Jobseekers visa may not be your ultimate solution as it can only be extended once. It may not give you sufficient time to look for a job and seal an employment contract. Many candidates have got taken advantage of by ill-intentioned employers and ended up wasting money and time. If your objective is to seek legal residency in EU, the safest route is to secure an employment contract and a work permit beforehand. Let us know more about your situation so that we can give you more advice.
@LitchfieldMoulton5 ай бұрын
Jobseekers visa may not be your ultimate solution as it can only be extended once. It may not give you sufficient time to look for a job and seal an employment contract. Many candidates have got taken advantage of by ill-intentioned employers and ended up wasting money and time. If your objective is to seek legal residency in EU, the safest route is to secure an employment contract and a work permit beforehand. Let us know more about your situation so that we can give you more advice.
If your objective is to seek legal residency in EU, the safest route is to secure an employment contract and a work permit beforehand. Let us know more about your situation so that we can give you more advice.
You don’t need to pass the language exam as long as you have good attendance of the language classes. Let us know your current situation and objectives so the we can provide more specific advice.