37C3 Infrastructure Review
28 күн бұрын
37C3 -  Sonic Alchemy
2 ай бұрын
37C3 -  Das Diskmags-Projekt
2 ай бұрын
37C3 -  Place & route on silicon
37C3 -  Fuzzing the TCP/IP stack
37C3 -  Gläserne Geflüchtete
37C3 -  Rettet uns die KI?
2 ай бұрын
37C3 -  Seeds of Change
2 ай бұрын
2 ай бұрын
@somechrisguy 3 күн бұрын
Joscha with the f r e s h d r i p p p
@mojoblues66 3 күн бұрын
Interessantes Thema, holprig präsentiert.
@b3twiise853 4 күн бұрын
Shiiit. I ended up in the German corner
@Viiniivii 5 күн бұрын
Wenn du jetzt so mit Taylor Swift und Conan Gray, Olivia Rodriguez verhandeln könntest. Mega. Ich weiß nicht bei wem noch alles. Hast du schon friendly father gehört? Irgendeiner von denen meinte egal wie sehr jemand leidet Hauptsache es kommt ein toller Song bei rim.
@Viiniivii 5 күн бұрын
Oh no nicht rim, sondern rum. 😉 Imagine mir hätte Mal irgendwann wer zum richtigen Zeitpunkt geglaubt als ich sir Wahrheit gesagt habe.
@joschiluk 5 күн бұрын
danke für alles, hab dich lieb ~ #LLLV
@joschiluk 5 күн бұрын
junge ich übersetz das gerade und hab dich schon 10x gecovert ~'LLLV~
@joschiluk 5 күн бұрын
~ #LLLV <3
@muesique 6 күн бұрын
Groß- und Kleinschreibung sind Glückssache auf den Folien. 🙄
@ScheidenPilzlaus 6 күн бұрын
Schade um den guten Vortrag,aber das Gelaber im Hintergrund ist mega anstrengend beim zuhören.
@Mianhe 6 күн бұрын
can anyone from Poland update us about the consequences put on NEWAG? I couldn't find anything else than the reports about the hackers finding this out and about NEWAG threatening to sue 4 months ago, otherwise it seems like this has been swept under the rug.
@retroman7581 7 күн бұрын
What a great talk!
@sandrauhling9475 7 күн бұрын
Jemand Bock auf BewerteDenStaat? Da werden noch Experten gesucht.
@cblubb 7 күн бұрын
Ich sehe die Transparenz und Zulassungsbeschränkungen kritisch, da ich mit Einblick in die Schulorga jetzt schon eine Tendenz zu immer mehr Bürokratie sehe und mir unsicher bin, ob dann ein Einsetzen von „KI“ im Unterricht als gezieltes Mittel noch möglich sein wird.
@JMKio 8 күн бұрын
Hallo, Entschuldigung für mein technisches nicht wissen, als Laie. Wenn man einen privaten VPN WireGuard Server betreiben will, wie funktioniert es dies ohne öffentliche IPv4? Wenn man mit ds-lite ipv6 verbunden ist. Weil im Client muß im endpoint die ip Adresse des Servers eingetragen werden, scheinbar nur IPv4. Wenn man aber keine öffentliche IPv4 Adresse hat wie funktioniert es dann? In meinem Beispiel mit der FRITZ!Box 6490 am Vodafone Kabel mit ds-lite nur IPv6 keiner öffentlichen IPv4 Adresse. Wollte auf einem Gl.inet Brume 2 als VPN WireGuard Server eine Verbindung zum Slate AX unterwegs Hotels oder andere öffentliche WLAN herstellen um mit Endgeräten sicher zu surfen. Ich scheitere aber an der öffentlichen IPv4 Adresse. Dyndns von Gl.inet goldenste.com vom Router nützt nichts. Von der FRITZ!Box myfritz.net nützt nichts, auch nicht von der NAS synology DiskStation DS1618+ synology.me. Was mache ich falsch oder was mache ich nicht das es geht?
@user-os4dj3et5n 8 күн бұрын
Vielen Dank,ist witzig geworden! Was ist eigentlich nach nach der Parteien CDU Cookie Affaire passiert?Bin jahrelang Google gefangene!MfG
@Fratzenzeuch 9 күн бұрын
Am Ende stecken die Bullen hinter dem Archiv. Hahahaha...
@handletodizmantle 9 күн бұрын
Very interesting lecture. Thank you for your work
@handletodizmantle 10 күн бұрын
Guys I m a big big fan of what you do, don t stop I wish I could help you in any way and be part of that
@Levon73100 10 күн бұрын
Wieder mal ein Beispiel dafür dass die die sich für die super Demokraten halten eigentlich die sind die keine Ahnung davon haben.
@handletodizmantle 10 күн бұрын
Black and red flag A❤
@Julian_Legacy 11 күн бұрын
Great talk :) Thanks for providing some insights.
@paulderpauls 12 күн бұрын
By implementing the headset detection with Si2302 mosfet as described, I realized my Toniebox always hung up in headset mode after start up of Toniebox. It then returned smoothly to speaker mode when the BT headset connected and disconnected again. So I assumed it’s an improper start-up behavior and I discovered the LINK output of the “KCX_BT_EMITTER” board was floating around too long during startup phase that put Toniebox in headset mode right away. Solution that worked for me is adding a 10k pull-down resistor directly at the LINK output to GND at the board terminals. Now my Toniebox starts up properly in speaker mode until a BT headset is connected. Info: I’ve got the ESP32 Toniebox HW/PCB which is the very recent version that has the vias covered with that ugly silkscreen. I managed to remove the silkscreen very very carefully with a flat and sharp screwdriver. Cheers, Paul
@timsalabim5224 12 күн бұрын
Ich finde es krass das die Telecom ihre Server für SMS ausgelagert hat. Ich meine in die USA. Als ob die dort was von Datenschutz halten...
@Valery0p5 12 күн бұрын
The run down of the DSi hacking history was a bit fast, starting from Failoverflow to shutterbug2000 and the many years of desert, but that makes sense given the time constraints; it could be a talk of its own given the amount of drama... (Fuck WinterMute) One more glitching modchip! :D Good thing at least that the emu devs have full bootrom now, didn't think there would be so much interest in it at this point. Would have loved to get a TWLboot cartridge but heh, rp2040 are cheap as dirt. Thankfully the DSi scene has been still active... End of an era, following this scene was very formative and inspiring for me. Now someone should glitch the other older consoles.
@OlliWorldheart-dz4dz 13 күн бұрын
Danke für die Analyse, Eure Energie und Durchhaltevermögen. In Deutschland wird die Anzahl der Zebrastreifen einfach reduziert ;) damit der Autofluss nicht unterbrochen wird
@Quasihamster 13 күн бұрын
Die Sache mit dem ICE Köln-London war nicht zuletzt auch, dass Köln Hbf heute schon überlastet ist. Da jetzt auch noch ein Gleis zum Sicherheitsbereich zu erklären, das dann dem restlichen Verkehr nicht mehr zur Verfügung steht, da hat sich die DB dann nicht ganz zu Unrecht gesperrt.
@Quasihamster 13 күн бұрын
Naja also erstmal muss ich nicht zum Bahnhof fahren um nen Webbrowser in die Finger zu kriegen, da fängt's schon an. 🤓
@handletodizmantle 14 күн бұрын
I was just looking something like that, nobody seems talking into deep on what it is predator the successor of Pegasus in theory... crazy yeah?
@axelschwei 15 күн бұрын
die jesuiten hier rauszulassen....... die schulen sind der schlimmste orte der verblödung
@wp9860 15 күн бұрын
I'm struggling with consciousness being virtual, and as Joscha adds, representational. What is Joshcha's position on whether consciousness is real or not? Consider the quale, red. I accept that red is representational. It is not a property of any subject of our perception. Red is only conjured up in our minds. I expect that Joscha would characterize red as virtual. Does he then mean that red is not real? My belief is that red is real. "Red" is massless. It is not pigment. My best guess is that it results from a bioelectric release of energy that evolution has figured out how to render as an impression of consciousness. In other words, red has a material existence, where material refers to matter and energy, between which Professor Einstein tells us there is an equivalence. If this is so, it gives us the final physical correlate of consciousness. It would not solve the "hard problem." But, it would narrow the search. Returning to Joscha's comments, there appears to be a reasonable argument for a material existence of consciousness. I am unable to sort out if Joscha would agree. The words virtual and representation do not resolve his position on the question to me.
@HrishikeshSomchatwar 16 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for amazing work Prof. ! Super excited to work with you in the future! 🫡🙏
@DelkorYT 19 күн бұрын
o7 Google for not being mentioned in this video
@leokr4877 20 күн бұрын
Ganz plumpe noob-Frage: Viele Programme werden hier mit einer Zahl in Klammern angegeben. Wofür steht die?
@HabibiBlocksberg1 21 күн бұрын
Top, genauso muss das sein!
@troetenvirtuose9103 21 күн бұрын
Das Video haben bisher nur 48K Leute geguckt... Gibt also nach wie vor zu viele, die mir was über KI erzählen, als ob es reinste Magie sei 😢
@aim__freakz8499 21 күн бұрын
wirklich toller talk! :)
@prunabluepepper 22 күн бұрын
Das größte Problem bei Social Engineering das wir in den letzten 5 Jahren haben ist Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung durch Medien. Das wirkt auch hervorragend, da die Leute keinerlei Medienkompetenz haben.
@liebe6997 22 күн бұрын
...ach, jesus!? ...kleiner hatten sies nich..!^^
@Tipps_fuer_Schriftfuehrer 24 күн бұрын
Spitze! Und herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Auszeichnung!
@Monstermoerder1 25 күн бұрын
Is there a reason that whenever the transitions are on screen the screen turns black? Some of the visually most interesting parts of the talk and they're just not shown?
@wchen2340 25 күн бұрын
ganz nette übersicht. aber zuviel ungenaue darstellungen bzw schlampig recherchiert. und dieses KI-gequatsche nervt mega. mit diese ganzen datenbanken ("beast", etc) wird doch ganz "normale" datascience gemacht, soweit ich es nachlesen konnte. daten rein, rulesets und korrellationen. hinten kommt die heuristikenwurst raus. das ist auch völlig ok so imo. und die folien. naja. wenn das nochmal überarbeitet würde, ist das nen toller vortrag. :-)
@MrPinhead42 26 күн бұрын
Der Saalengel bei Minute 40:20 heißt Constantin Hanov-Blum und hatte als scheiternder Kleinunternehmer viele Kunden und Zulieferer um sehr viel Geld geprellt. Traurig ihn auf dem CCC zu sehen.
@youfakou 26 күн бұрын
Essen ist Social engineering , Hund spazieren ist social engineering , alles ist social engineering bei dem
@robinary3941 26 күн бұрын
Ich habe meinen Kids eine toniebox mit eurer teddycloud und dem custom boot loader gemoddet und sie sind begeistert. Vielen Dank für die tolle Arbeit
@hartmutsdeko 28 күн бұрын
Antifa bleibt Handarbeit...
@LiebeGruesse 28 күн бұрын
Maja seems to think that we (as mankind) have all solutions at hand and just need more motivation to act. I really disagree with that. We currently have no idea how to transform the top industrial economies (G20) into something sustainable that would preserve the tremendous wealth we acquired in 200 years of industrial capitalism.
@LiebeGruesse 28 күн бұрын
45:35 So, clear, “this type of capitalism as we have it right now has no chance to serve a sustainable future”. But what else then? As heavyweight interventionist states or planned socialist states continue to be extremely unpopular, what rules will create a free dynamic towards a sustainable future with - for the industrial G20 countries - a possibly shrinking GDP? In what system can I truly invest into sustainability and grow “actual value” measured in (some form of) money to spend for “quality of living” as Maja suggests? The major problem of green energy is that it’s currently so extremely less mobile than fossil fuels. As long as there is no world wide electricity grid it’s very unlikely that countries like Germany can preserve their industrial strength. Transforming green energy into hydrogen, e-fuels or batteries and moving them around is just so expensive in terms of lost energy. We cannot presume that solar rich countries will not have better usage of their green energy turning them directly into industrial wealth than shipping it to us. Who are we?
@LiebeGruesse 28 күн бұрын
As usual, what Maja says is all true. But it leaves us behind with more questions than answers. She does not dare to spell out the consequences of a decreasing GDP and how to address them politically. Capitalism and growth has made people rich by investing time, effort and foremost credit (money) into increasing productivity, hence raising the potential of wealth for everybody. To realize this potential has always been the responsibility of other social dynamics (unions, social security state, luxury consumption aka “trickle down” etc). All value-saving forms of property depend on growth. Without the prospect of future growth all company shares, houses, money, even gold will in the long run lose its value. While that seems like a socialist utopia, it is far more likely to end in violence and feudalism as before. So, we need another plan to meet a possibly shrinking economy by way of the transformation. And the peaceful buy-in of all members of our societies, even the rich. How? Maja doesn’t give any answer either. But our lack of answers here is the actual underlying reason of why we’re incapable of moving forward and welcome the transformation.
@Almostbakerzero 29 күн бұрын
Sehr interessant den Cyberbunker als freiheitsliebendes Projekt darzustellen. Ich würds als Bulletproof Hoster für KiPo und Darknetmarktplätze beschreiben, dessen Betreiber schon vor Eröffnung Kriminelle waren.
@carl2k6 29 күн бұрын
I looked at my inverter and thought: opendtu, for sure not the official one. Confirmed ...