Investigating Jesus: Luke 21:1-38
Palm Sunday: Jesus Our Deliverer
Investigating Jesus: Luke 17:11-19
Week of Prayer: Talking to God
Week of Prayer: Being with God
@kristinerichard1850 4 жыл бұрын
Words the world needs to hear! thank you in Jesus name i pray for you
@susanneclarke8049 4 жыл бұрын
Good word Pastor Jason!!
@severomasut6801 4 жыл бұрын
Exercise definitely helps me with my mental health. Helps to keep aniexty levels down
@joygilliland24 4 жыл бұрын
Happy Father’s Day Tony, Levi, and Micah. Love you guys
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
Katie, you are such a joy to listen to! Thank you for sharing such an important message! ❤️
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
My verse today is 1 Corinthians 14:1 - Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts especially the gifts of prophecy. My observation here is very clear that to live with love is our greatest instruction from God. Spiritual gifts are gifts of love. My application is that I first need to live and then seek and desire to receive the gift of tongues and prophecy and to be happy with the gift I have been given which is to help the hurting heart, those who are experiencing homelessness; which is a gift I am truly thankful for! My prayer is this: Thank You Lord for Your Love, for the gift you have given me! I am so thankful to be part of Your family because I do not know how I would get through this life! Thank you for the storms I have experienced so that I can help others go from despair to hope! Help me Lord to be an ambassador for You so that those who do not know You will come to know Your indescribable love! In Jesus name I pray! Amen
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
The Scripture that spoke to me today is 1 Corinthians 14:1 Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. - my observation here is that Paul is sharing the meaning and importance of spiritual gifts and that these gifts come from love. “Follow the way of love” is a clear instruction as to how we are to conduct ourselves. There is nothing greater than love and if we are to help the unbelievers, we need to live our lives in a way that others can see love, God’s love. My prayer is this.. Heavenly Father, Thank you for Your incredible love and the gifts of love: tongues, prophecy, love, helping others... thank you that Your Word is love and I pray that I will continue to seek Your Love so that I can have a closer relationship with You and share Your love with others. Although I do not have the gift of tongues, I thank you for the gift of helping others and I pray that Your love will shine upon all whom You put in my path to help! Help me Lord to share Your Word and Your love, in Jesus name I pray! Amen!
@severomasut6801 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. Mental health during Covid is important
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
Such a powerful message! My greatest desire is to be an Ambassador that represents God that Leads people to Him! I want to be an Ambassador that speaks out against injustices! I want to be an Ambassador that God uses to bring change that will make a better world for everyone! So thankful to have such God fearing Ambassadors in our Church! Thank you Clayton and all of our Pastors for your Leadership!! One thing that I have really learned this past year is that when I have done wrong, that I do apologize rather than try to hide it or make excuses for it and then strive to change that behaviour. Thank you for todays message! God Bless!! I can't wait to see you all in person!! :) <3
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
I chose 12:12 The body is a unit though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. My observation is that no matter the gift when you are a member of God’s family we are all one; united even though there is diversity in the gifts. We become one with God, and we are all Gods family no matter where we came from, the colour of our skin, our background or heritage... we become one with Christ! The application is this, that we need to love one another, no matter how different we are or the gift we have, because we are all part of God’s family! My prayer is this: thank you Lord for the gift you have given me to help the hurting heart! Help me Lord to use that gift to honour You and to help others come to know You! Help me Lord to not see myself as lesser because I do not have the gift of tongues but to be Thankful for the gift You have given me! Thank you Lord for my church family and for being part of Your family, which is the greatest gift of all! Help me to lead others to You! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
Today I chose 1 Corinthians 13:3 if I give all I posses to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. The observation is that the message is stating that without love, we have nothing and are nothing. We are given gifts but if we don’t use them in live then those gifts are useless. The application is that in all that we do, we need to do it with love. If we want change and a better world, then we need to be the love that this world needs! Love is the greatest gift of all. My prayer is this - Thank You Lord that You first loved me. Thank You that You have shown me Your incredible and indescribable love! Help me Lord to make sure that in all that I do, and n all that I speak, that it is filled with Your Love! Please remove from me anything that is not filled with love. Help me to be an example to others and be the love that is so desperately needed in this world! I pray Lord that in all that I do that others, those who know you and those who don’t, will see Your Love shine through me so that they will want to know Your love too!! I pray this in Jesus mighty and precious name! Amen!! ♥️
@kristinerichard1850 4 жыл бұрын
Truly a wonderful service thank you
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
Today I chose first Corinthians 11:28, 29 a man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgement on himself. My observation here is that Paul is warning us to ensure that we are right with God before we partake of his body and blood. We need to examine ourselves and repent and surrender to Christ or we will be sinning against the body and blood of Christ and bring judgement on ourselves. My application is this - I need to ensure that I repent and surrender myself to Christ daily. I need to do a personal inventory of myself to ensure that I am right with God so that when I partake of His Body and Blood, that I am right and respectful to God! I need to make sure that I am doing my daily devotions so that I am knowledgeable in God’s Word so that I am living a life in obedience to Christ! My prayer is this - Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your word so that we have the perfect guide to knowing you, loving you, and living a life of obedience to you. Help me Lord to daily examine who I am, how I am; to repent and surrender to you daily! I pray each day that I will grow closer to you and know you more do that I live in obedience each day! Also, in regards to unity/division, I pray that I will never be one to cause division but be one to pray for unity and be an example of unity. I pray that where there is division, that You will bring it to light so that we can work towards unity! Thank You Lord!! In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen!
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
Today I chose 1 Corinthians 10:31- 33- So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble weather Jews, Greeks or the church of God - even as I try to please everybody, in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many so that they may be saved. - my observation is that Paul is telling the Christians that we need to do everything for the glory of God and ensure that we are not acting in any manner that will cause another to stumble. Living to glorify God and not ourselves will be beneficial for matter who they are or what their background is. My application is that I need to read God’s Word, be knowledgeable in His Word so that I live an obedient life to Christ. I need to ensure that I am being the example that will bring people to Christ but also not cause my fellow brothers or sisters to stumble in their walk. - my prayer is this - Heavenly father, Lord Jesus, I just thank you so much God for the love that you have for us. I thank You Lord for Your Word so that we can come to know You more and learn how to live for You to the fullest. Heavenly father, help me to be the example that I need to be for my fellow brothers and sisters but also to draw people closer to You . Use me to draw people to You! I pray Lord that I will seek You, seek Your Word so that I am able to be the example I need to be and become knowledgeable in Your Word! Use me Lord to reach those who do not yet know You, those who are hurting; those who are lost. In Jesus mighty and precious name I pray! Amen!
@ld3125 4 жыл бұрын
Liked and shared
@ld3125 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you ccc team
@roxannewebber4045 4 жыл бұрын
liked and shared, good morning church
@sabrinathomas3803 4 жыл бұрын
Good morning!
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
1 Corinthians 9:19 is the verse I chose. Though I am free and belong to no man I make myself a slave to everyone to win as many as possible. In chapter 9, Paul speaks of giving up rights, giving up supports so that he could live just as those he was trying to reach, to share the message of the gospel to. - the application for myself is that I too need to meet people where they are at, love them where they are at and be an example so that they too will come to know Christ. - my prayer is this, Dear Heavenly Father, thank you, that before I came to know You, Yoy sent others to me to be an example, to share your message so that I would come to know you to! Heavenly father I pray that I will be that same example to others l, to those who are hurting, to those who are living a life without you Lord God, a life that is empty. I pray God that I will reach them and share Your Word, ao that they will come to know You too, so that they will live a life for You. I pray Lord God that they too will have a desire to share Your Word and Your love with others so that more will come to know You, more will heal and grow closer to You! Lead me Lord, in a way that I too will meet people where they are at so that I will be able to bring others to Christ! I pray this in Jesus mighty precious name! Amen
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
When I first started reading chapter 8, I had chosen versus 2 to 3 but as I read it again, verse 13 is what spoke to me. Far too often we are not the examples that we need to be for those who are watching us, for the new Christians and for our loved ones that we need to be examples for. Verse 13 says, “therefore if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin I will never eat meat again so that I will not caused him to fall. Here Paul is presenting himself as an example for the church and we need to do the same. My application is this that I need to be more aware of the example that I am so that those who are watching, even though I may not know, will see an example of someone who loves God; someone who knows God’s love. My prayer is this, Dear Heavenly Father, again I thank you so much for Your Word. I thank you Lord that through Your Word, we grow closer to You and we learn what we need to do, to be, and to act so that we can be examples of the love that you have for us so that others will come to know You. Help me Lord to not ever do anything that will cause anyone to stumble and fall away from you. Please forgive me Lord for the times that I have and I pray Lord that You will make me more aware of those times so that I may not be a reason or cause for someone to stumble and fall. Help me Lord to be the opposite, to be an example of your love so that others will come to know You and Your love and want to serve you! In Jesus mighty precious name I pray, amen!
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
Today I have chosen three verses from chapter 7 verses 32 to 35 - I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs how he can please the Lord but a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world how he can please his wife and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord. - my observation here, a someone who is not married, is that I am not able to fully give God my undivided devotion if I were married as I would also have a devotion to my husband. Although Paul is not saying it is wrong to be married, he is just saying it is better to be single so that we can give God our full devoted attention. I also see that, as someone who is single, that I should be thankful and use my time wisely and devote it fully to Christ so that when I do get married, that I will still be all I can be for Christ and endure that my husband had the very same desire. Rather see being single as a negative, I need to really see it as a blessing! I have come to realize how important having a positive perspective really is. - my prayer is this - Heavenly Father, Thank you Lord for Your Word! Thank You Lord that through Your Word, You speak into our hearts and minds so that we may live a life that is pleasing to You! Help me Lord, to always seek Your Word so that I can live a life fully devoted to You!! I pray Lord that in this time that I am not married, that I will not focus on that but that I will focus on using this time wisely, to grow and know You more. I also pray that when the time comes and I do marry, that my husband is also fully devoted to You and wanting to know more of a You and to live a life in obedience to You! Thank you Lord that through Your Word, I am able to have a new and positive perspective that removes the negative thoughts that the enemy wants me to have. Thank You Lord for the joy and hope I have in You!! May You use me to share that same joy and hope with others so that they too can rebuke the lies and negative thoughts from the enemy. In Jesus mighty and precious name I pray. Amen!
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
Today the scripture I chose was one Corinthians 61 if any of you has a dispute with another dare he take it before the ungodly for judgement instead of before the Saints? - here Paul is talking about civil disputes rather than criminal disputes. He is saying that if we have a disputed with someone, it is better to be cheated than to take it to court. Further on he states that if we have law suites amongst ourselves that we are already defeated. We should be able to address the issues with a third person, being a: elder, Pastor, mentor, rather than to take the matter outside of the church. Even those who are wicked, God will deal with them as they will not inherent the kingdom of God. There is no greater sentence than to live eternity without Christ. - my application is this - if I have a disputed or issue that is unsettling with a fellow brother or sister, I need to, not only, address it but also to seek a qualified Christian to help resolve the matter. Another point I see in this is that I also need not gossip about the issue either. To go to others rather than deal with the issue with the person, only causes separation amongst my other brothers and sisters. - my prayer is this, Dear Lord, Thank you so much for the guidance You give us through Your Word of how to live and act in a loving and peaceful way. Thank you Lord that through Your Word, we have guidelines and direction to live in a peaceful world. Help me to be an example so that others will see and know Your great love so that they too will come to know the love and peace Your Word leads us to. I pray that if I have a dispute with anyone that I will address it according to the direction You have set out before me. Thank You Lord for Your love and direction!! May I always seek You in all that I do! In Jesus mighty name I pray! Amen!
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
Today my scripture is 1 Corinthians 5:12 - What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. Expel the wicked man from among you. - My observation is this - Paul is saying that we, as Christians, have a duty to speak up to our fellow brothers and sisters when they are not following God’s Word. We need to be examples for those who do not know Christ. If we are not living for Christ in obedience, then what kind of example are we to those who are watching us?? In regards to those who do not know Christ, God will judge them, and we just need to love them. - my application is this - I want to ensure that I am living for Christ and being the example that I need to be for those who do not know Christ. If I see a brother or sister in Christ, not following God’s Word, I have a responsibility to go to them, in love, and talk to them about their behaviour. - My prayer is this - Heavenly Father, Thank you Lord for those who prayed for me when I was not living a life of obedience to You. Thank you so much Lord for my new life with You! I don’t know where I would be without You. Help me Lord to be a true example of Your Love and to walk in obedience. I pray Lord that others will see Your love shine through me so that they will want to know Your Love too!! I pray that if I start to walk on the path that is not Yours, that You will open my eyes so that I will see it is not a path that leads to You so that I can turn around and return to the path that does lead to You. In Jesus Mighty and precious name I pray. Amen
@ricochet705 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing these devotionals, listening to them on my way to work every morning. Need to buy a notepad. Lol
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
Today I didn’t choose just one, but I did want to make an observation, that I see, regarding the letters. It isn’t just the words in the letters but the passion behind them, the dedication and sincerity; the faith and belief in Jesus that has spoke to me today. When he describes his physical condition and the state he was in to the Corinthians.. 1 Corinthians 4:11... “to this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless.” .. and still is pleading with them to follow his example - 1 Corinthians 4:17 - for this reason I am sending to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church.” He speaks about being weak and dishonoured...and that when he is cursed, he blesses; when persecuted, he endures it!! He is saying that although this is happening to him, he is still holding onto what he knows is true.. that the message of the Cross is true!! His passion and desire to continue to share the message of the Word of God, is absolutely beautiful and so encouraging for us today, in this very time we are living in! Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that no matter how hard this life becomes, that I never lose sight of Jesus, that I continue to be an example of a follower and as a child of God ... no matter what struggles or battles I face! I pray this for everyone and that others will come to know that the Word of God and the message of the Cross is true!! I pray that more will desire to seek You and know You!! I pray this in Jesus name! Amen!
@joygilliland24 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Tony ..... going to follow along on this series. Love and miss you guys, hug Marnita for me.
@larryculham2858 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your commitment to doing this. It is reassuring to see our church leaders online frequently to maintain "social closeness" and helps keep me grounded!
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
Today I chose 1 Corinthians 3:5-7. What, after all is Apollos? and what is Paul? only servants through whom you came to believe - as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollo’s watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants or he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes all things grow. My observation is that Paul is telling the people that they are praising and worshipping mere men who can do nothing without Christ. They can only share God’s Word but God is the one who saves, who is worthy to be worshipped and praised... not a servant who can only do the purpose God has given to them. The application is to focus on God, to remind myself that without Christ I can do nothing, the praise and glory is all to God! I recognize that I am His servant whom God has a purpose and plan for but nothing is possible without Him! My prayer is this, Heavenly Father, thank you that there’s nothing you can’t do and that with You, all things are possible! Help me to remember that it is not me but it is all You! Also, please help me Lord to know that I’m not here to feed the 10,000 but to provide the bread and the fish, as you have assigned me to do, and that you will feed the 10,000! Help me to focus on You and to seek You in prayer every single day so that I will know what it is that You will have me do! Thank you Lord that without you nothing is possible and with you everything is possible! In Jesus name I pray, amen!
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
Today I chose 1 Corinthians 2:15 - The spiritual man makes judgements about all things but he himself is not subject to any man’s judgement: this verse spoke to me in a very personal way. My observation is that the message is that for those who have been saved, are able to make judgments because they are filled with the Spirit but those who are not saved can not judge as they are not filled with the Spirit. My application is a personal one. I need to stop allowing, those who are not saved, to judge my actions, beliefs and desires because they are not Spiritual! I spend too much time worrying about what others think and need to direct my focus onto how God sees me! Those who are not Spirit filled, are not qualified yet I tend to let it have some power over me. I then struggle with my identity in Christ because I’ve allowed those who are not Spirit filled, to dictate to me who I am when I really am a child of God, I have been made new in Christ!! This is my prayer, Heavenly Father, Thank you for Your love and because of that love I have been made new! Help me Lord to not allow those who are not Spirit filled to pursued me into feeling less than or have an influence on how I see myself. Help me Lord to never forget that I am Your child and that what others say will not take away my identity in You!! Thank you Lord! In Jesus name I pray!! Amen
@jo-annenaismith5669 4 жыл бұрын
Good Morning - miss you all - church at home in Wasaga Beach!
@susanneclarke8049 4 жыл бұрын
This the day that the Lord has made! From collingwood!
@mervbrockwell6462 4 жыл бұрын
What a dynamic preacher....god job Jason.....can’t wait to get to gathering with you in person......keep safe. merv
@barbthompson1201 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you to all who have made these online services possible! I enjoy the worship , the word, and the prayers! God bless!
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
There are many encouraging and supportive Scriptures in Romans 16 but I also chose verses 17-18. I urge you brothers to watch out for those who caused divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teachings you have learned keep away from them for such people are not serving our Lord Christ but their own appetites by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naïve people. This spoke to me because although there are other sources and churches who claim to be “the truth or source of hope”, they are deceptive and only wanting to make a name for themselves rather than acknowledge the truth and the message of God. There are many who claim to be but are not serving God... they are serving their own appetites.. we need to be aware and stay away from such people. my prayer is this- Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you that Your Word is the Truth, The Way and the Life! Thank you that through Your Word, we find direction as to how to live for You and obey You, to have opened eyes to those who are trying to deceive and put obstacles in our walk with You. I pray Lord that my eyes will always be fixed on You and that I will be aware of those who try to deceive me. Help me Lord to share Your truth to others so that they too will not be deceived by the lies of this world that are leading them astray. Open their eyes to see that You are the Truth, The Way and The Life!! I pray this in Jesus Mighty Name!! Amen!! ♥️
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
The Book of Romans has been an incredible source of support for me in my current situation. Romans 15:1-4, really spoke to me. We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the week and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbour for his good to build him up. For even Christ did not please himself but as it is written: the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me. For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. - as I read this, it brings me to tears. As I currently work with people who are experiencing homelessness, this scripture really spoke to me. This position, is not about me but about building up those who are in need of hope, of a joy that they have not had or lost. In this journey there will be those who will insult or not understand the hope they really need...but Christ is the only hope and even though there will be struggles and obstacles, it is through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope... which is what I have because of God’s Word and the incredible church family that has been an incredible source of support for me, and others to continue to do God’s work. God has taught me that no matter how awful things can be or hurt, He is right there and He is my source of hope and He is for everyone!! God is so good!! My prayer is this- Heavenly Father, Thank you for the love and hope you give to us all! Thank you that though Your Word, we can get through the battles and struggles of this world and that we have a new life waiting for us when this is over. Thank you that until you take us home, You give us what we need to endure the heartaches and You give us a hope that keeps us going!! I Thank You Lord that I have a new journey because of You and I pray that You will use me to share that same hope to others! I pray that no matter how many insults or heartaches I endure, that I never lose sight of the hope you are! In Jesus name I pray! Amen
@MrKaiden2 4 жыл бұрын
Love this!
@dianegraham8024 4 жыл бұрын
Pastor Tony - thank you for feeding your sheep so well. I'm grateful for the time you've taken to take us through this study. It was much appreciated.
@dianegraham8024 4 жыл бұрын
The verse I choise was verse 17 (NLT) "And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them." In writing to the Romans, Paul, nearing the end of his third missionary journey, endeavours to share his understanding of the gospel to his readers. In closing, he makes one last appeal to them to not be led astray be people who are not teaching what Paul has taught and explain not only how divisive these individuals can be but how they can bring confusion to people's faith by their teaching. He's very clear in his censure of such people and cautions them firmly, "Stay away from them." In our culture there are a lot of conflicting voices declaring their version of the "truth" and for me it's important that I know the scriptures well, so that I am able to discern when someone is teaching something that is contrary to God's word - the only reliable source of truth in our culture. My prayer: Father I pray that you would give me ears to hear when someone is teaching something that is contrary to your word. I pray that you would grant me discernment to recognize where your word is being twisted to say something that you never meant it to say. Thank you Father.
@dianegraham8024 4 жыл бұрын
I chose two verses today, verse 4 and verse 13. Verse 4 (NIV) tells us, "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope." Verse 13 (NIV) tells us, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." These stood out to me today because they tell me where I can find hope and joy and peace. In our culture we can often look for these things in all the wrong places and things. Yet here we find that our source is the scriptures, inspired by the Holy Spirit for our benefit. In verse 13 we find that in fact our God is the God of hope and that He dispenses this hope through His Holy Spirit. We know that the Holy Spirit imparts spiritual gifts to every believer, but how often have we considered that He also imparts joy and peace and hope. Verse 13 tells us that this provision of hope will be provided in measures that can be described as abounding or super abundance of overflowing with hope. My prayer: Father I pray that I will always turn to you, to your Word and to your Holy Spirit for the true joy, peace and hope that only you can provide.
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
The Scripture I chose today was Romans 14:1 - Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. My observation is that we are to just love one another no matter what. We should not look at others differently and we are not to judge. We should be respectful and give others no reason to feel less than just because we are different. My prayer is this - thank you Lord for all that You have done for me and how You have helped me grow in my faith. Help me to remember that I once was in a different place in my walk with You and that there were so many that walked beside me to help me, love me, and guide me. Help me to be that same person to others! Thank You Lord for Your Word so that I can continue to grow in my walk with You!! In Jesus name I pray. Amen
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
I chose Romans 13:3 - For rulers hold no fear for those who do right but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and He will command you. - this scripture is pretty clear that, no matter what, do what is right! God is the One in authority, and if we live our lives in His law, we have nothing to fear. If we don’t... then we do have something to fear. - knowing Gods law, His Commandments, will guide me to do what is right. If I obey these Commandments, then I have nothing to fear... for it is God’s authority that reigns over all.. and so it is His authority, that I must obey! - my prayer is this.. Heavenly Father, you have to used many simple people to bring us Your Word, and provided us with a guide to follow so that we would know what is expected of us and how to be obedient to you so that we would have nothing to fear and everything to gain! Thank you for Your Commandments and I pray that I will be obedient and respectful and an example of your love. Help me Lord to know when I have started to veer away from Your directions so that I can get back onto the right path; the path that leads to You! May I take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ! In Jesus mighty and precious name I pray! Amen
@dianegraham8024 4 жыл бұрын
I chose verses 13 and 19 today. Although this passage is primarily focused on eating habits and how we can be prone to judge each other. This is especially true if our eating habits are a reflection of our faith or religious practices. I feel that these two verses address in more general terms that we're not to judge one another. We're to let God be the judge of both ourselves and others. Rather we're admonished that we're to pursue peace and to build each other up. This is another place where it is important to take every thought captive. We can so easily judge others for their behaviour or their looks or their language. But we don't know their stories - only God knows the path that's brought them to this place in their lives. I find that I can be judgmental of people at times, but once I take time to hear their story, my heart is always changed. Understanding can then flow, along with compassion, mercy and grace. It is so true that we see the externals, but God sees the heart, so who are we to judge. Often, when I'm having difficulty with an individual I will pray that God would show me that person through His eyes. That always results in a change in me, because His love and tenderness for the individual is the catalyst by which my heart is changed. My prayer - Father help me to see each and every person through your eyes, and treat them with the same love, compassion, mercy and grace that I've experience in my relationship with you.
@cathydoes7757 4 жыл бұрын
So nice Heidi Sarah message was so amazing. So scriptural happy mothers day
@markbourbonnais8057 4 жыл бұрын
Good Preaching. Well done good and faithful!
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
The Scripture I chose today was Romans 12:17 -Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. - in Romans 12, Paul’s message is about our spiritual transformation as well as describing the examples we, as Christians are to be. In verse 17, he is saying that we are to conduct ourselves in a way that is according to God’s Word so that we do not put distaste in the eyes of the non-Christian. - We are to be examples of who Christ is, of His Love and in obedience to His Word. They will know us by our love.... and that is how we will reach those who do not believe in the message of the Cross. My prayer is this: Thank you Lord for the transformation You have done in my life thus far! I know that there is so much more work in me they needs to happen and I’m so thankful, that with the guidance of Your Word, and the convictions of the Holy Spirit, I will continue to be transformed to the likeness of Christ, just as anyone who believes in You will! I pray Lord that I will be the example that I need to be so that others will see Your Love, and want to know You, and love You! Help me Lord to not hate or be angry with those who hurt me or purposefully do things to antagonize me, but rather let me show them Your Love so that there will be peace! Thank you Lord for Paul’s letters to the Romans for these letters have had a huge impact in our lives today! Thank you Lord for Pastor Tony who has devoted his life to You to teach and preach the Truth, Your Word! Please be with him, Pastor Marnita and all of our church Pastors as they spread Your Word. Bless them and their families and keep them surrounded in Your protecting and loving arms! In Jesus mighty and precious name I pray! Amen
@dianegraham8024 4 жыл бұрын
I chose verse 14. "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill it's lusts." (NKJV) The same verse in the Holman Christian Standard Bible reads, "But put on the Lords Jesus Christ and make no plans to satisfy the fleshly desires." One commentary says that the word "provision" means foreplanning, forethought, premeditated plan or making preparation for. So Paul is telling his readers that they're not to be planning ahead and making any preparation for satisfying our fleshly desires, to fulfill it's lusts. The context for this statement comes at the end of a chapter that outlines how we're to behave in relation to those in authority over us, but also how we're to behave in relationship to others. He then outlines the works of darkness and cautions us that we're to cast off the works of darkness in favour of the armor of light. This gives us a very good reason to pay attention to our thought life. Making plans to do what God has clearly said we're not to do is a thought process that we can actively stop in it's tracks. We're being cautioned not to entertain those thoughts. Father help me to pay more attention to my thought life and be prepared to deal with any thoughts that would lead me to acts of disobedience. Just as we're told in your Word, help me take every thought captive in obedience to you and to your Word.
@dianegraham8024 4 жыл бұрын
I chose verse 9-21 because they outline how we're to behave as Christians. It seems to me that here is another section of the word that defines what love looks like, because this section begins with the admonition that we're to not pretend to love others, but we're to really love them. We're not to be the hypocrites we're so often accused of being. This passage is detailed guidance in how God wants us to behave in relationship with others, whether family, friends, neighbours or enemies. It's basically a checklist for how we're to conduct ourselves and a challenge to us as well. 1. Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. 2. Hate what is wrong. 3. Hold tightly to what is good. 4. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. 5. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. 5. Rejoice in our confident hope. 6. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. 7. When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. 8. Always be eager to practice hospitality. 9. Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. 10. Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. 11. Live in harmony with each other. 12. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. 13. And don’t think you know it all! 14. Never pay back evil with more evil. 15. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. 16. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. 17. Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the LORD. Instead, “If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.” 18. Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good. How am I doing? Do I really love others or am I just pretending? Where am I falling short? Many passages of scripture exhort us to examine ourselves. We may find that we're not able to judge our actions or motives accurately, but we can certainly pray and ask God where we are falling short and where we need to improve. So that's my prayer Father, according to this checklist, where am I falling short and where do my thoughts, actions and behaviours need to change. Thank you Father.
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
The Scripture I chose today was Romans 11:17-18 - If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild Olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nursing sap from the Olive root, do not boast over those branches. If you do, consider this: you do not support the root, but the root supports you. - my observation is that Paul is speaking of the family tree, God’s family! When we repent and turn from our wild ways, we become part of God’s family, the olive tree. However, we are not to boast, because it is the root, who is God, that has woven us, a branch, into His family! My application is that we are not to boast and have no reason to boast because we become part of the olive tree, God’s family, through grace and grace alone. As it states further on, if it is not by grace, but by works, grace would not be grace. There is an abundance of Scriptures that state we only have salvation through faith, that we believe in the message of the Cross. My prayer is this, Heavenly Father, Thank you Lord for Your Grace and Mercy, that through it we can be part of the Olive tree! Help me Lord to keep my eyes on You, and my ears open to hear Your Word, to use my mouth to share Your message and to spread Your kindness and love. I pray Lord that I will never boast of any works but share the truth that if we believe in the message of the Cross, we will be saved! Thank you Lord! In Jesus mighty name I pray! Amen!
@dianegraham8024 4 жыл бұрын
I chose verse 33 (NLT): Oh, how great are God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand His decisions and His ways!" I actually take great comfort in realizing that we have a God who is all wise and all knowledgable. And not only that but that He's a just judge. Many times He has said to me over the years, "Will you just trust me in this?" You wouldn't necessarily think that those words would be a comfort, but to me they are. He doesn't always explain HImself to us, but He's always careful to let us know, that whatever may be going on, He's got this, and He's in it with us and He can be trusted. I find those facts reiterated in this chapter in a variety of ways. I find it comforting that I don't have to figure it all out, or fix everything - but that there is a God who has this all in hand, and that He is able to do abundantly above all that I can think or imagine. Thank you Father that you make it pretty simple for us - we simply have to trust you to do what is good and right.
@heatherdavick7907 4 жыл бұрын
The Scripture I chose was 10:4 - Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. - my observation is that when Christ died on the Cross, so did condemnation and ironically also death. This gift, the eternal gift of life, is for those who believe and the only way to receive it is through believing that Christ did in fact die for us and was raised from the dead. The application from this is that there is nothing that I can do to receive this gift other than through believing that Christ died for me. My prayer prayer is this.. thank you Lord for Your Word! Thank you for the men you used so that Your Word and message would be told to others so that we would come to know the Truth and who You are and the Love You have for us! Help me to never lose sight of all You have done for us all!! I pray that others will come to know the truth and the message of the Cross so that they can know Your Love and be saved! Thank you Jesus!!! In Jesus name I pray! Amen