday? Not to sound rude or sarcastic, but did you really think I would say "good"? And that point is fair. Why _did_ she ask after the way she treated me the previous day? So as you can see, I am full of resentment toward her; I _own_ my mistake, _but_ ...I still think the two women embellished how "bad" it was. If a coworker doesn't seem particularly outgoing or pleasant, no causal touches then; if they do (and this is college kids we're talking about), I don't see the harm in the innocent touches I've gotten from friendly people. Like I said, it's not creepy. And now we're at a boiling point. I'm actually thinking about telling the chef (however the conversation would come up) that I almost got hit by a car last week. Now yes, that might seem cruel and spiteful, but maybe that's best. If I disliked and judged someone immensely, I would let it go and appreciate them if something bad almost happened to them. Maybe it's good if she and my boss found out I almost got kiIIed.
@kevinedwards7079 Жыл бұрын
Not sure but seems you gonna be ok I read in here spirit of defiance girl in you now all you got to do is stop with the emotions
@johnrainsman6650 Жыл бұрын
@@kevinedwards7079 my emotions?