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Mette Abildgaard afslutningstale 2018
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@ZHaunDK Сағат бұрын
history is good. it teaches the most important lesson. things change. Russia is learning that lesson as we speak. the cultural link and history between denmark and greenland will never go away. But modern day Denmark has no hope of deterring aggression in greenland, as it stands danes tax burden in peacetime mirror british tax burden during WW2 thus denmark cannot do little more than it does today without a huge cultural shift and political shift in denmark. as Denmark insists on keeping greenland under their control, they also prevent greenland from ever having an ample deterrence against China or Russia (while they are merely 60k people on a strategically important mineral rich island). It might hurt danish pride, but realistically having greenland under the US's immediate umbrella would make it all but untouchable. options are on the table for greenland, let them decide. in eras of conflict, reluctant admissions and logic must play a higher role in decision making.
@SyJ-t7z 2 сағат бұрын
●트럼프 너가 뭔데 세계 국가들에 명령을 합니까 전 세계에 미군이 주둔을 한 국가들이 전 세계 대부분을 차지를 하고 있으면서 트럼프식의 우선주의는 미군 주둔 국가들에 주둔 방위비 상승을 하게 해서 우방국와 적대국의 개념 자체가 없읍니다 트럼프가 사적인 생각으로 국제법와 미국 국내법와 세계 각 국가의 국내법을 위반을 하는 트럼프만의 개인적인 법이 과거 부동산 업자였던 부동산 이론을 타국의 국권을 침범을 해서 중개수수료나 챙겨먹는 목적으로 전 세계에 주둔을 하고 있는 미군의 군사력을 향상시키기위해서 우방국, 적대국 구별을 하지를 않고 미군 주둔비 상승으로 전 세계 모든 국가들에 미국이 군사적인 위협을 가해서 타국의 군사적, 경제적, 외교적인 타국의 정책에 개입을 해서 타국의 국토를 합병을 하기위해서 이스라엘에 무기지원을 무료로 하거나 덴마크나 캐나다에 관세상승이나 국토를 무력으로 침범을 하겠다는 군사력 동원의 위협을 가하는 등 타국의 국권을 침범을 해서 세계적인 경제적 독점국이 되겠다는 것입니다.●트럼프 '그린란드 야욕'에… EU군사위원장 "그린란드에 병력 주둔 고려해야" 나주예 기자 [email protected] 님의 스토리 • 7시간 트럼프 '그린란드 야욕'에… EU군사위원장 "그린란드에 병력 주둔 고려해야" 트럼프 '그린란드 야욕'에… EU군사위원장 "그린란드에 병력 주둔 고려해야" 로베르트 브리거 유럽연합(EU) 군사위원장이 지난해 10월 헝가리 부다페스트에서 열린 유럽연합 군사위원회(EUMC) 참모총장 회의 후 기자회견에서 발언하고 있다. 부다페스트=EPA 연합뉴스 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 '그린란드 차지' 야욕을 노골화하면서 로베르트 브리거 유럽연합(EU) 군사위원장이 덴마크령 그린란드 내에 'EU 병력 주둔'을 언급했다는 외신 보도가 나왔다.
@SyJ-t7z 2 сағат бұрын
●Trump, who are you to give orders to the nations of the world? While the countries where the US military is stationed occupy most of the world, Trump's priority policy has caused the countries where the US military is stationed to increase their defense costs, so there is no concept of allies or enemies. Trump's personal law, which violates international law, US domestic law, and the domestic laws of each country around the world, is a real estate theory that he used to be a real estate agent, and in order to increase the military power of the US military stationed around the world for the purpose of collecting brokerage fees by infringing on the national sovereignty of other countries, without distinguishing between allies and enemies, and by increasing the cost of stationing US troops, the US poses a military threat to all countries around the world, intervening in the military, economic, and diplomatic policies of other countries, and annexing their territories by providing free weapons support to Israel, or threatening Denmark or Canada with tariff increases or military force to invade their territories, thereby infringing on the national sovereignty of other countries and becoming a global economic monopoly.
@SyJ-t7z 2 сағат бұрын
●Trump, who are you to give orders to the nations of the world? While the countries where the US military is stationed occupy most of the world, Trump's priority policy has caused the countries where the US military is stationed to increase their defense costs, so there is no concept of allies or enemies. Trump's personal law, which violates international law, US domestic law, and the domestic laws of each country around the world, is a real estate theory that he used to be a real estate agent, and in order to increase the military power of the US military stationed around the world for the purpose of collecting brokerage fees by infringing on the national sovereignty of other countries, without distinguishing between allies and enemies, and by increasing the cost of stationing US troops, the US poses a military threat to all countries around the world, intervening in the military, economic, and diplomatic policies of other countries, and annexing their territories by providing free weapons support to Israel, or threatening Denmark or Canada with tariff increases or military force to invade their territories, thereby infringing on the national sovereignty of other countries and becoming a global economic monopoly.
@johnstone7708 10 сағат бұрын
In 1380, Norway and Denmark formed a union. Neither owned Greenland, but this is when Denmark claimed ownership. Just let the current Greenland people be free to govern themselves. All they have to do is vote for independence and it's theirs. Greenland's PM doesn't want to be under Denmark or US, but wants to decide for themselves.
@ramsestoo 11 сағат бұрын
Flot, fin og redelig gennemgang af Grønlands tilhørsforhold.
@anahidsardarabadi4762 12 сағат бұрын
Trump on Greenland!! "Billions of Barreles Of oil under the Ice". Why Trump wants Greenland so desperately⁉️ Why Trump wants the LARGEST Island⁉️ What is greenland issue and Greenland worth?. Donald Trump sets his eyes on acquiring Greenland and even threatens military force, the question arises - exactly how valuable is Greenland? Even during his first term, Trump floated the idea of the United States of America buying Greenland from Denmark, like a real estate deal. How much would Trump be willing to pay for the world's largest island? And even more importantly, is this issue just about national security, as Trump claims? Or about the oil and gas buried under the soil? Or is it about something else entirely? But what it does have burried underneath that Ice, according to the geological survey, it is a lot of Oil, gas and Even more important, it has rare earth elements that are needed for thinngs in the telecommunication like your cell phones. Right now they're dependent on China. The Golden " NYT" then "OIL "AND "GAS " is matter for DT and not the "NATIONAL SECURITY"!
@JohnBjerregaard 16 сағат бұрын
Hej Hej Trump (som i burkina faso)
@nesss5403 21 сағат бұрын
@krzaczkowa 21 сағат бұрын
btw when Vikings came to Greenland it ws green :)
@LeniePia 23 сағат бұрын
Tak for det Rasmus Jarlov, Jeg stemmer normalt ikke Konservativt, men har været glad for din stemme i denne debat /krise...
@SteinerNKDEL1 23 сағат бұрын
Tusind Tak for en rigtig god forklaringen. 👌 Men den er alt for lang til Mr T. 😂. Kan du skære den ned til 15 sekunder?? Så er der en mulighed for at han ser den
@jangræsbølllarsen Күн бұрын
Bliv i folketinget, Rasmus
@Vikingshop Күн бұрын
EUROPE WANTS TO BUY USA ❗ WHY ❓ Because 99 % of the settlers who built the present USA came from EUROPE ❗ And we want them back into our European Family❗
@mrhjortsoe1857 Күн бұрын
Vi valgte ikke Napoleon briterne valgte for os
@Bjerre69 Күн бұрын
Ny formand tak! ☘️
@remydk Күн бұрын
Bare sælg det lort.
@frankinho233 Күн бұрын
Great explanation. thanks. Let's hope Greenlanders decide by themselves what is in their best interests for them longterm. I hope they stay as part of Denmark but we will respect whathever they decide
@viggosimonsen Күн бұрын
Dit engelsk er bestemt ikke dårligt, Rasmus. Glimrende redegørelse.
@Hulga2007 Күн бұрын
Great video - commenting for the reach
@Hansen710 Күн бұрын
bla bla bla, hvornår åbner i munden og siger fra inde på borgen MAGA er en terror organitation, og i har travlt med at slikke dem i numsen inde på borgen... imens i mener en strudse strategi er den bedste vi kan føre over for trump
@Helge891 Күн бұрын
As a Norweigan I just want to say that I rather want Greenland to be part of Denmark than USA. I think it is worth preserving the historical Nordic ties to Greenland.
@holgerandersengrn3457 Күн бұрын
Det er en ligegyldig debat at bruge vores tid på, og det bliver kun mere og mere pinligt for Danmark generelt og for vores udygtige politikere i særdeleshed. Vores indflydelse blev stoppet af de samme udygtige politikere, med Jørgensen og Foght i spidsen, i henholdsvis 1979 og 2009. De samme udygtige politikere reducerede Danmarks rolle med 98 % på et falsk grundlag og uden, at der blev affyret et eneste skud, eller befolkning blev spurgt. Hvad mon vores forfædre ville sige til den ligegyldighed, som disse udygtige politikere har udvist i forvaltningen af vores arv? Man kan kun bekymre sig over, hvilke andre dele af Danmark de samme udygtige politikere vil forære væk næste gang - måske Bornholm til Putin og Vestegnen til Erdogan? Lad os spare de penge og komme videre. Det er lidt skræmmende, at mange af dem stadig sidder i Folketinget.
@mogensjepsen2 Күн бұрын
very sober guide to the long term relationship between Greenland and Denmark. The best I've heard so far. Høj klasse Rasmus 🙂
@sygkontantmotagersliv9046 2 күн бұрын
Grønland har leget for meget med kineserne 🤣hvad med selvstyre her i det sydlige af riget
@jannerydborgeriksen4863 2 күн бұрын
Tak for videoen, Jarlov👍🏼
@flemminglundh7424 3 күн бұрын
It is a regular event that greenlanders discuss inpendence only prior to local referendum, but this time it happens at same time of election of Trump. This is a real bad combination. Give it a month and it will be peacefull again.
@Felgik 3 күн бұрын
I normally despise the Konservative Party - but this was, up until the 1950's a very well researched and articulated video. From 1950's though some pretty critical context is missing. For a better view of what actually happened I highly suggest reading "Imperiets børn - da Danmark vildledte FN for at beholde sin sidste koloni" It lays out everything you need to know, of the then government in the 50's misleading Greenlanders to become an official part of Danmark as an 'Amt' (i.e. Jurisdiction zone) instead of decolonising and claiming independence. They lobbied, the lied, they withheld information all to ensure that Greenlanders didn't vote for independence but rather to be incorporated as a legal entity of the Danish Kingdom.
@Purpolbean218 3 күн бұрын
Greenland will be independent and prosperous, with a US Free Association Agreement . Denmark now a geopolitical minnow..enjoy your future as an penniless open-air museum like Italy.
@jacafren5842 13 сағат бұрын
Denmark penniless? Plz check your facts: While we Danes like to complain about our politicians, they have actually for the last 40+ years acted very financially responsibly. There is minimal public debt, yearly surplus on the public budget, huge trade and payment surplus with the outside world every year, minimal unemployment. The politicians plan ahead on a 30 year scale trying to take into account changes in demographics, future needs etc. It does not matter on any of this if the government is right-leaning or left-leaning. This makes domestic politics foreseeable and frankly a bit boring, but much to be preferred to the drama and lunacy of what we may observe in the US. With all the resources domestically available to the American people and for all the wonderful American ingenuity it is a scandal why your politicians (regardless if they are right or left leaning) are never able to balance a budget, and never able to bring the debt down or make American productivity competitive abroad. Your federal debt and your trade and payment deficit with the outside world keep spiraling out of control. Do you realize that it now cost you more to pay just the interests of federal debt, than to run your military (including pension and healthcare for veterans, development costs etc.)? Good luck with more tax cuts coming. Interests are still very low, if interests start to rise, what do you think this will mean for the federal budget?
@donnytrumpy 3 күн бұрын
Denmark is the most non-inclusive country in the world. Only "pure" Danes allowed. At least, USA has people of different ethnic backgrounds in positions of power. In Denmark, only ethnically Danish people. I hope Trump buys Greenland and Denmark.
@InfoAt-b6j 3 күн бұрын
So what is dk getting from Greenland? Only throwing money away for nothing??
@feliperudloff5544 4 күн бұрын
Trump, felonmusk and putin need to be sent to Mars, one way ticket, along with all maga freedomloving masses. This poor red planet needs geniuses and a new atmosphere.
@paluhansen2452 4 күн бұрын
The National Council at that time consists only of almost Danes, where it was voted that Greenland became part of Denmark. Just for information :)
@InfoAt-b6j 3 күн бұрын
@@paluhansen2452 the whole video is bs!
@agork 4 күн бұрын
If Denmark is not using Greenland anyway… why are they just sitting on it without making something useful out of all the natural resources that obviously are there? Even the people who lives there wants to make it happen.
@rasmusjarlov9143 4 күн бұрын
Denmark does not control the natural ressources in Greenland. Greenland does. It is weird that Americans are being told that Denmark prevents the extraction of natural ressources. It is simply not true. The local government in greenland can extract all the ressources that they want but it is just not the gold mine that MAGA people are making up. They can not fint international investors to do it because it is not profitable. It is that simple. There is not conspiracy or Danish laws behind it.
@jacafren5842 13 сағат бұрын
It is not up to Denmark or to anybody else to "use Greenland". Greenland has the right to decide what happens to their resources. A few things on this: a) We we only know of the existence of valuable resources in Greenland thanks to state funded geological research. It is Danish tax payers that have financed this over the years and are financing this. Until very recently, the research was almost 100 % publicly funded, in recent years the public funding is still about 70 %. So Denmark has not been "sitting on" anything but rather invested heavily in discovering for the potential benefit of the future of Greenland. If the US would publicly invest similar amounts relative to its GDP in geological research in the US the US would likely discover within its own border similar resources to those that are available in Greenland (there was a recent discovery in California, if I am not mistaken). b) As we speak there are 76 mining projects in Greenland. The companies behind these projects have their home in: 1) Commonwealth countries: 56 (23 from the UK, 23 from Canada, 4 from Australia etc.); 2) Denmark/Greenland: 12; 3) EU Countries (e.g. Sweden): 6; 4) India: 1. 5) US: 1. Plz note that there are no Chinese and of course no Russian projects, neither China nor Russia have investments in Greenland, it is a myth (there has historically been some Chinese interest, but never anything that materialized. So again Denmark is not sitting on anything, but rather investing like the Canadians, the Brits, and unlike the US. c) There are obstacles to a huge mining adventure in Greenland that cannot or should not be removed: The climate and geographical conditions are a major obstacle (this we cannot change). As I said Greenland is in control of its own resources and they have strict laws to safeguard the environment, and give the workers good and safe conditions and decent wages, and they want profits fairly between shareholders and the people of Greenland (I think this should not be changed. d) There is one obstacle to a mining adventure in Greenland that could profitably for everyone be done something about. It would be helpful if the US, EU/Denmark came together and guaranteed minimum prices on some of the minerals that can be extracted in Greenland, minerals that are now largely extracted in China. China control the market, so investors are unlikely to invest in Greenland, because China can swamp the market once a new mining company in Greenland start to produce and thus drive the prizes down to a level, where the extremely heavy investments become unsustainable. So again, if the US decides that these resources are strategic, guaranteed minimum prizes will be the way forward, much cheaper surely than war with Greenland/Denmark, hostile takeover, maintaining the administration of Greenland, occupation etc.
@zxcaaq 4 күн бұрын
Denmark gave greenland away and now even greenlands people have different passports from denmark so why is Denmark such pussies? Why are you complaining and crying about greenland when some random native people took it from you? pussies you gave greenland away and now you complain lmao. Denmark consists of 3 big islands, you won't do shit when one or two of them is taken in the future.
@NorthStar-y3m 4 күн бұрын
Grønland har papir på Selvstyrelov. I sin tid forlangte FN at tidligere kolonier skal selvstændiggöres, men FN og Grønland blev vildledt under ledelse af statsminister Erik Eriksen for at beholde deres sidste koloni.
@NorthStar-y3m 5 күн бұрын
Everybody should read “Imperiets børn”- Da Danmark misledte FN og Grønland for at beholde sin sidste koloni. “Children of the impire” -When Denmark misled UN and Greenland to keep the last colony. Rasmus Jarlov is misleding, shame on you Rasmus. We have paper on Selvstyrelov signed by Her Majesty Queen Margrethe, adopted by the parliament of Denmark. The primeminister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen confirmed several times that Greenland belongs to greenlanders (inuit). Rasmus is trying to change a politic decision by the danish parliament. The last report from the norse was in 1407 of a marriage, since no one knows what happen to the norse. 300 years later Hans Egede colonized Greenland. You can not leave your wife for 300 years and comming back 300 years later and asserts that she still is your wife. The norse were Icelanders and they exstinct and we survived in Greenland.
@NorthStar-y3m 5 күн бұрын
Erik the red became outlaw and exciled from Iceland, like his dad he killed a man. His dad Thorvald Åsvaldsson was exciled from Norway and camed to Iceland
@KerimSlijepcevic-vw6iz 5 күн бұрын
Immigration to Greenland came in waves. Four notable waves. First the Saqqaq culture who came 4500 years ago. They were followed by the Dorset culture who came 2500 years ago. A large part of the present population of Greenland are descendants of the Thule culture which came 1000-1100 years ago. Finally we have the nordics who came between 982-1500. This is a indisputible fact that every Greenlander knows and have been taught in their first history lessons. The deceitful LIES Martin jarlov is uttering are a direct attack on reality itself. And on the history and the soverignity of the native population of Greenland. They are a mere attempt to strip the native population of Greenland of any history and thereby any right of freedom and self determination. His deceitful LIES today echo a truly dark and barbaric history Denmark played in Greenland after the satanic priest Hans Egede and his followers arrived in 1921. Everything from forced sterilization of women, on an industrial scale. And the forced removal of children from their families. Being sent to Denmark under the pretext of being ‘saved’ and get ‘civilized’. Denmark has systematically destroyed the native culture of the Greenlanders. Stripping them of a history and sending the population into a identity crisis. Its the number one issue why you have a big suicide rate in Greenland. The history of Denmark’s colonization and subjegation of the native population in Greenland. Is just as dark and barbaric as the crimes are of any other colonial empire. Its truly shameful to see people liking this video and believing the lies of this shameless politician. Its an insult to all the people who suffered and died under danish imperialism. None the less its an typical pattern of the colonizer to blame the indigenious people for their own suffering and failure. Rather than looking inward and taking responsibility, for the mess they have created. The only people who have a right to Greenland and its resources are the Greenlanders themselves. The rest of you: Stop interfering in other peoples lives and get the hell out!
@dConceptdk 5 күн бұрын
Denmark has treated the greenlanders extremely poorly in many cases! Forced birth control, i.e. indirect genocide! Steraliceing women with dog medicine etc.
@rasmusjarlov9143 5 күн бұрын
Which other indigenous people have been given their own country?
@NorthStar-y3m 4 күн бұрын
which indigenous? Northerners extinct or leaved Greenland. And we survived!
@danielhenderson6955 5 күн бұрын
Thats good information. although the mighty Danish military gets its might from the US military support.
@superhel 5 күн бұрын
If Greenland gets attacked from a foreign power would it activate Article 5?
@jenserikck 5 күн бұрын
Wrong. Before the turn of the millennium, i.e. before the year 1000 AD three different cultures arrived in Greenland in a fourth wave of immigration. This wave of immigration came after the country had probably been uninhabited for around 8-900 years. The Dorset 2 people thus came here in the 8th-9th century AD. This people settled especially at Thule/Qaanaaq and in North and North-East Greenland. At a later time, the first immigration from the east took place, when Norsemen from Iceland and Norway settled in Southwest Greenland. It is the only people whose arrival in Greenland can be dated precisely, namely in the year 982 AD, when Erik the Red landed in South Greenland. The last we heard from the Norsemen, who primarily lived from agriculture, was a wedding held in Hvalsey Church in 1408. Archaeological finds indicate that the Norse culture in Greenland ceased approx. 1450 AD The Thule people are thought to have come to Greenland around 1200 AD. The Thule people came all the way around the country on both the west and east coasts. The Greenlanders of today are descended from the Thule people, who were a maritime people who lived near the coast and were highly specialized in hunting marine mammals. The last known immigrations from Canada took place around 1860. All over Greenland today you can see traces of especially the last immigration cultures, and the city museums and the National Museum in Nuuk contain extensive exhibitions on this. Thus when the Thule people came down the western coast of Greenland, it was uninhabited. Thus by the logic followed by Jarlov, the Thule people claim the land, because there where no other people around. Regardless of some king stating Greenland belonged to him, when there where even non of his people living in Greenland anymore until af Norwegian priest, Hans Egede arrived in Greenland 1721 AD. Thus by the
@jenserikck 5 күн бұрын
Thus by the law in effect today: "Law no. 473 of 12 June 2009 on Greenland's Self-Government WE MARGRETHE THE SECOND, by God's grace Queen of Denmark, do indeed: The Danish Parliament has adopted and We have ratified the following law with Our consent: Recognizing that the Greenlandic people are a people according to international law with the right to self-determination, the law is based on a desire to promote equality and mutual respect in the partnership between Denmark and Greenland. Accordingly, the law is based on an agreement between Naalakkersuisut and the Danish government as equal parties.2
@thhedk 5 күн бұрын
Great video. Still better at there/their than most Americans, I guess...😅
@madenaraputra6887 5 күн бұрын
Donald Trump = Dønal Træmp
@TheMarsBear 6 күн бұрын
Hvor er lydmanden/kvinden!?
@sygkontantmotagersliv9046 6 күн бұрын
😨farligt at lukke Kina ind i Grønland, lufthavne minedrift fiskeri, den gik med lufthavne. Lykke betalte for at holde Kina ude. (som strandvej i Matador)😂selvstyre i vores folketing, hvad mon hun siger på Grønlands om Trump 🤣🤣🤣 det er den flyvende hollænder de har set ved kap Farvel🥱
@alburu9528 6 күн бұрын
Question ! What you gona do if Trump use force? Or will bankrupt your Novo , Orsted , Vestas , Maersk , Lego????
@bjrnhjortshjandersen1286 6 күн бұрын
TRUMP is lying about everything....don´t take him serious as anything but a con man.
@user-rp1fo9xq7p 6 күн бұрын
Han skal være vores næste statsminister! Jeg er lige glad med politiske forskelle! Hvilken statsmand!
@archanapainuly6067 6 күн бұрын
Interesting and quite informative