@tyfon4429 2 күн бұрын
Looks like a Hopper from the island of Texel. Netherlands.
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi There my real Name is Mr Cannadine T. Boxill-Harris I was wondering, why couldn't most of you and your teammates can still do those Rebuilding and Repainting those nice fresh shiny Gardner 6LXB, Leyland 680, Volvo TD102KF, Cummins M11 and Gardner 6LXC 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RH Buses and Repaint them to a Grey Green Colours just like the original Scania Grey Green's which were in the North London and East London bus routes such as 141, 210, 275, 20, 125, 173, 167, 313 and also the bus route 103, if you guys would like to Rebuild about 207 of Those Gardner 6LXB, Leyland 680, Volvo TD102KF, Cummins M11, Gardner 6LXC and Gardner 6LX 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RH Buses can you and your teammates put most of those Cummins L10, Gardner 6LXC and those Leyland 680 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RH Buses to those East London and North London and that especially is including the London Bus such as those London Bus Routes such as for instance the 30, 121, N29 and 123 and will also be include the North London and also would be including the East London Bus Route like for example the 221 Bus Route Number 86 for all of us Grey Green bus lovers in North London and including East London For all of us passengers out there Pretty Please? could you Repaint them in the Exact Grey Green Bus Colour and put them on the London Bus Routes which are 341, N41, 34, 123, N29, 149, 221, N73, 121, 86, 30, 262, 147, 396, 56 and N26 for all of us Grey Green Bus lovers out there because we are Really Really desperately needed Are those types of colour buses to be brought back again Please? do it for all of us customers and passengers in North London and will also include Living in those areas such as in East London Pretty Please? because it will be going to be one of each of the Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them Repainted to a Grey Green Colour. I am a Big Fan of those Gardner 6LXB, Leyland 680, Volvo TD102KF, Cummins M11 and Gardner 6LXC 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RH Buses Please? Thank You Very Very Very Very Very Very much for your time, help and support.
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi there my real Name is Mr Cannadine T. Boxill-Harris I was wondering, why couldn't all of you and your teammates could still be Rebuilding and Repainting a nice fresh shiny Volvo TD102KF, Volvo D10A, Scania N230UD, Gardner 6LXB and Gardner 6LX 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses and Repaint them to a Grey Green Colour's just like the original Scania Grey Green's which were in the East London bus route's such as 168, 141, 20, 210, 24, 173, 167, 313 and also the bus route 103, if you guys would like to Rebuild about 197 of Those Volvo TD102KF, Volvo D10A, Scania N230UD, Gardner 6LXB and Gardner 6LX 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses Please? We desperately Need your and your Teammates' help and support in Bringing back those grey-green 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses again because we are Bigger fans of the patterns of those interesting colours of these Buses to be brought back again for all of us Grey Green bus Lovers out there in North London and East London bus route lovers so Please can Really Really bringing them back again for all of us Grey Green Bus route lovers out there in North London and East London lovers Pretty Please? and can you and your teammates could you and your teammates also put most of them on the London Bus routes such as the London bus route 123, N41, 86, 121 and that is including the North London Bus route 41 for all of us Grey Green bus lovers out there in North London and East London Pretty Please? Repaint them in the Exact Grey Green Bus Colour and put them on the London Bus Routes which are the 341, N41, 123, N29, 149, 296, N73, 121, 86, 30, 262, 147, 396, 41, 56 and N26 for all of us in North London and East London Grey Green Bus Lovers out there because it would be a Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them Repainted to a Grey Green Colour's. I am a Big Fan of all of those Volvo TD102KF, Volvo D10A, Scania N230UD, Gardner 6LXB and Gardner 6LX 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses Please. Thank You Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very much for your help, time and support?
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi There my name is Mr Cannadine T. Boxill-Harris I was wondering, why couldn't you Rebuild a nice fresh shiny Scania N113, Gardner LG1200, Gardner 6LXCT, Gardner 6LXC and Volvo TD102KF 3 speed Voith DIWA Northern Counties Palatine 1’s and Repaint them to a Grey Green Colour's just like the original Scania Grey Green's which were in the East London bus route's such as 125, 141, 210, 20, 173, 179, 167, 313 and also the bus route 103, if you guys would like to Rebuild about 176 of Those Scania N113, Gardner LG1200, Gardner 6LXCT, Gardner 6LXC and Volvo TD102KF 3 speed Voith DIWA Northern Counties Palatine 1 Buses Pretty Please could you Repaint them in the Exact Grey Green Bus Colour’s and put them on those London Bus Routes witch are the 341, N41, 34, 123, N29, 149, 221, N73, 121, 86, 30, 262, 147, 396, 41, 56 and N26 for all of us because it would be a Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them Repainted to a Grey Green Colour's and I'am a Big Fan of all of those Scania N113, Gardner LG1200, Gardner 6LXCT, Gardner 6LXC and Volvo TD102KF 3 speed Voith DIWA Northern Counties Palatine 1 Buses Please?
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi there, how are you Feeling Today. The reason why I needed you to send me longer and longer KZbin Videos of the Leyland Titan B15 Buses being Repainted in the Exact Same Grey Green Pattern Colours is Because I Prefer to ride on any of the Leyland Titan B15s if they are in service. Being Repainted in the exact Colour Patterns I would Love and Need it to be PLEASE? Oh by the way Like I said before are you Definitely Sure that you Will find nice fresh shiny Leyland Titan B15s and Repaint them to the Exact Same Pattern Colours just like the original Scania Grey Green which was in the North London and East London bus route's such as 125, 20, 141, 275, 66, 167, 313 and also the bus route 103, if you will like to find about 17 Leyland Titan B15 Buses so they can be Re-used for the North London Bus Route which is the London Bus route 41 for all of us Grey Green Leyland Titan B15 Bus Lovers out there Pretty Please oh, could you also Please Repaint them in the Exact Grey Green Pattern Colours for all of us Grey Green Leyland Titan B15 Bus lovers out there PLEASE. Because it will be Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them Repainted to a Grey Green Pattern Colours. It is Because I am such a Big Fan of all of us Grey Green, Leyland Titan B15 Bus lovers Please Thank You Very Very Very Very much for your time, help and support.
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi there my real Name is Mr Cannadine T. Boxill-Harris I was wondering, why couldn't you and your teammates can still do those Rebuilding and Repainting each of those nice fresh shiny Volvo D10A, Gardner 6LXB, Volvo TD102KF, Gardner LG1200, and Cummins M11, Loud 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RV’s Modernisation the inside of Most of the Alexander RV Buses so that the Alexander Bus Builders will be have the interesting Opportunities in Rebuilding most of the Alexander RV’s into a insidable modernisation of the Low Floor Alexander RV Buses Pretty Please, Repaint most of them to a Grey Green Pattern Colours just like the original Scania Grey Green's which were in the North London and East London bus routes such as 141, 179, 210, 275, 125, 168, 173, 24, 167, 313 and also the bus route 103, if you guys would like to Rebuild about 228 each of The Gardner 6LXB, Volvo TD102KF, Cummins M11, Volvo D10A and Gardner LG1200, Loud 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RV Buses can you and your teammates put most of those Cummins M11 and those Gardner LG1200 Loud 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RV Buses to those East London and North London and that especially is including the London Bus such as those London Bus Routes such as for example the 296, 179, 341, 41, N29 and that also willing to be including each of the North London Bus Route Number 221 for all of us Grey Green bus lovers in North London and including East London For all of us passengers out there Please? could you please Repaint most likely be able to Repaint most of them into the Exact grey-green bus Colour and put each of the North London and another each of the East London Bus Routes which are each of the 341, 179, N41, 34, N29, 149, 221, N73, 86, 30, 296, 147, 41, 262, 396, 56 and N26 for all of us Grey Green Bus lovers out there because we are Really Really desperately need Are those types of the pattern colour buses to be brought back again in London Please? Do it for all of us customers and passengers in North London and living in those areas such as East London, pretty please. It will be Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them being Repainted into the exact Grey Green Pattern Colours I am a Big Fan of those Gardner 6LXC, Gardner 6LXB, Volvo TD102KF, Gardner LG1200 and Cummins M11 Loud 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RV Buses Please? Thank You Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very much for your help, time and support.
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi, There my real Name is Mr Cannadine T. Boxill-Harris I was wondering, why couldn't all of you and your teammates could still be Rebuilding and Repainting a nice fresh shiny Volvo D10M, Gardner 6LXC that also will include most of the Scania N113 3 Speed Voith DIWA Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses and this will also be including the Gardner 6LXB and Gardner LG1200 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses and Repaint them to a Grey Green Colours just like the original Scania Grey Green's which were in the East London bus routes such as 168, 141, 275, 167, 20, 210, 179, 173, 313 and also the bus route 103 if you guys would like to Rebuild about 198 of Those Volvo D10M, Gardner 6LXC and the Scania N113 3 Speed Voith DIWA Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses and that will also be including some of the Gardner 6LXB and Gardner LG1200 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses Please? We desperately need your and your Teammates' help and support in Bringing back those grey-green 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses again because we are Bigger fans of the patterns of those interesting colours of these Buses to be brought back again for all of us Grey Green bus Lovers out there in North London and East London bus route lovers so Please can Really Really bringing them back again for all of us Grey Green Bus route lovers out there in North London and East London lovers Pretty Please? and can you and your teammates could you and your teammates also put most of them on the London Bus routes such as the London bus route 30, N29, N41, 147, 221 and that is including the East London Bus route 86 for all of us Grey Green bus lovers out there in North London and East London Pretty Please? Repaint them in the Exact Grey Green Bus Colour and put them on the London Bus Routes which are the 341, N41, 34, 123, N29, 149, 221, N73, 121, 86, 30, 147, 396, 56 and N26 for all of us in North London and East London Grey Green Bus Lovers out there because it would be a Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them Repainted to a Grey Green Colours. I am a Big Fan of all of those Volvo D10M, Gardner 6LXC, Scania N113 3 Speed Voith DIWA Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses and that will also include those Gardner 6LXB and Gardner LG1200 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses Please? Thank You Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very much for your time, help and support.
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi There my real Name is Mr Cannadine T. Boxill-Harris I was wondering, why couldn't most of you and your teammates can still do those Rebuilding and Repainting those nice fresh shiny Gardner 6LXB, Leyland 680, Volvo TD102KF, Cummins M11 and Gardner 6LXC 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RH Buses and Repaint them to a Grey Green Colours just like the original Scania Grey Green's which were in the North London and East London bus routes such as 141, 210, 275, 20, 125, 173, 167, 313 and also the bus route 103, if you guys would like to Rebuild about 207 of Those Gardner 6LXB, Leyland 680, Volvo TD102KF, Cummins M11, Gardner 6LXC and Gardner 6LX 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RH Buses can you and your teammates put most of those Cummins L10, Gardner 6LXC and those Leyland 680 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RH Buses to those East London and North London and that especially is including the London Bus such as those London Bus Routes such as for instance the 30, 121, N29 and 123 and will also be include the North London and also would be including the East London Bus Route like for example the 221 Bus Route Number 86 for all of us Grey Green bus lovers in North London and including East London For all of us passengers out there Pretty Please? could you Repaint them in the Exact Grey Green Bus Colour and put them on the London Bus Routes which are 341, N41, 34, 123, N29, 149, 221, N73, 121, 86, 30, 262, 147, 396, 56 and N26 for all of us Grey Green Bus lovers out there because we are Really Really desperately needed Are those types of colour buses to be brought back again Please? do it for all of us customers and passengers in North London and will also include Living in those areas such as in East London Pretty Please? because it will be going to be one of each of the Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them Repainted to a Grey Green Colour. I am a Big Fan of those Gardner 6LXB, Leyland 680, Volvo TD102KF, Cummins M11 and Gardner 6LXC 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RH Buses Please? Thank You Very Very Very Very Very Very much for your time, help and support.
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi there my real Name is Mr Cannadine T. Boxill-Harris I was wondering, why couldn't all of you and your teammates could still be Rebuilding and Repainting a nice fresh shiny Volvo TD102KF, Volvo D10A, Scania N230UD, Gardner 6LXB and Gardner 6LX 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses and Repaint them to a Grey Green Colour's just like the original Scania Grey Green's which were in the East London bus route's such as 168, 141, 20, 210, 24, 173, 167, 313 and also the bus route 103, if you guys would like to Rebuild about 197 of Those Volvo TD102KF, Volvo D10A, Scania N230UD, Gardner 6LXB and Gardner 6LX 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses Please? We desperately Need your and your Teammates' help and support in Bringing back those grey-green 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses again because we are Bigger fans of the patterns of those interesting colours of these Buses to be brought back again for all of us Grey Green bus Lovers out there in North London and East London bus route lovers so Please can Really Really bringing them back again for all of us Grey Green Bus route lovers out there in North London and East London lovers Pretty Please? and can you and your teammates could you and your teammates also put most of them on the London Bus routes such as the London bus route 123, N41, 86, 121 and that is including the North London Bus route 41 for all of us Grey Green bus lovers out there in North London and East London Pretty Please? Repaint them in the Exact Grey Green Bus Colour and put them on the London Bus Routes which are the 341, N41, 123, N29, 149, 296, N73, 121, 86, 30, 262, 147, 396, 41, 56 and N26 for all of us in North London and East London Grey Green Bus Lovers out there because it would be a Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them Repainted to a Grey Green Colour's. I am a Big Fan of all of those Volvo TD102KF, Volvo D10A, Scania N230UD, Gardner 6LXB and Gardner 6LX 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses Please. Thank You Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very much for your help, time and support?
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi There my name is Mr Cannadine T. Boxill-Harris I was wondering, why couldn't you Rebuild a nice fresh shiny Scania N113, Gardner LG1200, Gardner 6LXCT, Gardner 6LXC and Volvo TD102KF 3 speed Voith DIWA Northern Counties Palatine 1’s and Repaint them to a Grey Green Colour's just like the original Scania Grey Green's which were in the East London bus route's such as 125, 141, 210, 20, 173, 179, 167, 313 and also the bus route 103, if you guys would like to Rebuild about 176 of Those Scania N113, Gardner LG1200, Gardner 6LXCT, Gardner 6LXC and Volvo TD102KF 3 speed Voith DIWA Northern Counties Palatine 1 Buses Pretty Please could you Repaint them in the Exact Grey Green Bus Colour’s and put them on those London Bus Routes witch are the 341, N41, 34, 123, N29, 149, 221, N73, 121, 86, 30, 262, 147, 396, 41, 56 and N26 for all of us because it would be a Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them Repainted to a Grey Green Colour's and I'am a Big Fan of all of those Scania N113, Gardner LG1200, Gardner 6LXCT, Gardner 6LXC and Volvo TD102KF 3 speed Voith DIWA Northern Counties Palatine 1 Buses Please?
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi there, how are you Feeling Today. The reason why I needed you to send me longer and longer KZbin Videos of the Leyland Titan B15 Buses being Repainted in the Exact Same Grey Green Pattern Colours is Because I Prefer to ride on any of the Leyland Titan B15s if they are in service. Being Repainted in the exact Colour Patterns I would Love and Need it to be PLEASE? Oh by the way Like I said before are you Definitely Sure that you Will find nice fresh shiny Leyland Titan B15s and Repaint them to the Exact Same Pattern Colours just like the original Scania Grey Green which was in the North London and East London bus route's such as 125, 20, 141, 275, 66, 167, 313 and also the bus route 103, if you will like to find about 17 Leyland Titan B15 Buses so they can be Re-used for the North London Bus Route which is the London Bus route 41 for all of us Grey Green Leyland Titan B15 Bus Lovers out there Pretty Please oh, could you also Please Repaint them in the Exact Grey Green Pattern Colours for all of us Grey Green Leyland Titan B15 Bus lovers out there PLEASE. Because it will be Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them Repainted to a Grey Green Pattern Colours. It is Because I am such a Big Fan of all of us Grey Green, Leyland Titan B15 Bus lovers Please Thank You Very Very Very Very much for your time, help and support.
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi there my real Name is Mr Cannadine T. Boxill-Harris I was wondering, why couldn't you and your teammates can still do those Rebuilding and Repainting each of those nice fresh shiny Volvo D10A, Gardner 6LXB, Volvo TD102KF, Gardner LG1200, and Cummins M11, Loud 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RV’s Modernisation the inside of Most of the Alexander RV Buses so that the Alexander Bus Builders will be have the interesting Opportunities in Rebuilding most of the Alexander RV’s into a insidable modernisation of the Low Floor Alexander RV Buses Pretty Please, Repaint most of them to a Grey Green Pattern Colours just like the original Scania Grey Green's which were in the North London and East London bus routes such as 141, 179, 210, 275, 125, 168, 173, 24, 167, 313 and also the bus route 103, if you guys would like to Rebuild about 228 each of The Gardner 6LXB, Volvo TD102KF, Cummins M11, Volvo D10A and Gardner LG1200, Loud 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RV Buses can you and your teammates put most of those Cummins M11 and those Gardner LG1200 Loud 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RV Buses to those East London and North London and that especially is including the London Bus such as those London Bus Routes such as for example the 296, 179, 341, 41, N29 and that also willing to be including each of the North London Bus Route Number 221 for all of us Grey Green bus lovers in North London and including East London For all of us passengers out there Please? could you please Repaint most likely be able to Repaint most of them into the Exact grey-green bus Colour and put each of the North London and another each of the East London Bus Routes which are each of the 341, 179, N41, 34, N29, 149, 221, N73, 86, 30, 296, 147, 41, 262, 396, 56 and N26 for all of us Grey Green Bus lovers out there because we are Really Really desperately need Are those types of the pattern colour buses to be brought back again in London Please? Do it for all of us customers and passengers in North London and living in those areas such as East London, pretty please. It will be Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them being Repainted into the exact Grey Green Pattern Colours I am a Big Fan of those Gardner 6LXC, Gardner 6LXB, Volvo TD102KF, Gardner LG1200 and Cummins M11 Loud 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Alexander RV Buses Please? Thank You Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very much for your help, time and support.
@cannadineboxill-harris2983 3 күн бұрын
Hi, There my real Name is Mr Cannadine T. Boxill-Harris I was wondering, why couldn't all of you and your teammates could still be Rebuilding and Repainting a nice fresh shiny Volvo D10M, Gardner 6LXC that also will include most of the Scania N113 3 Speed Voith DIWA Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses and this will also be including the Gardner 6LXB and Gardner LG1200 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses and Repaint them to a Grey Green Colours just like the original Scania Grey Green's which were in the East London bus routes such as 168, 141, 275, 167, 20, 210, 179, 173, 313 and also the bus route 103 if you guys would like to Rebuild about 198 of Those Volvo D10M, Gardner 6LXC and the Scania N113 3 Speed Voith DIWA Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses and that will also be including some of the Gardner 6LXB and Gardner LG1200 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses Please? We desperately need your and your Teammates' help and support in Bringing back those grey-green 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses again because we are Bigger fans of the patterns of those interesting colours of these Buses to be brought back again for all of us Grey Green bus Lovers out there in North London and East London bus route lovers so Please can Really Really bringing them back again for all of us Grey Green Bus route lovers out there in North London and East London lovers Pretty Please? and can you and your teammates could you and your teammates also put most of them on the London Bus routes such as the London bus route 30, N29, N41, 147, 221 and that is including the East London Bus route 86 for all of us Grey Green bus lovers out there in North London and East London Pretty Please? Repaint them in the Exact Grey Green Bus Colour and put them on the London Bus Routes which are the 341, N41, 34, 123, N29, 149, 221, N73, 121, 86, 30, 147, 396, 56 and N26 for all of us in North London and East London Grey Green Bus Lovers out there because it would be a Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Interesting Buses to see them Repainted to a Grey Green Colours. I am a Big Fan of all of those Volvo D10M, Gardner 6LXC, Scania N113 3 Speed Voith DIWA Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses and that will also include those Gardner 6LXB and Gardner LG1200 4 Speed Leyland Hydra cyclic Automatic Transmission Enviro 400 MMC Buses Please? Thank You Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very much for your time, help and support.
@TGBT395 3 күн бұрын
Also wanner face reveal or still 500 subs?
@Herts_Busman331 3 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 i’ll prob do a face reveal at 1000
@TGBT395 3 күн бұрын
@@Herts_Busman331 oh i thought 500 ok then
@TGBT395 Күн бұрын
Ok also congratulations of 390 subs
@Herts_Busman331 Күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 thanks
@TGBT395 3 күн бұрын
Next to the round about
@Herts_Busman331 3 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 yeah
@TGBT395 3 күн бұрын
Also are you still there im outside ware to eat
@Herts_Busman331 3 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 got on SN58EOD
@TGBT395 3 күн бұрын
Just saw it lol with liam
@Herts_Busman331 3 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 nice
@TGBT395 5 күн бұрын
Sorry herts_busman for him mad at you just egnore him or just remove from your channel
@BillyMunford4 5 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 oo bus friends
@BillyMunford4 5 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 oh you’re hard 😂😂 tubby
@Jonicus_Prime 6 күн бұрын
What is the point of this video exactly?
@legendXXXtenTion 6 күн бұрын
Do you go to Hemsby beach
@Herts_Busman331 6 күн бұрын
@@legendXXXtenTion Sometimes
@legendXXXtenTion 5 күн бұрын
Nice but sad I left today
@legendXXXtenTion 6 күн бұрын
I do and I see that bus all the time. E
@legendXXXtenTion 6 күн бұрын
Hehe bro imm on holiday in Hemsby to do you go to loads of the arcade next to each other like oasis
@Herts_Busman331 6 күн бұрын
@@legendXXXtenTion yep
@TGBT395 8 күн бұрын
Are you excited for Hertford bus running day on the 8th September?
@Herts_Busman331 8 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 Yep
@Herts_Busman331 8 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 yep
@TGBT395 8 күн бұрын
@@Herts_Busman331 wait how did you know, did you watch my snesk peek short?
@TGBT395 8 күн бұрын
@@Herts_Busman331 also are you seeing it and at what time?
@Herts_Busman331 8 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 i’ll be there most of the day
@TGBT395 9 күн бұрын
Wow i saw my house
@270687carl 9 күн бұрын
I see they use double deckers now on 331s - when i was at ARRIVA Ware this was always operated with DAFS SB120s or Optare Versa i never remember Deckers due to Dassels and Hare Street but at Konectbus we have deckers on routes far worse overgrown.
@Herts_Busman331 9 күн бұрын
@@270687carl yep 331 uses deckers now, due to schools. Nice that you used to be at Ware
@TGBT395 11 күн бұрын
Im going to Manchester on sunday i have to get from ware to Manchester and back ro ware i get up at 06:00 :(
@Herts_Busman331 11 күн бұрын
@TGBT395 12 күн бұрын
Is the 395 gonner use solos again at somepoint?
@Herts_Busman331 12 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 probably not
@TGBT395 12 күн бұрын
I dont mind talking 9:13 because i can always egnore the talking and your keepjng me happy :)
@Herts_Busman331 12 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 alright
@TGBT395 12 күн бұрын
And to let you know that the 395 is on loan useing e200MMCs
@Herts_Busman331 12 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 yep ik
@TGBT395 16 күн бұрын
Did you know that the 310 is useing E200MMCs?
@Herts_Busman331 16 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 yep they are on loan as ware is missing a few buses
@TGBT395 16 күн бұрын
@@Herts_Busman331 why are they missing?
@Herts_Busman331 16 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 dodgy versa’s
@TGBT395 16 күн бұрын
Love the new intro😊
@Herts_Busman331 16 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 cheers
@TGBT395 17 күн бұрын
Where was it and why did you not alert me that that was gonner happen?
@Herts_Busman331 17 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 last sunday and i told everyone it was happening on my tiktok
@TGBT395 17 күн бұрын
@@Herts_Busman331 when?
@Herts_Busman331 17 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 a month before
@TVRBCS 19 күн бұрын
Great Shot👍
@Herts_Busman331 19 күн бұрын
@@TVRBCS cheers
@TVRBCS 19 күн бұрын
Marvellous Catch, quite like going on these YY16's MMC's especially if there in Interurban. Deffo worth trying out Laura Trott
@Herts_Busman331 19 күн бұрын
@@TVRBCS Thanks and yes gotta love a good mmc and YKZ is another good one but in my opinion YKV is the best.
@TVRBCS 19 күн бұрын
@@Herts_Busman331 fair enough
@TGBT395 19 күн бұрын
Why dose not the 310 use that bus anymore m :(
@TGBT395 19 күн бұрын
That driver looks like @hertfordshireschoolkids dad cuz i met him and his dad before and he always gives me and You honks
@TGBT395 19 күн бұрын
I ❤️ this song idk why
@TGBT395 19 күн бұрын
Why dose centerbus use the 390 on the E200MMCs
@Herts_Busman331 19 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 the 390 is supposed to have the enviro200mmcs on it
@TGBT395 19 күн бұрын
Hmmmm 4228 screaming versa….
@Herts_Busman331 19 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 yeah sounds like a hoover
@TGBT395 19 күн бұрын
Look how many shares you got :0
@TGBT395 23 күн бұрын
Who was that kid? Looked like Liam
@TGBT395 23 күн бұрын
Why do seats look like an northen class 195 disel train seats😭😭😭😭
@TGBT395 23 күн бұрын
I wished centrebus used this on the 907 more often 😢
@Herts_Busman331 23 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 nah i think the mmc’s suite the route more
@TGBT395 23 күн бұрын
@Herts_Busman331 23 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 yep
@TGBT395 23 күн бұрын
Saw 2 of them on the way back from holiday!
@Herts_Busman331 23 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 cool
@TGBT395 23 күн бұрын
Are you live on your phone mate?
@Herts_Busman331 23 күн бұрын
@@TGBT395 not today
@diegoandresfloresrodriguez5308 24 күн бұрын
Por qué tienes solo like 1😮
@Herts_Busman331 23 күн бұрын
@@diegoandresfloresrodriguez5308 sorry don’t know what that means i speak english mate
@TGBT395 23 күн бұрын
@@Herts_Busman331that means ,whys there only 1 like?’