@Chrissweet1701 Күн бұрын
Motor heads original is like you grandfather sitting down and telling you a story. Sabatons version is the soldier living it in real time
@Finkele1 3 күн бұрын
and there was 7500 every single day of soviets. Don't get your point of graves. Most of them didn't get buried but if it matters to you....
@Finkele1 3 күн бұрын
I don't want to go to usa.
@Finkele1 3 күн бұрын
I think you forgot one thing in german army or wehrmach. Order was to fight to the last man and ss, Sa did it's job and the gay leader was terminated. There's no sense in it, at least no intelligent reason, bit like attacking afganistan. Same level of stupidity
@Finkele1 3 күн бұрын
you can't just erase things what soldiers experience with propaganda. Finnish snipers just shot them to kneecaps when they started use shields..
@Finkele1 3 күн бұрын
I was easy to pick an ally, as allied forces didn't even bother the winter war + historically we have good relations with germany. No brainer, but for example siege of Leningrad Mannerheim was...nope. cut likest to murmansk, nope. Good decisions afterwards That time hmmmmmmh
@Finkele1 4 күн бұрын
bit like Trump? At least Stalin said we are gonna fuck you up...and he kept his word.
@Finkele1 4 күн бұрын
read that one...i think finnish books are more close to the truth.
@Finkele1 4 күн бұрын
We still use same tactics: motti. Terrain when you know it. It'ss taught to everybody. Use cover, know the forest...and that's we do...
@Finkele1 4 күн бұрын
Ukraine obviously didn't get any independence? it was bread basket of soviets until Stalin went nuts...anyways this is about Finland...isn't it.
@angharaddenby3389 4 күн бұрын
You said after the Sabaton version "I don't know how I'm going to get through this!". My answer HAS to be - "Show some fucking RESPECT for the young men who were wasted (on both sides) so that you COULD say that!" It was also very RUDE of you to keep clicking nearer the end during the credit sequence - SHOW SOME FUCKING RESPECT.
@michaelrobinson2687 8 күн бұрын
18:10 - Yes. Interesting point, this was also how Napoleon Bonaparte's France fell a century later. After getting their asses kicked across the continent the powers, Napoleon's enemies decided to engage in the Trachtenberg Plan - Strike wherever Napoleon wasn't and run like hell if he's coming their way. There's actually a parrallell (Sorry I've never been able to spell that word correctly) between Charles XII's campaigns in the Great Northern War in the early 1700s and Napoleon's campaigns in the Napoleonic Wars in the early 1800s * Both had a large coalition of enemies facing them down * Both won early victories by taking on each of their enemies individually * Both had a disastrous campaign when they advanced into the Russian Empire * Both were eventually overwhelmed by vastly superior numbers. And then the Nazis followed a similar pattern in WWII. History can be very good at echoing itself at times. It seems that Rule 1 of European Warfare is this: Don't start a land war with Russia. Although recent events have shown that starting a land war with Ukraine isn't exactly a good idea either.
@michaelrobinson2687 8 күн бұрын
15:26 - You may be forgetting just how severe the Russian defeat at Narva was. An army is more than its men. Each soldier needs weapons, ammunition and solid logistics backing them up in order to be an effective soldier. While Russia could easily replace men, as well they're Russia - a large population is kind of Russia's thing - historically finding cannon fodder has never really been a problem for them, replacing the artillery was a different matter entirely as they'd have had to have found enough metal to make entirely new big guns - The shortage of metal was so severe that the Russians were forced to melt down church bells to provide enough metal. This is no small task. As such the Russians may well have still been rebuilding their army while the Swedes gave King Augustus a damn good thrashing. Think about it this way, if America suddenly lost all of their cannons in the middle of the American War of Independence/American Revolution how long would it have taken them to build new weapons and how much money would it have costed to do so. Now factor in that Russia in the early 1700s was Pre-Industrial, since the Industrial Revolution wouldn't occur for another 60 - 100 years, with infrastructure 70 years away from that of the United States' early days and had to rely largely on river barges and horses and carts to transport material. I understand that it may be difficult for Americans to fully understand because, there is no real American equivalent to compare to, the vast majority of America's big country defining wars (American Civil War, WWI, WWII) came after the Industrial Revolution. We can all agree that America rose to be the great power it is today in the Mid 1800s, this was about a century into the Industrial Era
@kjelljohansson1799 10 күн бұрын
Hi . heard you were interested in different things in swedich mountins. So look into this video i think it could bee interested for you and i think it is done with englich text too. it is called Tyfors. A hidden gunpowder factory in the swedich mountins. Sinsearly KJ.
@TKCWT 10 күн бұрын
Wow you almost reacted
@chrisgalliford 11 күн бұрын
I was very surprised to know that you didn’t understand that the British Royal family where from the house of Hanover which of course is German King Willhelm was directly related to Queen Victoria. I’m surprised you didn’t know. Perhaps a history lesson maybe beneficial if you’re interested in the conquering of nations perhaps you want to check out when Britain nuked America twice kind regards, Englishman
@bloodyneptune 13 күн бұрын
If someone made me dig a trench in the rain and then sleep in it, Id go with the Canadian, too. Fck that, I bet they got poutines back at their camp, Im going there.
@kirazih 14 күн бұрын
it makes sense because swedes knows wtf they're doing.
@milesdust3465 15 күн бұрын
It is so amazing that the yanks are totally obsessed with "stelth" and so on. They have never one a single war, their borders are Canada and Mexico. And they suck at warfare. Facts.
@thecroc 15 күн бұрын
The swedish policy was never referred to as neutrality. The word used was always "Non-aligned". Not belonging to any alliance. Of course that ended when we joined NATO
@sebastijanglozinic8630 15 күн бұрын
As for the idea that they should have focused on North Africa instead of the USSR, that is strategically correct. However, that would require defeating the Royal Navy. And the Germans simply did not have the naval power to do so. And the Italians could not break out into the Mediterranean with their navy, despite making several attempts. Unless they could secure the Mediterranean, supplying North Africa was always going to be a huge problem.
@sebastijanglozinic8630 15 күн бұрын
A very interesting thought at the beggining on Hitlers "i need more men" conclusion. I belive a factor in this is the abysmal performance of the Red Army during the Winter War. In other words, the Germans were so convinced into the inferiority of the Red Army that they neglected many logistical details. Especially the willinglness of the Soviets to destroy their own resources as they retreated, rather then leaving them for the Germans. The Soviets grasp of the broader strategic picture. They convinced themselves that the Red Army was a poorly led and poorly trained rabble that was simply incapable of adhering to any broder strategy. As the saying goes: "There is no greater danger then underestimating your opponent"
@Isolder74 16 күн бұрын
Naguno only used half of the scout planes he had available.
@Isolder74 16 күн бұрын
After this strike they reported sinking the Enterprise because they knew the Hornet looked a bit different.
@Isolder74 16 күн бұрын
Remember, The sub attack should have damaged the Kirishima but the torpedo malfunctioned. Also It's possible several of the torpedoes from the torpedo planes did hit but failed to explode, because BOrd.
@Isolder74 16 күн бұрын
The Japanese assumed that the US lost both carriers at The Coral Sea. They went into Midway assuming they only needed to kill 2 carriers and assumed they had surprise on their side. Worse for Nagumo, all of the staff he relied on, Fushita and Ghenda were both out of action with health casualties. They only became available on the morning of the battle. Neither of them really fully ready for action.
@Isolder74 16 күн бұрын
The Japanese left the battle thinking they'd sunk the Yorktown.
@alexbramley6346 17 күн бұрын
oh. history. you can read it. so do we need to help you to read. Brits, French and Germans. from all of us.
@orvehagheim1647 18 күн бұрын
in my humble openion as a norwegian 90% of newer norwegian ww2 move's are real gem's. we havw this one witch is caled, kongens nei, we allsow have, narvik, konvoi, max manus and den tolvte man
@jmr7395 19 күн бұрын
Simo and horror of The moroccon Juutilainen beat The soviets on Kollaa battle field
@eggomanic 20 күн бұрын
We Canadians love our Beavers! .......woohoo!
@parbergstrom3713 24 күн бұрын
Ypu dont have to gow back more than lest say 20 years slmost evry body was in the military after high school for traning and then went back to civilian life. There is also a series made in eryly 90s about swedish Costal Rsngers called (Blod svett och bajs) you should check it out its a swedish classic.
@bobbyoljaca2929 24 күн бұрын
Yes and at that time the Serbian flag was on top of white house in DC put up by US president and governmant and only foreign flag on US white house in history of USA
@parbergstrom3713 25 күн бұрын
When we had our beret cermonie the comading officer told our famelies in his speech that in the army we dont make soliders but we do shape the dream son in law :)
@parbergstrom3713 25 күн бұрын
Halv of sweden has solid winters for 6 mounths sow theres a lot of people during military service in cold snowy conditions.
@petternilsson4393 25 күн бұрын
History shows that you can never undertestimate the swedes in warfare.They can be a formidabel enemy if you make them really angry.
@Karl-Benny 25 күн бұрын
THE USA was Neutral at the same time with non of the threats until they Pissed off the Japs
@Karl-Benny 25 күн бұрын
KUL =Bullet or Ball Sprut = Spray Pistol= Pistol =Kulsprutpistol
@iliapopovich 26 күн бұрын
The Bulgarian flag looks fresher.
@anette7283 27 күн бұрын
Russ means roer
@davebowman6497 27 күн бұрын
Re ditching the coffin and drum magazines: 1. You mention yourself earlier that "having a lot of different stuff" is not optimal. Same here. 2. The 36 mag is easy and relatively quick to reload. If a lot of magazines needed re-loading, there was a gadget which was attached to the mag, and fed with "rails" of five (or was it six?) 9mm cartridges and with a push of a plunger they all went in. 3. Just like the gun proper, the 36 mags where extremely reliable. 4. The pockets on the Swedish field uniform (actually pockets on the harness or belt) where sized to hold four 36 mags. Normally, a soldier carried four magazines in one of the two pockets, and gun care equipment in the other pocket. You could ofcourse ditch that snd carry eighg mags if avsilable, but now the wheight becomes a problem. Note that you also had both the gas mask bag attached to the harness, and the rain coat (which apart from rain could protect you (somewhat) in case of a chrmicsl attack or radiac fallout. Soldiers whose primary mission was frontline fighting afoot also carried a shovel (as much for atm length fighting as for digging in). Add a hand grenade or two and the load is quite heavy. Paraphrasing George Orwell - "Four mags good - Eight mags heavy". Othr notes: 5. The pulling back of the bolt and locking into the slot, as shown in the video was the safe. Locking the bolt in forward position was not. If you where caught with a mag still in the gun and the bolt locked forward youd be seriously flogged (figuratively) by the sergeant. If the command was "secure!", then that meant pull the bolt into the slot. If the command was "Un-chamber!" (Sedish "Patron ur!") then you'd first pull the bolt into the slot, then remove the mag, then secure (by both vision and by feeling) that no round was chambered, then pull the bolt out of the slot into the cocked position, then point the gun in a safe direction and pull the trigger to release the bolt into its forward position and finally push the knob to lock the bolt there. Note that as long as there are rounds on the mag, moving the bolt to its most forward position will also mean chambering a round. So, the fixing of the bolt in forward position uding the knob is not a safe. It's more of a "fixing for transport" 6. While there was no mechanism to get semi automatic action, or three-round bursts etc, we learned to fire single rounds. Since the rate of fire isn't that high, it not that hard to learn to squeeze the trigger and then release it quick enough for the bolt to be catched on the recoil. Most of us learned it in a session or two at the range. It's been 45 years since, but I think I could still do it.. Those who didn't get it mostly failed becauze they "hit" the trigger rather than squeezing it off (so they slso ruined the first shot..) Wow! Typing the sbove brought back memories.. Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any innuendos you can read into any of the above 😊
@stephaniemccracken1324 27 күн бұрын
It was a day the United States came together. We are in California, but I have friends in New York. That day we were not New Englanders, New Yorkers, Southerners, Southwest Southerners, or West Coasters. We were Americans, plain and simple. The last time that happened was December 7, 1941.
@GrazynaRonda Ай бұрын
Mam 73 lata i jestem Polką.Kocham muzykę Sabatonu i podziwiam ich przekaz historyczny.Pozdrawiam.
@adam70628 Ай бұрын
light pink count as invasions Dark pink occupied or directly ruled very simple to follow
@isdrakens Ай бұрын
@Orlander-ut4if Ай бұрын
19:57 the uk England is a part of it
@Orlander-ut4if Ай бұрын
11:45 how do you not know this
@zam122102 Ай бұрын
Do you plan to react to part 5
@Nem01 Ай бұрын
J. R. R. Tolkien was at the somme. He wrote that at the end of the first day all of his friends except for maybe one of them were killed.
@Nem01 Ай бұрын
I personally prefer Sabatons version.