@ufundi1 9 минут бұрын
I would love to see via tv or internet this panel of women be participants in a free-for-all mud wrestling event. It would be hilarious!😅😅😅😅
@ufundi1 14 минут бұрын
Lots of chatter from a female panel comprised of a few informed ladies, but mainly a balance of ignorant & misinformed ADOSers.😢
@swhite8303 32 минут бұрын
It’s true! They appointed y’all the Native quasi heads that’s just the born here group call the KNOW NOTHING PARTY! The Nativist under this quasi government. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@swhite8303 34 минут бұрын
GO BACK TO WHERE YOU AND YOURS COME FROM! Stop playing games bc y’all are so boring! You look and smell like the company you keep.
@swhite8303 37 минут бұрын
Go back to Siberia to find yourself son. Tracing Your Family’s Genealogy History by Records. Learn who you truly are Siberian Eurasian etc mixed pretendian! Respect yourself 1972 newby! Your people are immigrants here just as this government is that GAVE your people a part in TRYING to erase hers and my people history. No one should feel sorry for thieves that’s stealing other people’s identity. My grandparents Copper colored, were called Indians by these invaders the Europe’s Pean pale faces, not your Siberian Asian mixed ass. You people just recently got your birth certificates here. You have NO history in Turtle Island/America as Indians until recent years. We don’t have to just say it bc the proof is in your people limited background TRACE here! Even the artifacts shows our people’s skin tone! 😂😂😂 boy BYE, BYE NO BLOODLINES TO HERE! You sound foolish AND IGNORANT trying to argue against the truth with poof. Your people had a good run. So back off imposter! Because as you’r commenting the ancestors are check you out. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IMPOSTER! We know that you and yours are government appointed puppets and HOLLYWOOD CHARACTERS! You’re fake and most of all they’re fake! Nothing is as it seems. Her laugh was justified ! I AGREED! And this is how we feel about you fools! Since we know without a shadow of a doubt that we’re the true indigenous Aborigines of this land! TURTLE ISLAND 🐢🏝️🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
@swhite8303 38 минут бұрын
Go back to Siberia to find yourself son. Tracing Your Family’s Genealogy History by Records. Learn who you truly are Siberian Eurasian etc mixed pretendian! Respect yourself 1972 newby! Your people are immigrants here just as this government is that GAVE your people a part in TRYING to erase hers and my people history. No one should feel sorry for thieves that’s stealing other people’s identity. My grandparents Copper colored, were called Indians by these invaders the Europe’s Pean pale faces, not your Siberian Asian mixed ass. You people just recently got your birth certificates here. You have NO history in Turtle Island/America as Indians until recent years. We don’t have to just say it bc the proof is in your people limited background TRACE here! Even the artifacts shows our people’s skin tone! 😂😂😂 boy BYE, BYE NO BLOODLINES TO HERE! You sound foolish AND IGNORANT trying to argue against the truth with poof. Your people had a good run. So back off imposter! Because as you’r commenting the ancestors are check you out. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IMPOSTER! We know that you and yours are government appointed puppets and HOLLYWOOD CHARACTERS! You’re fake and most of all they’re fake! Nothing is as it seems. Her laugh was justified ! I AGREED! And this is how we feel about you fools! Since we know without a shadow of a doubt that we’re the true indigenous Aborigines of this land! TURTLE ISLAND 🐢🏝️🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
@1stPriorityAFH 57 минут бұрын
Here is a direct quote from Christopher Columbus's journal regarding the appearance of the indigenous people he encountered in the Americas: "They are of a very dark color, and their hair is straight, not curly. They do not carry arms or know them, for I showed them swords, and they took them by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane. They would make fine servants. With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want." This excerpt from Columbus's journal reflects his initial impressions of the indigenous people, focusing on their physical appearance, lack of familiarity with European technology, and his thoughts on their potential as laborers
@1stPriorityAFH Сағат бұрын
It’s crazy that y’all don’t know the truth all races come from black peoples historical fact he talking taking culture they culture are spin off from Africa because all people races migrated from Africa it’s black people on every continent because we was the first people 😂 y’all in the comments like he really said something but he didn’t all the continents used to be connected the oldest body found in America was a black women asian come from the San people in Africa and white peoples come from Asian people and native Americans come from Asian people and the Mexicans come from native American people race is a made up thing they only created a race or tribe because we was separated didn’t have telephones back then to keep in touch
@MrMakingcake Сағат бұрын
great convo I concur immigrants especially African and Caribbean lack respect for BA and dont accept the fact this is our country. Ws in black face
@esengomamonga9292 Сағат бұрын
lol Our country? yall control nada in this country. your white zaddy does.
@bornenemy3453 Сағат бұрын
None of these people with these hip accidents on the panel are in Africa
@ChosenJudaHiTess_TheShemiTess Сағат бұрын
*😈**7:27** Same Method Used On Native Americans, Sadly❣️*
@mashonism 2 сағат бұрын
I missed this this one , have another one
@mashonism 2 сағат бұрын
Dynast you gotta do this again, I have many stories
@sayecarrie 2 сағат бұрын
Although you may have had issues with a particular or a few Africans, African-Americans, or African-Caribbeans, you can't generalize everyone. Unfortunately, due to slavery, colonialism, and misinformation, we have had negative depictions about each other. It is 2024. We are better off bridging the gap and uniting. I understand we all have our different cultures and ethnicities. However, we all connect back to Mama Africa. Lastly, those who want to remain divisive leave them and focus on those with the agenda of togetherness.
@catcher867 4 сағат бұрын
African - American haven’t built anything in United States these people very ignorant HBCU built some off them by enslaved Africans
@NoExcuseENT 4 сағат бұрын
I can't believe yal let that woman get away with saying black Americans side with white supremacy, when white supremacy are siding with Kampala Harris and Obama, whom are not FBA
@northbaygroup9073 5 сағат бұрын
EXPLORERS: James Rosier & Bartholomew Gosnold in 1602 When he encountered the indigenous natives of main called the WABANAKI both described them as black, tall and had sail boats and well established trade ongoing with the colonizers. He stated that they carried bows and arrows! These were natives to America with no ties to AFRICA just as the OHLONE.. We been here since DAY ONE! We are not Migrants.
@couproduc 5 сағат бұрын
You let an unhinged Nigerian American who lost her Native Tongue disrespect all Black Women for 4 hours. She needs to go face her people in Nigeria after they call her Akata for losing her Nigerian accent
@northbaygroup9073 6 сағат бұрын
Carlos Cuervo Marquez, an ethnologist, botanist, military general, and historian said, “the Negro type is seen in the most ancient Mexican sculpture. The Negroes figure frequently in the most remote traditions of some American Pueblos. It is to this race doubtlessly belongs the most ancient skeletons. Distinct from the red American race, which has been found in various places from bolivia to Mexico. It is likely that we repeat, America was a negro continent."
@northbaygroup9073 6 сағат бұрын
In California Bay Area The Ohlone Indian tribe (BLACK INDIGENOUS NATIVES NOT AFRICAN) were the first people to ever step foot in what would become “Gilroy and the Castor Valley Area, Alameda County and San Jose. In 1806, Langsdorff visited the Mission San José in California, which is now located in the heart of Silicon Valley. During his visit, he captured a fascinating scene in a painting titled “Dance of Indians at Mission in San Jose, New California”. Go look at the painting which he commissioned to document BLACK NATIVE INDIANS in FREE CALIFORNIA where slavery never occurred! These Mongolians are FRAUDSTERS, they owe us a FAT CHECK!
@northbaygroup9073 6 сағат бұрын
These Mongolians are part of the biggest lie ever told! They know it... They are migrants who came here and stole land and killed tons of Black Native while bowing down to the white man like a dog, the original SELLOUTS. They sold us out for Beer and Whiskey... Where are there OLMEC Heads and Pyramids???? ZERO! They were shipped here by the white man on ships and put in place as a plot to take lands...
@northbaygroup9073 6 сағат бұрын
He wrote, in 1524 "The complexion of the Carolina Indians is black, not much different from that of the Ethiopians. Their hair is black and thick, and not very long, tied back behind the head like a small tail. As for the physique of these men, they are well proportioned, of medium height, a little taller than we are. They have broad chests, strong arms, and the legs and other parts of the body are well-composed. They're broad in the face and have big black eyes. They have a sharp cunning and are agile and swift runners."
@northbaygroup9073 6 сағат бұрын
The Dark Skinned Indians Of “The Carolinas” In The Voyage Of Giovanni da Verrazano In The Year Of “1524” <--------- <-----
@northbaygroup9073 6 сағат бұрын
Primitive Black Nations of America by CS Rafnisque - GO READ it!
@northbaygroup9073 6 сағат бұрын
19 White Men Who Admitted There Were Indigenous Black People In The Americas (Scholars and Explorers who admitted there were Indigenous Black people in the Americas Series Book 1 - Go Read
@northbaygroup9073 6 сағат бұрын
The Olmec heads were left in the jungles of Mexico for a reason! The Mongolian Migrants are not the original people of the land. They are not the mound builders or never built the pyramid structures. This land belongs to indigenous black Americans not the Mongolian/Siberian Migrants.
@ncheedxx0109 7 сағат бұрын
I'm sorry, but your definition of patriotism is very American, very European, and very White. That’s not how we in Africa define patriotism, i.e., love of country or nation. An African otoh would define it like this: "Patriotism is not about waving the flag. It is about being the kind of man or woman that your country would be proud of." In that (African) sense most Nigerian would be as patriotic as Haitians in that they are successful abroad, they carry their cultures proudly wherever they settle, they maintain family relations with those they left behind and help their people and communities as best they can. African patriotism is about what you DO, not about what you SAY. Big difference.
@MikeyDavis 7 сағат бұрын
2:32:00 The woman speaking here clearly has good character and thus finds others with good character to be around. It’s just that simple. When those with good character find others with good character, great relationships are formed indefinitely. It takes 2 people with good character to build create a positive relationship, but one person with bad character to create a negative relationship. Negativity has a mathematical advantage, being at least twice as powerful as Positivity, at all times. Good character is the art of waiting for your turn to say or do the most respectful and considerate thing possible at all times. Just take a step back and ask yourself how many black people you know have that qualify? Very few. But hope is not lost. This is something we can work on, and that would make all the difference, not just in our relationships with each other, but for our brand around the world.
@rayleon7938 Сағат бұрын
@@MikeyDavis you're a wise person.
@mavisburke495 39 минут бұрын
@@MikeyDavis I wish I have an idea of the person you were referring to as having a good character, please clarify.
@Baabul-pn3bq 7 сағат бұрын
Black Americans have no culture because you all are trying to be Native Americans, Israelites, an Africans you want to be everything except for who you are
@MikeyDavis 8 сағат бұрын
If I help an illegal immigrant out of Mexico to become a full citizen, that individual may be thankful to me as the individual that helped him out. If my son goes and beats up his son in school, then his son will be resentful of my son. My son can’t go up to his son and take credit for what I as the father did for his father. His son will only know how horribly he was treated by my son. This is the heart of the problem. African Americans didn’t just help or just hurt immigrants. Some African Americans helped, and some African Americans hurt. Most of the adults helped. Most of the kids hurt. The kids then are the adults now, and they’re speaking their experience. This “ibo” lady is an agent provocateur capitalizing on that experience, to further divide the family, just like you have so many on the FBA/ADOS camps who seek to further division. These agents will be the downfall of black people internationally. They’re everywhere, and very effective.
@DarrenMoore-le6pg 9 сағат бұрын
I wished that we would spend at least half the amount of time and energy solving problems instead of going for each other’s neck all the time.
@PHlophe 7 сағат бұрын
Darrin, its the reason you will never ever catch me beefing with another BP. Even when the other person misbehaves. It makes us look foolish even when there is competition . i pull pack real quick.
@SGOA32178 9 сағат бұрын
Kenyan here. Most of us in the rest of Africa are amazed at the kind of crap Nigerians say about their own country. At least we Kenyans value Kenyaness despite our different ethnicities and religious affiliations. When push comes to shove we stand together and won't tolerate anyone saying crap about Kenya. I mean just look at events of the past few weeks, our youth will DIE for their country. Heck, some years back Kenyans were declared the worst Twitter bullies in the world. Giant of Africa? My ass!!!
@MsJay-cr1id 9 сағат бұрын
AD Sense did a whole lot of projecting regarding Black Americans working with white supremacy. It's absolutely Black immigrants working with WS against Black Americans. We have the receipts.
@mrnaija101 9 сағат бұрын
It's really a very good development. Way to go👏🏽
@kyecarrington3831 9 сағат бұрын
white systematic racism and oppression is Worldwide and a cannibalistic society . Stay safe Family
@MsJay-cr1id 10 сағат бұрын
This Nigerian woman sounds like the problem.
@MindfulMoments1444 10 сағат бұрын
This was horrible, no common ground found. Making assumptions based on sweeping generalizations instead of fact. Adsense Generator/Igboland stated she lived in the US for several decades but didn't have basic information about the country that could have easily been googled or about Carribean Slavery but decided to speak on it and got corrected. She didn't even know basic information about her own culture (Nigerian), please keep her away from any future conversations. I'm American and knew better than to believe that Americans should be inviting themselves to Nigerian weddings without an invite to learn about the culture. What??!! That makes no sense whatsoever, she sounds off her rocker and also its not hard to determine she's lying about A LOT. Also Chantell sounded like Tariq Nasheed jr, please we don't need that kind of discourse to have productive conversations. Most of the people who were productive and positive didn't get as much airtime as the people who loved to infight and make stupid statements that aren't based in fact but I guess Dynast loves that, more views. I will stay from any and all discourse in the future because its not worth the time or energy. I will build with those who want to build with me because in REAL life, I've never had these problems. Total waste of time and energy and Dynast, we know you CAN"T STAND Black women born in this country, it was evident by how you talked about the young lady asking for a job. She didn't have to film the interaction because it didn't make sense. She also could have been uneducated with no business acumen. A lot of people in this country (all groups) may not know how to conduct themselves business wise, yet you immediately started attacking her instead of thinking that may have been the case, immediately assuming the worst. This was tragic and your channel is based in drama for views, I hope every worthless penny you make is worth it!! Edit: You're a sales guy, so that makes sense and why this was conducted the way it was. Its giving grifter vibes like Tariq. Truly sad!!
@bobbyschannel349 10 сағат бұрын
Chantell you have to make up your mind... are you African or not. Because me as a black American I do not identify as an African. Africa is gone, it is a Faraway place, black Americans are hundreds of years removed from that continent. its culture, as well as its identity. So I hate it when black Americans try to claim african. I mean so this lady said you're not african,. I agree.. We have such a rich and wealth of culture. We done things that Africans could not have ever done over here.. Black American culture is a rich and dynamic blend of traditions, customs, and contributions spanning music, dance, cuisine, literature, art, and social justice. It has given rise to influential music genres like jazz, blues, and hip-hop, and dance styles such as the Lindy Hop, Charleston, and breakdancing. Soul food reflects culinary ingenuity, while literary giants like Langston Hughes and Toni Morrison have profoundly impacted literature The Black church plays a central role in community life and activism, notably the civil rights movement, which is one of the reasons why so many Africans are here in the first place🤔🤔. Black American culture is a testament to creativity, resilience, and enduring influence on broader American and global cultures. Nigerian women kept referring to Black Americans Plantation ancestry. Well partially true.. she has Colonial ancestry. Black Americans had their banking institutions before africa. Nigeria created their first bank in 1929. Black Americans created their first bank in 1865 call Freeman's Bank. HBCU and other black Americans education institutions. The first one was 1837. After that they didn't create their first bank until 1922, is Uganda baby. Nigeria founded their first University in 1948🤔🤔🤔🤔 We've innovative, we got the Garrett Morgan's inventor of the gas mask and the traffic signal, madam CJ Walker invented hair care products for African-American women.. George Washington carver, Granville T woods, inventor of the multiplex Telegraph And then we had people like Lewis Howard latimer. Who improved Thomas Edison's light bulb, Elijah McCoy.. Otis Boykin.. invented electrical transistor.. and then we prominent black American inventors in the cell phone and in computer technology... Henry T sampson, Mark dean, Martin Cooper, James Edward west.. and then you know black Americans also invented things like I don't know.. dry cleaning.. catering service.. That's from Black americans. Black Americans invented America's number one whiskey.. Jack daniels. Nigeria doesn't have any International drinks to mention for. I say this to say this... What better than you. Don't run around here talking about we come from Plantation slave culture when our culture is world renowned it is the best not you... us! Knock it off. You have a whole country of 200 million people, your annual GDP is less than 500 billion dollars you are poor you have a weak military you don't have a space program you don't have any economy to lift your people out of poverty. You're less than 500 billion dollars that is your spending power. Black American spending power is 1.6 trillion, and that's not even including the fact that we closed down most of our businesses in the 1960s once we integrated.. not bad for a slave plantation race huh... 🤔🤔😗you're not better than us. And we're not inferior than you! We've achieved so much over here we've done so much, we built.. created so much, and you have a whole country that's struggling, you have a struggle country...... Oh yes, Black Americans are not just a slave plantation race sweetheart. We are world renowned people.. not you, everyone eats her food, everyone talks like us, everyone dances like us. and listen to our music. you're just Nigerian.. and this is to that AD sensory generator.. ... whatever she calls herself.
@rayleon7938 9 сағат бұрын
You should hold Dynast responsible for inviting or letting that person speak. I hope you are aware that she is speaking absolutely for herself.
@slinkywashington5930 9 сағат бұрын
Chantell is an African American. No Continental African can take her lineage from her. Her DNA is tied the motherland.
@japhya0378 9 сағат бұрын
@@rayleon7938 Dynast is an angry wannabe American. He probably weren't even born in the US. And he's definitely not FBA
@japhya0378 9 сағат бұрын
It would take Africans, white folks, anybody more than 300 years to do with we did in 400 years enslaved and living under Jim Crow laws for 350 of the 400 years.
@PHlophe 8 сағат бұрын
name dropping individuals that contributed to modern technology without actually sending y'alls kids to university to do the same things or improve on them means jack. second whether you like africa as continent or not ( which it still exists and isn't 500 years removed ). you really think it changes A THING , that you are forever a descendant of africa and you will be passing down the genetic material. so you can fight all day you are forever a piece of that continent. i did not real the rest of the drivel because it is ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ to me. A redundant trite nonsense.
@mavisburke495 10 сағат бұрын
Pease Dynast i would appreciate NOT hearing from the previous lady iboland again, today she may have used a different name. Unfortunately i now understand why she is not likeable maybe also not by her own group. She's condescending, arrogrant,and deeply prejudice.This.was a length conversation where little was accomplis.,the person who spoke of ethnic differences is the reason why African groups stay within their own ethnicities made sense. i.donot see the division in the work place.The last speaker conclusion was important,, lets find peace among each other.,Yes whenever there's hope inflitrators makes the necessay attempts to creat problems in many ways..Nigeria can rise but already the people are being labeled in a negative way, Black Americans are capable of good things and most have a unfied mindset suddenly they want to be FBA ect SOMETHING is happening and it doesnot benefit Blacks anywhere.
@rayleon7938 10 сағат бұрын
You're very correct. Yes, she's the same person called "AD SENSE GENERATOR" today. She is just obnoxious, long winded, silly and emotionally confused. People like that are very likely on a controlled substance and definitely speaks for herself.
@dennyves2587 10 сағат бұрын
That Ad Sense Generator chick gives off serious 🛏🔧 vibes.
@MindfulMoments1444 10 сағат бұрын
She sounded absolutely crazy, didn't know basic things about American culture despite being here for several decades and also didn't know things about her own culture (Nigerian). I'm detecting a chaos agent.
@houseofspecs 10 сағат бұрын
Everything too emotional!
@AfroVistaVibes 10 сағат бұрын
Didn't hear solutions. 4 plus hours of personal attacks.
@MindfulMoments1444 10 сағат бұрын
I agree, it was horrilble!!
@catcher867 4 сағат бұрын
Nothing productive going on today this nonsense
@davidjohnson3143 55 минут бұрын
This channel is to flame diaspora wars
@rayleon7938 48 минут бұрын
​@@davidjohnson3143the women dimension is on another level of toxic.
@amaradumbuya2099 10 сағат бұрын
Good debate ladies,African man here
@rayleon7938 Сағат бұрын
@@amaradumbuya2099 hmm...not good! It was 100% problems and 0% solutions. These people had nowhere to go on a Saturday night. Just one day after payday.
@poppy-oe2ry 10 сағат бұрын
Well. That went horrible.
@rayleon7938 9 сағат бұрын
Horrible to the max!
@LawMakerBlu 7 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately, this is how quite a few of Dynast’s lives go.
@yonajsndn 11 сағат бұрын
actually there are black natives especially before Columbus they were already here caribs Taino ect the originated from the Amazonian basin
@franman576 12 сағат бұрын
Did she say four hundred years in slavery and there was no revolt? Not only is it not true but to hear an African say that is the height of non self-awareness. Africans who sat there on their land and had their lands divided up by people thousands of miles away with a smaller population than them with zero input from them. Nothing could be more humiliating than that.
@africandawn3162 14 сағат бұрын
@strength9621 17 сағат бұрын
4 hours of black people being crazy as hell