Swing Time To Remember
14 жыл бұрын
Romeo and Juliet - What Is A Youth
@59shotshawty 8 күн бұрын
Rest in paradise Olivia Hussey 🕊️
@odyssey2001 10 күн бұрын
Olivia Hussey RIP - my favorite R&J version ever!
@SomethingNowhereMan 9 күн бұрын
“A rose will bloom, it then will fade…” Olivia Hussey will be greatly missed! Best R&J adaptation ever!
@neneshubby Ай бұрын
It’s like they’re both staring at their counterpart of the opposite gender and they can’t believe how gorgeous the other is.
@reencarl8998 2 ай бұрын
The best Romeo & Juliet ever. Such a shame Leonard and Olivia didn’t have the careers Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes had .
@taylortimeless 4 ай бұрын
Oh damn. So this is where Lana got the tune for Old Money. I love her even more now
@princepeterwolf 9 ай бұрын
This film to me will forever be the definitive adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. ❤
@fredm3704 9 ай бұрын
My wife and I have been married for 35 years. When we were engaged, we had this movie on VHS tape. We’d watch it all night, with a jug of cheap red wine, until the sun rose. When we were Married, on our Honeymoon we went to Italy. One stop was in Verona, where we stood under the balcony of Juliet. That memory can never be taken away. I Love You! ❤
@beatrizbecker3728 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing! I hope you will be happy together 'till the end of your lives, and then in Eternity.
@norcalbruin173 10 ай бұрын
Two decades ago we watched this in high school. So, I chased a beautiful girl that looked like Juliet. I caught her. She was... a horrible kisser. But I remember the song decades later.
@Starstream7 Жыл бұрын
One with every male character.
@SarahDuke01 Жыл бұрын
I remember watching this at 16 and thinking that Leonard Whiting was the most beautiful man to ever live. Still true.
@OrpheusUcrainicus Жыл бұрын
A ukrainian translation Що є юнак? Що є юнак? Нестримний жар. Що є дівча? І страх, і чар. Такий є світ. Бузок росте І цвіт втрача, Немов юнак, Немов чудне́ дівча. Доки усміх, що п’янить, Ще свою триває мить, Милий коханій я. Декому би одружитись, Иншим аби дражнитись, Можу найліпше відбитись. Гинемо всі з жаги. Пісню виспівуй, Та́нець танцюй. Скоро наді́йде смерть, не горюй. В любощах бути не має нудьги. Бався кохаючись, поки снаги. В любощах бути не має нудьги. Гинемо всі з жаги. Бузок росте І цвіт втрача, Немов юнак, Немов чудне́ дівча.
@michaelmartin8681 Жыл бұрын
This may be the most perfect scene ever filmed
@centrejoisir Жыл бұрын
No sin there 💛
@galynapliushch7101 Жыл бұрын
Фильм «Ромео и Джульетта» - сделан из документальных кадров реальной жизни. Это было в 1873 году во время еврейского Шабаша знати в итальянском городе Siena (Сиене) - сборища ковена (ведьм, чертей и другой нечистой силы) для совместного проведения обрядов (жертвоприношения) куда является Сатана. В распоряжение Сатаны родственники предоставляют Девочку (maiden) возглавлявшую пляски на шабашах, которую он расчленяет веря, что у него будет больше сверхъестественной силы - роза ритуал. Но в песне есть слова: « Но Захмелевших от страсти острые ждут шипы» . София-Джульетта Медичи была той девочкой. На самом деле, там действительно присутствовали враждующие семьи Монтальчино и Монтепульчано. Главный герой фильма Марко Леонардо ди Каприо (Marko Leonardo di Capri) сын князя тьмы Тиберия, которому тогда принадлежал остров Капри. Есть видео, где как-бы снимают фильм и можно посмотреть как жила и одевалась тогда молодежь в Италии. И в фильм, и в комментарии были вмонтированы дополнительные кадры. Для Maiden “сделали” в Англии двойника для плясок потому, что живые люди не могут плясать ночи напролет. София-Джульетта Медичи рассказывает юному поколению, что значит быть приглашенным на Бал Черных Сил и они организовывают восстание молодежи против сил Сатаны -“La rivolta dei ragazzi contro le Forze Nere”, которое заканчивается победой молодежи. Она потом и становится святой Катериной (Santuario Cateriniano ‘de Medici). У нее есть много жизненных историй из которых впоследствии были сделаны фильмы как бы в Голливуде. В том числе и фильмы Сталинград об освобождении Киева в 1945 году. Марко Леонардо ди Капри в это время возглавлял партизанское движение в Италии против SS (Saturn Slaves) возле Неаполя, где героически погибло два миллиона бойцов сопротивления, к счастью, белые журавли улетели в январе этого года (есть свидетели). The film "Romeo and Juliet" is made from documentary footage of real life. It was in 1873 during the Jewish Sabbath of the Nobility in the Italian city of Siena (Siena) - a gathering of a coven (witches, devils and other evil spirits) to jointly perform rituals (sacrifices) where Satan also appears. At the disposal of Satan, the relatives provide the Girl (maiden) who led the dances at the Sabbaths, whom he dismembers in the belief that he will have more supernatural power - the rose ritual. But the song contains the words: “But sharp thorns await those who are drunk with passion.” Sophia Juliet de' Medici was that girl. In fact, the warring families of Montalcino and Montepulciano were actually present there. The protagonist of the film, Marco Leonardo di Capri, is the son of the prince of darkness Tiberius, whom belong the island of Capri. There is a video where it’s like they’re filming a film and you can see how young people in Italy lived and dressed back then. Additional footage was inserted into both the film and the commentary. A dance double was “made” for Maiden in England because living people cannot dance all night long. Sofia-Juliet de' Medici tells the younger generation what it means to be invited to the Black Forces Ball and they organize a youths uprising against the forces of Satan - “La rivolta dei ragazzi contro le Forze Nere”, which ends in the victory of the youths. She then becomes Saint Catherine (Santuario Cateriniano ‘de Medici).She has many documentary footage contains life stories from which films were subsequently made, as it were, in Hollywood. Including the films Stalingrad about the liberation of Kyiv in 1945. Marco Leonardo di Capri at that time was a commande the partisan movement in Italy against the SS (Saturn Slaves) near Naples (Napoli), where two million resistance fighters died heroically. Fortunately, the white cranes flew away in January of this year (there are witnesses).
@SHANIA59 Жыл бұрын
I want to see the whole movie please❤❤❤❤❤
@Miss_Kate32 Жыл бұрын
I love romeo and juliet. 20 yrs ago my first love & boyfriend at 18 , he thought it was cute , i nicknamed him Romeo and I was his juliet .. .. Everytime I see this now I cry uncontrollablely .. its so beautiful 😍 Losing ur first love sucks.💔 #unloved #unlovable ;(
@CraigHart-sq7mz Жыл бұрын
From my lips my sin was purged many times with many laddies in and out of the Navy. I enjoy that simple task the best but before that act happens you first have to be friends. Love at first sight rarely happens.
@nostalgictoons9780 Жыл бұрын
My English teacher made us watch this movie back in 10th grade in 2015, and ever since coming across this movie I have been so in love with this scene, its heartbreakingly beautiful, the attractive young casts at the time, the song, the lyrics especially, along with the youthful cadence that shivers the soul. It always touch me in a way every time I watch this scene while singing the song
@galinabelenkaya668 Жыл бұрын
Ещё в школе, посмотрела это чудо-фильм, влюбилась в Ромео, потом вышла замуж за парня похожего на Леонарда Уайтинга Впечатлило.
@Denmark7771 Жыл бұрын
Magnificent, Bravo !!!! Masterpiece by Zefferelli and all cast members !
@maxwellsterlingYT Жыл бұрын
My Sin is purged>.
@AsYourCruiseDirector Жыл бұрын
The girl at 1:06 (on the right) is Paola Tedesco, who plays Rosaline, Lord Capulet’s niece. She is also shown dancing during the moresca scene. Romeo was in love with Rosaline and sneaks into the Capulet party hoping to see her, but meets her cousin Juliet instead.
@12classics39 Жыл бұрын
Olivia Hussey’s acting is incredible when she sees his face for the first time … she really conveys just with her eyes how time has stopped for her …
@johnherlihy4739 Жыл бұрын
I am overjoyed every time I see this video! I am profoundly blessed! Not only did God grant me my prayer that I find my Juliet, I dated and married my Juliet and we are now married 48 years! I was 16 and she was 17, when we met, just like the 2 actors in this 1968 movie! And we dated at the end of 1970! My advice to parents is to don’t easily dismiss love at a young age! Everything was stacked against us! But we stayed together and thrived! To God be the glory! True love is love, whatever age!
@mamathanaidu1272 Жыл бұрын
Oh my god the music. Gave me chills immediately when i played it.
@avavaviv1 Жыл бұрын
tfw no
@Drummerchick2003 Жыл бұрын
How can anyone dismiss this masterpiece, just like west side story, amazing psychology in the human mind.
@johnherlihy4739 Жыл бұрын
This is so wonderful! My wife and I met at the same age as these 2 actors, 16 and 17, although she was older and I was younger. I can hear her say some of these lines”Saints don’t move” and holy palms are for palmers’ kiss! We are now married 47 years in May! Who says that Romeo and Juliet doesn’t have a happy ending??👍
@k8magic6 Жыл бұрын
Me and my boyfriend also met at those same ages. 16 and 17. He was younger and I was older and although we are almost 22 and 23 I’m so glad we found each other. Though one thing we have that Romeo and Juliet didn’t have is our family’s support.
@johnherlihy4739 Жыл бұрын
@@k8magic6 Glad to hear your story! We had family support from my future wife’s parents, but my parents were difficult. I think that the problem was that my mother was still very young when we first dated (42) and had just had her last child. My Mom was only 25 when I was born!
@crafty9953 Жыл бұрын
Anyone here in 2023? We watched this movie yesterday and i was in awe of how beautiful this song is. It’s so powerful, and emotional, and raw. It’s beautiful. I don’t usually like movies that are like this, but this was insanely good. The music, the lyrics, the singer... it’s all so beautiful.
@shy7481 Жыл бұрын
this song is so beautifulllll
@monsterascanbe5170 2 жыл бұрын
Lordy what girl wouldn’t fall for that mug of his
@RaguelAngelJustice 2 жыл бұрын
Great heart breaking memories of me and my best friend Tony who I grew to love deeply 😢in my heart
@elsiego1726 2 жыл бұрын
i can not forget this movie even with age now.
@koleenvelasco5665 2 жыл бұрын
please who is the woman in 1:14
@nikkiej.5875 2 жыл бұрын
I never liked Romeo & Juliet but every once in a while I find myself watching videos from the movie. Especially from this movie. I first watched this version in high school in my English class and actually enjoyed it. It's my favorite version. The chemistry between the actors was really good and they actually look like they're young teenagers. Not like the usual adults playing teenagers which is done very often now in Hollywood and it's really annoying and not realistic. I know why but still. Besides this version, I also really like the version with Leonaro DiCaprio.
@hazelperera2512 2 жыл бұрын
I watched this movie when i was in school and now i am 66yrs and still love this original sound track.tks
@Biris96 2 жыл бұрын
che capolavoro assoluto!
@Jkl306 2 жыл бұрын
This has always been so beautiful to me 💕
@EmoryStudy 2 жыл бұрын
Be still my heart 🥹
@allenorthebabyshark 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone in this movie was so gorgeous
@luffydragneel5635 2 жыл бұрын
God she cute
@rabbit1360 2 жыл бұрын
big boody
@garypavlick5825 2 жыл бұрын
The best love story ever written. If anyone had one chance to live anything remotely close to this story. we were blessed. I was ONCE. AND, never stopped loving my Juliet.
@mariachester950 4 ай бұрын
How beautifully said..❤❤❤❤...to love and be loved in return ....❤
@bolivianprince7326 2 жыл бұрын
zefirelli was a genius
@jinx5991 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh my english teacher showed this to the whole class. Everybody cringed at the kissing scene and I fell of my chair laughing because of everybody's reaction.
@quietrainydays 2 жыл бұрын
insert Zac Efron joke here
@sacroamore 2 жыл бұрын
@SuperSelina18 2 жыл бұрын
This is the love theme for this movie. The love theme for the 1996 film is Des’ree’s Kissing You.
@julianallama4692 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful 🙂
@joseliavalle3135 2 жыл бұрын
A maioria dos filmes do KZbin ,temos que comprar ou alugar ,só que a maioria das pessoas , não tem condições para isso .vcs deveriam liberar alguns filmes do KZbin .ficaria muito grata . O filme guarda costa tbm temos que comprar ou alugar , não acho justo isso