@kimkearparfitt 4 күн бұрын
@judyjackson1692 15 күн бұрын
We are 'Presence of Awareness' or 'Awareness of Presence'. ... just Sayin'. But that's right about the Truth Knowing/ Believing, it really IS a knowing...feeling...
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 15 күн бұрын
You say potato, I say… let’s call the whole thing off 🤣❤️
@Barttr1 27 күн бұрын
Thank you for the interview. This is what got me into your channel. There seem to be great similarities between Colin’s path and mine. I’m not living the truth yet though. ;) This story makes me wonder if there is a tendency of certain bodies (doshas) to „catch fire” in a certain way. Some people get early openings that are not stable, while others marinate in truth gradually over time with no sudden eurekas yet stay in post-duality more easily. Does this resonate with you? Perhaps I’m just making a story of me once again, but I choose to follow my curiosity once again.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 24 күн бұрын
Hey my friend, I feel that the paths to realization can vary greatly, but all have one thing in common which is the exhaustion of the search for freedom. Some are inclined to become exhausted more rapidly than others (perhaps if the pain is more acute), but it always comes down to total surrender eventually- sometimes that surrender is a slow dissolution and other times an instant evaporation 😜 I appreciate you tuning in! 🙏
@judyjackson1692 Ай бұрын
That's so fu#&+ng exciting!!!
@judyjackson1692 Ай бұрын
Great talk - I Feel ya! ❤️
@luistirado88 Ай бұрын
Kyle, would you say that even the decision to adopt the identity of the witness that observes the conditioning is itself a choice that we don't have? Sometimes I ask myself who would be the one making the choice, or I'll rationalize that the choice is based on everything that the conditioning did prior to getting to that point.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin Ай бұрын
Hey Luis, I would say that if an identity is adopted then it’s not the witness. The witness can only arise when the identity (the chooser) surrenders its preferential will to the one will of life (which is non-preferential / manifests itself as… everything that happens). Let me know if you want me to clarify more. 😁
@RyoushiAkanagi-x2o Ай бұрын
Hey Kyle, I have a question thats really important to me, I hope you can help me. How do I truly help/heal someone? I wrote with a person online that wants to kill herself but I dont know how to help them. I know their problems. I can see the reasons they are unhappy. I can see where they go wrong, how actually everything is fine but they believe otherwise. I dont know how to act in a way that really helps the person. If I give advice... what does that do? I can tell them and try make them see how theyre not actually messed up and actually are beautiful... But how do I make it so they can see that in themselves without their mind just rejecting my advice/perspective. I read one of her posts online say "There is noone I can turn to, nobody cares about me, noone who can help me" That was after I met her and wrote her that I care, offered advice, related to her and offered to listen and help. So that kinda hurt. How can she say that when I clearly stated all of those things and offered everything shes looking for? Is it even possible to really help someone? I tried talking about normal stuff in hopes to give a sense of normalcy, but she didnt respond. Her responses sound careful and stilted, too. What do I do? The person says she looks for help and someone to care, someone to tell... and I am right there, told them so, too. I think I also have feelings for her, I think about her all day. I also wonder if I want to help her, or do I secretly have selfish motives? I always been the helper guy but I wonder what good I am actually doing and if I am secretly selfish.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin Ай бұрын
Hey my friend, The most anyone can ever do for another human being is offer help- giving help is an illusion. If you believe that you can give someone help, then yes, it’s for secretive (often unconscious) selfish reasons - reasons that typically have to do with fixing some part of yourself through that process. Help can only be taken because a human being can only ever help themselves - either directly or by taking help when it’s offered. You’ve offered and she doesn’t want what you’ve offered because she doesn’t mean what she says; she doesn’t want help, she wants something else- validation that her story is true somehow. If you feel hurt by her rejection of your help then that’s a big sign that you believe she has something that you need (a sign that you still believe you’re lacking something). This is what’s going on inside of you at the moment isn’t it?; you feel like you have all of the knowledge that can make everything right except for the one thing you’re not willing to allow yourself to have: love. Hence you’re drawn to a woman who seems sincere but rejects the very thing she says she’s sincerely seeking… ❤️
@judyjackson1692 Ай бұрын
Great talk, as of the moment I can't afford a trip to Oahu but things change, so I'm not counting it out 😎
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin Ай бұрын
Would love to have you there Judy! ❤️
@Ryoushi_Akanagi 2 ай бұрын
[ Removed unnecessary, unwarranted diary entry of a person nobody asked for ]
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
😆 All is welcome here 😉
@kaymiller5861 2 ай бұрын
Just stop! So awesome! Thank you Kyle!❤
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
✋🛑! 😁❤️
@oddleobrenden6649 2 ай бұрын
Hey Kyle I used to listen to: Urban Guru Cafe with som funny people, from Australia. This talk takes me right into the heart of the light, funny atmosphere of those talks. Mr. Sailor Bob was an important voice in those events. Thank you for bringing him to foreground again.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
It’s my pleasure my friend, I’m glad the lightness and humor came through loud and clear ❤️
@judyjackson1692 2 ай бұрын
Great talk, thank you. Incredibly right.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
@AKA_BobFillmore 2 ай бұрын
@jhannides 2 ай бұрын
@jhannides 2 ай бұрын
It doesn’t matter how you get there.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
@mrnibelheim 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, I am enjoying these provocative videos. 😊
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
I’m glad! 🙏
@judyjackson1692 2 ай бұрын
So interesting. So. Thank you!
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
@judyjackson1692 2 ай бұрын
I find it nearly wondrous to realize that our true presence is actually Christ presence, Mr. Tolle pointed this out.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
I was going for completely wondrous, so I’ll keep trying 😜
@kontakt360 2 ай бұрын
Nice =)
@MrCas-fq3kt 2 ай бұрын
I think Dalai Lama is not an enlightened persona but I like him.
@williamchristodolou1072 2 ай бұрын
Loved this! And point taken, thank you. In defense of the Dalai Lama, he does get to speak to some people to whom your message would be baffling, so he says simple stuff, but often with a knowing glint in his eye. And, as you will know, as much as he is known for his lightness of touch, he is a deep philosophy scholar, particularly of Nagarjuna, the second century Buddhist philosopher who demolished the entire house of Buddhism, including all concepts such as helping, suffering and nirvana. So I would not underestimate the old guy.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
I’m glad you enjoyed it my friend. In terms of addressing the long-held doctrine of ‘needing to help others’ and of ‘needing to be a good person’, I came across Mr. Lama’s quote about the prime purpose in life and created this talk based on that. I’ve never been drawn to a person’s background etc., only to what they present right now (indeed I don’t really speak to those who would find what I’m saying baffling, but to those who understand) and those who understand, it can be helpful as far as clearing up the confusion between self-realization and conventional self-improvement. ❤️
@tenzinrangdol1516 2 ай бұрын
Plz Sir, Your knowledge of HIs Holiness The Dalai Lama and Buddhist philosophy is limited. Plz Don't fool people for your own benefit. As you said in this video its only about you and yourself then why are sharing in public, keep it to yourself and Self realize it. The best answer to your Video is the Law of Karma and Interdependent of nature.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
Hey my friend, This video is an invitation to question previously unquestioned beliefs (even if those beliefs are positive ones) as I’ve discovered that true freedom is just beyond all ideals and beliefs (good and bad). This video is not for fools (and only fools can be fooled). ❤️
@MichaelBrian-dq4ux 2 ай бұрын
Finally someone said it! No need to help anyone. No need to serve anyone. I serve people all day in my healing profession. But i dont really care. Just what i do. Until i dont. Kyle, brilliant, right on, and pretty funny poptart ending!
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
❤️🎉🙏I’m happy you enjoyed the pop tart bit too 😜😂
@Barttr1 2 ай бұрын
I’d love to hear you talk to both Jac and Canela in one interview. Both are incredibly amazing, radiating truth with very distinct flavours.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
Would be a beautiful duo! ❤️
@GiselleSuarez 2 ай бұрын
Brilliant. Love the new name btw 😉❤
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
@munkymind 2 ай бұрын
Why do you say our "primary purpose is to wake up"? What makes you think there is any "purpose"?
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
Everything in existence has a purpose- a seedling becomes a tree, an ignorant soul evolves towards enlightenment. If what you mean is that consciousness is all there is and that truth cannot become more of itself then I’d agree with that, on the level of expression/existence however, every ‘thing’ is given a path with a beginning and ending ⏳
@brucemcelhaney824 2 ай бұрын
The Dalai Lama had a role to play, Nice guy spiritual leader, reincarnated.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
@76livika 2 ай бұрын
Funny, i had a lot of 'not brushing my teeth tonight' recently, being late for the office, eating a whole bar of chocolate 😂😂😂😂. I had no idea that it was about not being good, just what I felt like
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
😂You’re ahead of the game my friend 🤣
@jasongray2584 2 ай бұрын
Nice one Kyle. Simple and to the point. Will probably go down like a lead balloon (who THF makes balloons out of lead?) I've just been arrested, lol
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
Not brushing teeth or being arrested- either works… 😜 I’ve discovered a new kind of lead 🎉
@sundariann9161 2 ай бұрын
I love Peter
@Barttr1 2 ай бұрын
Thank you. I’m always happy to see one of these new videos of yours. ❤
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
I’ll keep them coming! ❤️🙏😊
@tristandavis6060 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Boss💪🏾♾️
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
Any time! 😁
@jasongray2584 2 ай бұрын
Brilliant Kyle, very helpful. I've just killed you. Plus, I noticed you really caught the sun in part 2, so I'm left wondering if enlightenment includes free sun cream? If not, I can send you some for your next episode :)
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
😆 Unfortunately, I believe sun cream can only do so much for this Irish skin. At this rate, I may have an umbrella by next video… ☂️ ☀️
@pedrogm2640 3 ай бұрын
I can definitely say that silence is progressively becoming the center of my experience. There used to be a lot of noise inside of me (and there still is), but as I move on in my journey of knowing myself, I become progressively more quiet and I find that there is nothing else to be said. Of course the identity inside me and the "identities" in the people around me don't like that silence. Just like in your date with that girl, they get really uncomfortable with the fact that most of the times I don't really have anything to say. And that can be a problem, because the ego uses that opportunity to say "there is something wrong with me"...that "I'm antisocial"... So sometimes "I" end up forcing myself to say something. I immediately regret it everytime i do it, because it's just not genuine, there is no truth in it. So I'm learning to be the silence even if the identities around me (and inside me) get "offended" or "threatened" by it. And what you said here is very helpful, the silence and the presence that I truly am is the same as everything and everybody else. It's the ego that has this desire to stand out and wrongly believes enlightenment is a separate identity, a special status that sets it apart from the rest. But that couldn't be further from the truth. I guess we can say that the enlightenment that doesn't exist is the ego's idea of enlightenment. So thank you for pointing that out, Kyle, I will definitely start to pay more attention to the silence and the presence around me, not just within me (even though they are one and the same). I will definitely be more mindful of the oneness of it all, and of the ego's attempt to be separate things and be "special". And thank you for the explanation about this ballance between calling off the search and waiting for the process of dissolution to take place. Yes, enlightenment is the end of seeking, but that doesn't mean I can force it to happen. It has to happen on its own. As you said in your last reply, when you feel like you can't go right, and you can't go left, then you're stuck in the middle - in no man's land where there is no man, no identity, just life, all by itself, without anything to say about anything... Thank you.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
Always a pleasure my friend, I love that.. “we can say that the enlightenment that doesn't exist is the ego's idea of enlightenment”… sums it up perfectly 🙏❤️…all illusions end eventually, so naturally, illusions don’t like the idea of endings 😜
@phk2000 3 ай бұрын
All is ONE! Know this, FEEL this, BE this. The rest is just chatter for the mind (which is also the ONE appearing as the chatter of course!)
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
@alienoverlordsnow1786 3 ай бұрын
It seems to me that there is a heirarchy, with enlightened people at the top, seekers in the middle and cruel, evil people with no interest in enlighenment at the very bottom. At the top, there is happiness, and there is less and less , the lower you are. You have made it to the top of the spiritual mountain, while most are doomed to never make it past the foothills. Even if people want to be enlightened, I think most folks have too many blockages and delusions and negative conditioning and problems and they have no real chance. Their destiny is to sleepwalk and to suffer. They dont get how there could be no 'me'.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 2 ай бұрын
You could call a seedling cruel and evil when it stands next to a flower that’s blossomed, but you could also just as easily say that the seedling has some more growth to do instead … (the latter is certainly the less heavy route to go 😜)… I would say truth is classless because it’s where victims and perpetrators no longer exist ✨❤️
@pedrogmarsilio1471 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for the clarification Kyle... I have been thinking a lot about this paradox... To be totally honest, i admit i have found some temporary relief in the idea that "there is no enlightenment", exactly becuase it made me let go of the search for a little while and accept the present moment as it is. So I understand why some tetchers say that, given the paradoxical nature of wanting to become something you already are. The very act of seeking is whats preventing one from surrendering to what is. Or in other words, enlightenment is the end of seeking. But even though i would feel some temporary relief, it also brought me hopelesness... I certainly do not like the idea that im stuck with this suffering for the rest of my existence. It does not feel good to think that this is all there is to life and that there is no way out. Its very positive to know that yes, there is an end to this suffering. But at the same time i must say i am exhausted of the search. I am sick and tired of seeking. I really am at the point i just want to let go of it all. The search has become so heavy to me that i just want to call it off... I cant call it off though. Even if i try to, it keeps coming back. So thank you very much for your last videos, they have helped me to understand that this exhaustion is actually a good thing. And most importantly, they restore my hope that this im not stuck with this suffering forever. There is more to life than that. I dont need to give up and sucumb to hopelesness and pessimism... Thank you.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 3 ай бұрын
❤️ And when it feels like you can’t go left and you can’t go right, then you’re stuck in the middle- in no man’s land… where there’s no man, just life, all by itself without anything to say about anything... 🌅🙏
@southernsaintmusic 3 ай бұрын
In 2022, I went through something that some would call a ‘dark night of the soul’. Since that time, I have learned and experienced the most profound sense of ‘knowing’ (or what I call ‘gnoing’) that I could ever imagine. It is a truly amazing time to be living a ‘human’ experience on Earth!
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 3 ай бұрын
Beautiful.✨And the party is just getting started! 🎉🎉❤️
@karamguirgis5155 3 ай бұрын
very nice, ♥
@collinkoppenhagen3435 3 ай бұрын
Beautiful interview, thank you!
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 3 ай бұрын
It’s my pleasure!
@annieandaj 3 ай бұрын
We're all the same thing.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 3 ай бұрын
Amen ✨
@ravencalled 3 ай бұрын
Excellent interview. I never check my email, this one popped right up and when I saw Sailor Bob's name I immediately started the video. Thank you Thank you Thank you!
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 3 ай бұрын
You’re very welcome! 😁
@Barttr1 4 ай бұрын
Another gem. Thank you. ❤
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 4 ай бұрын
@mythbuster.2408 4 ай бұрын
“It’s the experience of truth that we come back to when we’re lost” --- Well said, Excellent!
@kaymiller5861 4 ай бұрын
"Trusting that silence to guide you in a helpful direction." Oh that was perfect! Thanks so much Kyle! I can't play this game anymore...
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 4 ай бұрын
I agree, the playing area is such a small piece of real estate- much more freedom beyond the sidelines ✨❤️
4 ай бұрын
This is as good as anything that Eckhartolle's and other famous light workers has said. ❤ For years I've been intellectually searching for peace and well knowing that this is not the real deal. But I took what I could even if it's only information about love, but not the feeling of love. Now I really feel I've seen these little flickers and I know there will be a breakthrough and it will be earth shattering for me and I'm crying now that I think about it. I guess this is my path. It's been long road and I had to learn so much before I can trust. Thank you for these words of Truth.
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 4 ай бұрын
❤️ the spark turns into a fire 🔥🎉
@celinekalaitzis3061 4 ай бұрын
Thanks Kyle, as usual 💙
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 4 ай бұрын
@Barttr1 5 ай бұрын
Well said. ❤
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 5 ай бұрын
@jhannides 5 ай бұрын
Good point, you are the present moment!
@paulp5052 5 ай бұрын
Thank you Kyle and thank the Universe for having become Kyle the teacher!
@AwakeWithKyleHoobin 5 ай бұрын